One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1) Page 7

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "That sounds lovely. Thank you for allowing me to come over on short notice."

  This whole experience so far felt unreal; going from my structured lifestyle to coming over to a man's house I'd met once at the club and now meeting his friend. Should I say roommate? Rich condo mate?

  Whoever he was, he gave me the impression we'd get along just nicely. Competition? I still like Xander though. I can't have both, right? I wish I could.

  "It's a pleasure. I'm pleased you could make it." Xander gave me a seductive grin as I placed my palm in his offered hand.

  We made our way inside to the bottom floor of the building as the security guard who'd pissed me off earlier held the door for all of us. The bottom floor looked like a business floor, one that was for simple meetings with investors or colleagues. It had a modern, classy look; the theme was a simple white.

  There was a receptionist desk, but no one was sitting there at the moment, as we walked towards the elevators. The security guards bowed once more before they headed back outside to continue their shift.

  Once the elevator doors closed, Dante sighed. "I'm gonna whip their asses so hard they'll want to quit."

  "You're horrible," Xander mumbled, my hand still in his.

  "I'd have two casualties in front of our house and half of my PS7 games stolen thanks to them. What if the intruders tried to take Ace's sword collection? We'd be dead. All of us. The world would end as we know it," Dante pointed out.

  "Ace?" I asked.

  "Ace is another one of our roommates. He has an obsession with weapons. If you do see him around, don't think he's evil. He just has an evil appearance," Dante assured me.

  The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, a harp-like sound flowing through the speaker before the elevator doors opened.

  Xander ushered me into the wide space that looked like two hotel suites put together. Dante strolled past me towards the kitchen, taking a banana from the rhinestone decorated fruit bowl on the marble kitchen island that looked like it could fit ten people.

  "Welcome to mine and Xander's luxurious living space. We're usually never in it, but when we are, it's pretty nice," Dante announced.

  My gaze traversed the room, taking in the clean but cozy setting. The white walls had various pieces of artwork, some were pictures of Xander, Dante, and two other individuals, while the others were large canvases with acrylic and water paintings.

  The large sofa looked like it could fit at least five people on it, the white suede material appeared comfortable with the red, blue, purple, and gold pillows that brought color to that section of the room. The TV was placed opposite the sofa, the huge 85' screen hanging on the wall and below it were a bunch of video game consoles; PS7, Xbox 590, and Wii 6th generation were placed in that exact order on the white table, which also housed a large pile of games on its shelves.

  We removed our shoes, placing them on the entrance side mat which held two other shoes that looked like different sizes compared to Xander's and Dante's.

  I glanced at the kitchen island that was super tidy and the appliances that were very well-organized. Moving my gaze to my left to the hallway, I noticed the little white cat with red eyes strolling my way.

  My body froze as I gawked at the tiny bundle of cuteness. Only the triplets knew I really wanted a pet when we were younger, but I never wanted to risk Master killing it as some form of punishment.

  It reached where I stood, sitting down to stare up at me with bright red eyes like mine. "Oh, this is a stray cat we found the other day. We don't know what to call her, but she's been chilling here since Ace wouldn't let us take her to a shelter to be adopted," Dante explained.

  I frowned and looked at him. "You know they kill them, right?"

  He blinked, looking a little taken aback by my words. "No, they don't. Why does everyone think that?"

  "Yes, they do," I announced and knelt to study the kitten closer. "Hello there."

  "Meow." It reached out its paw to me, and I cautiously stretched my hand out for it to begin to pat it.

  "Dante doesn't believe they do. We already told him they give them a date to be adopted and if they aren’t, they euthanize them. That's why Ace said no," Xander elaborated and looked at Dante who frowned.

  "Why would they kill them? They could be people's lost familiars or something."

  "Overpopulation. Can't find a home, means you're not wanted. They’d rather clear the space," I mumbled. With a little hesitation, I reached out to pet the kitten and it began to purr, making me smile widely. Ace… I wonder what he’s like?

