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Shadow of the Fae (The Fae Chronicles Book 1)

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by Valia Lind

  The pain is sharp and pointed as I jerk into a sitting position. Looking at my arms, I expect to see scratches and blood, but there's nothing there. Just a lingering sensation of the pain. My body is covered in sweat, and I push the hair out of my face. Glancing at the clock, I see it's seven in the morning. I slept longer than I thought.

  Keeping busy is my only defense against losing my mind. So, while lying in bed all day sounds nice, I have a job to do. There are three individuals looking for a magical bounty hunter, and I'm determined to score at least one of those jobs.

  Pushing all thoughts of the dream away, I head for the bathroom. It doesn't matter that dreams are omens. It makes no difference that I need to sit down and dissect what I saw. That's not my life anymore. I have to keep moving. It's the only way I'll stay alive.

  My life has become a monotony of daily chores. I get up, I eat, I go in search of odd jobs. And I try to figure out how not to get killed. I never thought I’d find myself here. But life has a way of taking the wind out of our sails every now and then. With me, it decided to sink the whole ship.

  After grabbing a bagel, I head out. The feeling of being watched hits me the moment I am on the sheet. Phoenix isn't like other big cities I stayed in. When I first went on the run, I moved every few days.

  I didn't really have a choice.

  It seemed that no matter where I went, there was someone right on my heels. I lasted in Boston for a whole week before I split. I figured since Phoenix wasn't even on my list of choices, I could buy myself a little time.

  But now, it seems the time is running out.

  Keeping my pace steady, I head for downtown. This city isn't as filled with pedestrians, so it's a little harder to lose oneself in the crowd. But downtown is still my best option.

  There's an event going on today, some kind of a conference. When I finally reach the flow of people, I find them dressed up as various types of creatures. Now it makes sense. I’ve heard of these cons before. It’s interesting to see, that’s for sure. As I walk past a warlock and a werewolf, I try not to laugh. We definitely don't dress like that. And as far as I know, werewolves aren’t real. They’re just a take on who shifters are. A movement catches my attention. I shift my gaze a bit to try and figure out what distracted me from my amusement.

  My eyes latch onto one of the conference goers, a hood over his head. There's something about the way he moves, so I go to follow. When he steps into one of building's indents, I am right behind him. I round the corner fast enough to watch him step into the wall. A smile spreads across my face as I follow.

  When I'm on the other side, I find myself in a bar. I know he's behind me, even before he fully materializes. Twisting around, I reach for my knife. When he steps out of the shadows, I'm ready.

  "I really can't get a drop on you, can I?" Julian says, chuckling. I narrow my eyes, studying his handsome face. My knife still at his jugular.

  "Were you following me yesterday?"

  "Absolutely not." I'm watching him closely, and only when I know he's telling the truth, do I step back.


  "Nothing I couldn't handle." Sheathing the weapon, I turn back toward the room. In the past month, I've learned these magically cloaked bars exist in every city. And every realm, for that matter. When I first started going to the black market, Julian was there too. We ended up fighting for the same job, and the nymph decided to hire both of us. It's the only time I've worked with anyone else, but I don't regret it. He's become as close to a friend as I can get right now.

  "I know you can handle anything," Julian comments as we head for the bar. "But if you ever need a second set of hands..."

  To that, I only roll my eyes. He's smooth all over, but I won't bite. And he knows it. He chuckles at my response and calls to the bartender for some drinks.

  "What brings you in today?" Julian asks once we grab our sodas. I could use some coffee, but I'll settle on Dr. Pepper for now. The caffeine should do the trick.

  "I was following a suspicious individual in the crowd." I smirk, taking a seat against the wall at one of the tables. My eyes continue scanning the room, always on alert.

  Technically, these types of bars are neutral ground. There are creatures all over the room who are in an all-out war outside these walls. But in here, they are drinking buddies. Yet, that doesn't mean I'm not set to my highest alert setting. I can't afford lowering my guard.

  "How is it you can always tell when one of us is around?" Julian leans forward, and I turn my attention to him.

  "It's a gift." I shrug, but honestly, I'm not sure what it is. There's something about the aura of a supernatural that calls to me. It hasn't always been like that. I can't tell what kind of creature is in front of me, but it's like I can feel the magic on them. No matter if they're disguised as a human.

  "It's a gift anyone in here would covet," Julian comments, lowering his voice further. I glance at him sharply, trying to decipher if it's actual danger he's feeling or just precaution. While I can sense supernatural, he can sense impending doom. I’m not sure which one is more impressive. I could use his gift as much as mine right now.

  "Do you know something I don't?"

  "Only that there have been a few strangers in the area."

  I sit up at attention, trying to keep my apprehension down. Julian doesn't know my story any more than I know his. I don't even know what type of magical creature he is, and I'm not about to ask. If I don't ask, he won't ask. The less we actually know about each other, the better.

  "Just passing through or looking for something?" I try to keep my tone nonchalant, but I think he can tell it's more than mild curiosity.

  "Not too sure. I think one was asking questions, but they always do when coming through here."

