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One Thousand & One Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 1)

Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "You mean my doppelganger magic," she corrected.

  "Same thing. We may need it so make sure you're ready. I know it's a little draining."

  "Got it! I'll be fine. I want it to be you and me inside. Minso and Minsu can be in the opposite building as our eyes and ears," Minju suggested. I nodded in agreement.

  "That's fine with me. Minso can gather intel and direct us while Minsu keeps an eye on us. They can both help with communication and help us find an escape route if we need it."

  "Perfect." Minju nodded. I let go of her and she gave me a reassuring smile.

  "I really am fine, Xia. I know I've been quiet and a little busy with Master, but I'm super close to getting 1000. I guess I'm just anxious about it all and just want to be done so I can enjoy a bit of freedom like you are."

  "You will, Minju. We'll enjoy freedom together, and when you do get to 1000, we'll party all night long and get wasted," I reassured her.

  "That's gonna be fun. Then throw you to the wolves." She winked and nodded her head to where Silas was waiting outside. I noticed he was texting on his phone and a second later my phone began to vibrate.

  "Ah! I made him wait too long. I'll be on my way. Don't stress. I know you're going to reach 1000 Lies by the next mission. I can feel it!" I declared.

  She gave me a confident grin. "You know it! Have fun! Love you!"

  "Love you too!" I called out, running to the doors and slipping through. I registered what she'd said earlier and quickly opened the door wide enough to poke my head through the space. "And no throwing me to the wolves, you enabler!" I snarled, making a point.

  She laughed, shaking her head with a guilty grin on her face which only told me she'd definitely get me drunk and offer me as a sacrifice to the guys. I didn't mind the idea of enjoying four guys in bed but didn't need to be drunk to do it.

  I gave Minju a final wave and she waved back. I turned around and went through the second doors of the shrine. I made my way down the five wooden steps and ran to Silas who lifted his gaze from his phone.

  "There you are." He wasn't wearing his glasses today which gave him a different look entirely.

  His hair was up in a bun, the red highlights which had been hints of red at the edge of his hair last time now took up the majority of the man bun. His roots were still blond and only shifted to red when it got to the edge of the tied bob of strands. His hair changes color?

  "Sorry for making you wait. I had to discuss a few things with my best friend." I apologized and picked up the red helmet that rested on the back of the motorcycle.

  "No worries. I just texted to make sure you were okay," he said with a wide smile. "You look nice." His gaze traveled up and down my body as he studied me.

  I wore black leather tights with multiple red metallic zippers that ran down the front side of my pants. My top was a simple white V-neck shirt that showed a glimpse of my dark red bra thanks to the thin cotton material. I wore a leather jacket on top, seeing as it was a bit chilly today and the sun was setting.

  My hair was in a ponytail and I left a few strands on the sides of my face. I finished the look with black combat boots with red laces.

  "You look rather attractive yourself." I smirked, not hesitating to check him out. He wore a similar outfit to me, sporting black jeans, a white shirt, black leather jacket and red sneakers.

  "Great minds think alike." He smiled brightly, and I grinned.

  Once I was settled and had my helmet on, I wrapped my arms around Silas' waist and pressed tightly against him. "Where are we going?"

  "We're meeting the others for a group play date."

  "Play date?" I asked.

  "Yup. Just wait and see. It's going to be fun." He pressed one of his hands on mine that was securely on his waist. Excitement bubbled inside of me, thinking about what we'd do.

  I took one last look at the shrine, wondering if Minju would be okay. She'll be fine.


  I stood there speechless at the wonderful scene that I didn't believe was real. I stood in the clearing of the little forest that was on our property. Silas had said we needed to get Xander and Dante who were training in a section of the forest.

  I never expected to walk into the decorated space. Large lantern-lights were strung along the entire circular clearing, lighting up the place.

