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The Naughty Party: A Forbidden Stepbrother Romance (The Boyfriend Diaries Book 10)

Page 3

by S. E. Law

  “I don’t know,” she breathes. “I don’t know what I’m doing here.”

  A lock of brown hair has fallen into her face, but she seems at a loss. Pushing it out of her eyes and tucking it behind her ear, I let out a hum. This is the best part, the moment before everything comes together, right before we jump off the precipice into a new adventure, even if it’s only for a single night.

  “I can think of a few things you could do,” I tell her, and kiss her. She feels tentative in my arms, but before long her arms are coming up to rest on my shoulders, and when I break the kiss she looks like she’s in a trance. “Do you want to get out of here?” I ask. She bites her lips and looks hesitant, but then something melts inside. Pretty soon, I’m leading my new victim upstairs to seek a private place together. Shit, I can’t wait to get inside those curves and to taste her lush creaminess.

  Now we’re standing in the only bedroom in the house that hasn’t been claimed. I shut the door behind us, and as I take Frankie in with my eyes, I see that her face is flushed with desire, her eyes wide. I take a few steps closer to her and lift my arm to her shoulder, caressing her smooth skin before leaning in to kiss her gently. I can feel her trembling slightly as my lips move against hers, the movements of her hands and tongue tentative and exploratory as I tangle my other hand in her hair. The kiss grows deeper, and I can feel my arousal building already. When was the last time a girl got me this riled up, even at a swinger party?

  Now isn’t the time to wonder, though. I feel her run her hands over my shoulders and down my chest, pausing to appreciate the feeling of my abs under her fingers. I smirk against her mouth, breaking the kiss long enough to bring my lips down to her neck. She gasps at the new sensation, pressing up against me and shivering as I let my teeth graze her delicate skin. My cock is as hard as I can remember it ever being, and as I pull her closer, I can tell she feels it, too. She sucks in a breath as I drop my hand to touch her ass, appreciating the way it feels under my palm.

  “Wait,” Frankie breathes.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, pulling away to look at her, concerned.

  “I just…” She looks like she’s struggling to find the words, and then she blurts it out, the explanation coming out in a rush. “I’ve never done this before.”

  I come to a full stop.


  She swallows, not meeting my eyes, and nods.

  “I just never thought it was going to happen,” she says quietly.

  I take her chin in my hand, forcing her to look at me.

  “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” I tell her, and mean it. My partner being uncomfortable is one of my biggest turn offs, and even though the thought of taking her virginity is enough to make me shiver with desire, I’m not the kind of guy to pressure someone, no matter how stunning she is.

  “No,” she says, sounding suddenly afraid. “No, it’s not that. I want to. I just…” She swallows, and the mixture of trust and lust in her eyes makes them shine in the dim light. “Maybe you can show me?” she whispers.

  “Gladly,” I murmur, leaning in to press my lips to hers again. Now she’s warming up, and I can feel her discomfort dissolving under my deft touch. Slowly I bring my hand up to the back of her dress, tugging the zipper down gently and allowing her to step out of the soft fabric. Underneath is a cute bra and matching panties that hug her figure just right.

  “May I?” I ask, my hands lingering at the clasp of her bra.

  “Yes,” she says. “Please.”

  That’s all I need, and in one quick movement I’m casting the garment aside. She’s hugging her arms to her chest, looking intimidated, and I gently take her wrists in mine to pull them out of the way, gazing at her perfect, round tits and licking my lips. I let my hands come up to brush them, teasing the nipples out and feeling them stiffen at my touch. Frankie lets out a low moan, and that’s enough to send my self-control out the window. I pull her over to the bed, pushing her gently onto its plush surface and crawling over her, drinking in her body appreciatively.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her, kissing her again before dropping my mouth to her breast and beginning to suck gently.

  Frankie gasps, spasming underneath me. Has she ever imagined a guy doing this to her? The thought that I’m her first is indescribably hot, and I buck against her almost instinctively as I lower my hand to her panties. I glance up at her, waiting for permission, and she gives me a quick nod, allowing me to pull the thin piece of fabric down over her thighs and touch her pussy uninhibited. She’s soaking wet, and as I let the tip of my finger graze her clit, she moans.

