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Squeeze Play

Page 22

by Aven Ellis

  If only it were that easy. I know I’m the first woman Brody has wanted to date seriously, and I know that means this is like a test period. I’m new now, as he is to me, but I know I want to continue to keep evolving into who I want to be. Thinner. Valued at work. Able to make a perfect Sunday brunch for her boyfriend. The woman Brody might be able to fall in love with someday.

  I’m not her yet. I’m a girl Brody likes a lot, but it’s way too soon for love.

  But there is time for me to keep improving myself so that can happen.

  “Are you going with navy or red?” I ask, changing the subject.

  Katie gives me a knowing look from across the rack. “You are enough,” she says simply. Then she clears her throat. “Red, definitely. That’s one of my best colors.”

  I move to the other side of the store, carrying the navy shirt I’m going to buy, and get in line to check out. I hear my phone go off in my purse, and I fish it out to see Brody responded to my text from earlier:

  I’m so glad you were here to see me doing what I love. I liked being able to see you in the stands. #mygirlisgorgeous #cherryblossomishot

  A happy blush warms my cheeks. I swear with each text I fall a bit more for him.

  I liked seeing you, too. Can’t wait to see you to congratulate you in person. #myguyishot #mygrownassmanisbadass

  Brody responds, telling me where to go so he can meet us in a bit, and I drop my phone back in my bag.

  Katie and I linger in the shop after we make our purchases, and then we walk around the concourse, taking in the sights and sounds of the ballpark. Finally, it’s time to go down to the lower level where the players are. We show our credentials and make our way to the area outside the clubhouse. Across the hall, there is a room marked “Soaring Eagles Family Nest” and I figure that must be where the wives and girlfriends spend their time.

  Another reality check for me. Could that be my future someday? Waiting in that room with the other women who are dating baseball players?

  Utter insanity.

  I hear my name and see Brody coming out of the clubhouse entrance toward me. He’s dressed in a long-sleeved blue plaid shirt and jeans, and his hair is all tousled from a shower. When my eyes meet his, his face lights up in a beaming smile.

  I forget all about fans and wives and girlfriends. I don’t care about what might be, but what is at this very moment.

  Brody Jensen wants to be with me.

  It’s all I can do not to leap into his arms and tell him how proud I am of him. He quickly heads toward me and slides his arms around my waist.

  “I’m so proud of you,” I say, cupping his face affectionately in my hands. “So proud. You were incredible tonight.”

  Brody’s eyes light up from my words.

  “It was great to play in front of you,” he says. “It was good to know you were there. You might have to come all the time if the result is going to be a walk-off home run.”

  Happiness bubbles through me. “I would love to go to all your games.”

  “You have a job. That’s asking a lot. I’ll take a few during each home stand, how about that?”

  “Deal,” I say, feeling his dirty-blond facial scruff underneath my fingertips.

  Brody looks like he wants to kiss me but he glances over my shoulder instead. “Hey, Katie, did you have fun?” he asks, smiling at her.

  Oh, shit. I totally forgot about Katie. I turn around and notice she’s a bit pale and is chewing her lower lip, which is her sign of anxiousness.

  Dammit. I’m sure she felt awkward watching me with Brody and now it’s stressing her out. She was already worried about being a third wheel, and now I’ve made her feel like one.

  I am the worst bestie in the history of besties.

  “Brody, thank you so much,” Katie says, her face shifting into a smile. “That was so much fun; I’ll never forget it.”

  “Dominik and Barbara had fun, too,” I say. “They wanted to thank you in person, but it was way past their bedtime and they had to go home.”

  Brody smiles. “I have unusual workday hours,” he teases.

  “But I can’t thank you enough. What a great game to see,” Katie says.

  Her eyes shift back toward the clubhouse door, and the anxious look reappears.

  “You’re welcome,” he says easily. “I’m glad you had fun.”