  There were balloons and streamers that added to the colorful appearance, as well as a large table that held a bunch of food and even presents. I noticed the section of alcohol that was on the other side of the table, and my gaze slowly moved to Xander and Dante who were in semi-casual wear.


  I looked down to see Ruby run towards me. A little red bow adorned one of her ears, and she sported a new red collar with her name on it in a gold heart.

  I crouched down to pick her up, and she began to purr in my hold as I took in everything once more. Silas walked past me to the others, and Xander made his way towards me.

  When he stood before me, I didn't know what to say, my words stuck in my throat.

  "Did we freak you out?" Xander asked, reaching out to press his hands on the side of my arms and rubbed comfortably up and down, snapping me out of my initial shock.

  "What is this for? It's not my birthday or anything." My voice was low, and even I could sense the disbelief in my hushed tone.

  "It's kind of a 'Welcome Home Freedom Party?'...uh well it was kind of our joint idea. We couldn’t really think of a proper name for it since you're celebrating more than one thing," Xander explained with a pondering look on his handsome face.

  "This is for me? I...didn't do anything. Why would you have a party?"

  "You don't have to do anything to get a party, Xia," Xander whispered, placing his hands on my cheeks.

  "People get welcome home parties when they move to a new place?" I asked, feeling baffled. Aside from my birthday, which it was rare that I got it off to even drink a shot, celebrating wasn't Master's favorite thing. We were just lucky to be alive, and that was what we celebrated with a mental thanks before bed.

  "Yes. You deserve to celebrate getting the chance to live outside of the shrine or, essentially, live a life as a normal person and Reaper. I wish you didn't have to go back to being one, but we decided to do a little something for you and your achievement of gaining half your freedom," Xander explained.

  He looked at the other two who were getting something from beneath the table. I returned my attention to Xander.

  "I don't to react," I admitted. I didn't want him being offended by my somewhat monotone reaction, but I'm so used to years of guarding my feelings that now I didn't know if I should be happy or sad.

  I placed Ruby down on the grass so she could run around, and Xander took the opportunity to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into a hug.

  "Are you happy?"

  "Very happy. I don't know how to feel. I'm overjoyed. Grateful...sad?" I whispered the last part. I looked up to his silver eyes that softened at my admission. "I'm not sad about having my own celebration...I think I'm just sad that I missed out on life. I lived such a secluded life and did horrible things, and now with a glimpse of freedom, I feel out of place? Like I don't belong and don't know how to fit in socially. Does that make me weird?" I asked, hoping to get an earnest answer.

  "That doesn't make you weird. It's not your fault you were born into the Reaper lifestyle. Same way as it's not my fault for being born in a rich preppy community. You have to work with the circumstance you were placed in and, to be honest, I like you just the way you are." He leaned in to give me a tender kiss, pulling back slightly to meet my gaze.

  "Your past is what has made you strong enough to survive your present. Right now, you’re here, alive and breathing. As long as you fight to survive, you can enjoy all the things you missed and more. I'm hoping you'll allow us to be in your life to help you achieve those things," Xander said softly.

  I heard footsteps, and we both turned to see them holding a red velvet cake wi
th candles. I gawked at them and lowered my gaze to the cake that said "WELCOME HOME, XIA & RUBY."

  Ruby clawed at my feet, and a giggle escaped me as I leaned down to pick her up so she could see the cake as well. I think she was more mesmerized at the candles, her little paws trying to reach out and hit them.

  A tear rolled down my cheek, and I lifted my gaze to the three of them, Xander moving back to stand to next to Silas, who was holding the cake. Dante smiled, his blue eyes looking even more beautiful thanks to the candlelight.

  "We may not know everything that happens in the Reaper world, but we want you to enjoy every chance you get outside of those walls."

  Silas nodded, his mismatched eyes twinkling in delight. "Life is precious. We all know that. A Reaper's life is even more valuable because you constantly put your life on the line. To some, they think Reapers are bad, but there have been times Reapers interfered with deals and events that could have done more damage to not just our city or country, but to the world. Whether directly or indirectly, Reapers like yourself have helped in some way and been selfless with your own needs to achieve that."

