Michael: A Scrooged Christmas
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Michael: A Scrooged Christmas
F.G. Adams
Copyright © 2017 by F.G. Adams
About the Author
FG’s Reading Directory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A Scrooged Christmas Stories
Do holiday wishes really come true?
For kindergarten teacher Holly Mary Edwards is banking on a miracle when the man of her dreams returns from duty abroad.
Decorated army doctor Michael Barnes is not ready to face the holiday season after his fiancée leaves him for another man. Michael is convinced it’s time to put happiness in a tight little box and ship it back to the North Pole.
He wasn't expecting Holly. And when the sexy Holly-jolly nymph takes it upon herself to divest him of his Mr. Scrooged attitude, she'll do anything to bring him into the jingle bell jolly.
Can Holly convince him ‘tis the season for love?
Copyright © 2017 by F.G. Adams
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, named features, artists and bands are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used for reference and without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used.
Cover Design: Tracie Douglas with Dark Water Covers
Editor: Julia Goda with Diamond in the Rough Editing
About the Author
F.G. Adams writes contemporary and paranormal romance about sexy alpha heroes and feisty-mouthed heroines. The wonder twin sisters forming F.G. enjoy a healthy obsession of reading that started at a young age. Their books reflect an avid imagination that was cultivated by their grandmother who taught them the mind has no limits and to use both hands when reaching for the stars. Partners in writing, they both thrive on creating unique storylines for you, the reader, to enjoy.
When not writing, you can find them on a beach with their significant other enjoying the waves or riding a Harley on a country road somewhere in the USA.
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For more information
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you, the reader, for purchasing and reading Michael. You’ve enabled us to do what we’ve always dreamed about—writing. This book was an exciting and fun journey for both of us. Christmas has always held a special place in our hearts, because of the love and anticipation our grandma kindled inside of both of us. It was her time of the year to shine as brightly as the decorations adorning her home. She started purchasing gifts the day after Christmas each year. At the time, we both thought it was overkill, but in retrospect with the multitude of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, she had to in order to have something special from her under each of our trees. She tunneled every ounce of love for us into the unique, priceless gifts she gave us. She was our Christmas miracle.
We really hope you enjoy the story.
This year has been amazing for us. We wrote five new stories, and we couldn’t have done it without the help from the people we surround ourselves with. To us, our team is simply the best.
Mikey Lee and Heather Roberts are the greatest publicists we could ever hope for, and they’ve become so much more. Their insight and direction have really helped us grow. Thank you, loves!
Our amazing editor, Julia Goda, has the patience of a saint. She takes every question, no matter how crazy or off the wall, and breaks into laymen terms for us. We’ve learned so much from her as well. Jessika Klide, Kristen Hope Mazzola, BSM Stoneking, Mayra Statham, and Janine Infante-Bosco. Your daily support is without a doubt what kept us from giving up so many times this year. Thank you, sisters, for being there for us. Lainey and Erin, you both keep us out of trouble and on track.
Whynter Raven, your unfaltering support pimping our books every single chance you get continues to amaze us. No matter what, you’ve been there for us, and we truly value your friendship.
Thank you to the bloggers, street team, Feisty Flock, and our fabulous Sisters in the Hangout for all your support and friendship.
Thanks to the men in our life for supporting and understanding our dream.
Yours truly,
F.G. Adams
FG’s Reading Directory
This is Our Life series:
Grayson: Book 1
Keagan: Book 2
Oliver: Book 3
Lukas: Book 4
The Enchanted Immortals Trilogy:
Book 1: Aldin’s Wish
Book 2: Fox’s Awakening
Book 3: Marcus’ Vengeance (Coming Soon)
The 7: Lust #6
Michael: A Scrooged Christmas
Burn Me Anthology Preorder Coming February 2018
This book is dedicated to those like our grandma who believe in love, faith, and family. For the ones who are still a child at heart, holding the Christmas Spirit within, all year long.
“Christmas is the remembrance of the past, courage for the present, and hope for the unknown.” ~ Michael Barnes
“I’ll love you always, Michael. Merry Christmas.” A sweet, seductive voice echoes in my memory, from a time in my past when I believed my life was full and every dream I had was coming true. My career was on track, a successful lieutenant colonel in the United States Army. The perfect woman to spend the rest of my life with. Everything was going my way, until he showed up.
I rub my chest at the clenching pain the memory causes and shake my head from the Ella trance. It’s been over a year since she said good-bye. A stark reminder that what we shared is long gone. She’s moved on. Why wasn’t I enough? The aching question I keep tossing around.
