Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 6

by Jade Falconer

  John pouted. “What if I don't want to wait?” he asked.

  Percy wasn't quite sure what John was saying. “I suppose you'll just have to kiss someone, then, won't you?” He looked at him, confused.

  "Exactly,” John said, and leaned forward and pressed his lips awkwardly to Percy's.

  Percy let out a surprised whimper as John's warm, soft lips met his own. His eyes drifted closed automatically. He leaned up, kissing back gently, sweetly. He was John's first kiss, he realized. He wanted it to be good for his friend. He reached up and cupped John's cheek, stroking with his thumb. John groaned, pressing forward eagerly, hand sliding up Percy's arm.

  Percy wasn't sure what to do. John was drunk. Perhaps he would regret this. But then Percy was drunk, too, and a drugging feeling of lust throbbed steadily through his body. He parted his lips, forgetting the moral dilemma for the moment, and moved his tongue against John's lips. With a small surprised whimper John parted his lips, wriggling closer to Percy.

  When John responded, Percy slid inside his hot, wet mouth. He stroked gently against his tongue, sliding his fingers into John's soft hair. He didn't want to push, but he figured he should get a good clear picture of how nice kissing could be. John groaned now, drinking in Percy's touches as if starved for them. They were all entangled, and he rolled on top of Percy, straddling his leg.

  Percy gasped when he felt John's hard cock pressing against him through layers of fabric. He had never sensed anything from the other young man, but there was no mistaking this. His hand traveled lightly down John's back, petting encouragingly, but not too overtly. John clung to Percy, kissing him with little finesse but decided enthusiasm. He finally pulled back, flushed and smiling shyly. “I like kissing,” he said softly, gazing into Percy's eyes.

  Percy couldn't help but smile at that. “It's brilliant, isn't it?” he asked quietly. He was in his room with his friend half-sprawled on top of him, hard and innocent. He wasn't sure what to do next. “Hopefully you'll like it as well in the morning."

  John lowered his eyes. “Thanks for, I mean, I'm sure you didn't really want to kiss me after all, and I just..."

  Percy put his fingertips on John's chin and turned his face up to look into his eyes. “Why on earth would you think I wouldn't want to kiss you, John?"

  John shrugged. “I'm nothing special,” he said, his words still slurred from the alcohol. “I'm sorry I pushed like that, don't know what came over me."

  "You are perfectly lovely. I think perhaps you need a new mirror in your room,” he said, smiling fondly. Of course it was more than John's looks, which were pleasing without being perhaps very stunning. However, his sweet disposition and quick mind were what drew Percy to him. “I'm grateful that you wanted to kiss me, especially for your first experience.” He combed his fingers idly through John's hair in an affectionate gesture.

  Whimpering at the touch, John pressed closer against Percy. “I never thought, I mean, I think girls are pretty but you, you're..."

  "John, love, perhaps you ought to save such revelations for when you're sober,” he said gently. “Believe me, I should like nothing more than to show you a whole new world. But not while your brain is muddled with drink. T'would be unfair of me to take advantage.” He did, however, lean up to press his lips against John's again.

  John groaned and kissed back more firmly this time, wiggling against Percy. Then he stopped, eyes widening, and pulled back with a blush. “Oh, I'm sorry,” he said, scrambling back. “I didn't mean to..."

  Percy whimpered when John pulled away. He was achingly hard now from the completely innocent actions of the other man. “Don't apologize,” he rasped, licking his lips. He reached for John, beckoning him closer again. “That felt nice."

  "But, but I...” He stammered, moving back as if drawn. “I...” He glanced down at his arousal, blushing deep red. “I can't help it..."

  Percy reached for John's hand and then placed it lightly on his own stiff bulge. “You did this to me, too,” he whispered.

  John's eyes widened and he gasped. “Is that, oh...” He moved closer again, panting. “Percy..."

  Percy coaxed John further on top of him, his hand settling on the small of his friend's back. “No one needs to know about tonight,” he said quietly. “Just do what feels good. Don't worry about the repercussions.” He just wanted to feel that lithe body against him, just a little more friction. It wouldn't take much.