  I was shocked at his words and the way he viewed Reapers. I had never pictured my role in that mindset.

  I assumed as a Reaper I was nothing. A tool used for missions that stopped individuals who would bring harm to our Master. I never once thought about our missions being something that helped other people. That saved other people.

  Master was indeed a bad person. He did bad things to Reapers, regardless of us striving to meet his standards. Yet, what if he wanted to be the one to take the blame? The one to remove us from this world instead of allowing someone else the privilege of killing, abusing, or using us for their own needs?

  Did he kill us to end our misery quickly, versus being killed or even kidnapped on someone else's agenda?

  Silas’ declaration had me pondering the possibilities and made me question what I thought to be true. Which side are we on? The good or bad?

  "Your sisters told the twins you liked red velvet, so we thought it would be a good cake for you to try." Dante winked.

  "How...they told you, didn't they?" I mumbled.

  He grinned and the other two nodded. "Hey, half-sister triplets who are badass? I think it's pretty cool to me," Dante praised.

  "I bet if you told everyone you were half-sisters with them, they would lose their shit." Silas winked.

  A wide smile formed on my face. "Ya. I can see that. I think they would rather say we're lying than admit my friends could be my half-sisters. Who knows?" I shrugged. "We still haven't confirmed it though."

  "Don't have to. Sometimes love is thicker than blood," Xander confirmed.

  I took another glance at everything before I looked down at the cake. "Thank you...for accepting me."

  Their expressions were filled with happiness, and Silas nodded. "Make a wish and blow out the candles."

  I nodded, looking at the cake and closed my eyes. I wish to one day gain my freedom and spend it with my family, friends, and loved ones. Oh...and Ruby. Even if she's borrowed.

  With that solid wish, I took a deep breath and blew the candles out.

  "I think she's falling asleep."

  I felt a nudge on my shoulder, but it wasn't strong enough to pull me out of my half-asleep daze. My mind figured out I was leaning against someone with my head on their shoulder, but I couldn't tell exactly who.

  Xander's image popped into my mind like my magic was trying to answer my question for me, and as I listened back into the conversation, I realized it was right; Xander's voice the closest to me.

  "She must be exhausted. Minsu and Minso said she's a deep sleeper."

  "You can take her back home with Ruby. We can clean up," Dante suggested.

  "Can't we get her out of there?" Silas asked.

  There was a long silence that followed his words and he continued. "Why can't we interfere? You guys sense it. Our magic is connected to her in some way. Even if it's just a little. What if she's supposed to know, our soulmate or whatever the books call it."

  "Even if there's a possibility she is, she can only choose one of us, and right now Xander’s got the strongest connection," Dante pointed out, his voice showing a hint of sadness.

  "Why does she have to choose?" Xander whispered.

  "Because that's life? You always have to choose," Silas replied.

  "That, my friend, is false," Dante replied. "If she wants to date all of us, she certainly can."

  "Would she want to? She's a Reaper. Wouldn't she be afraid we'd just cheat on her? Think of the environment she's grown up in. Her Master has all these Reapers who do whatever he wants to them which includes you know what. I'm sure all of us dating her would trigger some type of concerns."

  "Are you worried she'll get mad if we're not exclusive?" Xander asked.

  "Yes, that," Silas replied.

  "Why would she?" Dante asked, sounding clueless.

  "Trust. I don't know Xia enough, mother said that to a Reaper, trust was huge." Silas confessed, his voice no higher than a slight whisper.

  His Mom?

  "Then we'll be exclusive. Just for her. I mean, I don't mind. It's up to you guys if you're interested in her, and if she does decide she's interested in us at a romantic level, then we'll take it at her pace."

  "That sounds fine with me," Silas announced. I was zoning in and out after that, my consciousness returning in the middle of Dante's speech.

