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Once in a Lifetime

Page 14

by Jade Falconer

  Alastair was clearly taken aback. “Your father's lover? A curse? Perhaps you'd better explain."

  "Well,” Percy said, thinking of the best way to proceed. “My family has a curse, supposedly, which is why the ghost is haunting us. I believe it is my great, great-grandfather. I think. Anyway, no one would tell me the substance of this curse, though the servants spoke of it occasionally. There was a man at my father's funeral, and I was left to be his sole companion during much of the time we spent there. As it turned out, there are two aspects of the Elgin line. First, that each generation is only capable of producing one male heir that lives to the fullness of manhood, and that we are all, invariably, poufs.” He smirked. “Which would explain the paucity of heir material, I suppose."

  Alastair blinked at all the information. “I had no idea,” he said thoughtfully. “I had heard that these things run in families, but it's not as if these things are discussed freely."

  "No indeed. Although as the most recent heir, you think someone might have given me an inkling, no?” he said, arching an eyebrow. “But no matter. It explained quite a lot. Alan was quite lovely. And quite heartbroken. I felt rather cold at not being more upset."

  Alastair nodded. “Have you actually seen the ghost?” he asked curiously.

  "No. Although he seems more inclined to harass an Earl who is either being remiss in his duty, or is flaunting his perversions.” Percy blushed slightly. “I suppose I escaped his wrath because I was not yet the Earl?” He had certainly indulged in ample perversions, or at least as many as possible.

  "Perversions,” Alastair spat with obvious distaste. He was visibly angry. “The Earls obviously did their duty, as the line continues. Why begrudge them a bit of happiness?"

  Percy was shocked at Alastair's reaction. “I couldn't say. I have not seen him. However, I believe it is one of the things that kept my father so often away from the castle."

  Alastair nodded. “So it seems then that at least your father did find a measure of happiness.” He paused. “But what of your mother? It can't have been a nice life for her."

  Percy frowned. “No. Indeed it was not,” he said quietly. It was a sore subject, especially lately, having just seen her. “She took her own life when I was ten. I believe that she did love him, too."

  Alastair nodded. “I am sorry,” he said, holding him close.

  Just the fact that Alastair wanted to hear about it made Percy feel better. “I swear I shall not do that to another woman,” he said quietly. “I shall not make another woman miserable for her life long the way my mother had been miserable."

  "But you will have to produce an heir,” Alastair pointed out. “What will you do?"

  "I must find a lady who is in no danger of falling in love with me,” he said simply. “I don't know how I shall do that, but that is clearly the task before me."

  Alastair looked at Percy for a long moment. “I believe you can do whatever you set out to do,” he finally said.

  Percy thought if Alastair ever had an opportunity to say he was loveable, that was it. Still, he thought he would push harder. “Perhaps it shall be a simple thing, then, hm?"

  Alastair smirked. “To find someone who would not fall for your charms? I think it may not be so easy."

  He pursed his lips. “Oh yes. I'm sure it will be a trial for me.” Alastair's tone was slightly sarcastic and he felt childish at his attempt to fish for compliments. “I've all manner of people throwing themselves at my feet daily.” He didn't quite turn away, but he thought about it.

  Alastair's expression darkened. “Do you? They'll have to go through me, then,” he growled.

  Percy frowned. “You'll be pleased to know that I don't. The only person even remotely interested in me is you, so there's no need to get possessive.” Though Alastair's reaction was somewhat gratifying, he was still vaguely cross with the conversation. He felt as if he'd maneuvered himself into a corner somehow.

  "I don't believe that. I know that you've had other lovers,” Alastair said tightly. He ran his hand down Percy's body. “But not now, I sincerely hope."

  Alastair's tone of voice, the idea that he was jealous, was more gratifying to Percy than he thought it really should have been. He was grasping for every scrap. And he also thought it was a good opportunity to come clean, as it were. “Before you took me back, before that night we met in the pub, I was messing about with another boy. Another student. It was just a little fling. But after that I broke it off. My first lover was my tutor at home, before I came to school. And that is the entirety of my history."

