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Love's Crazy Twists

Page 8

by Johns, S. A.

  He looked at her, “I’m doing my best.”

  “So what are you looking at?” She asked.

  “Oh, I was trying to figure out where I should take you for dinner later. That is, if you are interested.” He said.

  “Shane, I don’t know if I should. I’m still a mess.”

  “Jules, you need to get on with your life, and this isn’t a big commitment, it’s just dinner and maybe a drink afterwards.”

  “I know. It’s just that I know how you fell about me and I don’t want you to make it out to be more than it is. I’d love to go to dinner, I’ve been moping around the house for the past three days, I need to get out.” She looked at him. “So, it’s just a friendly dinner?”

  “Absolutely. I wouldn’t ask for anything more of you. I love being your friend and I know that you are bummed out by Matt and everything that has happened during the past week and I want to try to take your mind off of it. If it is only for one evening.” He assured her.

  “OK.” She walked over to Shane and hugged him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. So I’ll pick you up at six?” He asked.

  “I’ll be ready.” She paused, “or at least I’ll try to be ready.” She laughed. They both knew that she was always late for everything.

  Shane walked to the door and on his way out he said, “I’ll see you at six.”

  Julie had no idea where they were going, so she didn’t know how to dress. Should she wear something dressy and elegant or something casual and laid back? She knew that she would have to re-do her hair and make-up anyway, so she went to get started.

  While she was in the bathroom applying her make-up the phone rang. It was Matt. “Matt? Why are you calling? I thought that we agreed to not see each other for a while.” She said.

  “I know that. I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk for a bit.” He said.

  “No, I can’t talk right now. I’m getting ready to go to dinner.”

  “What? We just broke up yesterday and you’re already going out? With who?” he demanded.

  “It doesn’t really matter now does it?” she started. “It’s not a date, I’m just going to dinner with a friend.”

  “Oh, let me guess. It’s Shane.” He said rather pissy.

  “As a matter of fact, yes, I am going with Shane. He is my friend.” She replied.

  Matt was getting madder by the second. “You going to sleep with him?”

  “What? That is not even an option.” She lied. “And if I were going to sleep with him, I certainly wouldn’t tell you!”

  “You know what? I’m glad I broke up with you, you are nothing but a little slut!” Matt yelled.

  “Matt, I think you’d better try to remember correctly, because I am the one who broke up with you.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Go have fun screwing your friend!” He said and then hung up on her.

  Julie put down the receiver and sighed. “What’s wrong with him? He always has to act like that whenever he doesn’t get his way.” She thought aloud. “Well, I’ll show him! I don’t need him to tell me how to live!” She fumed. “And I’m going to go out and have a good time tonight.” She went back to the bathroom to finish applying her make-up. Just then, as she blotted her lipstick for the umpteenth time, the phone rang again.

  Shit. It’s probably Matt, again. She picked up the phone, “What?”

  “Jules? What’s going on?” the voice asked.

  “Oh, good. Shane, it’s you. I thought it was Matt again.” She explained.

  “he causing grief again?”

  “Well, a little. But let’s not talk about it now, OK?” she asked.

  “Sure. I was calling to see if you were about ready to go.”

  “Yeah, I’m just about done. But I have no idea where we are going so I don’t know how to dress.” She confessed.

  “That is another reason I am calling you, I wanted to tell you to dress up a little. Nothing to fancy, just nice.”

  “OK. Care to tell me where you are taking me?” she inquired.

  “It’s a surprise.” He teased. “I’ll be there in a bit. Bye.”

  “Bye.” She said as she hung up the phone.

  Dress up a little but not too fancy. ‘Where could he be taking me?’She wondered as she looked through her closet. She had party dresses, cocktail dresses, old prom dresses and suit dresses and she still had no idea what to wear. She wanted to look good, after all it was her first time out since being with Matt, and she wanted to fit in.