  "You know I'm not really into girls, but I do feel that connection and I find her intriguing. I can see the positive difference the last few days have had on her. We'll work to see if there's a loophole somewhere and maybe we can free her, and she'll live the life she deserves."


  "I guess we'll have to, seeing as Ruby loves her. Can't bring cats to the shrine," Silas pointed out.

  "So, we're in agreement. If Xia wants to try being with all of us, we'll be exclusive?"

  "Agreed," Dante replied.

  "I'm in," Silas replied.

  "Meow meow meow."

  Xander chuckled. "Yes, Ruby. You can stick with Xia."

  "What about Ace?" Dante asked.

  "He'll be back in a few days. I think they'll get along...maybe." Xander commented.

  "Make sure I'm home to watch that. I'll videotape it." Silas laughed.

  "You have to get every expression Ace makes. I can totally see Xia throwing him off his cold shoulder game." Dante chuckled.

  "Let's go home," Xander announced. The silence that followed was comforting and my mind finally went back to sleep.


  "My eyes are on the target," I announced, sipping on the orange margarita in my hand.

  Today was the day of the anticipated assignment we'd been preparing for the last couple of days. Master explained that two groups wanted to make an exchange of a powerful serum and it would be in a small gold briefcase.

  I didn't know exactly where he got his information, but Minso had done some digging and had discovered that they planned to seal it in a gold suitcase. I didn't know how she did it, but Minso had the activation code ready for when we had to open it and retrieve the syringe that held the demanded liquid.

  It was going to be the first "official" trial of the drug being performed on a person. Minso wasn't able to find whether it had worked or not, but we all agreed that neither side could get a hold of it. Not even our Master.

  I was still trying to figure out an excuse or way to destroy it without essentially committing suicide, but I'd yet to think of a way of avoiding the inevitable.

  Either destroy the serum and die or give it to Master and take the chance of him growing even more powerful and harmful to the remaining Reapers of Beauty. That includes Minju and the others.

  I decided to finish my drink, gulping down the remaining alcoholic beverage and hoping it would help my nerves. I was calm and collected in all my past missions, not being nervous unless I was in a serious jam.

/>   However, tonight I'd been a bundle of nerves, and I had no idea why. Is my magic trying to tell me something?

  "Xia! This is your chance. They're going to go separate ways. The tall man with silver hair holding the case is a total womanizer. Do your seductive thing and distract him. Their plan is to meet on the roof that's opposite of this building. There's a connecting pathway between both buildings on the fifth floor of the club. Use that pathway to get to the other side and take the south stairwell up to the roof. You and Minju can hide in the outside electric box. We've turned the power off, so it won't be dangerous," Minso explained.

  "Got it," I replied, scanning the room for Minju who was on the other side of the room in a red dress. I wore a simple black dress that hugged every curve; Minsu had instructed for it to be strapless to show off my amazing cleavage. Perfect for distracting men and women.

  I placed my tip on the counter and stood, my hidden weapons strapped on both thighs. I could easily use magic if needed, but it was always good to have a few weapons handy when your magic took too long to cast.

  "I'm on the move." I made sure my hair ornaments were securely in my bun. I passed right by Minju who slipped something in my hand as she gave me a seductive smile.

  To anyone on the outside, she was just checking me out, and I hid the small needle that would inject a sleeping serum into my first target.

  "When you knock silver hair out, switch your outfit. Do a bright color so that you look completely different, and if you can change your hair, that will be perfect," Minsu ordered.

  "White dress, red hair. Anything else?" I asked, following my man as he left the group with the gold case. I made sure I looked like I was going to the washroom, feeling the group’s eyes currently on me. Or should I say my ass?

  "Be very careful, Xia. We're not the only group here," Minso confirmed.

  "Of course. Who wouldn't want a fancy serum that gives powers to themselves and those who fuck them? Talk about underrated," Minju commented.


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