Colby (Drake Brothers Series Book 3)
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Pulling away, she looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. “Got to wrap it before I tap it.” She rolls her eyes. Quickly, I grab a condom from my wallet.
“Let me help you with that,” she winks and damn, it’s sexy as fuck. She takes the condom and slides it on my dick then proceeds to slide her hand perfectly down my shaft. Fuck me. If she keeps this up, I’m not going to make it ten seconds. Quickly, I pick her up and meet her entrance again, which is begging for me. Sliding in slowly, I close my eyes as I push inside. Walking backward, I find the old wooden chair and take a seat. As she looks down at me and smiles, she begins to take control and I’m a fucking goner when I hear the most beautiful sound in my life. Dixie looks me in the eyes as her walls tighten around my dick, and as she’s almost at the brink of climax, she says my name. Not Drake but Colby, and I follow right behind her. I’m so fucked and in love.
The moment that I scream his name is the moment that I’m screwed. Never in my life have I felt what just happened, but it’s Colby and I can’t. Sliding off his lap, I got to grab my clothes and he doesn’t say a word. Taking the paint brush, I go back to work, and that’s when I feel him walk up behind me.
My breath hitches as he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. “Colby, don’t.” He doesn’t listen; instead, he trails slow kisses down my neck and every hair on my body stands at attention. He continues to do it and I try my best to continue to paint. Every moment is a war with myself and when he hits that oh so sweet spot, I drop my paintbrush which gives him exactly what he wants. Spinning me around to face him, he pushes me against the freshly painted wall.
“Colby! I just painted that!”
“I don’t give a fuck,” he says as his lips crash into mine and as much as I want to resist, I can’t. Stella was right. One taste of a Drake and you're a fucking goner. When he’s claimed me with his lips, he takes a step back and looks me in the eyes. “Be mine.” Those are the only words that escape along with that fucking dimple. My mind is going a million miles an hour, but can’t process a damn thing. “Dixie, did you hear me?”
Nodding, she says, “Colby, I don’t know.”
“I do. I know that you're the most bad ass woman I’ve ever met, sexy as fuck, and I want you. Fucking all of you.”
My heart begins to beat rapidly. How in the hell did I go from yesterday until this moment? “Colby, this is too much too fast…but, shit. I don’t know.”
He starts to laugh and it’s sexy as hell. “I get it, sweetheart. I’m a Drake. You are a bad ass who doesn’t need a man. It kinda goes with the territory, but I can promise you one thing. You give me a shot and there’s no way in fuck I’ll mess up. I’ve had to watch that happen too much with those other shit heads.” I’m not sure why, but I begin to laugh uncontrollably. “You think that’s funny?” he questions and invades my space.
When he looks me in the eyes, I feel it in my soul. For the first time in my life, I feel the truth in a pair of eyes, not some bullshit to get you in the sack. “Colby, can I think about it?”
“Sure,” he says as he bends down, kisses my lips with force and grazes my bottom lip with his teeth, which makes my girlie bits go crazy again. I want to tell him yes, but this is too much too fast.
As he takes a step back, I feel the air fill my lungs and I move from the wet wall. Taking a step forward, I glance over my shoulder and shake my head. “I guess we need to fix that.”
“Or we could leave it as a reminder?” Colby says with a wink. I smile as I think about how my life has changed dramatically in the past twenty-four hours. Taking my hands, I run my fingers through my hair and it hits me. Paint is everywhere. “It’s not that bad.”
“Maybe for you, but I can’t walk around like this. It’s like a dentist with no teeth.” He starts to laugh and it’s one of those that reminds me of what he must have been like as a kid. “I don’t know why you’re laughing, you look just as bad.”
“For starters, you look hot as fuck, and secondly, I’m a dude at a hardware store. No one cares.”
“But I do. No man of mine’s going to look like that,” I motion up and down and that’s when I realized what I’ve said and his smile proves it.
Chapter 8
The moment she makes that comment, I know the time factor is her being cautious. However, she wants me as much as I want her.
“So, your man, huh?” I say as I pull her to me and she looks up at me.
“Come on. Let’s get cleaned up,” she says and I follow her out of the room. I stop at aisle three for paint thinner. “What are you doing?”
Waving it at her, she shakes her head, and I follow her out the door and down to Aunt Tootie’s. Unlocking the door, she walks to her station and grabs a few things.
“You think she’ll kill us being in here this late?”
“Nah, she’ll be in soon anyways. I need to tell her. Go have a seat in the shampoo bowl.”