  She stood looking in her closet for what seemed like hours and then she looked at the clock, it was a quarter to six! Shane would be here any time. She fretted about what outfit would be appropriate, she didn’t want to send Shane any of the wrong signals. She reached into the closet and just as she was grabbing a little red dress there was a knock at the door. It was Shane.

  She opened the door to see Shane standing there with a bouquet of wild flowers for her. He was wearing a blue denim button up shirt and jeans that hugged him in all the right places. His blue eyes sparkled as he handed her the flowers.

  “Thank you.” She said as she took them from him. “come in.”

  “you’re welcome, I knew you’d like them since there are lots of daisies in it.” He said smiling, for he knew that she really loved daisies. “I thought that you’d be dressed up a little more than that.” He teased seeing her in the same sweats as she had on earlier.

  “Really? You don’t like?” she teased back and laughed. “I was just getting ready to get dressed when you knocked at the door.” She said. “Give me a few minutes, OK?”

  “yep. I’m not going anywhere without you.” He told her.

  Julie went back into her room to get dressed. She grabbed the little red sundress that she had flung on the bed as she ran to get the door. She held it up to her and looked in the mirror. ‘Yeah, that should be good.’ She thought. It had spaghetti straps, a low v-neck collar and a lit up either side. Comfy and dressy, who would have thought you could have both in one dress? She slid it down over her head and adjusted it to her satisfaction. She got into the dresser and found a pair of nylons, then decided against them as she thought about shoes. She got her good sandals out from the closet and put them on. She thought she looked pretty good.

  She stepped out of her room to find Shane sitting on the couch waiting for her. Immediately, he stood as he heard her come out. She was more beautiful than he had remembered. He thought about taking her into his arms and kissing her, but he knew that she wasn’t interested in that. He held his breath for a minute before saying a word. He wanted to take in her beauty. The low cut neckline showed off her elegant neck and collarbone, the spaghetti straps showed her sexy shoulders, and the length of the dress showed off her killer legs. She was definitely a vision from Heaven.

  “Julie, you look beautiful.” He said in awe.

  “Thanks.” She blushed. He was the only person she knew that still told her she was beautiful, and she was a little embarrassed by the compliment. She didn’t get them very often, especially from Matt.

  “Are you ready for a fun evening?” Shane asked her.

  “I’m ready and willing.” She said. “Let’s go.”

  They got in the car and were on their way, “So, where are you taking me?” Julie asked him. “Can I know yet?”

  “Well, if you have to know, I thought about going to that little place up on the mountain. You know, the one that overlooks the waterfall at the mouth of Eagle River.” He looked at her, trying to judge her facial expressions to see if he could tell if she liked the idea or not. “Well, what do you think of that?”

  “That sounds splendid. I’ve never been there. However, I’ve heard that it is really nice.”

  They drove for a little while and Julie kept hearing Shane’s words to Matt echo in her head over and over again. If Julie were my girlfriend, I would worship her. I would do any and every thing for her. Then she remembered the night they spent together, a night of passion that could
never be forgotten. She remembered the way his hands felt on her soft skin, and the way his lips felt when they kissed the very first time. She remembered how they had both reached climax together, and how they fell asleep in each others arms. Then she couldn’t help but to think, what if? What if her and Shane would get together and be a couple. Would it be so bad?

  They pulled off onto a dirt road and drove up to the restaurant. There was a big wooden sign that read The Overlook. There weren’t any cars in the parking lot and there weren’t any lights on.

  “I think they are closed, Shane.” Julie said.

  “I think you’re right. What now?” he asked.

  “We could head back home and stop for take-out.” She suggested.

  “No, I have another idea.” He looked at her slyly. “I know this place that isn’t too far from here and I guarantee it’s open.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “You’ll see.” He grinned.

  They drove up to a little cottage on the woods and stopped. “Here we are.” He announced as he stepped out of the car.

  “”Where exactly is here?” Julie asked.