  I nod, letting that information sink in.

  Yesterday, I thought someone was following me. Today I find out there are strangers in the neighborhood. Maybe it's time for me to move on. Except I have no idea where I would go.

  "Avery." Julian's voice brings my attention back to him. "I wouldn't make any sudden moves just yet."

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "We all have secrets," he narrows his eyes at me. I really can't expect him to not realize I'm hiding from something or someone. "But it would be better to have all the cards on the table before making any big decisions."

  I nod again, this time agreeing with him. He seems satisfied with that, but it really doesn't make me feel better. Something is brewing, and I have to be ready.

  Chapter 3

  Julian and I leave the bar behind a few minutes later. I no longer feel protected in the supposed safe environment, and Julian doesn't question me. He keeps pace with me as we move to get lost in the crowd, no one commenting on our lack of costumes.

  "If I asked you what has you spooked, will you give me an honest answer?" Julian asks after a few moments of silently walking through the room.


  "I expected as much."

  "And yet, you still asked."

  That remark also comes with another glare, to which he just chuckles in response.

  "Why are you even still here?" I ask as we head into the main floor of the convention center. Here, vendors are set up across the whole room, selling all kinds of things I've never even thought of buying. Replicas of creatures from various shows and movies, books and trading cards, as well as costumes. People really go all out for this stuff.

  "I thought you'd be interested in a job."

  That perks me up immediately. I look over at Julian and find him grinning down at me.

  "You could've led with that."

  "I could've."

  Before he continues, I spot something that catches my eye. Without waiting to see if he follows, I beeline for the stand, mesmerized by the work in front of me. There are tiny dragons made from some shiny material perching on various areas at the stand. Of course, once I'm in front of them, I see they're not even remotely real. But they are beautiful. The man s
elling them is showing a customer how the dragon can perch on their wrist, wrapping the tail around the forearm.

  "Is it as weird for you as it is for me to see real creatures reduced to this?" Julian says, over my shoulder. I turn my head just slightly to the right, his presence directly at my back. It goes without saying. The human world has a tendency to romanticize aspects of our world I wish they didn't. But sometimes, they create something this beautiful, and I can't help but admire it.

  "What's the job?" I ask, running a finger gently over the dragon's scales. I'm not worried about discussing such matters here. It feels like these people would just assume we're playing a part.

  "There's an event at the theater. Some of the Council members will be present. And they'll be bringing a crystal ball with them."

  I twist around, shock plainly displayed on my face.

  "You want to steal from the Council?"

  Julian reaches for my wrist, tugging me out of the crowd. We find a quiet spot against the wall before I extract myself.

  "Are you out of your mind?"

  "I'm perfectly in my mind, thank you very much," he comments while I shake my head.

  "You told me yourself that you like to keep a low profile. How is stealing from them going to accomplish that?" I’m not sure if I'm more concerned with him or me right now, but I definitely don't like this.

  "You don't think I know what I’m doing?"

  "You definitely don't know what you're doing."

  Julian chuckles like he really doesn't have a care in the world.

  "Stop that," I say, smacking him in the shoulder. "Be serious for a second."

  "I am serious," he replies, sobering up. "This score will set me for years. I can disappear for real. I can travel without the fear of discovery because I won’t have to rely on my magic. I could actually afford a plane ticket. Don’t you want to be able to say the same?"

  I can't deny the offer is tempting. And he wouldn't be mentioning it if he didn't need my help. But I can't shake the fact that if I go through with this, I’m putting myself directly in the path of the Council.

  "I'm not entirely convinced,” I finally say, “But," I raise my hand, "I'm not entirely opposed."

  "Yes!" Julian exclaims, wrapping his arms around my middle and lifting me off my feet.

  "I didn't say yes." I swat at him to put me down.

  "But you also didn't say no."

  Shaking my head, I get lowered to the floor. Julian is grinning like an idiot. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t contagious. What have I become? I sober up right away. Being on the run has really messed with my morals. Two months ago, I wouldn’t be caught near such an idea. Yet here I am. Actually considering it.

  Just then, the feeling of being watched returns. I don't hesitate to spin around to see if I can spot the source. Facing it head on might be my best option, instead of this constant tiptoeing around danger.

  "What is it?" Julian asks, clearly picking up on the tension.

  "Not sure. But we need to move."

  He doesn't hesitate to follow my lead, and for that I am thankful. I wish I knew what I was looking for. This is really getting on my nerves.

  We head back into the crowd, weaving in and out of the conference goers. At first, I think maybe it's just my paranoia. There are a lot of people here, and we're not exactly dressed to be part of the fun. Regular clothes are a little more noticeable than not. Although, others here are in t-shirts and jeans as well, so that logic doesn't work like I want it to.

  The more we move, the more I feel like something is following us. It would be nice if I could do a searching or a protection spell to get a feel for my surroundings, but that would be kind of like wearing a beacon for all magical beings to see. The fact that my magic has been acting weird, and I haven't been using it has been working in my favor so far.

