Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 5

by Jade Falconer

  Percy nodded slowly. “Yes,” he said solemnly. “Kissing other men.” He watched John worriedly. Even if he wasn't the only one, he doubted John would have encountered other men who shared his leanings.

  John gasped softly. Then he said, “You're having me on, aren't you. I'm not that gullible.” But his expression was unsure.

  Percy sighed. “No. I'm quite serious, dear John. Now I've shocked you, but it's true. Surely you must know of how the Greeks preferred the company of men, and only married to ensure their population."

  John blinked. “I had heard that, yes, but I never, I mean to say, I've never met anyone who..."

  Percy frowned slightly. “Well, perhaps you have and don't know it. But now you certainly have.” He hoped it wouldn't affect John's opinion of him.

  John's eyes were still wide. He stammered, blushing, “Is it just kissing? Or is there more?” He bit his lip. “Forgive me. I should not have asked that. It's your business."

  "If you're revolted at the thought, I shouldn't like to tell you. But if you truly want to know, I will.” If John thought it a sin, he could cause Percy a lot of trouble, though he had no idea how much.

  "I-I'm not revolted,” admitted John. “You're the same person I've come to consider a friend. I'm just surprised, I suppose.” He gazed at Percy intently.

  Percy realized how desperately he wanted to tell someone. “There is more. Much more. Men can be almost as much to each other as a husband and wife, I think. At least, I feel like it's possible.” He wanted to fall in love. He cared for William, and even to some extent for Alastair, but he knew there was more.

  "Truly?” John asked, enthralled. He was leaning closer to Percy without even realizing it. “And do you have someone like that?"

  Percy's delicate brows furrowed. “No. I, well, I suppose you can well imagine that, where there's no difficulty of parentage or chastity, it is more common to enjoy the physical pleasures without a deep and abiding attachment. I hope to have someone like that someday."

  John blushed once again. “I am afraid I am once again most ignorant."

  "There is a double standard for the behavior of gentleman and the behavior of ladies. I'm sure you are aware of this, at least. Your father, for example, would not be cross with you if you got good and foxed and tumbled into bed with a mistress. However, if you had a sister that did the same with a man, she would be shipped off to a convent because she had brought dishonor upon her entire family and all of womankind."

  John nodded. “Indeed. You are right. But I suppose if two men were to tumble into bed, and no one but they were the wiser...” He trailed off, squirming.

  Percy nodded. “Indeed. I have no doubt that, unless one waves one's indiscretions in the face of society, it is barely noticed. And so men may do as they please.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I am grateful that you would allow me this confidence. I have kept it to myself for some time."

  "I would never betray your confidence, Percy,” John breathed. “I am honored that you would trust me so."

  Percy smiled, feeling relieved. He did trust John, but he knew it would be foolish to impart such information to too many. “Thank you. Perhaps we ought to call this night finished and get some rest to tackle the rest of our work another day?” he suggested.

  Nodding, John rose. “I think we work very well together,” he said, still blushing. “We ought to get top marks on this project.” He smiled. “Sleep well, my lord."

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  Chapter Six

  The following evening, after dinner, Percy ventured to the mathematics classroom and tapped lightly on Alastair's door. His heart pounded, and he hoped the professor would not be angered at his showing up unannounced. Just being there at all, knowing what he was there for, had him half aroused.

  Alastair answered the door, tie undone and nearly empty whiskey glass in hand. His eyes darkened as he looked at Percy. “Well, hello, my lord. I must admit I was just thinking of you.” His voice was low and rough.

  Percy was instantly hard as a rock. Alastair looked debauched and sexy and perfect. “I was hoping you might have some time for me this evening, Professor,” he said, slipping inside the door. He was already starting to breathe more quickly with the anticipation.

  The older man closed and locked the door, leaning back against it for a long moment. “I might just be able to fit you in,” he growled, setting his glass aside and pulling Percy hard against him. Then he captured his mouth in a torrid kiss. Percy hadn't expected so enthusiastic a greeting, but it appealed to every part of him. He let Alastair grab him roughly. He softened into the kiss. He yielded to the older man completely.