  “This is my cabin. I own it.” He said.

  “It’s your cabin?” she asked.

  “OK, actually, it’s my parents’, but I am allowed to use it anytime. Besides, they keep the kitchen stocked so I’ll be able to make dinner for you.” He said.

  “Well then, let’s go.” She said enthusiastically and they headed for the door.

  Shane unlocked the door and they went in. It was a beautiful cottage with a rustic interior that just shouted “cozy”. There was a fireplace on the far wall underneath a beautiful mantle made of stone. The kitchen had hard wood floors and a long wooden table with wooden benches. Julie couldn’t believe her eyes, it was simply something wonderful. Nothing like she’d ever seen before.

  “Shane, this place is fabulous. I can’t believe I’ve never known that your family had a cabin here.” She said surprised.

  “Well, I don’t come here very often.” He admitted.

  “Why not? This place is gorgeous!” she said.

  “Yeah, it is an amazing place, I just don’t have any reason to come here all by myself.” He replied.

  “Well, you can bring me along anytime.” She told him.

  Shane led her into the kitchen area and they looked in the fridge. “See? I told you my family always kept the kitchen stocked. What would you like for dinner?” he asked.

  “There is so much food in there, I don’t know what I want. It’s almost like a restaurant.” She said.

  “How do you feel about pasta?” he asked. “I can make a mean fettuccine Alfredo.” He smiled.

  “I love fettuccine Alfredo. Do you have everything for it?” she asked.

  “Of course.” He headed towards a door that opened into a large pantry full of all kinds of food. There was definitely enough stuff for dinner.

  “I must say, Shane, I am impressed.” Julie told him. “This place truly is incredible.”

  “Jules, if you are that impressed by the pantry wait until you see the wine cellar.” He teased.

  “Ha ha, Shane. You think you are so funny.” She laughed.

  “Seriously, come look at this.” He said, taking her by the hand and leading her to the opposite side of the kitchen to a small pair of French doors and he swung them open. Julie couldn’t believe her eyes. Who, besides a liquor store, had so much alcohol? There was wine of shapes and sizes, whiskeys, schnapps, and other mixers. There was anything you could think of.

  “Shane, is your family full of alcoholics?” she joked.

  “Some of them.” He laughed. He grabbed a bottle of white wine and then proceeded to gather ingredients for dinner. He put the wine in the fridge to chill.

  “Julie, do you want to listen to some music or something?” Shane asked her.

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” She answered as he headed towards the radio and turned it on. “Do you need any help with dinner?” she asked.

  “No, I’m good. You go sit down and relax, I’ll call you when it’s ready. He told her.

  “I’d rather stay and watch you cook.” She said slyly.

  “Oh really? What exactly does that mean?” he asked.

  “I’ve never seen you cook anything, let alone fettuccine Alfredo.” She laughed.

  “OK, watch the master work.” He said as he set about making dinner.

  They chatted as he cooked and had a good old time, they each had a few glasses of wine, and they were cutting loose. Finally, dinner was ready. It was fantastic. They had dinner by candlelight and the wine complimented the pasta perfectly. Julie thought that she had actually been in an Italian restaurant.

  After dinner was done and the mess was all cleaned up Shane asked Julie is she want to go for a walk down by the lake.

  “So Julie, tell me the truth, what did you think of dinner?” he asked, trying to make small talk.

  “It was absolutely delicious.” She told him.

  They walked down a small path and down some stairs to a path that led around the lake. It was very nice. They were walking along talking, as friends do, and Julie was still wondering what it would be like if they were a couple. She had the sudden urge to kiss him, right there beside the lake. They stopped near a big rock at the edge of the lake and Shane sat down.

  “Come on, Jules, have a seat.” He said patting the rock beside him.