  John rocked against Percy, almost involuntarily. “Oh, that feels nice,” he moaned, doing it again. He shifted so that their hard cocks lined up, and he thrust again. His eyes rolled back into his head and he moaned more loudly.

  Percy stroked John's back slowly up and down. “Ohh, John,” he whispered. The other was so gorgeous like this, face suffused with color, delicate lips slack, needy and sweet. He let his hand drift down over John's ass for a moment, not groping exactly. Just touching. John jerked and started to rock more quickly, leaning down to fasten his mouth onto Percy's once again. He kissed him and moaned into his mouth, movements becoming more desperate.

  Percy whimpered, delving deep into John's mouth, grabbing him more forcefully. He was on the brink of coming already, and his knees spread slightly to grip John's thighs. It was delicious and unexpected, and he was just drunk enough to let go and enjoy.

  When John slid between Percy's legs, he broke the kiss, grinding up against the other man more desperately. “Oh, Perce!” he cried out, then shuddered, head thrown back, mouth open.

  Watching John come put him right over, and Percy shivered, gasping, too. John looked so young as the climax broke over him. He felt his own warm stickiness and a goofy smile came over his face as he gradually felt ecstasy fade to bliss. He drew a deep, shaky breath and hummed it out on the exhale.

  John all but collapsed on top of Percy, breathing hard. He buried his face in Percy's neck, still whimpering. Percy smiled and held John securely on top of him. “Mmm, you were utterly breathtaking,” he murmured. He felt strangely privileged to have been John's first sexual experience, and he felt closer to him than ever.

  John wriggled against Percy, then finally raised his head. His face was open and guileless, and he looked confused. “That was, I've never felt anything so..."

  Percy smiled at him. “There is so much more than that, though that was wonderful.” He kissed John's cheek. “You ought to sleep here. There's room. Let's get out of these clothes and get under the covers."

  John blushed. “I'm all sticky,” he said sheepishly, smiling . He rolled off of Percy. “I hope I didn't crush you."

  Percy laughed quietly. “No. You didn't crush me, love.” He sat up and started peeling off his clothes. He dipped a washcloth in the basin and handed it over to John. The room was chilly, so his movements were quick. After cleaning himself off, he sat on the edge of the bed in just his soft linen shirt and stockings, which he rolled down his legs.

  John stole shy looks at Percy as he undressed, and he finally managed to get his shirt off and trousers unfastened.

  Percy wriggled under the blankets as quickly as he could manage, leaving as much room for John as he could. He leaned over to blow out the candle beside the bed. “Are you all right?” he asked once they were both safely tucked in.

  "Yes,” John whispered back, though he sounded a bit unsure. “Perce, I...” He gazed at him in the near dark, seeming to gain courage from it. “That was brilliant. Did you like it?"

  Percy smiled, not looking over at him. He reached over under the blankets and slid his fingers into John's hand. He gave his hand a little squeeze. “Yes. It was amazing, John.” He turned his head to look into the other's eyes. “Come closer?” he asked. John's charming naiveté and his gentle nature was something that Percy craved suddenly, a sharp contrast to his gruff, but passionate older lover.

  John wiggled closer, pressing lightly against Percy. “Like this?” he asked breathlessly.

  Percy moved so that his arm was under John's head, pulling him closer. “Is that com
fortable?” he asked. He felt a warm affection for the other young man. He wanted to comfort and reassure him. For the first time he felt like the expert, rather than the student.

  "Yes,” John answered, eyelids already drooping. “Night, Perce. Was nice...” Then he was snoring softly.

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  Chapter Eight

  A week later, Percy sat through the final mathematical theory class before the holiday break. The lecture was short and they were dismissed early, but he lingered. When most people had left in their haste to be on their way back home, Percy approached Alastair.

  "Excuse me, Professor?” he said quietly. It was all pretense now, and they both understood that. Alastair had to know he would be there, and Percy didn't disappoint.

  Alastair looked up from his desk. “Yes?” he said, gaze flicking to the last students filtering out.

