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Swords of Rome

Page 35

by Christopher Lee Buckner

  Paullus had already stated that he would be staying out of politics and so far, it seemed he was doing just that. Beyond a few choice words earlier in the proceedings the consul had little to say about the historical events of the day.

  From time to time, Paullus would turn and look over at Gaius. He could still see the anger in Paullus eyes when they stared at each other.

  Gaius didn’t know what Paullus might do. He did not grant his request to release Julia of her marriage vows, and in fact, if he wanted he could drag Julia to the courts and force her to marry him, or perhaps even take away all of her father’s wealth, land and holdings for her violating their contract by having an affair with another man.

  Gaius knew he should never have admitted that the two of them had slept together or shared a relationship. However, it was hard for him to lie to the man’s face when he knew the truth any ways. Truth be told, he didn’t regret anything he had said. It did pain him that he had hurt the consul, but he had to say what he felt in his heart. It seemed pointless, now with everything he had seen and lived through to continue to hide his love for her in the shadows — allowing proper Roman edict to stand in the way of expressing his true feelings.

  When the last senator finished his long speech and sat back down, Maximus stood up and stepped out onto the Senate floor. He was dressed in his finest white robes with a dark-red tunic underneath. He stood quiet, for the moment, as he allowed the room full of senators to finish their applause before he spoke.

  “We have suffered a great deal, we Romans have. Our lands have been tainted with barbarian filth. Our farms burnt, our cities raised, our citizens driven to the four corners of Italy, and our brave soldiers massacred by the thousands. And for what I ask you — for the personal glory of one-man — Hannibal?”

  The mention of Hannibal’s name brought a chorus of jeers from the senators. Maximus just raised his hands and signaled for everyone to be silent.

  “You have sent forth many of our city fathers to face this threat, and very few have returned alive. We have burned and grieved for too many of our greatest men since this war has started. We have lost entire armies, not once, not twice, but three times. And now you ask me where will we get more? How will we find new bodies to fill the ranks of our brave legions, and how will they be able to stop a man who most believed can’t be defeated?”

  There was another chorus of rumbling from the senators as they acknowledged Maximus’ questions.

  “If this Republic is to prevail and endure the years to come, we must cast off our traditional ways — our aged system and beliefs, and embrace a new doctrine that will usher in a new era for Rome. I have already set plans in motion that will, within the coming year, restore our legions to fighting strength. No more will our armies be filled with the social elite and those privileged few to own land. I am inviting all Italians, not just Roman born, to join our ranks regardless of property. Even the lowest peasant and beggar have the right to defend his country.”

  The Senate began to rumble disapprovingly, but Maximus ignored them and continued on with his speech.

  “All personal debts will be wavered for those that choose to serve in the army.”

  More rumbling followed that statement.

  “I will issue orders for able-bodied slaves to be freed and drafted into the legions. And no longer will these new legions be led solely by the wealthy elite, but by those men who have already proven that they have the experience and strength to fight and win battles, regardless of class or upbringing. And no more will our soldiers be made up of children and old men, draftees or seasonal soldiers. Our armies will be comprised of professionals, experienced officers and men of fighting age. Terms of service will be twenty years, with reward upon retirement with land and citizenship.”

  Gaius glanced over his shoulder at the gathering officers who stood with him. They all looked at each other with the same amused expressions on their faces as the senators, all whom had thrown their support behind Maximus, now seemed troubled by his words. While they expected military reform, they hadn’t expected this. In a single speech, the dictator had thrown-away hundreds of years of social edict.

  “Rome can no longer look only to her own benefits. We, the whole of Italy and our holdings beyond these boarders are at risk. We must become a singular nation and not just an individual city among many nations. Those cities around us have been loyal during this war despite Hannibal’s calls that they should rise up against us, yet despite what they are threatened with few have sided with him. It is because of these brave Italians whom we are still here today. I will no longer ignore these facts as my predecessors chose to do. Any that joins our legions will be granted Roman citizenship, including a movement that will soon include all the central Italy!”

  A loud chorus of jeers and boo's roses to his last statement. Maximus smiled at those who were openly trying to rebuke him, but he had more supporters among the Senate that forced the most outspoken to sit down and be silent.

  “We will no longer try to battle Hannibal openly. Our armies have faced him four times, and each time they have met with utter disaster. Alternatively, we will, as I have suggested in the past, will avoid conflict with his army and instead focus all of our attentions on breaking his overstretched supply lines, his support from his barbarian allies, and his native country. Under the leadership of Scipio the Younger, he will lead our legions to Spain and crush Hannibal’s means of supplying his armies here in Italy. I have already recalled four legions from Greece to aid in this effort, and with the new legions, we will be raising in the coming year, Hannibal will have no means to carry out his campaign against the people of Rome and the Republic. He will be trapped here in Italy, too weak to fight, but still too strong for us to meet head-on.”

  “It is cowardice!” Gaius heard one senator yell at the top of his lungs.