  “Nah, I’m good.” She started, “you know, Shane, if it weren’t for you, I’d still be moping around the house.” She started towards him, “and I want to thank you. For everything.” She put her arms around him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her too. Boy, did he feel good in her arms. She almost didn’t want to let go, and when she tried to he held her closer. She had to kiss him, she needed him. She pulled away slightly, just so that she could look him in the eyes. She leaned in closer and closed her eyes. His lips sought hers just as she had hoped. She already knew his mouth but she wanted to know more. Her lips and tongue explored his looking to learn as much as possible in that very moment. This kiss wasn’t like the first one they had shared, but it was just as enjoyable. This one was more tender and loving, not as much urgency in it. They both knew that now there could be a real chance for them, and they savored the kiss.

  By the time they headed back to the cabin it was getting dark. Julie was afraid to admit it, but she was a little afraid of being in the woods at dark. Then she reminded herself that she had nothing to fear when she was with Shane. They got back and went inside.

  “Jules, do you want another glass of wine?” Shane asked.

  “Sure, unless you’re ready to go.” She said.

  “Well, about that,” he paused, “I was wondering if you’d like to spend the night here.” He said sincerely.

  “Um, well, I don’t know.” She answered nervously. She knew that if she spent the night alone here with Shane that they would make love again. Maybe not because of his advances, but because of hers. She wanted to be with him again, but what about Matt? She wasn’t with him anymore so it shouldn’t matter, but then again, they had just broken up yesterday. Was it too soon to start anything with Shane? On the other hand, they had already been together, so why not? “You know what? Yeah, let’s stay.” She told him.

  His heart skipped a beat. He knew that his friend was falling for him and he couldn’t be happier. He had to admit that he was taken by surprise when she kissed him earlier that evening. And he could tell the difference in her kiss as well as she could. He suddenly became nervous. What had he done? What if she really wasn’t ready for this? Would it ruin their friendship? Well, it hadn’t so far. “Good. What do you want to do now? Want to watch some TV or listen to the radio?” he suggested.

  “Let’s just listen to the radio for now.” She said.

  He got up and went to turn the radio back on. He stopped by the fireplace and started to build a fire. Julie, for the first time, noticed candles all about the
room and she got up and lit them. In no time at all the fire was roaring and the candles were glowing, the room looked very romantic. And it felt that way too. All that was missing was a blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace to make love on.

  “So, how are you feeling, Jules? Did I help take your mind off of things?” Shane asked her.

  “I feel much better, thank you.” She told him. “I haven’t thought about it all day.” She smiled. “That is up until now.”

  “Sorry.” He laughed.

  “Shane?” She asked.


  “Do you dance?” She asked.

  “A little, yes. Why do you ask?” he asked.

  “Would you dance with me?” she asked coyly.


  She nodded her head, “Yes, now.”

  He stood up and walked towards her, she stood and met him halfway. He put his muscular arms around her and held her close as she put her arms around his neck and enjoyed having him near. They swayed to the music and clung to each other as if their lives depended on it. When the song was over another slow one came on and they kept dancing. Shane looked at her, “Julie, you are so beautiful.” He paused, “I don’t want to take my eyes off of you.” He leaned towards her and then began kissing her.

  Julie had to use all of her strength not to fall down, her knees were weak and heart was racing. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for this, but she was going to leap anyway. She was enjoying every moment with Shane, and she had enjoyed the whole day with him. Ever since he showed up at her house that afternoon she had been happy.

  He began running his hands up and down her back. He pulled from the kiss and her on the neck, she lifted her head slightly and he kissed it again. Running kisses down her neck to her collarbone. Her body shivered and she clenched onto him. He kissed her again. This time it was full of that passion and urgency that she had felt the first time.

  “Julie?” he asked breathlessly.

  “Uh huh.” Was her reply.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m sure.” She answered.

  With that being said, he leaned in and kissed her again. She was so hot for him that she didn’t know how long she would be able to hold out. She kept recalling the memories of the first night they spent together. It was sheer Heaven. So she was ready whenever he was.


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