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What's Your Price?

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  He licked his lips. “They were heading for a big life. Your father was a scholar and your mother considered one of the nicest women in town. They were the dream couple. Your dad, Michael, got a job in the city straight out of college. Your mother had recently given birth to you, and they had a home planned. A life.”

  He saw tears fill her eyes. “You’re lying.”

  “No. I’m not lying. The details of how you came to be in the orphanage are a little hazy. On the way to their home, a drunk driver ran them off the road. You were found in the car, the only survivor. From there, you went to your grandparents, on both sides. However, the grief was too great for your mother’s parents, and they died not long after. Your grandparents on your father’s side were shot in a garage shooting.”

  She covered her mouth.

  “Through that, you ended up in the orphanage, but you were very much loved.” He pulled out his cell phone. His guy hadn’t given up on finding Laura’s information. He found the picture that confirmed she was a loved child. He held it up for her to see. “Look.”

  Laura took his cell phone and tears fell down her cheeks. “I was loved?”

  “And wanted. You were everything to them.”

  He took his cell phone and showed her some more pictures, including a newspaper article announcing her birth.

  She laughed. “Oh, my. How did I not know any of this?” she asked. “Their names are on the birth certificate.” She pressed her lips together with a sob. “I thought … one of the foster moms told me how I came to be there. They lied. I should have known.”

  “I don’t know why anyone didn’t adopt you, Laura. But you were a wanted child, and now, I want you more than anything else. I didn’t care if you were a foster kid, or a loved child, because I love the woman you are. No one else.”

  Laura threw her arms around him. “Thank you.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “No. Thank you for finding it. Thank you for everything.” She held him tightly to her. “Thank you so much.”

  He ran his hands down her back, happy he’d been able to find her any kind of peace. It wasn’t often people got to have a happy ending to their pain, but he’d been able to find something for Laura.

  “How is everything going with work?” she asked, pulling away. Her hands rested on his waist.

  Rather than continue a war neither of them could win, Gabe had opted to have a tense meeting with the Boss himself.

  “We’re learning to compromise.”

  “Does that mean you can get along amicably?”

  “Not quite. They’re going to stop trying to take my city from me, and we’ve negotiated transport of product.”

  “I don’t want to hear this, do I?”

  “No. You don’t. All I’ve got to know is if you trust me.”

  “Yes, I do. I trust you. I love you, and we’re going to have a very long and wonderful life together.” She pulled him down and kissed his lips, hard.

  Epilogue One

  Three years later

  “I hate you. I hate you. I hate—” Laura screamed and Gabe held her hand, gritting his teeth at the tight grip.

  He couldn’t stand to see his wife in any kind of pain, but their first child was proving to be difficult.

  She collapsed against the bed with a sob, and he leaned over her.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I don’t hate you.”

  “I know,” he said.

  “I love you.” She sobbed out.

  “I know, baby. You’ve got this,” he said.

  “This child is going to kill me,” she said.

  “Don’t say that. You’re the strongest woman I know.”

  She pressed her head to his and started to cry. “It hurts so much.”

  “You’re nearly there, Mrs. Moore,” the doctor said.

  Laura looked at him. He wiped the tears from her eyes and used the cloth to dab the perspiration across her brow. “Another big push, baby. You can do this. You got this.” He held her tightly, refusing to let go.

  During her pregnancy, Laura had changed her mind so much on whether she wanted him in the room or not. Finally, they had agreed to him being there, holding her hand.

  One of the birthing videos they watched had terrified her, and the truth was, it had scared the living daylights out of him.

  He’d rather face off with a maniac with a gun any day than this. Laura was in so much pain, and there was nothing he could do but to hold her hand and hope she didn’t castrate him.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”

  She lifted up and with his and the doctor’s encouragement, she pushed. This time, she screamed even louder. But the moment she stopped to take a breath, a brand-new scream filled the air. They both stopped.

  He couldn’t believe the baby sound. One loud scream, then a whimper.

  “Is my baby okay?” Laura asked.

  “Your baby is fine. Perfectly healthy with a nice set of lungs on her,” the doctor said. Seconds later, the nurse came over carrying their daughter.

  “A girl,” Gabe said.

  He and Laura had decided they didn’t need to know the sex, but as he stared down at his little girl, love rushed through him. There was a time during the pregnancy where he didn’t think he was ever going to know love or feel it for his child. Looking down at their little girl, he felt it.

  With her in Laura’s arm, he stared over his wife’s shoulder. Their little girl had gone silent and looked at them.

  “Hey, sweetheart. I’m your mother, and this big guy is your father. If you heard me telling him I didn’t love him, ignore me. I love him so much.” Laura grabbed his hand and he kissed her head.

  “I love you too.”

