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Under His Command

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by Sophie Luna

  Under His Command

  Sophie Luna

  Copyright 2015 Sophie Luna

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. The characters and stories are all fictional and any resemblance to real life individuals is purely coincidental. In addition, this is a story of adult content. Inside, this story is filled with naughty nasty acts between consenting, legal aged adults.

  If this is what you are searching for, then go on in. The water is fine!

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  EMMA SHIVERED as she passed by the security guard. It was a cool October night but more than the nippy wind, Emma shivered from the outer wrought iron gates of Club Roux. Hidden off the main street by the gates and high bushes, the plain brick building was hard to see, especially at night. Emma wondered how many people walked down the same sidewalk she had just walked off of without realizing they were passing by one of the most notorious BDSM clubs in all of San Diego.

  With a little squeal, Penny danced in place as she waited for the line of club members to file in, her auburn ponytail bouncing in the wind. She turned and gave Emma’s cold hand a quick squeeze. With a genuine smile, she said, “Thank you so much for coming with me! I really needed this!”

  Emma wrapped her coat around a little tighter and squeezed back. “Of course! Tonight we are going to stomp on Kyle’s memory!” Penny, having just broken up with her boyfriend of two very rocky years, was ready to hit the town and mingle. But she felt nervous and awkward entering the market after two years of domestic lockaway. Begging, she asked Emma to accompany her to her favorite club from before she had become a taken woman--Club Roux.

  Never having been to a BDSM club, Emma felt more than a little queasy at the thought of throwing herself into such a dark corner of the sexual spectrum but she saw how valiantly Penny was trying to pick up the pieces of her life, post breakup. How could she say no?

  As they neared the entrance, Penny pulled out her membership card and signed Emma in as her guest. A girl in a furry pink bikini asked for their coats. Emma reluctantly handed hers over. She had let Penny dress her after Emma had come out wearing a turtleneck tank and mini skirt. “There’s no way they’d let you in like that! ” Penny howled as she snorted and snickered at her outfit. Trying not to be too miffed about her friend’s insensitive reaction, Emma let Penny squeeze her into a pleather mini and a tiny black bikini top. Feeling absolutely exposed, Emma grabbed a sheer gauzy blank tank and threw it over herself. Penny, recognizing a losing battle when she saw one, just sighed and nodded her approval.

  Entering the lobby, Emma could immediately feel the heat of the club. The lights were dim and the walls were papered in a dark, rich red that seem to pulse in the haze of the club. A calm steady beat of music was echoing through the walls and deep into an intimate part of Emma’s body. Shaking her head to regain focus, Emma tried not to let her mouth fall open as she looked around the sheer richness and luxury of the club that the plain outer brick exterior belied.

  Behind her, Emma heard a soft giggle. A slight man with blonde hair in only a leather harness and a loincloth gave her sympathetic look. “Sensory overload?” he asked understandingly.

  Emma wondered if her blush could be seen in the darkness of the club. She gave a shy nod. The man smiled. “Don’t worry. We’re all like that in the beginning. But as soon as you start playing, you’ll forget all about those nerves,” he said as he patted her arm comfortingly.

  Play! Emma almost choked at the thought. No way! She was here simply as moral support for Penny. She’d hardly even been intimate with a man in over a year. There was no way she was now going to throw herself suddenly into whips and chains. Anxiously, she pulled Penny aside before they entered the club. “Penny,” she whispered, “remember—you promised that you wouldn’t leave me!”

  Penny nodded absentmindedly, her eyes already roving greedily over the club scene. Emma could feel the excitement and eagerness buzzing through her friend’s body. The nervous friend that had pleaded for support mere hours ago had disappeared. Penny had been been an active member of Club Roux before her jealous boyfriend forbade her from going anymore. Always the more adventurous one, Penny had regaled Emma with crazy stories of her Club Roux exploits. Suddenly, she began to feel genuinely nervous. If the right kind of man found her friend tonight, Penny might just get too excited to really remember her promise. And where would that leave Emma?