  “Please…” Frankie says, her voice heavy with desire.

  “Please what?” I ask, my tone patient but teasing.

  “Please keep going,” she murmurs, cheeks flushing red.

  Smirking, I allow my movements to continue. Every jerk and spasm of her body beneath mine is like a drug, and as I watch her slowly come undone, I’m reminded again of why I do the things that I do. It’s always hard for me to stay patient when I’m pleasuring a woman, and listening to Frankie’s moans as I continue my ministrations is making it almost unbearable. But I’m nothing if not a gentleman. I want to make sure she’s warmed up before moving forward.

  Soon, she’s clutching the sheets with one hand, seemingly forgetting all about where she is or what she’s doing, running her fingers through my hair as I let my rhythm pick up speed. Her breathing is coming in rapid gasps, her body trembling at my touch.

  “I think I…” she begins, but her words dissolve into a moan as she comes abruptly, pulling my hair as pleasure overtakes her. Frankie’s back arches beautifully, her form consumed by a heart-wrenching, full-body spasm.

  “Unnnnh!” she squeals as hot juices gush all over. “Oh god!”

  I swallow hard, watching as that beautiful pink slit pulses and shivers, begging for something inside.

  “Mmmm!” she screams again.

  Shit, this woman is incredible. My body hardens even more as I stare at those pink, throbbing petals and the tiny hole begging to be filled. Moving like a predator, I shift back up her body, pressing a kiss to her lips as she stares up at me with a combination of reverence and ecstasy.

  “Wow,” she breathes, running a hand over my face.

  “Frankie, sweetheart,” I murmur as I gaze into her chocolate brown eyes. “I have to fuck you.”

  She nods.

  “Yes, Hunter… Please.”

  “Are you on birth control?” I ask, and she nods, blushing a little, as if I didn’t just finish giving her her first climax.

  Pulling her legs apart gently, I position myself between them, not breaking eye contact as I push slowly inside her. She groans as she feels me stretching her out. It’s the first time she’s ever had someone inside her, and I wait to move until she adjusts to the sensation, panting and staring up at me as I grip her thighs in my hands. We stay like that until it’s almost unbearable, and then, slowly, deliberately, I begin to move inside her. She drops her head back against the bed, moaning as I continue to thrust, feeling myself come a little more undone every time my hips connect with hers. Soon, every cell in my body is buzzing, the sensations shooting through me like bolts electricity. The pleasure consumes me, and in that moment, the rest of my world couldn’t be farther from my mind.

  All that matters is her.

  Frankie comes again, more easily this time, writhing on the sheets below me, and I’m not far behind. Soon the fire inside me becomes too much, and I groan, shooting inside her in a wave as I buck my hips against hers, savoring the aftershocks.

  “Fuck,” I rasp harshly, convulsing with need. “Oh god.”

  After a few minutes of hard pumping, the reverberations level off a bit, and neither of us says anything, just staring into each other’s eyes in wonder at what’s just happened. Then I pull out gently, feeling her shiver a little as I do, and lie down on the bed next to her. I take a moment to appreciate the way her cu
rves look in the dim lighting, her face practically glowing with pleasure.

  “Well?” I say at last, after we’ve caught our breaths.

  Frankie, who’s been staring at the ceiling, turns to look at me.

  “That was incredible,” she murmurs at last.

  “Yeah,” I agree. “For me, too.”

  “Is it…?” she begins, and then her voice trails off.

  I eye her for a moment. “Is it what?”

  She looks a little sheepish, a blush creeping into her already-rosy cheeks.

  “Is it always like that?” she asks. “I mean, is it always that… you know, good?”

  I think for a moment.

  “Yeah,” I reply after a second or two. “If you’re with someone who knows what they’re doing.” I smirk, and add, “Which I do.”

  The curvy girl giggles, and I gather her into my arms. It feels right like this, and she nuzzles into my side.