  Percy licked his lips. “I wonder if I mightn't trouble you for a private word about our semester grades?” he asked, mostly for the benefit of the few students left clamoring for the exit.

  "Of course,” the professor said smoothly, and stood up. “Would you care to come to my office?” He dropped his voice low, a smirk playing about his lips.

  Percy's eyes widened when he saw the considerable bulge in Alastair's trousers. “Yes, thank you,” he said hoarsely. He preceded the other man in, head held high, though his heart pounded and he was similarly aroused.

  Alastair locked the door securely behind them, and lowered the blind. Then he stepped behind Percy, pulling the smaller man against him firmly. “It's been too long,” he growled in his ear.

  Percy swallowed hard. “There were a lot of end of term papers to be done. Like the one you assigned, you slave driver,” he said, smirking as he leaned back against him.

  "And if I thought you were slacking off, thinking you'd get special treatment from me, we wouldn't be doing this now,” Alastair agreed. His hand snaked around to roughly grope Percy's hard cock. “I could think of a certain kind of special treatment I'd like to give you, however..."

  Percy's head fell back against Alastair's shoulder with a moan. “Oh, wait. I have something for you,” he said. He straightened up and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a small parcel wrapped in painted paper and tied with a ribbon. “For Christmas,” he said, half-turning to hand it to the other man.

  Alastair was silent for a long moment after he took it. “I'm afraid I didn't get you anything,” he said softly.

  Percy smiled. “That's all right. I don't need any more trinkets.” He turned and leaned back against the desk, watching him with a smile. “Will you open it now, so I can see?” he asked.

  "Of course.” Alastair carefully unwrapped the small package, and pulled out a gold pocket watch and held it up. “This is beautiful, Percy. And much too extravagant."

  "Nonsense,” he said, stepping forward to place a kiss on Alastair's cheek. “It suits you perfectly. I am pleased that you like it.” He smiled at him, feeling both pleased to have surprised him, and wistful that they would be apart for the better part of a month.

  "I do like it,” Alastair said softly. “I shall think of you every time I look at it. Thank you.” He ran his hand through Percy's hair, pulling out the tie so it tumbled loose.

  Percy made a low purring sound, his eyes drifting half-closed when Alastair touched his hair. “I didn't mean to interrupt what you were doing. Please carry on,” he whispered.

  Alastair raised an eyebrow. “You mean you wish me to go on ravishing you?” he asked.

  Percy slid his arms around Alastair's neck and he pressed his hips forward, rubbing against him slowly. For a moment he thought of John, but pushed it away. “Yes, I would like that. Wouldn't you?” he purred.

  "I think you can tell how much I'd like it,” Alastair answered. He pressed Percy back against the desk but then hesitated. “Would you like to come to my rooms instead? A real bed?"

  Percy's eyes widened. He looked around the office and realized he had never pictured what Alastair's actual home looked like. He gazed into the older man's eyes. “I don't have to be anywhere until tomorrow when the carriage comes for me. I could stay all night if you like. I'm sure half the school will be carousing all night tonight and no one will pay any attention.” He hoped that was what Alastair had in mind.

  Alastair nodded. “Perhaps then, we should wait. Come here after dinner? Then we can take our time.” He ran his fingers down the front of Percy's shirt.

  Percy sighed. “Yes, I suppose that would be better planned. Such a long time, though. Can I have a kiss, then?” he asked, tilting his face up in offering.

  Alastair smirked and relented, pulling Percy in by his hair to deliver a deep, promising kiss. When he pulled back, he breathed, “I'll be hard all day thinking of you."

  Percy whimpered. “So shall I,” he said softly. “Until this evening, Professor,” he said. He pulled away, slipping out of the office without looking back.

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  Chapter Nine

  The rest of the day went by mercifully fast. His final classes before the break were all more like well wishing parties, and finally he made his way to the dining hall. He spotted John and waved to him. John motioned him over, and he slid into the seat beside him. He was glad that his friend hadn't been upset about the other night. Things had been normal between them again, though they had no other classes together.