  Alastair pressed Percy up against the desk, their bodies rubbing together. His hands groped Percy's slender body roughly, and desperately. Percy moaned into Alastair's mouth, opening for him. His hands held onto broad shoulders and he squirmed against him, feeling the heat and hardness through the other man's clothes.

  Alastair began nearly ripping Percy's clothes off, kissing him all the while. He didn't speak much, but it was clear what he craved. Percy struggled to help him, mostly to rescue his own clothing. He tugged off his jacket and necktie and shirt as quickly as he could manage. He panted hard, and the work of moments saw him standing naked, still pressed between the desk and Alastair's hard body. “Shall I t-turn around?” he half-stuttered, half-moaned.

  Alastair hesitated, then said firmly, “No.” With one arm he cleared what few items were on the desk, and he said, “Lie back. I want to see your face.” He began to unfasten his trousers.

  Percy's eyes widened. He wasn't sure what Alastair intended, but he knew he couldn't refuse him. He lay back on the desk, leaning up on his elbows, watching him closely. “I-I've never done it this way before,” he said quietly.

  The older man took a moment to regard the pretty young man on his desk. “All the more reason to do it now,” he panted. He pulled out the oil and began to slick his cock.

  Percy pulled up his knees, putting his heels on the edge of the desk. He was completely exposed like this, and he felt more naked than he ever had before. He watched the other man, trying to control his ragged breathing. It seemed almost sentimental the way he'd said he wanted to see Percy's face. Alastair was quite an enigma.

  Again, Alastair just looked at him for a long moment, slick hard cock in his hand. He moved forward slowly, eyes locked with Percy's. “Do you want this?” he asked, almost growling.

  Percy drew in a shaky breath. “Yes. Please, Alastair,” he said meekly. He was starting to understand him in part, at least he thought so. Alastair showed his desperation by being dominant and demanding. The other man seemed to crave his submission as much as his body, and Percy was happy to give it.

  Positioning himself, Alastair leaned over Percy and pressed the head of his cock against his exposed entrance. He looked into the younger man's eyes as he began to slide inside him. He made no sound but his mouth dropped open in a silent moan. Percy whimpered loudly and his legs wrapped around Alastair's waist. He struggled for calm as he bore down, accepting the other man easily inside him. Staring into Alastair's eyes was certainly different. He searched them, looking for any flicker of emotion. Alastair went slowly but inexorably, pressing inside Percy. He stared into the younger man's eyes the whole time.

  Percy stretched his arms up over his head, letting them dangle off the edge of the desk. He inhaled sharply and tensed for a moment as Alastair's cock slid across that spot that made him lose his mind completely, letting out a breathy whimper. Now Alastair groaned, making more noise than he usually did, entering Percy and then pulling out slowly.

  Percy felt the sound like a caress. Every reaction from the other man was precious to him. He moaned as well, letting Alastair see everything he was feeling, every emotion and sensation. The older man sped up, eyes rolling back in his head as he thrust deeper into Percy. “How do you like it this way, Percy?” he asked, his voice strained from the effort to speak clearly.

/>   Percy whimpered again as Alastair's cock stimulated his sensitized body. “Ohh I, yes, fuck, Alastair...” Stringing together something coherent was proving too difficult as he took everything the other man had to give.

  Alastair held Percy with one hand on his shoulder and one on his hip, and now he was slamming into him. The desk rocked with his thrusts. “Do you want to come, boy?” he growled, looking as unrestrained as he ever had.

  Percy nodded, moaning almost constantly. He wanted to come, and the way Alastair asked was almost enough to do it.

  "Then ask,” the older man demanded, pounding into Percy brutally.

  "P-please, Alastair, can I come?” he asked, his voice small and breathy. He was trembling now, the strain of holding back making him choke back a sob.

  Alastair let out a strangled moan at that, the loudest he'd ever done, and he was trembling himself. He thrust faster, and bent to kiss Percy desperately.