  “I can tell,” Frankie murmurs teasingly, and for a while we just bask in each other’s arms, the music from the party downstairs the only sound that trickles up to where we are.



  The late-morning sun shines through my bedroom window, the thin fabric curtains not doing enough to quite prevent it from reaching me. I let my eyes slowly flutter open, stretching a little before nestling back under my sheets.

  That was one hell of a dream, I’ll say that much.

  I’m just getting ready to drift back off and let sleep take me once again, basking in the bliss of not having anything to do today, when suddenly it hits me: it wasn’t a dream. I jerk awake as memories begin to flood my mind. Jenny’s visit. The house party - no, the swingers party. Meeting that hunky guy, Hunter. And then… My eyes widen as I remember what happened next, and for a moment I almost don’t let myself believe it.

  No way. It had to have just been a sexy dream. There’s no way a guy like him would have…


  But as I take stock of my body, stretching out again just a little under the covers, I notice a feeling between my legs that I’ve never experienced before. It’s not a soreness, exactly. It’s more like a sense of exhaustion, like the muscles down there have just had the workout of their lives. It’s not a bad feeling, but it’s enough to tell me that what happened at the party wasn’t a dream.

  I lost my virginity last night. To a stranger. At a neighborhood play party. Holy shit!

  I couldn’t make the idea sound crazier even if I tried. It doesn’t feel like me. It feels like the kind of crazy, off-the-wall story that you’d find in a movie, or hear from one of the wild sorority girls back on the Berkeley campus.

  I’m not the kind of girl to do that stuff. I’m the kind of girl who goes to bed at ten p.m. on the dot, and who always turns in her assignments on time. I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t usually drink alcohol, and whose experience with guys - until last night, that is - was limited to soap operas and the occasional uncomfortable date. I’m not someone who goes to raucous parties, who hooks up with strangers, and who… who...

  Except you are now, a wicked voice pipes up from deep in my mind. Or maybe you always were, and this is just the proof. No. No way. That’s ridiculous. Is it, though? that voice asks, teasing but sounding aggravatingly rational. Admit it, Frankie. You were turned on by what was happening at that party, and you got in on the action yourself. With a guy who might as well be a male model.

  I blush as I think about what happened after we went upstairs. The way his hands glided expertly over my body, the way he fingered me just so, unleashing sensations I didn’t even know existed, the way he kissed me down there… and the way he claimed me. There’s no way around it, because that’s what happened. It was so wrong, but it felt so good. I sit up in bed, quickly realizing that I’m not going to get more sleep any time soon. My cell phone is in my hand before I even have time to think about it, and I quickly dial Jenny’s number, hoping against hope that she’ll be available to let me unload on her. Come on, Jenny, pick up…

  The phone rings a few times, and I’m starting to wonder if she’s even going to answer when I hear her voice on the other end, sounding groggy.

  “Frankie? Girl, is that you?”

  “Jenny,” I say. “I need to talk to you. It’s important.”

  “Well, here I am. Don’t leave me in suspense,” Frankie says, waking up a little with a yawn. “What’s going on? Actually, strike that - what happened last night? You left before I did. I was a little worried because I was going to give you a ride home.”

  “Yeah,” I say, “about that.” I clear my throat, rubbing my forehead, trying to figure out how to break it to her.

  “Frankie?” the concern in her voice is turning into curiosity. “Did you get up to something at that party?”

  “You first,” I tell her, feeling suddenly self-conscious.

  “Remember that blond guy with the enormous biceps?” giggles Jenny. “He was going down on that girl in the kitchen… never mind. I did him and he was huge. We were there until after midnight, enjoying one another. Your turn.” Her voice is teasing. “Don’t tell me Frankie Fordham did the horizontal tango with someone?”

  “Oh, god, please don’t call it that,” I say, pinching the bridge of my nose. “But yes. In so many words, yes. Okay?”

  “Oh my god!” Jenny exclaims, her voice reaching an inhuman pitch. “Holy shit! Really? I mean, I was kind of joking when I asked, but… Oh my god, Frankie! Who was it? What did you do? Tell me everything!”