  Alastair frowned. “Who was it? The student? And do you see the tutor anymore?"

  "I haven't seen the tutor since I came to school. And don't concern yourself with the student. He's a sweet boy who was just curious about things. I wouldn't tell him who you are, so you oughtn't ask who he is. We are still friends, but I promise you nothing has happened between us since that night."

  Suddenly, Alastair rolled on top of Percy. “It damn well better have not,” he snarled.

  Percy's breath hitched. “I told you that I'm all yours,” he whispered. “Did you think it was just words I was saying in the heat of passion?” He wanted to press the issue. He was feeling emotional, and for good reason.

  "Words spoken in the heat of passion sometimes do fade with the afterglow,” Alastair said softly. His eyes narrowed. “I cannot share you with anyone."

  A shiver went through Percy. “We haven't really talked about this, but I wouldn't cheat on you, Alastair.” He swallowed hard. He nearly felt like he was in trouble. He'd already felt guilty about what he'd done with John at the time, and it was a relief to have admitted to it now.

  "Of course not. Because the results would be...” Alastair shifted, pinning Percy's hands up over his head. “Do I fulfill your desires, my little Percy?” he purred.

  "Of course you do,” he murmured. “So long as you don't turn me away again."

  Alastair shook his head. “When you were away I could think of little else but you.” He pressed him into the bed. “What I would do to you. Mine."

  Percy's breath was uneven as he stared up at Alastair's face. The other man's expression was intense. “Yours. I swear it."

  "I could not live without you. Without this,” Alastair said, barely above a whisper, then crushed his mouth to Percy's and kissed him hard.

  Percy didn't have time to let that completely sink in, but he filed it away for closer examination at a later date. He yielded to Alastair, and in a matter of moments their bodies were again joined in violent union. Alastair drove into him unrelentingly, pushing Percy to dizzying heights, even though he'd only climaxed a few minutes before. It lasted longer than the first time, but it was no less passionate.

  He stayed the night, and the following night with Alastair. They sipped tea and read the paper and made love all over Alastair's modest home. Finally, Percy took his leave reluctantly.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Twenty-One

  A few days later, as he was walking toward the library, he ran into perhaps the very last person he expected to see: William. He stopped dead in his tracks. “William?” he said, waiting for the other man to acknowledge him.

  William's face broke into a huge smile. “Percy! I mean, of course, Lord Elgin.” He stepped closer, shaking Percy's hand vigorously. Then his expression fell. “I was sorry to hear about your father."

  Percy clasped William's hand between both of his own. “Thank you. It was a shock, but...” He trailed off, still not sure what to say to people about his father's death. “And please, for goodness sake, you must call me Percy, certainly.” He couldn't stop smiling at his first lover. Things had been so simple then, and all the memories were sweet and delicious.

  "I was not aware you were a student here!” William enthused, all smiles. “What a lovely coincidence."

  "Yes, what exactly are you doing here, William? Not that I'm not happy to see you, of course. Just surprised."

"I heard there's an open position for an assistant instructor,” William replied, finally letting go of Percy's hand. “So I arranged for an interview. I think I'll get it. I come highly recommended, after all.” He leered at Percy good-naturedly.

  Percy laughed and was tempted to slip his hand in the crook of William's elbow, but they were headed in the direction of the Maths building. “Much to my horror, I doubt I have much say in the matter,” he said, smiling adoringly at him. William explained that he was an hour early for his second interview, and Percy agreed to walk with him toward the appointment. It would be nice to catch up, in any case. William had always been so charming and boyishly handsome. It was no hardship to spend a little time with him. They laughed together as they slipped into the ancient door and strolled along towards the offices.

  Just then, Alastair stepped out the door of his classroom and directly in their path. His eyes fell on Percy first, then darkened as he took in William. “My lord,” he said formally as he stood in their way. “Good afternoon."

  Percy sensed almost instantly that it might be ill advised for Alastair to know exactly who William was. “Professor Kent, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Mr. William Thatcher. He's being interviewed for a position here at the school.” He specifically avoided the word tutor.