  Quickly, Penny pulled her in past a wide double door entrance into the main club floor. Penny pushed their way to the bar which was at the middle of the floor. Ordering two seven and sevens, Penny looked around, eyes agleam. “Oh my god, the men have gotten so gorgeous while I was away! I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on all this!”

  Emma had to agree. The men and women all seemed to have an aura of confidence in their body and attitude. Although Emma had felt like she was practically naked under the flimsy sheer tank, she soon realized she was the most covered up out of all the women. Penny had worn a sexy black one piece swimsuit that had cut outs leaving very little to the imagination. Well , Emma thought looking around the room, it’s not like it matters anyway . She was here for Penny, even though it was becoming evident that that was less and less a need.

  As they waited for their drinks, various people began to recognize Penny. They came over, exclaiming how much they had missed her. Courteously, Penny would also introduce Emma to these old friends. Emma smiled but felt truly intimidated meeting men in masks and women in nipple clamps. Penny seemed to find it all as normal as Sunday brunch. As a man in a leather vest bid Penny wished her welcome as he strolled away with a slim man on a chain leash, a loud squeal came from their right.

  Penny looked over and gave a loud squeal herself. “Oh my goooooood! ” Penny screamed as she nearly got knocked over by a blonde haired girl in a tight spandex skirt and bra set.

  “Penny! When did you come back!” screamed the blonde.

  “Just tonight! I’m here with—”

  “Oh my god! This is, like, fate ! Master Michael was just asking about you!”

  “ No! Really? Master Mich—”

  “Come ON! You have to say hello to him!” And without any further squealing, the blonde disappeared with Penny into to a distant corner, leaving Emma gaping in shock.

  Taking a few steps forward, Emma could hardly get sight of the blonde or Penny’s trademark red hair. The club was much larger inside than she had imagined and it was teeming with people. Looking around, she saw people tied to large Xs being whipped and others strung up on chains. Did she really want to go wandering in that to find her friend?

  Turning back to the bar, Emma saw the two seven and sevens. Perhaps Penny would just say hello to her friend and come back. A greeting would probably just take a few minutes and Penny would surely then return to the bar. Emma decided that staying at the bar would be the best plan then.

  Having no choice but to stay where she was, Emma took a seat on one of the tall barstools and decided to make the best of the situation and indulge in one of her favorite pastimes--people watching. And boy was she in the right place for that!

  Right across the bar from her was a woman strapped to one of the large Xs. What did Penny call them again? St. Andrew’s crosses? Completely nude, the woman’s breasts were slowly rising and falling in patently clear arousal. But Emma could see also in the widening of the woman’s eyes and sheen of sweat glistening over the her body the added element of fear. And clearly, there was reason
for that. The man standing in front of her, dressed in a leather vest and dark pants, was holding a leather flogger. Tauntingly, he slapped the leather fringe against his thigh in an ominous rhythm.

  Slowly, the man walked closer over to the helpless woman. He leaned in and whispered something to her ear. As he whispered, he was stroking one of the woman’s breasts, flicking his fingers across her taut nipple. Emma didn’t think the woman seemed to be in a mindset where she could understand coherent speech. Suddenly, the man pinched her nipple tightly. The woman’s reaction was electric. Her whole body tightened as her eyes rolled back. Emma was shocked to feel the heat of the pinch as deeply as if it had been her on that cross. Maybe people watching isn’t such a good idea , Emma thought as she took a fortifying sip of her drink.

  As she contemplated whether she should stay at the bar any longer, a sudden crack of a whip broke the air accompanied by a long gusty wail. Completely taken by surprise, Emma jerked around in her stool, elbowing the second glass of seven and seven off the bar. Emma winced as she heard the crash of the glass but couldn’t see the pieces too well in the dim light. Nothing sexier than clumsiness, you big klutz, Emma sighed. Not wanting anyone to cut themselves, Emma slowly slid off her seat and cautiously tried to kneel down without having her skirt ride up over her ass.