  Then it hits me. She’s anxious about meeting AJ. For someone who said it didn’t matter, she has all the looks of someone who is getting worked up about it. I understand. Katie is a huge Soaring Eagles fan. She’s followed AJ since he came up with the team. This is a big meet-your-celebrity-crush moment, and it’s exciting and scary. Exciting because it’s someone you’ve admired and liked, and scary because you don’t want to appear like a sixteen-year-old with a crush, even if you feel that way. Also scary because if AJ turns out to be an ass, it’s all kinds of disappointing, too.

  I decide to try and engage her in conversation to redirect her.

  “She served as my translator,” I say. “Isn’t that right, Katie?”

  Katie blinks. “What?”

  “You had to translate everything Brody did for me,” I say.

  Boy, she is nervous. I’ve never seen Katie look this nervous before!

  “I think it’s time you had Baseball 101,” Brody says.

  “And who will be teaching the course?” I flirt back with him.

  “A professional,” he says, giving me a slow, sexy, smile.

  The clubhouse door opens again, with more players coming out, but still, no sign of AJ yet.

  “Do you guys want to go out and get drinks?” Brody asks. “Coffee?”

  Hmm. I could have an herbal tea or decaf coffee.

  But I would really love a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

  Once Katie meets AJ and she goes back to normal, she’ll probably be hungry again, as nerves have probably burned up everything she has eaten tonight. Katie can have a five hundred calorie coffee drink as her nightcap, and her jeans will still be loose tomorrow.

  I smile. If she weren’t so amazing and kind and the absolute best friend I could ever ask for, I’d probably be really jealous of her right now.


  Brody turns around, and I follow his gaze to the clubhouse door.

  It’s AJ Williamson, and he’s headed our way. Brody steps out of our embrace, and I move next to Katie, whose eyes are wide like saucers at seeing AJ approach us.

  I study him as he comes closer. This is the first time I’ve seen him in street clothes; he’s wearing nice jeans and a crisp, white shirt that appears stark against his dark, olive skin. He has thick, jet-black hair that has long layers and is swept back with styling product. A slight beard shades his jawline, thicker than what Brody wears.

  He’s absolutely Katie’s type: tall, dark, sexy, and with a hint of mystery about him.

  “Do I finally get to meet her, this mystery woman you told me about?” AJ asks, cocking an eyebrow upwards.

  I feel Katie flinch next to me, and I wonder what exactly Brody said about Katie to him.

  “Yes,” Brody says. Then he turns to me. “Hayley, this is AJ Williamson. AJ, this is Hayley Carter.”

  I’m about to reply when I feel Katie sway next to me. I shoot her a brief look, and notice she’s trembling. Good lord, she’s a mess!

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” AJ says, extending his hand to me. I shake it, and he flashes me a dazzling smile. “Brody doesn’t stop talking about you. Trust me, I sit next to him on the plane and my locker is next to his. You are the number one topic of conversation.”


  “Is that so?” I ask, playing it cool despite the complete euphoria I feel inside.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” I say, shaking his hand. “This is my friend, Katie.”

  I watch as Katie’s stares at AJ, and she blinks a few times, as if she can’t see.

  “Katie!” I cry, concerned. “Katie, what’s wrong?”

��Are you okay?” AJ asks, furrowing his brow.

  “I . . . I don’t feel well,” Katie mumbles.

  Then she suddenly lurches forward, heading straight toward the floor as she faints in front of AJ.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  I go to reach for Katie, but before I can even move, AJ has her in his arms.

  “Katie!” I cry, panicked. “Katie!”

  “I’ve got her,” AJ says firmly, sinking to the floor with her.

  “Katie, can you hear me?” I cry out in alarm, moving next to AJ.

  Katie’s head hangs limp, and Brody moves her legs while AJ lowers her head to his lap. He gently turns her head to the side.

  “Brody, elevate her legs,” AJ says.

  People begin to gather around, and I hear a bunch of voices surrounding us talking about Katie.

  “Get the medics,” someone in the crowd says.

  “What happened to her?”

  “Is that AJ’s girlfriend?”

  “Did she have a seizure?”

  “Is she drunk?”

  “Move back,” AJ commands to the crowd forming, his voice firm. “Give me space.”

  Katie’s eyes begin to flutter. She slowly opens them, a look of confusion on her face.