  "Nice to meet you, Professor,” William said, reaching out to shake the man's hand vigorously.

  Alastair sneered slightly as his gaze went from William back to Percy. “And just how are the two of you acquainted?” he asked, almost pleasantly.

  William answered before Percy could. “I was Percy's tutor before he came to university! Brightest student I ever taught."

  Alastair's eyes widened. “Oh really? Your tutor, my lord? What a coincidence.” His voice had gone to a silky purr as he regarded Percy.

  Percy felt his stomach tighten and he gave a nervous little laugh. He stepped closer to Alastair and put his hand lightly on his elbow. “Mr. Thatcher, I'm terribly sorry, I've nearly forgotten an important appointment I had with Professor Kent. Good luck with your interview.” He attempted to tug Alastair back into his classroom, but the man seemed disinclined to take the hint.

  "Oh no, I do believe I remember you mentioning this tutor specifically,” Alastair said obstinately. “Please, Mr. Thatcher, do join us in my classroom for a moment. I'd love to hear more about our young prodigy here. It seems we have something in common..."

  William was oblivious, and he followed Alastair readily into the classroom. “Yes, Percy here was my best pupil,” he said, winking at the younger man.

  The door closing behind all three of them sounded quite like the clang of a jail cell to Percy. He tried to give William a pleading look to stop the flirting. He couldn't believe Alastair was going to actually confront him.

  In the relative privacy of the empty classroom, Alastair's tone sharpened. “Yes, I believe Percy has mentioned you and your exceptional tutelage."

  William looked surprised, and glanced at Percy. “Really? Well, I'm flattered then. Yes, we had to develop some innovative techniques to get him to focus."

  Alastair's hands bunched into fists at his sides. “Oh yes, the boy can be easily distracted, can he not?"

  Percy swallowed hard. “Alastair, please. William is only here for an interview. Let's let him be on his merry way, all right?” he said. He knew William still didn't understand the situation, and he gave him a wan smile, willing him to read between the lines.

  William looked from Percy to Alastair and frowned.

  Alastair's voice dropped even further. “Yes, do go on. I'm sure you two have so much to discuss. Old times to catch up on and all that.” He looked only at William now.

  "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about,” William replied, facing Alastair, good humor dissolving.

  Percy sighed. “William.” He put his hand lightly on the other man's arm. “I did actually mention to Alastair in the abstract that that my first experiences were with my tutor.” He wanted to sink into the floor.

  William's eyes widened and he looked from one man to the other. “You told him? But that means...” He looked sharply at Alastair, cottoning on at last.

  "Yes,” Alastair smirked as he watched realization dawn on William's face. “Young Percy here seems to have a penchant for his teachers. But now he's moved on to someone who can really give him what he needs.” He crossed his arms smugly.

  "Alastair! What an ugly thing to say!” Percy was completely incensed. “This is not a competition."

  William had stepped forward, his big hands in fists now. “I'm not sure what you're implying..."

  "Exactly my point,” Alastair interrupted coolly. “Percy clearly needs a real man now, so I do hope you're not entertaining any notions of resuming your...” he sneered, “dalliance with him."

  Percy huffed, stepping back. He leaned against one of the desks near the door and folded his arms across his chest. “I'm warning you, Alastair. You will be the one that looks the bully in this scenario."

  Alastair spared a glance at Percy. “Oh, I see then. I thought I was protecting your honor. But it seems I was only interrupting. My apologies.” He looked at William. “To you both.” His voice was deceptively calm, his eyes like ice.

  "Look, you've got it all wrong,” William protested. “I didn't know he'd be here. I didn't know he was...” He shook his head. “Percy, are you all right here?"

  Percy looked at William. “I'm perfectly fine. Perhaps you ought to go and let me sort this out on my own,” he said, pointedly ignoring Alastair for the moment. He was behaving like a child, and Percy was furious with him. However, he would not dress Alastair down as he was dying to do, in front of William.