  But before she was even halfway down, a pair of strong hands grabbed her by the waist and with surprising ease, lifted her back onto her seat as if she weighed no more than the drink that had spilled. “Whoa, whoa, little one. Let’s be careful here.”

  Emma, now returned to her seat, sat back and looked up at the stranger and felt her breath choke in her throat. He was well over six feet tall. With a light tan and dirty blonde hair, the man seemed to exude an overwhelming presence, only further helped by his muscular physique which his leather vest seemed barely able to cover. So busy was she absorbing this muscled stranger, that she was taken aback to look up and see his dark green eyes examining her intently. Emma felt a blush quickly rise up against her cheeks.

  Taking both of her hands in his much larger, callused ones, he turned hers over. “No cuts? No bleeding?” He gently massaged up and down her arms for any blood and leaving in its wake a sea of goosebumps. Emma shivered and shook her head, finding her voice missing.

  With one more searching look, the stranger nodded then called out to the bartender, notifying him of the accident. A barback was quickly dispensed to clean up the shattered glass and spilled drink.

  Before she knew it, Emma was sitting over a freshly swept floor with an overwhelming gorgeous stranger standing beside her. Leaning one elbow against the bar, the man nodded his head towards the bottles of alcohol stacked neatly behind the mahogany bar. “Let me buy you a replacement. What was it you were drinking?”

  “ and seven,” Emma whispered. She cleared her throat. What was wrong with her? She never reacted this way with a man before. “But it was my friend’s drink. Mine’s ok.”

  The man looked a little surprised and looked around Emma. Finding no one around, he locked eyes with her again. “And where is this friend of yours? I wouldn’t want either of you to go thirsty,” he said, lips twitching. Emma felt a ball of heat blossom in the pit of her stomach. The way he focused his complete attention on her was unnerving and overwhelming.

  “Sh-she went to say hello to a friend,” Emma said, cursing herself for stammering. “She’ll be back soon.” Emma wondered if Penny maybe knew this man. “I’m Emma.” She extended her hand.

  The man looked at her hand and a definite smile slowly spread across his tanned face. Looking back up and pinning her with his gaze, the man enveloped her hand in both of his, rubbing his large rough fingers against her soft palm. “Very nice to meet you, Emma. I’m David. Master David for the submissives,” he said with a marked look and a quiet authority that made Emma question who wouldn’t be considered a submissive next to him.

  “Err...well, I’m not really one of those. I’m just here my friend,” Emma finished lamely. It was hard to speak in front of such a gorgeous man who also happened to still be stroking her hand and completely disregarding her personal space.

  A definite gleam came into David’s eyes. “Not really one of those?” he repeated. With patient ease, David carefully looked Emma over from top to bottom. “Are we sure about that?”

  Feeling her heart race and palms sweat, Emma gulped. Get a grip, girl! Trying to find a modicum of control, she straightened her back and tried crossing her legs. But as she swept her right leg over her left, she felt a smear of wetness on her calf. Reaching down, she touched her leg. She was shocked to see the glistening stain of blood on her fingers, glowing black-red in the dim club lighting.

  The change in David was instantaneous. “You’re hurt,” he said as he flagged down a barback. He grabbed a clean towel, threw it over his shoulder, then without the slightest hesitation, bodily picked up Emma into his arms without any sense of strain.

  “Hey!” Emma exclaimed. Embarrassed and surprised, she tried to pull at her skirt that was most definitely riding up her butt. “Put me down! It’s probably just a little cut!”

  Ignoring her completely, David carried her with ease as he strode through the club. Emma noticed how other club members seemed to automatically give way to this tall and powerful man. Emma had no idea where they were going but David seemed to. Walking towards the rear of the club, there was a secluded section partitioned off with a latticed half wall. There were dark maroon couches lined up against the red fabric walls. Softer music was playing in this part of the club. A man and a woman were cuddling in one corner of the room already.