  "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" Julian asks, easily keeping pace with me. It helps to have long legs, unlike my shorter ones. Not that I'm that short. Five-five is pretty average. But Julian is at least six-two, so he has a slight advantage.

  "If I knew, I would. I told you someone was following me yesterday. The same feeling has returned."

  Julian takes my words at face value and does his own study of our surroundings. Since I don't know what kind of magic he possesses, I have no idea what that entails. But I'm hoping it will be helpful. If I was truly in danger, he should be able to tell with his special talent. I hope. Because whatever is out there? It's getting closer.

  "I can't tell if anything is directed at you," Julian comments. I glance at him in confusion. Before I can ask what that means, double doors open up, and a fresh flood of people rush into the corridor. Julian and I get separated, but I don't pause to look for him. Now I'm feeling watched and claustrophobic. I need to get out.

  When I push through the doors leading to the outside, I'm met with the constant Arizona heat. There's nothing like hiding in the hottest oven of the States. No one would actually think I moved here willingly.


  Twisting around, I spot Julian coming out of another set of doors and pivot toward him.

  "Anything?" I ask when I'm closer.

  "Nope. But come on. Better safe than sorry."

  That's the smartest statement I've heard all day, so I don't hesitate to follow him as he heads away from the convention center. We're about a block away when I finally feel like I can slow down and reassess my situation.


  "I need to think. I can't exactly keep running around the whole city, hoping whatever is out there doesn't find me."

  "Any idea who it may be?"

  "Absolutely not."

  That last part is a lie of sorts. It has to be someone from the Council. Or someone from Faery. Or actually, it could be the Ancients themselves coming to claim me. All three parties would benefit to have me on their side right now. I would put my money on the second option though, if I had any to spare. Waiting on someone from their realm to find me has been my constant fear for the last month. They're too powerful, and I'm too inexperienced to hide for long. But I'm learning. Like making alliances, for example. Which is why I turn to Julian.

  "I'll help you steal from the Council," I say, already knowing I'm going to regret this. "If you help me evade whoever is after me."

  The guy in front of me studies me for a very long thirty or so seconds before he finally nods. I have no idea what he's thinking, and I'm not sure I want to. We made a deal, so I put my hand out for a shake. His fingers wrap around my own with no hesitation. The small gesture brings back a memory of the last time I shook hands with someone. It was back at Thunderbird Academy where the gesture took me by surprise.

  I pull back, pushing back the thoughts of my life before as well. That's how I have to think about it. The before and the after. I'm living in the after now.

  After I found that ancient book.

  After I read the forbidden words no one has been able to read for generations.

  After I had to leave everything behind and run.

  It does me no good focusing on the before. I have to focus on the after.

  "I think we need to find an advantage." Julian's words pull me from my thoughts. He clearly has a destination in mind, so I follow. I'm not too excited to be trusting anyone with my wellbeing right now, but this is the best option I have. He seems to know what he's doing. He at least seems to be sure of himself. I can use a little bit of that right now. I haven't been sure of myself even before this whole book fiasco happened.

  "What exactly are we doing?" I finally ask as Julian heads into an alley between a building and an empty lot.

  "Finding higher ground. I can do some magic," he wiggles his fingers, "And see if I can find any specific danger."

  "Magic?" I ask, wiggling my own fingers in a similar matter.

  "I do have it, you know."

  "I wouldn't. But carry on."

  I motion him with a shooing motion, and he throws a smirk my way b
efore jumping up and grabbing one of the fire escape ladders. It pulls down with a resounding clang, and Julian doesn't hesitate to climb it. Shaking my head, I follow as well. We reach the roof of the five-story building in no time.

  Up here, I can see how big the conference actually is. People are spread out in front of the convention center, which actually occupies more than one building. More groups are heading toward the food areas in downtown while others lodge in various spots around the closed off streets.

  "They really go all out," I comment, watching a couple of dressed up vampires walk by.

  "They're fascinated. You can't really blame them."

  Of course I can't. But I do envy them. Maybe my life would be easier without magic. But then again, maybe not. I'm just being a big baby. I really need to suck it up.

  Julian walks over to the edge of the room, placing his hands on the minuscule railing. When I join him, I see that he has closed his eyes, his face full of concentration. I don't interrupt, instead watching the crowds below. Then, something catches my eye.

  "What?" Julian asks, and I realize I must've gasped out loud. I find his eyes, full of concern on me, but I'm not sure I want to put to words what I thought I saw. "Avery?"

  "I think I saw someone." I nearly whisper. My heart is beating a mile a second. When I finally tear my gaze away from Julian and look down, there's no one there. Except, I can't deny it. He was here.

  The fae who was sent to capture me at Thunderbird Academy was here.

  Chapter 4

  "You're not going to tell me?" Julian asks as we descend from the roof down the ladder. I look up at him where he's perched a few steps above me and shake my head. Saying it out loud will just make it more real. I know what I saw, and I know what it means. I have to go. When my feet hit the pavement, I try to do just that.

  "Hey now." Julian catches up with me before I've taken any steps, pulling me to a stop. "I thought you were going to let me help."


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