  Laura tilted her head back. “Thank you.”

  “I hope you want to be an only child, honey. I’m not going through that again. There is no way I can be hated so often in a short amount of time.”

  His wife chuckled. “Ignore him.”

  “We did something so beautiful,” she said.

  “Yes, we did.” His wife might think he was kidding, but he really wasn’t. There was no way he could go through that again. It was far too stressful.

  Epilogue Two

  Twenty-five years later

  Not only did Gabe and Laura have a daughter, but she also went on to give birth to five more children. Two boys and a set of twin girls. When it came to his wife, there was nothing he wouldn’t give her.

  Their family was a big one.

  He glanced across his dining room table as their family argued, talked, and were the pains in the ass he had come to love more than anything.

  Five children. One beautiful wife, and a life that was stressful and relaxing.

  He was still the king of his city and his sons had grown up strong, and were ready to take over, but their firstborn daughter had also proven to be strong. She wanted to stand by his side. He had a feeling she’d make a damn good queen.

  Laura excused herself from the table, carrying in her plate.

  Their kids didn’t notice their disappearance.

  He snuck into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Why did we have so many kids?”

  “Because we love having them around us, even if they are a pain.” She spun in his arms.

  Her body had filled out in the past few years with five children. For a short time after their twins, she’d been embarrassed to be naked in front of him. Annoyed with her withdrawal from him, he’d made Felipe and the man’s wife take his kids for the night. Once they were alone, he’d spread his wife out and kissed every inch, every stretch mark, showing her that he loved her body now just as much as he did back then. In fact, he loved her body more now than ever. She’d given him five children and a life he didn’t think he was even capable of having.

  “I love my kids, baby. I love my life, and I love my family. It’s all you.”

  “You know, when I first saw you all those years ago, displaying your power, instilling f
ear, I hated you. I was so angry that you could do that, and what was more, no one seemed to care. Then when you made me go on a date with you, I was so angry. I was determined not to enjoy it.”

  “But you did?”

  She nodded. “You were as egotistical as I believed you to be. A giant pain in the ass. When you sent me those gifts, I was angry. I couldn’t easily be bought. Then when you took my jobs, I thought I was going to kill you.” She cupped his face. “I’m so happy you didn’t give up on me. I would have never found out the truth about my life. Never known the love of my life, or the joy of having children.” She went onto her tiptoes and kissed him. “I love you, Gabe Moore. You did more than make me fall in love with you. You gave me a life that I’m so happy with, I can’t imagine being anywhere else.”

  Gabe pulled her in close, taking possession of her lips and running his hands down to cup her ass.

  He was about to lift her up on the counter when the sound of screaming and Mom and Dad came from the other room.

  “Tell me when we can kick them out?” he asked.

  Laura laughed. “Never. They’re our babies no matter their age.”

  Holding his wife’s hands and hiding his hard cock, he followed her into the dining room to settle whatever argument their kids had decided to have.

  Fucking cock blockers.

  The End

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Straight to Hell MC, 2

  Sam Crescent and Stacey Espino

  Copyright © 2021

  Sample Chapter

  Heat radiated off the asphalt, the late afternoon sun unrelenting for the fourth day in a row. Brick craved to take his Harley out for a long ride, to feel the cool breeze against his heated flesh. But no, he’d be taking the pick-up truck with no AC into town. Lord’s old lady wanted to start raising laying hens at the club, so he’d been assigned to get all the materials to build a coop. This was definitely the last thing he wanted to be doing today, but no one refused an order from the prez. He wasn’t sure why Lord hadn’t asked one of the prospects to do this shit. As VP of the Straight to Hell MC, he had better things to do with his time.

  He pulled the whiny door closed after climbing up into the driver’s seat. The building center was just on the outskirts of town, supplying lumber and other essentials to the area. He rolled down the windows, but even the air felt stale at these temperatures.

  The drive was uneventful. He couldn’t complain about much these days. There hadn’t been any club drama for months, and he hoped it would continue. He was still getting used to Ally being a permanent member of the club. The prez’s old lady made Lord a father. Things were changing. Brick wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

  He missed the days when he’d run into hellfire by Lord’s side. Now his prez was taking the cautious approach because he had a family to think about, not just the club. Women made men weak—there was no way around that fact.

  The building center finally came into view up the road. Brick was sweating through his t-shirt and felt like shit. He couldn’t wait to get back to the club and take a long, cold shower.

  He parked in front of the main building and hopped out of the truck. Brick always wore his cut, but in weather like this, he’d gladly break his own rules. He tossed his cut on the passenger seat and tugged off his t-shirt, using it to wipe his brow.

  Brick grabbed the list Ally had given him and headed into the building. After entering the lobby, he closed his eyes for a moment and just breathed. The AC felt like fucking heaven.