“I’ve got a better idea. Take your shit and let’s do this at the store. There’s a full bathroom in there. Shower included.” She lets out a laugh and it’s contagious. I can’t help it; I take a step toward her and capture her lips. I swear if life with this woman is like the past twenty-four hours, it’s going to be one hell of a ride.
As the door opens, I hear someone come in and quickly pull away from Colby. His hand finds mine and we’re met by Aunt Tootie.
“Bless it! What in tarnation have y’all been doing? It’s six am.”
“I know. I was helping Colby with something and we got carried away. He wanted me to put this stuff in my hair! Can you believe that?” she says, holding the paint thinner.
“Oh, that will work, but it will fry your hair. I’m going to get the coffee brewing and read the paper. What time are your clients today?” Aunt Tootie asks.
“I’m clear today,” Dixie replies and I can see the uneasiness in her demeanor.
“Great! So can you do the walk-ins?” she questions and now is the perfect time for her to let her down easy.
I give her a hand a little squeeze. “Actually, I needed to talk to you about something. Today’s my last day.”
Her eyes go wide, “What?”
“I’m opening up my own little salon,” she shakes her head.
“Drake, this has your name all over it. That’s why you came by yesterday, huh, boy?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She looks at both of us and shakes her head, but then genuinely smiles. “I’m happy for y’all.” I look to Dixie who looks like she’s in shock. “Y’all remind me of myself and Frank. Did y’all know he built this shop for me? He saw that I needed it and took it upon himself to make sure I was taken care of. Colby, never thought I'd say this, but I’m proud of you. Your mama would be proud, too.”
Something about the mention of my mama makes my heart hurt. Damn, I miss her and Dad, too. “Thanks, Aunt Tootie.”
“Promise me one thing, when I finally decide to give this business up, you’ll take over. You can remodel or do whatever you like. Right now, this is all I’ve got left of Frank.”
Dixie let’s go of my hand and takes a step toward Aunt Tootie. “I’d be honored to.” Aunt Tootie opens her arms and Dixie falls into them, and something in my heart heals in this moment.
The moment that Aunt Tootie opened her arms and let me into the real reason she can’t let go of this place, I knew that I was doing the right thing. However, hearing her talk about Colby’s mom broke my heart. Stella has told me the story of how they lost both parents in a horrible accident after being adopted at a young age. They might have been rowdy and liked to fight, but Carol and Paul Drake were a godsend to them.
Turing to look at Colby, I see a half smile and I know that I’m right. He’s thinking about them. “Hey, wanna help me pack up?” I ask him and he smiles.
“Don’t you want to clean up first?” he asks.
“Nah, we’ve got more work to do, no need to have
to do this twice,” I say with a wink.
Within a few minutes, we’ve got everything and are walking out of Aunt Tootie’s. Glancing back in the window, I pause.
“It’s okay to be a little sad about a chapter closing, but think about the one that’s about to open,” he says, holding a large box. Turning to him, I quickly press up on my tip toes and kiss his lips in front of God and everyone on Main Street.
“Damn, guess we're official, huh?” he says with a laugh as old Mrs. Smith sees us while walking into the diner.
“Well, if not, the entire town’s going to be talking.”
“I’m okay with that,” he says as we walk back to the store.
Chapter 9
The moment that we are back in the store, I realize that we’ve both been going strong for twenty-four hours. I’m sure she’s exhausted, but if so she doesn’t show it. I quickly text Stella and ask her to bring coffee and breakfast.
Placing the box on the ground, I take a moment to look around and can’t believe the difference one day can make.
“How about let’s get that back wall finished?” she says with a smile and I can’t tell her no. She cuts the radio back on as Kane Brown starts to play and she starts to sing. Smiling, I look over at her, and we get back to work.
Within the hour, Stella is knocking on the front door. I go to open it and her face is priceless when she sees us and what we’ve done.
“Y’all, it’s amazing in here,” but then her eyes land on the far wall. “What the fuck happened there?” she says and suddenly realizes. “Oh my gosh, y’all didn’t?” I start to smile and she looks to Dixie. “I knew it!” She begins to do some jig.
“Stella, slow your roll, but yeah, we’re like Main Street official,” Dixie says with a smile then walks over to me and wraps her arms around my waist as Everett walks in.
“Stella, did you have to run in here like a bat outta hell?” he questions then sees Dixie’s arms around my waist. “Damn, didn’t waste any time there, bro.”