  “And it is foolish to send more of our sons out to be slaughtered in meaningless campaigns that will accomplish nothing!” Maximus rebuked. “I will no longer see our brave soldiers used for your political gains, and shortsighted ambitions." Maximus’ words grew harsher as he seemed to be speaking directly to the man who had cried out moments ago and those like him.

  “We are fighting for our very survival. It is this Senate that only a month ago abandoned its post — leaving our people to the vices of our enemies. However, it is the brave officers and men of our legions, such as the Sixth,” Gaius felt a sudden sense of pride that Maximus had just mentioned his men, “that stood upon our city walls, waiting for Hannibal and his army. And while that army never came, I know that they would have stayed and fought to the last man — not for you, senator — not to protect your wealth or even to save this house, but to safeguard their families, this city and its legacy. It is they that I will turn towards — it is they that will carry the Republic out of these dark times, not you, senator, nor even I.”

  The murmurs within the collection of senators seemed to diminish. Some of the men who were most outspoken about Maximus’ new policies glanced nervously towards Gaius and the other standing officers in attendance. Gaius realized that Maximus more than likely wanted them here so that they may hear his words personally, and of course, side with his renewed strategies. If he had the full support of the army, no one would dare to challenge his new doctrine for the Republic.

  “We are at a crossroad, gentlemen. We have stood against the storm — not always united, but still we share the same resolve. Rome will not surrender, not to Hannibal or his ilk, now or ever. I do not promise you a quick victory or that there will not be bloodier battles to come. However, I do promise you victory in the end. And when we have attained that victory, not just over Carthage, but the whole world will know of the power that is Rome and our beloved Republic.”

  Maximus’ last words got the reaction he was hoping for. His supporters, the majority of the Senate stood to their feet and applauded him, cheering his name as if he had already delivered on his promises.

  The Senate cha
mbers would not be quiet for several long and loud minutes, when it finally did Claudia stepped next to Gaius and spoke into his ear.

  “Gaius, the consul would like you to stay. He wishes to speak with you once everyone has left the chambers.”

  Gaius looked at her, seeing her nervousness as she relayed Paullus’ message to him, and nodded his understanding.

  She stepped back as he turned his gaze toward Paullus, who was standing like many of his colleagues, applauding Maximus’ speech, yet his eyes were on Gaius as he stared at him for a long while.

  Sometime later Gaius stood alone near one of the large support columns. The last of the senators, aids and officers had left moments ago, leaving just him and Claudia, who stood in the far corner near the front entrance, and Paullus, who was still seated in his consular chair. He wasn’t looking directly at Gaius, not yet as he seemed to be deep in thought.

  Gaius, despite the uncomfortable silence stood poised waiting for Paullus to say what it was he had to say. When it seemed that Paullus had made his mind up, he stood uncomfortably out of his chair, still aching from his wounds that slowly were healing day-by-day, and started over towards Gaius, who stood taller, at attention, ready for whatever Paullus was going to say to him.

  He could not read Paullus’ face as he neared him, walking with a heavy limp, but still making the effort to look strong. He did not know what to expect or what he might do if Paullus demanded that he should keep Julia and planned to marry her. He would not let that happen. Not now. Not after everything he had lived through. He knew without a doubt that if those were Paullus’ words that he would take her away from Rome — somewhere far from this place beyond the reach of Senate and Hannibal. He just didn’t want it to come to that.

  And then Paullus spoke, not with anger, but still stern and direct.

  “I did not agree to marry Julia because I desired political favor from her father, or to further my own career. I agreed to marry her because I loved her. I always have, since I first laid eyes on her years ago when she was still a child.”

  Gaius wanted to say that he regretted making that comment that was Paullus’ only reason for entering into the agreement in the first place. He hadn’t meant for his words to come out as it had. However, he kept his mouth shut as Paullus continued.

  “I may not have known her as long as you have, but that does not change how I feel about her, Gaius. I have cherished what time I have shared with her, even as little as it has been. And I dream of what life we may yet have left to live, together, as husband and wife.”

  Paullus’ expression changed unexpectedly as his voiced lowered, as he abruptly found that he could no longer look Gaius in the eyes.

  “However, I knew then — I’ve always known that her feelings towards me were not returned. I had hoped that with time, she could see me in the same light as I see her. Even so, I know now that her heart and soul had always been entrusted to another man, a man who not even my wealth, power and influence could stand against.”

  Paullus looked up at Gaius with heavy eyes.

  “I am glad at least that it is you, my friend whom she loves. I do not know of anyone better.”

  Gaius did not know what to say or what he should. He just stood staring at Paullus, seeing that the realizations that he was letting go of someone important to him was perhaps the most difficult thing he ever had to do.

  “I will release Julia of her marriage vows as you asked, and give you my blessings for your union, Gaius.”

  “Thank you,” Gaius replied, which brought only a sad nod from the consul before he turned to leave.

  “Paullus,” Gaius called. Stepping over to him, he stood before Paullus and placed his hand onto the consul’s shoulder, and spoke softly.