  "Yes, William, run along now,” Alastair said dismissively, still smirking.

  William frowned, stepping closer to Alastair. “I don't like the way you treat him,” he warned.

  Though William was larger than Alastair, it wasn't by much, and Alastair did not seem concerned. “It's not really your business, now is it?” he breathed. “And before you think of threatening me, I can assure you I could ruin any fledgling career you might have without even trying hard.” One hand flexed.

  William bristled, clearly building up to violence. “You bastard..."

  Alastair only smiled, not backing down. “I am not surprised that you would prefer a physical confrontation. Well, that can be arranged as well. Don't intrude into that which you do not understand."

  Now Percy physically stepped between them. He was of a height, approximately, with Alastair, though he was far slighter of build. He had faith, though, that neither man would dare harm him. He had his back to Alastair, and faced William. “I am so sorry that he is treating you like this, William. I can assure you, you needn't worry on my account.” He put his hand on William's shoulder. “Please, I shall see that he doesn't interfere with your prospects. This will all calm down in a moment, I'm certain of it.” He pressed back against Alastair, just barely touching him. He hoped it was enough to reassure the other man that there was really no reason for his jealousy.

  Alastair stayed still, but he was fairly vibrating with anger.

  William eyed them both warily. “If you insist. I will leave you then, Percy, if you are sure.” He stepped back.

  "I am quite sure, William. Thank you. And it was lovely to see you again.” He was so angry at Alastair that he stepped forward and kissed William on the cheek before stepping back again. “Perhaps I shall see you later."

  "Don't count on it,” Alastair said tightly, his face twisted with rage.

  William scowled but retreated. “Take care, Percy. My regards to your grandmother.” He nodded at him, and ignored Alastair. Then he was gone, the door closing behind him.

  As soon as the door was closed, Alastair had Percy by the arm, swinging him around to face him.

  Percy stared at him wild-eyed. “How dare you? I can't believe you threatened him like that! William has done nothing to you!” He sputtered with rage.
/>   Alastair just smiled and leaned close. “It's not what he's done to me, now is it?” he purred. “It's what he's done to you. And what he quite obviously wants to do again."

  Percy scowled. “What William and I did together was well before I ever met you! You were vile to him just now. Do you not trust me, then? Have I not just recently said that I am yours alone?"

  Alastair raised an eyebrow. “It wasn't a case of trusting you,” he replied. “He was practically all over you.” His voice dropped again. “You're mine. He wanted you."

  "He was certainly not all over me. You are completely delusional.” He pulled his arm away. “I am so angry at you. I swear if you do anything to harm his career..."

  Alastair's eyes narrowed at the threat. He stepped closer. “What will you do then?"

  "I ought to run after him and offer to suck his cock, is what I ought to do,” he said, putting his hands on his hips. “But whatever you may think, I wouldn't do that. So I would find another way to punish you,” he said, raising his chin.

  Alastair's smile widened. “You would, would you? How do you think you might go about that?” he said silkily. He moved closer so that Percy was trapped between him and the wall.

  Percy ground his teeth together. “I suppose the only thing I could do. Deprive you of the only thing you want from me,” he growled.

  That only encouraged Alastair. He pinned Percy to the door with his muscular body. “Do you really think you can stop me taking what I want?"

  Percy swallowed hard. When Alastair was like this, there was no way he could help himself from being aroused. He was angry at himself for it, but there was nothing to be done about it. “You know very well I could stop you,” he whispered. “You're not an animal. And I'm asking you to leave William alone. I don't think that's such a presumptuous request."

  Alastair ground against him, looking triumphant. “You want it. You won't stop me.” He grabbed a handful of Percy's hair. “I will leave him alone if you do."

  "I had every intention of leaving him alone. I only came upon him a few moments before we saw you,” he said, frowning. “If you came upon an old lover, would you snub them completely? Or stop to greet them for a few moments? I'm sorry you felt the need to blow the entire incident out of proportion, but you have never been in the slightest danger of losing me to another."


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