Children’s laughter nearby brings me back to the present and awareness of my surroundings. Staring out across the open grassy field, I spy the attractive couple in the shady picnic area of the large park, the picturesque scenery amplifying their adoration for one another, and I lose another piece of me. The soft, lovely glow of pregnancy surrounds my Ella, as Grayson nuzzles the smooth line of her neck and places a kiss on her cheek. It solicits a broad smile that flows across her glowing, pink cheeks. No, not my Ella anymore. Perhaps she never truly was mine.
The sun is cascading sparsely through the large oak trees, fading into the western hemisphere, while a cool wind billows through the yellowish tinged leaves. It’s early December in the southern town of Lakeview, and the only trace that winter’s coming is displayed on a calendar.
Glancing back toward Captain and Mrs. Grayson Blackwood, I’m over
whelmed at the emotions swarming inside of me as anger threatens to bring me to my knees. I remember a previous Christmas when we were happy and owned the future. The last one Ella and I would ever share together.
We arrived at the airport in D.C. the afternoon on Christmas Eve, and were picked up by the car my parents sent to retrieve us. Our arrival time interfered with their busy holiday schedule. It was for the best. I wanted Ella to have time to adjust from the flight before she met my parents for the first time.
“I’m so nervous, Michael. What if they don’t like me?”
Bringing her soft hand to my mouth, I placed a gentle kiss on her wrist, then the diamond engagement ring I gave to her the weekend before. A wave of pride ushered through my body. She said yes and completed me.
“Don’t worry yourself, my love. They are going to love you as much as I do. Besides, who wouldn’t?”
“I hope you’re right. I’m just so nervous about meeting your parents. It’s a big thing for me, especially since my mom passed. I want to make a good first impression. They’re going to be my family.” The blush that flushed pink across her nose and cheeks produced another long, drawn-out smile to surface. I did that a lot when I was around Ella.
“It’s going to be fine. You’ll see.” I kissed her wrist one more time as the car drew to a stop in front of the family home.
“Oh, my goodness, Michael. This is gorgeous.”
“Yes, you are.” I affectingly whispered in her ear, not paying attention to the monstrosity of a mansion we’d stopped in front of. Ella’s beauty overshadowed everything else in view.
“Michael, stop. You know you can’t look at me like that right now. I’m about to meet your parents, for crying out loud,” she bashfully told me, and I wanted to eat her up. One little bite at a time.
“We could have the driver take us around the block a time or two…” I answered, lingering in hopes she’d agree to my impromptu suggestion. I longed to have her legs wrapped around me as she screamed my name.
“Silly man.” Ella lightly caressed my arm, and leaned over to return the favor. “Later, lover,” she promised as she kissed my neck.
Jostled back from another time, I hear someone clear her throat when the stored file of before fades. “Excuse me, young man. You look as if you’ve lost your best friend.” She points to the vacant spot. “Do you mind?”
An older woman, dressed to the nines in an elegant pantsuit, sits down on the bench beside me before I can respond yes or no. Her beauty is beyond reproach even with her salt and pepper coifed hair. She exudes old money, but at the same time gives off a warmth that I’m instantly drawn to.
“Ma’am? Excuse me.” I express regret that my peaceful solitude is ending. “I’m just taking in the sites. It’s quite beautiful here.”
“You’re not from around here, are you, sugar?” She crosses her aged hands in her lap and waits.
“No, ma’am. Just passing through. By the way, what gave me away?” I’m interested to hear her reply.
“Well, let’s just say, I recognize a lost puppy when I see it.” She winks, and I’m instantly drawn to this exquisite version of a grandmother figure.
“Hah. That obvious, huh?” I chuckle and peruse the people lazily mulling about in the afternoon sun.
“I’m not one to judge, sweetie pie. Lord knows I’ve had my fair share of trouble in my time.” She gazes around the open space, breathing it in. “Ya know, this was always my favorite place to come to when I needed to think. I claimed it as my thinking spot many times.”
My thoughts drift to Ella. She’s married to Grayson, happy and expecting his child. Logically my head is aware I should move on, but my damn heart wants what it can’t have.
“Do you live around here?” I calmly question the lovely woman sitting beside me, side-stepping her previous observation.
“Not anymore.” She solemnly sighs. “But I come back occasionally and check in, so to speak.” She smiles with a twinkle in her eyes; it’s infectious, and I can’t help but smile back at her. “Wanna talk about what’s bothering you, honey? I’ve been told I’m a really good listener a time or two back in the day.”
I’m shocked at the boldness of this aged woman. However, for reasons beyond me, I’m compelled to answer.