  I didn't know if my words were a little harsh, but I noticed Xander and Dante share a look from the corner of my eye. "You can pick her up, Xia. I'm going to shower. Dante, don't piss her off. She bites."

  "I haven't pissed the kitten off," Dante grumbled.

  "I wasn't referring to the kitten." Xander chuckled and walked away. I blushed; the warmth swarming my cheeks made me a little self-conscious, and I immediately attempted to shut down my emotions.

  It was weird to say that Xander made me want to come out of my shell. Even though I didn't know much about Dante, I wasn't necessarily afraid to show him this side of me either--the Xia who showed more than just a guarded expression.

  "Meow, meow." The kitten continued to tap my hand, and I gathered the courage to pick her up. She was tiny, fitting in the palm of my hand, but she was perfect, and her red eyes were like mine which made me super happy.

  "Ruby! I'm going to call you Ruby," I declared.

  "Guess you'll be coming by more often?" Dante asked with a smirk. I met his pleased gaze and looked to the floor.

  "Um. Well, not all the time. I have to find a place first, I think."

  "You're moving?" he questioned, walking over to the couch.

  "Sort of," I replied, apprehensively following him. I stood there wondering where I should sit. Dante sat down and patted the seat next to him.

  "Seeing as I know you can kill me in three seconds, feel free to sit next to me." He winked.

  "Doesn't that mean you're afraid of me?" I asked.

  "You wouldn't hurt me."

  "How do you know?"

  "No killer intent in your eyes. You guard your feelings, which appears to be just the way you are," he admitted. "I'm guessing, and only because I have experience, but I'm assuming you're a Reaper?"

  "Do I give off that impression?" I looked at the kitten who was purring in my hands, wondering if it could sense that I'd done many bad deeds in my short lifetime. I bet it's my resting bitch face and my inability to show my emotions often...

  "No. Only a Reaper could take down our security guards with ease. They've stopped a gang of people from breaking into our house numerous times. Either that or they thought a woman in a red dress, heels, and a glitter hand purse couldn't do damage." He grinned as he slowly took an appreciative glance down my figure.

  Red seemed to be the color of choice this week, Minso and Minsu agreeing a red dress would be perfect for me once again. It was different, more of a sequin dress that glittered in the moonlight with my red heels, and my hair was in a stylish bun with two hair ornaments to hold it together. Or stab someone with.

  I decided to sit down next to him, relaxing in the comfy seat. I lowered Ruby to my lap and smiled as she curled up and began to purr.

  "Guess she likes you."

  "She's cute." I stared at Ruby like she was a precious item that I had to be careful not to break.

  "How did you meet Xander?" Dante asked.

  "At the club. He has something about him that pulls you in, maybe? It could be just me...but I had a lot of fun with him. I have today off and decided to come over after asking," I explained.

  "Xander isn't normally comfortable around girls. Guess he does like you," Dante announced.

  "He isn't? Why?"

  "He's had his share of girl trouble." Dante shrugged and relaxed against the sofa. "Do you know where you're going to live?"

  "No. I don't know...if it's permanent
or not," I confessed. "Can you always tell who's a Reaper?"

  "Nope. There aren't many Reapers to begin with, are there? Not to mention, all of you are female. You gave yourself away when you taught our security guards a lesson, but I've had my share of encounters."

  "What are you?" I paused before clarifying. "I mean occupation wise?"

  "Bodyguard." He winked.

  We heard the door open down the hall to our left and Xander came out with just a pair of boxers.

  "He sucks at bodyguarding," Xander commented.

  Dante rolled his eyes. "Fuck off."

  "Just admit it. Also, can you go to the drug store?"


  They were both silent and exchanged a look that told me I was missing something. Dante groaned with another eye roll. "What I do for you. You owe me."

  Dante looked at me with a smile. "Let's talk when Xander isn't sending me on silly errands."