  “Wh-what happened? Where am I?”

  Oh, shit, I really hope she doesn’t pass out again when she realizes she’s in AJ Williamson’s lap.

  She turns her head up, and I see her eyes flip wide open in horror when she realizes AJ is gazing down at her.

  “You fainted,” AJ says calmly. “You’re in my lap. It’s okay.”

  “Oh, my God.” Katie tries to sit up, but AJ puts his hand on her shoulder and sits her back down.

  “No, no, you can’t get up right away,” AJ instructs. “You have to wait a few minutes before getting up. Trust me. I’ve read about this on WebMD.”

  “He’s a hypochondriac,” Brody explains. “AJ knows how to diagnose and treat anything. He’s convinced every symptom he has is fatal.”

  “No, smart ass, I’m medically informed,” AJ insists.

  “Why am I in your lap?” Katie says, furrowing her brow as she tries to get her bearings.

  “AJ caught you before you hit the ground,” I explain, soothingly brushing a lock of her hair back from her cheek.

  “This is mortifying,” Katie says, wincing.

  “Nah. It’s an interesting way to introduce yourself. I’ll give you creativity points for it,” AJ says, smiling down at her.

  “Interesting introductions are the way to go,” Brody says, winking at me.

  Oh, I like this boy so much.

  “I just felt so nauseated,” Katie murmurs. “Maybe I ate too much.”

  Oh, this had nothing to do with helmet nachos and everything to do with AJ, but I’ll let her hold on to that thought while she’s trying to save face.

  “Maybe the helmet of nachos was a bad idea,” I say, helping her out with her story.

  “No. Those were good. I stand by the choice of nachos,” Katie says.

  AJ laughs. “Helmet nachos are solid. What kind did you get?”

  “Carnitas with sour cream and jalapeños on top. Otherwise, it’s a wasted nacho experience.”

  “I wasn’t aware nachos were an experience,” AJ says.

  Katie manages a smile. “Any food eaten in a helmet is an experience.”

  “Perhaps I should tell the clubhouse chef I need all my pregame meals served in a helmet.”

  “You should. It’s infinitely better.”

  People begin shuffling back, and the in-house medical team arrives, quickly kneeling next to Katie.

  Katie turns blood red and moves to sit up, but once again, AJ protectively puts his hand on her shoulder, holding her in place.

  “Are you sure you can sit up?” he asks.

  “Yes,” Katie insists, quickly and sits up, right in AJ’s face. He gets a mouth full of her curly hair, and it’s all I can do not to laugh as he pushes it aside.

  Katie turns toward him, and he cocks an eyebrow.

  “Sorry. You got your hair in my mouth,” AJ says.

  “Mufasa hair, sorry,” she mumbles.

  AJ seems completely lost, and Katie would die if she realized what she just said to him.

  “I don’t need medical help. I ate a bunch of crap and passed out,” Katie says defiantly, pushing her hand out to stop a paramedic from touching her.

  “Miss, you fainted. We should check you out,” he says.

  “Listen. I ate nachos in a helmet, a hot pretzel with mustard, a basket of garlic fries, two cocktails, and an ice cream bar. That’s why I passed out. I’m fine, and I’m issuing a refusal of medical treatment. I’m refusing the evaluation.”

  I smile. Katie is going full-on legal mode now.

  The EMS crew retreats, and the circle of people around Katie dissipates, as apparently the show has grown boring now.

  “Did you really eat all that?” AJ asks, an expression of disbelief on his face.

  Bah! I bite my lip to keep from laughing.

  “Yes. My eating skills are legendary,” Katie says. “That’s a normal game menu for me.”

  AJ’s eyes widen, and I think he’s trying to picture tiny Katie shoveling all that food down during the span of nine innings.

  “That’s downright epic,” AJ says, flashing her a grin.

  Katie goes back to beet red, and I can tell she’s feeling well enough to flee now.

  “I need to stand up,” Katie says.

  “No, you need to sit for a few minutes,” AJ says, remaining seated next to her.