“I fell in love with a very special woman, who has always loved another. Her heart belonged to someone else. Now she’s gone, beyond my reach, and I’ll never have a chance with her.” Why couldn’t she choose me?
“I see.” Her gaze travels across the greenery, to where Ella and Grayson are sitting. “Love is hard, Michael. But it’s even harder to let go and move on from something or someone that will never be. It’s time for you to move on from the what ifs, and live again. Embrace the time you have. And stop living in the past.”
For a brief moment, I’m immobile. How does this woman know my name?
When I turn to look at her, she’s gone. Vanished into thin air. I move my head around, back and forth, looking for the elderly woman, with no avail. She’s gone. Disappeared without a trace. The wind picks up and a whisper echoes through the breeze.
“Let it go, Michael.”
Goose bumps prickle up and down my arms. Fuck this. I pick up the paper bag and guzzle another shot from the bottle of liquor hidden within. All in your head, Michael boy.
Getting up, I glance one more time at the couple enjoying an afternoon picnic.
My heart twists and turns again. Ella is gone. She slipped through my fingers when I wasn’t looking.
Like a sucker punch to the gut, I realize it’s time to move forward. Ella’s happy, and I’m grateful for it. She deserves a wonderful life, even if I’m not the one to give it to her.
I carefully construct the barriers necessary to step in the opposite direction. Brick by brick, piece by piece, the walls are fortified and I shut out my feelings for Ella coursing through my veins.
Never again will I allow my heart to be shredded into pieces by a woman. Never again will I willingly fall in love. Because I will never be over Ella Anderson. Damn you, Grayson Blackwood.
Chapter 1
“When I call to mind Christmas, it’s not the vibrant lights or children laughing. It’s remembering what I’ve lost and what will not be for me.” ~ Michael Barnes
Crystal City Mall is packed to the brim with goody-two-shoe, happy-go-lucky fools shopping for the perfect gift to brighten their Christmas morning rituals. Stupid schmucks. You might think people would realize the door they are opening is the inevitable black hole of misery and disappointment. I did. A little too late.
Been there, done that.
Got my ring back, propelling me into an endless pit of ‘why mes’ and ‘fuck yous.’
Thus, the bah humbug doomsday spiel roaming in my head, firing off grenades and rocket launchers instead of good cheer, peace to all, and warm and cuddly feelings for humankind.
I received a text earlier when I was leaving a meeting on The Hill from Darlene, my not-so-faithful, pain-in-the-ass assistant. She purposely forgot to purchase a holiday gift for the damn office party later tonight. Somehow in her warped way, she believes making me get out in the rush of the holiday season buzz will propel me into a ‘Joy to the World’ moment. Not gonna happen.
Obviously, she’s a little off her rocker to think I could just let what happened between Ella and me go that easily. I can’t. I won’t. I’m not ready to let go. Even after I saw them together.
I hopped on the subway and ended up in Arlington at the closest mall, pushing through the throngs of merry shoppers in search of an appropriate Secret Santa gift. This was supposed to be a grab-and-go mission. All I want to do is get something and get the fuck out of here, but the chaos brimming around me is evident I’m in for the long haul.
I truly hate Christmastime. My gut churns at the fleeting thought. It hasn’t always been this way. A rush of nostalgia overcomes me; there was a time when I couldn’t wait to share it with her. Thanks to Grayson, mine won’t be the same t
his year, or any year to come—without Ella. He strolled into our lives and stole her out from under me. In a flash, everything changed.
“Captain Blackwood!”
Grayson turned and headed in the opposite direction, ignoring me. Son of a bitch. I took off running, caught his arm to stop his progress, and yanked him around to face me.
“Get your damn hands off me now, Lieutenant, or we’re gonna have a problem regardless of my best intentions,” Grayson calmly told me with steel in his voice.
Without thought, I shoved him backwards, beyond pissed at him for pursuing Ella. “Need to talk to you, Captain, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“Not today, Doctor. I’m late for a briefing with the general.”
“Just thought you might want my intel regarding the girls, sir,” I sneered.
He grabbed me by my shirt, pulled me forward, and got in my face. I was startled at first by his actions.
“What the fuck did you say? If you know something and haven’t told me out of jealousy because Ella choose me, I will kill you, motherfucker,” Grayson promised.
I wanted to rip him a new asshole for the reminder. But a piece of me recognized his resolve…neither one of us would walk away unharmed, and Ella and Savannah were somewhere out there. God knows what was happening to them. I couldn’t look the other way. I still loved her. I grabbed his wrists and applied a subtle pressure that caused his fingers to slip away from my shirt.