  Percy's cries were silenced by Alastair's mouth as he came hard without his cock ever being touched. A shudder ran through him as he pulsed over his own belly. Alastair followed almost immediately, pulling back to gasp Percy's name softly as he filled him.

  Percy gasped at the look in Alastair's eyes. Sometimes he almost felt that his stern professor had tender feelings for him other than lust. Moments like these, which he knew must be exceptional, since he'd never looked a man in the eyes as he climaxed. He swallowed hard, his mouth gone dry.

  Alastair didn't move for long moments, but just stared into Percy's eyes. Then he seemed to come back to his senses, and he pulled out gently. He straightened, holding his hand out to the younger man to help him up. Percy accepted Alastair's hand and slowly stood. His legs felt weak, and he leaned forward, sliding his arms around the newly stoic professor, resting his cheek against his shoulder. “Do you like it better that way?” he asked quietly.

  Alastair held Percy stiffly, but he didn't pull away. “Sometimes, different can be good,” he admitted gruffly. He buried his nose in Percy's hair and breathed deeply, then murmured, “You should go."

  Percy sighed. Alastair was no gentle lover eager to pet and praise him. He only wanted one thing, and he'd gotten it for the evening. “Right, sorry,” he said, pulling away. He turned from the other man as he started to gather up his clothing.

  "Wait,” Alastair said abruptly, stepping closer behind Percy. His voice was strained.

  Percy straightened but didn't turn around, he glanced over his shoulder. “Yes?” he asked.

  "I...” The older man hesitated. “I'm glad you, that we...” He seemed at a loss for words, and finally said softly, “Thank you."

  Percy frowned slightly as he stepped into his trousers and pulled them up. “Thank you?” he said, confused about the statement. He tugged his shirt on and started buttoning it. “It's not as though I was doing you a favor,” he said, turning towards Alastair, arching an eyebrow.

  Alastair frowned. “I didn't mean it that way,” he said softly.

  Percy pulled on his shirt and started buttoning it. He was unsure, though it seemed as though Alastair was trying to say more. He looked up at him again, then made a decision to let it go. Perhaps there were things that could be said without words. He reached up and touched the other man's face again with his fingertips. “Same time tomorrow?” he asked quietly.

  Alastair nodded, looking relieved. “You know where to find me ... Percy.” He gazed back at him.

  Percy smiled at him then. He leaned in and kissed him sweetly on the lips before turning to finish getting dressed. As he finally slipped into his shoes, he went to the door with a final glance back. “Good night, Alastair.” Then he slipped off, a smile still on his lips.

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  Chapter Seven

  Time passed quickly at school. After years of little to do at home, Percy found he quite enjoyed the constant activity. He visited Alastair often, when he wasn't working on his studies. The professor showed no more emotion than he already had, but it seemed as if an unspoken agreement had been reached. Percy never prevailed upon Alastair for special favors. If anything, he worked all the harder on his mathematical theory assignments, if only to prove to himself that he earned the good marks he received.

  As Christmastime approached, a fortnight of listening to other students’ papers in history only increased Percy's confidence in his work with John. He felt that when the time came to present their work, it would outshine most, if not all. He found that, while John had perhaps contributed more to the brilliance of the paper, Percy was better suited to actually speaking before their classmates. His friend was extremely grateful to hand over the task, and Percy was glad that he could do it.

  It was a resounding success, as he'd known it would be, and as it was a Friday evening, he suggested they make a trip into town to celebrate. He had recently been granted guest membership at his father's gentleman's club in London, and he dragged John there for a decent meal and a few drinks.

  It didn't take long for John to become tipsy. He'd never had a chance to imbibe much alcohol, and he was obviously very impressed with the surroundings. He spent most of the evening grinning happily at Percy. “This is very good of you, Perce. I can't thank you enough."

  Percy grinned magnanimously. “Think nothing of it, John. This is a gentleman's club, and you are most certainly a gentleman.” He downed the rest of his third glass of single malt scotch, feeling no pain. “But it is getting rather late now. I suppose we should head back, yes?"

  John sighed, glancing around. “Pity. I could get accustomed to this. I had heard my grandfather talk of this club, but I thought he was exaggerating."