  David took a seat at the opposite end of the room, furthest from the entrance and sat with Emma on his lap. She could feel through the thin material of her skirt the strong and powerful muscles of David’s thighs. With a growing awareness of the heat blooming inside, Emma immediately tried to scramble off his lap.

  With an amused huff, David kept a tight grip around her waist, making Emma feel like she was fighting against a brick wall. Emma tried pulling at his wrist but she might as well have tried pulling out a tree trunk with her bare hands. But still she yanked and pulled. With an aggrieved sigh, David put a finger on her chin and lifted her face to him. With a bottomless gaze that held power and depth, he said in a voice of authority, “Be still.” Emma stilled.

  Still holding her chin, Emma felt David’s gaze search her face. This intimacy of such deep probing made her feel uncomfortable. And there was something else. A quiet power that seemed to just constantly exude from him that felt like was answering a hidden unknown part of her. The way he had simply picked her up like a doll and held her in place all seemed to echo a deep warmth within her. Unable to withstand the sheer force of the man, Emma lowered her gaze. With an amused voice, Emma felt David’s breath against her temple as he murmured, “‘Not really one of those’, eh?”

  But before she could think of any kind of response, David grabbed the towel off his shoulder and gently turned her right calf to the light. It was a cut about four inches long but shallow. The bleeding had already mostly stopped. A piece of the shattered glass must have bounced and cut her leg without her knowing. With a familiar ease, David wrapped the towel around her calf and pressed with firm pressure. Emma noticed how small her calf looked in this man’s hand. He was easily gripping nearly her entire calf as he kept the pressure against the wound. David’s arm was still around her and the steady strength of it gave her unexpected comfort. All of this was so confusing. She didn’t know who this man was. Yet the way he was so familiar with her and her body was unnerving in its surprising comfort.


  DAVID LOOKED down at the little bit that was on his lap and felt a smile tugging at his lips. She looked so lost and confused that he couldn’t help but pull her in a little tighter. Besides his natural instinct to protect a girl from foolishly cutting herself on a dark dance floor with jagged pieces of broken glass, it was her timid sweetness that
had kept him at the bar. There was a quiet warmth that pulled at him and made him want to explore who she was. When she had stammered her excuse at being found at a BDSM club, David did wonder if perhaps his attentions would be too much for her. But one thorough look was all he needed. Whether she knew it or not, this girl was submissive to the core. And feeling her here on his lap, a soft weight of womanly comfort, David knew it just felt right. He looked down at her soft brown curls and couldn’t help loosening his hold on her waist to brush back those shining locks. The touch made Emma look up at him, those soft blue eyes full of question and subconscious longing. Fate had given David a little help in capturing this little creature. And David was no fool. He didn’t waste such golden opportunities.

  Running a finger down her soft cheek, David locked eyes with Emma. “So, if you’re here only to support a friend, what were you thinking of doing all night?” He could see her gulping and trying to gather her wits together. David smothered a smile. It wasn’t really playing fair. An experienced dominant, gathering her up on his lap, eliminating her personal space, and asking her questions while continuing to establish a physical connection by touching and caressing her. She stood no chance. But from the slow fire of longing starting to burn in her eyes, David knew that this was something Emma wanted, even needed, whether she recognized it yet or not.

  “I...I...” Emma stuttered. He could see her confusion as she crinkled her brow. So she had had no plans. This one really hadn’t known what she was throwing herself into, had she? But seeing her unknowingly lean towards David’s hand against her cheek, he knew he would show her just what she had walked into.

  Gently stroking her lip while never breaking their eye contact, he said, “Have you ever been in a BDSM club, little one?” God, the sweet pink flush of her cheeks was heartbreakingly lovely.


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