  "Sure. Bye, Dante." I watched him walk away and playfully punch Xander. Xander smiled as they shared a look before Dante headed for the door. A thought had come to mind, but I held my tongue, unsure if I was in the right position to ask such a personal question.

  My instincts were never wrong before, but I didn't know Xander well enough to know if he'd be offended by the question I wanted to ask.

  Once Dante closed the door, Xander turned to me and looked at Ruby who was purring away. "Are we naming her Ruby for sure?"

  I nodded. "Yes...Oh. She isn't mine though." I can't name her if she's not mine. Xander stared at me for a long moment and his lips curled up just a hint.

  "Ruby it is."

  A broad grin formed on my face, one that was purely because I was happy and not forced. He walked over to sit next to me, and Ruby hopped onto his lap and began bouncing between us while she quietly meowed away.

  "Where did you send Dante off to?" I asked out of curiosity.

  "To get condoms." Xander shrugged.

  I slowly turned my head to see his calm expression. My mind, on the other hand, wondered if he was embarrassed about it. "Aren't you...well, embarrassed?"

  "About asking my friend to buy condoms?"


  "Would you be? The twins who were with you the night at the club. If you needed a tampon, you could ask them without hesitation?"

  "I guess." When he puts it in that perspective, it makes sense.

  "I have a question, but it's a bit personal and could offend you."

  "Shoot. I don't get mad or offended easily." He shrugged.

  "Dante and you. Friends or Ex-lovers?" I bluntly asked.

  It took Xander a moment to answer. "You can tell?"

  "The way Dante looked at you. He already figured out what you needed just by the question. If he were confused, it would have shown, but there was a hint of love in his eyes." I explained the details of my observation. "And a hint of hurt there."

  "Are Reapers supposed to be that perceptive?"

  "No, but the more you can see through a person on the first interaction will determine whether you live to tell the tale when their hidden intent is to kill you," I replied.

  "Rough," he whispered.

  "Life is a rollercoaster of rough circumstances. It’s just what you make of them." I watched Ruby begin to roll around in my lap.

  Xander was quiet, his attention on Ruby as we both watched her continue to play around independently.

  "We dated on and off for a few years," Xander revealed.

  "You two don't date anymore?" I asked.

  "We're on the off side at the moment." He didn't look uncomfortable talking about it, but I could tell he wasn't too happy about them not being together.

  "Do you like girls?"

  "Yes and no."


  "Yes, I like women who know what they want, like you; I like women who don't need me to babysit them. No, because the annoying women who I've met in the past only want a hot, successful man, who has a secure career who can buy whatever their heart desires and brag to their friends about it," he explained, the distaste leaking off his voice during the second part.

  "Are women normally like that?" I wouldn't know, seeing as all the Reapers cared more about living another day and not screwing up in front of Master than worrying about men. We also made a lot of money per mission, so we could afford whatever we needed and wanted.

  "The ones I grew up with were. Preppy females who feel they're entitled. The men weren't very different either." Xander reached out to Ruby who began swiftly patting her paws at his extended hand.

  "Do you consider yourself bisexual then?"

  "Sure." Xander looked unbothered by the term, shrugging his shoulders yet again. "Would that be a problem between us?"

  I smirked, turning my head slightly to look directly into his black eyes. "Nope. I've kissed a girl in the past and I liked it."

  A full smile formed on those seductive lips as his eyes twinkled with admiration. "That's a song, you know."

  "Very catchy and annoying at the same time."

  We were both smiling at this point, and Ruby stretched out and hopped off my lap, running off somewhere.

  "Everything okay?" he asked quietly, looking concerned.

  I stared into his eyes, wondering if I could even explain my situation. "Yes and No."

  "Do you trust me?"



  "My gut tells me I can. You could screw me over later on, but at least I wouldn't regret it," I admitted.

  "You can trust me, Xia. I know they're just words and this is only our second interaction, but I know well enough what Reapers do and go through. I wouldn't break your trust."