  “There’s not much to tell,” I reply evasively. “There was this guy in the kitchen. I spilled my champagne on him.” I cringe a little at the memory, feeling just as awkward about it the morning after as I did in the moment. “Anyway, we, uh… We started talking, and…” I go quiet, hoping she’ll fill in the blanks herself.

  No such luck.

  “And what?” Jenny demands, sounding impatient. “Don’t leave me hanging, girl! Out with it!”

  “Fine, fine,” I say, clearing my throat. “We got to talking and then he… Well, he kissed me.”


  “Come on, Jenny-”

  “Hey, I told you about my first time,” she protests. “I’m not going to let you dodge the question. What did you do?”

  “He took me upstairs,” I reply. “We hooked up.” The words sound strange coming out of my mouth. Did I ever think I would ever make love to a man that gorgeous, let alone in a context like that? No. Obviously not.

  “Holy shit,” Jenny says, her voice serious enough to make me laugh in spite of my embarrassment. “Well? How was it?”

  “It was…” How was it, now that I think about it? I don’t have anything to compare it to, but then again, my instincts tell me that it doesn’t get better than what I experienced. “Good,” I finish at last. “It was really good.”

  “Damn,” Jenny says, and I can hear the smile in her voice. “Who would have thought? Frankie Fordham is all grown up. So are you going to see him again? What’s his name?”

  For a second I fumble, trying to remember what he told me.

  “Hunter Martin,” I reply after a moment’s thought. “And I have no idea if I’m going to see him again.”

  There’s a long pause, and for a moment I wonder if we’ve been disconnected. Then Jenny’s voice comes back on, sounding completely thunderstruck.

  “Hunter. Martin. Hunter freaking Martin?”

  My brow furrows. “Uh… yeah?”

  “Wow. I mean, just… wow, Frankie. I never would have… I mean, I heard he might be coming, but I didn’t realize-”

  “Wait, why?” I ask, cutting her off. “What are you talking about?”

  “He’s, like, famous,” Jenny breathes, her tone becoming conspiratorial. “He’s one of the youngest billionaires in the country. Owns his own business, and I’ve heard he’s really into the party scene. If you get my drift.”

  “Did you say billionaire?” I ask incredulously.

He’s got his own business empire.”

  “Well,” I say slowly, “I guess that would explain the Maserati.”

  “The what?”

  I rub the back of my neck sheepishly. “He gave me a ride home,” I reply. “He was really nice, actually.”

  “OMG,” Jenny gushes, “I’m a little jealous.”

  “Don’t be,” I reply quickly. “It’s not like I’m going to see him again, anyway.”

  But my friend clucks on the other side of the line.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure, Franks. You met a billionaire and had a good time with him. Don’t underestimate yourself because you’re gorgeous and these parties often turn out different than you think.”

  I make nay-saying noises, but my heart races in my chest. Could Jenny be right? Could billionaire business mogul Hunter Martin possibly want to see me again? I hope she’s right because suddenly, I desperately want to see him once more.



  I sleep in the next morning, not feeling motivated to get up and do much. The rest of my night was nice, sure, but nothing compared to the time I spent with Frankie. I always make sure my dates get home safe, especially the ones I meet at parties, so I offered Frankie a ride home, which she gladly accepted.

  She looked like she had stars in her eyes the whole way, and it made me feel good. It made me feel like I was being truly seen for the first time, and to be honest, I’m not used to girls looking at me like that. Usually the ones I hook up with are the adventurous type, and it’s a double-edged sword. They’re down for anything, but these girls have also been everywhere, if you know what I mean. Plus, up until last night, I had never been with a virgin. It was new territory for me too, in a sense, and as I kissed Frankie goodnight, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret that I probably wouldn’t see her again.

  But I would be naive to expect anything else. That’s how things work in this scene, and I know that better than anyone.

  Dad pokes his head in once or twice to make sure I’m alive. I can’t blame him; I guess in his eyes I’ll always be his kid, even if I’m in charge of a business empire and living on my own now. I think maybe it’s the fact that I’m back home for the summer, sleeping in my old bed. There’s a nostalgia to it.


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