  Percy realized John's father likely couldn't afford a membership, but he knew that his friend would fare all right financially as soon as he married. He wanted to introduce him to the things in life he should be able to enjoy. “I think we need a bottle to take with us. Just in case we get thirssssty along the way. What are your thoughts, my lord?” he asked with a wink.

  John chuckled. “My thoughts are not to be trusted at the moment, my lord. But it sounds like an excellent idea regardless.” He swayed to his feet.

  Percy waived the maitre d’ over and requested a nice bottle of after dinner port for the journey home, and a cab to take them there. In a few moments they were weaving their way down the stairs to the door and a carriage awaited them. Percy gave directions back to the school and they headed off.

  He lounged back against the cushioned seat. “Are you going home for Christmas, John?” he asked, slurring slightly, and leaning on the other young man's shoulder.

  John shrugged. “Hadn't really thought about it. I suppose I must. Nowhere else to go, really. School is deadly boring during the hols."

  Percy uncorked the bottle he'd brought along from the club and took a swig, handing it over to John. “I would invite you back to Scotland with me, but my house is haunted,” he said with a sigh.

  John had been in the middle of taking a drink when Percy's statement sunk in. He barely kept from spraying the expensive liquor over the carriage's interior, then he gasped. “Perce! You really mustn't say things like that, I'll choke!"

  Percy smiled. He was growing exceptionally fond of his nickname, having never had a real friend before. “Oh, it's completely true. The fourteenth Earl of Elgin is supposedly vigilantly warning us of the family curse, which no one has seen fit to explain to me. I haven't seen him, but all the servants swear that he's real."

  "A family curse? Bloody hell, man. How exciting!” John beamed at Percy now, swaying back and forth alarmingly. “I'd love to see a ghost."

  Percy put his hand on John's shoulder to steady him as the coach rumbled quickly across the cobbled streets towards the university. “Yes, well, they don't actually come out just when you'd like them to, unfortunately. Lived there for eighteen years and never saw the bugger."

  "Still sounds brilliant,” John mumbled, leaning closer to Percy. He smiled drunkenly at the other man.

; The carriage pulled up to the dormitory building and Percy stumbled out, nearly dropping the bottle, but saving it just in time. He handed the driver some gold and held out his hand for John. “We're here,” he said, grinning.

  John leaned on Percy and let him guide him. He leaned closer yet, reaching for the bottle, stumbling against Percy. He put his arm around John's shoulders and steered him into the building. “Perhaps you should come to my room until you dry out . Wouldn't want your roommate to complain,” he said. He headed for his own room, pulling John along with him.

  John tried to bow and failed, then laughed. “P'raps that's not a bad idea,” he said, following Percy.

  Percy giggled as they climbed the stairs, “shh-ing” John as they went. He got his door open and guided John inside before closing the door as quietly as he could. He laughed again and flopped back on the bed, holding the bottle up so it wouldn't spill. “Much better.” He patted the mattress beside him. John flopped next to Percy, reaching across him for the bottle. He stayed leaning on him as he drank.

  Percy watched him closely. It was such a cozy scene, and John was so dear to him. He was attractive in a shy sort of way. There was something very sweet about John. “Don't drink too much. Don’ want you to get ill,” he said quietly.

  "Never get ill,” John protested, leaning against his friend. “Never.” He looked at Percy from inches away. “What's it like?"

  "Getting ill? S'awful. I wouldn't recommend it, mate,” he said, taking the bottle back and taking a swig.

  "No, no, no...” John insisted. “Kissing another bloke. Well. Kissing at all, really."

  Percy's eyes widened . “Oh. Well.” He frowned, trying to focus. “Kissing is the most fun you can have without taking off your clothes, most definitely. It's so intimate and exciting. Have you really never kissed anyone, John?"

  John looked down. “No. There's no need to laugh. I know I'm pathetic."

  Percy wasn't laughing, though. “Not pathetic. Just innocent.” He smiled and brushed a lock of hair out of John's eyes. “Don't worry. You'll have so many pretty girls to kiss your lips will be tired."


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