  “That’s what his photographic memory of WebMD tells him is the proper treatment,” Brody quips.

  “Next time you get a walk-off, I’m shoving a shaving cream pie in your face on camera,” AJ teases.

  We all sit on the floor for a few more minutes, with more players stopping by and asking if everything is okay. So far, Katie and I have met Tanner, Nolan, Jamie, and Ryder Asbury, the right fielder. Katie looks like she wants to evaporate into the concrete as people stop by and ask why we are sitting on the floor.

  Finally, she’s had enough. Katie turns to AJ.

  “Can you consult WebMD and see if I can stand up now?” she asks.

  A smile passes over AJ’s face. “I think you’re good, but let me help you.”

  He stands up first and gives her his hand. Katie gets up, but she looks pale and exhausted. I need to get her home.

  “Let’s go home, Katie,” I say, putting my arm around her shoulders.

  She nods.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Brody says.

  Katie turns to AJ, and I see the flush of color return to her skin.

  “This officially goes down as my most embarrassing introduction to anyone ever,” Katie says, “but it was nice meeting you. Thank you for helping me.”

  AJ’s eyes linger over Katie’s face. “I wouldn’t say embarrassing; I’d say memorable.”


  Katie’s eyes widen in surprise. AJ’s gaze doesn’t waver.

  Holy crap, what is going on here?

  “AJ! Are you ready? Emily and Cara are waiting on us!”

  I look past AJ and see Ryder waiting for him.

  My ooh! has turned into an oh.

  AJ turns his attention to Ryder. “Coming. Just a second.” Then he turns back to Katie. “It was nice meeting you, Katie.”

  “Likewise. Thanks again for not letting me fall.”

  “Even exchange for the insider tip on helmet dining.”

  They lock eyes for a moment, and then AJ turns to me.

  “And nice to finally meet you, Hayley. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”

  I smile. “Thank you, AJ, and it was nice to meet you.”

  “Jensen, I’m whipping your ass in ping-pong tomorrow,” AJ declares, walking away.

  I turn to Katie, whose eyes are still on AJ. I clear my throat, and she blinks as I snap her from her stare.

  “I’m exhausted,” Katie s

  “Want me to get the emergency cart so you can be driven down to the player parking lot?” Brody asks, concerned.

  “Um, I think I’ve filled my embarrassment quotient for the night, thanks, though.”

  Brody moves next to me, and we walk slowly to the player parking area so Katie isn’t taxed. He reaches for my hand and entwines it around mine, and I glance up at him and smile, thinking of how lucky I am to be here with him.

  We reach his Jeep, and we climb in and drive back to our place, with Katie remaining silent as Brody and I talk about the game. Finally, we’re home, and as soon as we’re in the apartment, Katie heads straight to bed, shutting her door behind her.

  As soon as she’s out of earshot, I turn to Brody. “I think we should stay around here tonight,” I say quietly. “I want to be here in case she needs me.”

  “I don’t care where we are, I just want to be with you,” Brody says, sliding his hands up to my face and kissing me.

  Mmm. I melt into him, kissing him back, inhaling the scent of Hermès cologne on his skin and feeling his facial scruff scratch against my face.


  He breaks the kiss and stares down at me. “I’m so glad you were there tonight.”

  “Me, too. It was so exciting! I can’t believe how thrilling baseball can be.”

  “I live for all of it,” Brody says. “You can see why I fell in love with the game tonight. You don’t need a clock for drama. It all plays out on its own time.”

  I nod. “Yes, that’s exactly it.”

  Pissy strolls into the room and meows.

  “Pissy!” Brody says, grinning at the sight of my cranky kitten.

  I smile as he immediately scoops her up and cradles her tiny fluffy body to his massive chest.

  “I need a picture of this,” I say, retrieving my phone.

  “Go ahead,” Brody says, nuzzling her as her purr motor kicks into overdrive.

  I snap a few pictures and smile with contentment. This is who he is. He’s a man, cradling my kitten, and happy to be with me in my apartment. He’s not a pro athlete who needs to be partying, boozing it up, and chasing a different woman every night.


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