  "You're not afraid of someone like me who can kill you? I could be here on a mission and kill you after passionate sex. Yet, you invited me into your home, introduced me to your ex-boyfriend who's a sucky bodyguard, let me name your cat, and you’re willing to listen to my dark reasons as to why I potentially have to find a place to live. Why? There's no benefit to you."

  "There doesn't have to be a benefit to get to know someone, Xia. I like you and don't judge you. I want to know more about you. Not for any personal benefit, but to get to know a woman who can be so mysterious but loving all in the same package."

  "Even if "this" isn't exclusive. It's not like we're dating or anything." I mumbled the second half, unsure if I was even ready to date anyone.

  I didn't know if when I went back home to the shrine, I'd be killed, so I couldn't possibly meet a hot guy at the club, come to his house, have passionate sex--hopefully--and then jump into the relationship pit like I was going to live another year.

  "You aren't going to kill me. I'm fine with us having a no strings attached relationship, and I can tell you aren't on a mission because you would have killed my guards, Dante, and me within 3 minutes and taken Ruby."

  I pouted my lips at his reply, thinking he would have said something opposite. "I wouldn't take Ruby. I'd borrow her."

  "That's the same thing." He sighed but smiled. "Xia, you know what a Peace Jian is?"

  "Peace Bond? Like a magic bond created to ensure peace between two or more people?" I clarified.

  "Yes, that." He nodded and offered his hand. I stared at it for a few seconds, expecting something to happen, but when nothing did, I raised my hand and placed it in his.

  He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I make a Peace Jian with Xia. I will not cause harm to her and trust her to do the same. Let my magic be a witness of this pledge," he declared, and I shivered at the cool sensation that flowed from his now hot hand that was holding mine.

  He let go of my palm, and I noticed the glowing symbol on the back of our hands, sealing the declaration.

  "Don't you want me to say it back?"

  "No." He went back to his calm, shrugging self.


  "When you’re ready to do the same, you can. I don't want you feeling obligated to do it just because I did."

  "Okay," I whispered, feeli
ng rather happy with his words. To not feel forced into doing something was different and somewhat refreshing.

  "It's a little long to explain...can we talk about it a little later?" I asked, licking my lips as I stared at him. He smirked, understanding what I was referring to.

  "Dante isn't back yet."

  "You think a Reaper has time for condoms?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I gave him a sweet grin.


  "Exactly, but to give you some reassurance, I have a birth control implant. Can't get pregnant and don't plan to anytime soon."

  I stood, my dark ruby eyes never leaving his as I smirked.

  "Left, or right?" I asked, referring to which hall led to his room.


  I bit my lip, loving how deep his voice was and the way his eyes trailed down my body in intense hunger. I made my way down the left hallway, fully aware Xander would follow my lead.

  His doorway was still open; XANDER was written in cursive on a gold plate that labeled the white wood. I walked into the large bedroom which had ceiling to floor windows that were positioned in front of me and on my left.

  The only wall to my right was filled with various pictures of art and small canvas pictures of Xander with Dante and the two other guys. His bed was a king size; the white and red sheets fit the theme of the room that was giving me traditional vibes.

  As much as I'd liked to admire the artistic craftsmanship implemented in Xander's sleeping space, my body was dying to let loose and enjoy a man's touch--not just one that benefited them alone, but Xander's touch that would lead me to a pleasurable experience that both of us would share. A mutual agreement filled with lust and respect for one another.

  The sound of the door clicking shut caught my attention, and I felt Xander's presence behind me. He didn't touch me, but I could sense the magic between us, the way it blended and danced around us without a physical appearance. It made me feel weird; warm yet content at the feeling of trust I had for a man I barely knew. A man I wanted to know more about.

  Curious if he felt the same, I looked over my shoulder, his head just inches away from mine. We stood there, our magic whirling around us in eagerness, waiting for us to be one. Yet our bodies craved for more reassurance, our minds urging to make the decision.


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