  “I am not of noble birth, or do I pretend to understand Roman edict or social standings as much as you, my friend. However, I do understand what it is to hide my feelings for another person, but are not able to express them. I know how much it hurts, how far you would be willing to go to be with that person, even die for them.”

  Paullus looked confused by Gaius’ words, but he listened regardless.

  “Claudia,” Gaius indicated towards her with his eyes. Paullus too looked back at her, who stood quietly watching the two men speak, unknowing that the subject turned toward her.

  “She stayed with you when you were injured — defended you against your captives even at the risk of her own life, and never once while you were unconscious did she leave your side. She did not do this out of servitude or loyalty. She could have left you. She could have been free. Nevertheless, she stayed, no matter the risk. She stayed because of you, because she loves you more than you could possibly know.”

  Paullus looked back and stared at Claudia.

  “But she is a-”

  “A slave,” Gaius finished Paullus’ own words. “My mother was a slave, but that did not change the fact that my father fell madly in love with her. He didn’t care what others would think, or how it might reflex on him. He only needed to know that he loved her, and she him. Everything else, it doesn’t matter.”

  “I…” Paullus struggled to speak, but he hesitated for a moment as he kept his eyes on Claudia, seemly seeing her in a new light. “I did not know this.”

  “We seldom do, until it is pointed out to us. Build your farm, my friend, and be happy. This is your life. Live it as you want to — with whom you want.”

  Gaius turned and left Paullus alone. He hoped as he left that some good would come from this war for Paullus. That he would heed his advice and forgo all judgments of other and follow his heart. He deserved at least that much — a real chance to share his life with another that cared for him as considerably as he loved Julia.

  When Gaius turned back one last time, he saw that Paullus was now standing with Claudia, speaking with her, not as a master but just as a man speaking to a woman as he held her hand. A small tear ran down her cheek as she listened to him with a warm smile. Gaius didn’t stay longer to see what happened next. He didn’t have to as her smile was all he needed to know.

  He had what he wanted. He had Julia for himself. No rules, status, obligations or family could stand in their way now, save for one thing — his duty to Rome.


  There was a bitter chill in the air. Fall was coming quickly, but Gaius didn’t mind, not one bit. He stood on a balcony looking out across Rome. The moon hung high overhead and the gentle breeze. For the first time in a long time, he felt comfortable with this city. Nothing grand happened since his return. Hannibal was still out there somewhere, and Maximus’ propositions were in its early stages. However, he was perfectly content.

  Gaius smiled as he felt Julia’s arms wrap around his bare chest as she stood behind him, kissing him on his shoulders as she pressed her naked body up against his.

  He returned her kiss as he placed his hands over hers and caressed them.

  It had been several days now since Gaius had spoken with Paullus. The consul had been true to his words and had already released Julia of her marriage vows. She was his now, finally and there was nothing or anyone who could stand between them.

  “What vexes you so that you leave the warmth of our bed?” Julia asked as she rested her head between his shoulders.

  “Tomorrow I will leave for Spain,” Gaius answered.

  “You worry about the deployment then?” she asked.

  He turned and faced her, making sure that he kept her close to him, in his arms.

  “I worry about leaving you. After so long, we have nothing to hide from — the chance to finally,” Gaius paused as he thought about what a future with, he would be like. He hadn’t gotten very far in his daydreams, which he had always believed were just fantasy. “I don’t know really. I don’t want to leave you here alone, again.”

  “I have waited this long to be with you, Gaius. I can wait longer if I have to."

  “It could be years. There is still much that needs to be done before we can b
e sure Rome is safe, no less actually winning this war. I’m afraid what might happen in that time, that I may not — ”

  She placed her index finger over his lips, politely asking him to be still.

  “What may come may come. We can’t dwell over what we cannot control.”

  “But I could control it. I could ask to remain behind and help Rome in some other capacity. The Fifteen Legion will be left behind to protect the city. I could take a post with them.”

  Julia smiled as she shook her head.

  “I love you more.”

  Julia placed her hand over Gaius’ heart and stared up at him.

  “Perhaps so, but we both know it isn’t the same. Out there, beyond our borders lies your destiny, and you need to see it through to the end. I will always be right here waiting for you to return.”

  “But I may not return at all,” Gaius added as he lowered his head.

  “Then, if we can’t be together in this life, then the next. It will change nothing.”

  Julia buried her head into his chest, wrapping her arms around him as she held onto him tightly.

  “Just never forget what you have to live for,” she whispered. “You will come back to me. I know it.”



  Mago had been on a long journey since last he spoke with his brother. He had spent a short time in Italy just before Cannae where Hannibal had crushed the consular army of a hundred thousand men. It was one of the proudest moments in Mago’s life seeing so many Roman’s dead. However, soon after, as Hannibal’s staff urged him to march on Rome and take the city, he had refused — failing to cease his great victory.

  Hannibal then sent Mago back to Carthage to request more men, so that he may finish the war in Italy and bring Rome’s walls crashing down.


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