  "Good evening, All packed?” he asked, unfolding his napkin.

  John nodded. “Though I must say I don't look forward to going home. Deadly boring there. No ghosts."

  "Well, it's not for long. Perhaps next Christmas you can come home with me. Although honestly, it's not nearly as exciting as it sounds.” He poured himself a cup of tea and had a sip.

  "Oh, I think it might be quite fun, actually,” John answered, biting his lip and looking down at his food with a faint blush.

  Percy grinned at that. “Well, yes. I quite see your point now.” He surreptitiously bumped John's shoulder. “I intend to ask my father if I may use the townhouse for part of the summer. Perhaps you can stay with me for a while there?"

  John's eyes widened. “I'd like that,” he said, looking around nervously. He shifted, still blushing. “Would you?"

  Percy arched an eyebrow. “Do you really think I would invite you if I didn't think I would enjoy it, John? You really must get over this inferiority complex of yours.” He gave him a wink while no one was looking. “But there's an entire term left for me to prove it to you,” he added, lowering his voice.

  John's breath caught. “Right now I really wish it was summer already,” he whispered.

  Percy found John completely charming. He didn't want to embarrass him further, so he kept silent on the subject and spoke of their classes and families. Percy, however, could hardly wait for dinner to end. He wished John a safe and happy journey, promised to write to him over Christmas, and then headed back to the mathematics classroom.

  Alastair was waiting for him. He didn't hesitate, but pulled on his coat to lead him to his rooms. Percy felt especially excited about it. Seeing where someone lived said a lot about them. He couldn't imagine what Alastair's rooms would look like. What sort of books would he have? He followed him closely, trying not to appear too excited.

  It was already dark, and people were hustling back and forth, paying no mind to Alastair and Percy. He led Percy to a small cottage on the edge of the campus. He opened the door—a fire had already been laid and was crackling merrily.

  Percy looked around curiously. The walls were lined with bookshelves. The furniture looked of a high quality, but well used. But he could spot no personal items, no portraits or miniatures, no figurines or decoration. He stepped inside, warming himself by the fire. “So this is where you live? Just during the school year? Or all year ‘round?” he asked.

  Alastair hung up their coats. “I've a small flat in the city,” he said. “I go there sometimes on holidays. But I prefer it here.�
�� He turned to Percy. “Would you like some tea?"

  Percy shook his head slowly. “No. Just you,” he said quietly. He didn't want things to be awkward. He wanted to enjoy the short time they had tonight, alone all night. He took a step closer to him. “I want to see your bed,” he added quietly.

  Alastair smiled, stepping closer. “Then come with me, anxious boy.” He held out his hand to Percy.

  Percy took Alastair's hand and let him lead him to the other room. The bed was not exceptionally large, but neither was it small. He tugged Alastair close by the hand and slid his arms around his neck. “A real bed to be ravaged in. I'll be quite spoiled for your desk now, I fear,” he said, smiling.

  "Ah, but you cannot deny the desk has its charms as well,” Alastair said, hands roaming over Percy's body. “So very naughty. But now I think you are wearing too many clothes."

  Percy released him to take half a step back. He shrugged off his coat and draped it over a chair. He untied his neck cloth and started to unbutton his shirt. “The desk certainly holds emotional significance. I can't deny that. It shall forever be the first place you took me."

  Alastair watched avidly. “Take your time. We have all night. I wish to savor.” He sat on the bed, eyes glued to Percy's pale skin as it was bared. “You're beautiful,” he sighed.

  Percy slipped off his shoes and let the thin linen of his shirt hang off his shoulders. He unbuttoned his trousers slowly. “Slow is a new approach for us,” he said, smirking . “Do I get to talk as well this time?” he asked.

  "I don't bloody well think I can stop you, most of the time,” Alastair remarked, but his voice was full of need as he watched.

  "Sadly, neither can I stop myself most times.” He peeled the soft wool fabric down over his hips. He sighed exaggeratedly as he finally stripped off the last vestiges of his attire and stood before Alastair completely naked. “Do you find it irritating?” he asked, tilting his head to one side.


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