  “Hot out there?”

  He opened his eyes. A girl behind the counter stared at him.

  “I can handle hot,” he said. “Whatever’s going on outside is next level.”

  She giggled in response, a sweet feminine sound. He noticed her gaze roving down his body. He immediately patted himself down in response, feeling for an exposed weapon, but realized it was just because he was shirtless.

  He was used to the club whores chasing after him, but this girl looked nothing like them.

  “It’s terrible. I don’t have AC at home, so I’ve actually looked forward to coming into work this week. And trust me, that says a lot,” she said.

  He stepped closer, leaning against the counter. People didn’t usually talk to him, especially local women. He was used to being feared. The chitchat was somehow refreshing. There was something about this chick and her classic girl-next-door looks that pulled down his walls. She wore her hair in a thick ponytail. It had to be a good two feet long.

  Brick shook his thoughts away.

  “Sorry, I’m rambling. How can I help you?”

  “I don’t mind,” he said. “What’s your name, anyway?”

  She pointed to the badge on her shirt.

  He ran a hand down his face. “See, the heat is really getting to me. Nice to meet you, Callie.”

  She bit her bottom lip, and it was sexy as fuck.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Do you live close by?”

  “Not too far,” he said.

  It was at that moment he realized she didn’t know he belonged to an MC. In her eyes, he was just another civilian. And he had no desire to fill her in on the truth.

  She leaned over the counter on her elbows and slipped him a card. He glanced at it briefly but was more entranced by the intensity of her blue eyes. She even smelled sweet, a subtle vanilla.

  “Don’t tell anyone in the yard, but it’s a family discount. You may as well get some use out of it.”

  He took the offering. “No family?”

  She shrugged. “Just me, but the boss doesn’t need to know that.”

  “Thank you, Callie.”

  After a cleansing breath, she grabbed a notepad. “Let me get your order before I keep you here all day.”

  Honestly, he didn’t mind. For the first time in a long time, he felt human. Back at the club, he was feared, idolized, sometimes hated. And he was dangerous. Addicted to violence.

  He slipped her Ally’s list.

  “A chicken coop? I’d love to have chickens, but I think my apartment complex would frown upon that.” She winked.

  “I guess so,” he said. “Hey, if we’re successful, I’ll be sure to bring you some fresh eggs.”

  “We? Are you married?”

  “No, no woman. I was talking about my brothers.”

  “A big family sounds fun.” She spoke while punching codes into her computer.

  He didn’t answer. No sense creating a web of lies when he could keep his mouth shut instead.

  Another staff member came in from the back, glancing over at him. Brick raised his chin, an unspoken challenge. He was always ready for a fight. But the guy only set a stack of purchase orders down beside Callie.

  “Thanks, Jeff.”

  “You okay in here?” he asked. Brick wanted to tell him to fuck off.

  “Actually, this is a pretty big order. Can you get a new skid of 2x4s down with the forklift?”

  “Yeah. Sure.” He left the way he came, looking over his shoulder at Brick one more time before closing the door. Did he recognize him as a biker? Would he tell Callie?

  And when did he start giving a shit about what other people thought?

  “I think I have everything on your list.” She handed him back the paper from Ally. “If you pull your truck around back, the boys will load you up as soon as they pull down th
at wood.”

  “Thanks for your help.”

  “My pleasure,” she said.

  He shoved the list into the pocket of his jeans and left the building center. The entire time he waited around back, he kept thinking about the things he should have done and should have said to Callie. It was all he could think about. He barely focused on his surroundings until there was a knock on the side of his truck.

  Brick jerked in his seat. He hadn’t even noticed the guy inches from his face.

  “You’re all loaded,” said one of the yard hands.


  He started up the truck and began to ride out of the building lot. Brick had gotten what he came for, and now he could head home. This was what he wanted—short and sweet. Only he couldn’t pull out onto the road. Instead, he did a hard right turn, bringing him back to the front office.

  For a good five minutes, he sat there in the truck, trying to convince himself to forget about this town girl and move on with his life. She was nobody. He had no time for socializing outside of the club, and never had any desire to do so. Relationships with outsiders were frowned upon. Besides, once a girl like Callie knew exactly what he was, she’d run the other way and never look back.

  I’m a fucking idiot.

  Brick went back inside the building center. Callie was at a desk behind the counter. When she saw him enter, she got up and approached the front.

  “Was the order all right?”

  “Everything was fine,” he said.

  Why did he suddenly feel like he was twelve years old, his mouth dry, and nerves on fire? He was completely out of character, and the guys at the club would laugh their asses off if they could see him now.

  “Did you want to order something else?”

  He ground his teeth together, his jaw clenched. “What time do you get off work?”


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