I don’t ever give him a smart-ass comment, but he’s right. For once in my life, I didn’t sit back and let them make decisions for me, or play the part of pretty boy at the hardware store. Instead, I went for what I wanted without giving two shits of what might happen.
Looking at my best friend, I know I’ve got a lot to explain, but right now in this moment, all I want to do is get this salon ready for Monday.
“Y’all busy today?” I ask.
“Not until three,” Stella says.
“Y’all wanna help?” They all look at me like I’m crazy. “Maybe a little help is all right every now and then. Plus, I know we can’t have a paint party, but we could always drink beer and set up shop.”
“I’m in,” Everett agrees and says he’s going to get the beer.
“He does realize it’s not even nine yet,” I say with a laugh.
“It’s beer thirty somewhere,” Stella says with a smile.
As the afternoon rolls on and Stella and Everett leave for work, I spend every moment making sure that everything is in place, but I can barely keep my eyes open.
Colby walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. “Why don’t we call it a day? We could shower, take a quick nap, and enjoy a night at Barger’s then finish up tomorrow.”
Looking him in the eyes, I know that sounds perfect. “Sounds good to me. I’ve got to get this paint out of my hair. That’s number one on my agenda, but I’m afraid if I close my eyes that I might not wake up until tomorrow.”
“Well, I know how we can fix that,” he winks.
“I bet you do. Didn’t you say there was shower here?” Pressing my lips to him, I kiss him sweetly and still can’t believe the man in front of me. Colby takes me in his arms, grabs the shampoo from the box, and walks toward the back room. He cuts on the shower and has us both out of our clothes faster than lightning.
Walking outside to my car, Colby opens the door and kisses me goodbye. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”
“Sounds good.”
Chapter 10
The moment that I walk in the door, I set my alarm because I’m exhausted. When my head hits the pillow, I’m gone until seven.
Taking a moment, I wipe my eyes and look at the clock. Walking to the kitchen, I grab a beer and take a long pull and feel someone behind me. Turning around, it’s Jeremiah, my baby brother.
“Dixie, huh?” he says with a crooked grin.
“Shut the fuck up. All it took was one set of heels and an allen wrench and you were like balls to the wall for Landry.”
He starts to laugh, “Damn right.”
“So, y’all going to Barger’s tonight?”
“Not sure. Landry’s pretty worn out these days, but I’m sure she’ll want to come by and see this with her own eyes.”
Taking a pull on my beer, I wait to see if there’s anything else to be said and when he doesn’t, I walk back to my room and get ready for a fucking date.
Quickly, I text Dixie because if she’s like me, she’s out like a light.
The moment my phone chirps, I pick it up and smile to see it’s Colby. Shaking my head, I still can’t believe it. He’s checking to make sure I’m awake. I quickly text him back and move from my covers.
Looking in the bathroom mirror, I smile at the paint I missed in the shower today. Turning on the water, I jump in and get ready for a date with Colby Drake.
At exactly eight o’clock, he pulls down the drive and walks toward my door. Today, I don’t hurry out like I’m on fire. Instead, I wait for him to knock on the door. Turning the door knob, I smile, seeing him with two beers in his hand. Thank goodness he didn’t bring flowers. I hate them.
“Thanks. You sure know the way to a woman’s heart,” I say with a smile.
“No, not really, just the only woman that matters.”
“You want to come in a minute?”
“You do realize if I walk in this house, we’re never leaving.” I start to laugh and know exactly what he means.
Taking the beer from his hand, I close the door behind me and make sure it’s locked as we walk down the wooden steps toward his truck. He opens the door for me, helps me inside, and stares at me for what feels like forever.
“Damn, you're beautiful,” he says and I feel the heat rise up my cheeks as he closes the door and walks around.
As he climbs inside and cranks the truck, I look over to him. “Thank you, Colby.”
“For what? The beer?” he says with a smirk.
“No, for doing what you knew I needed. There’s no way I would have been able to have my dreams come true without you.”
Taking his hand, he laces his fingers in mine and then looks my direction, “This is just the beginning. I plan on making all your fucking dreams come true, sweetheart.”
Leaning over the console, I kiss his lips and thank God that I decided to not let myself get in the way of us.
Arriving at Barger’s, he holds my hand and walks us inside. It feels amazing to have him beside me instead of a smart ass across the table from me. Stella and Everett give us a wave, but when Beckett see’s us, he shakes his head.
“Dude, you, too?” he says with a laugh.
“What can I say? She’s my kind of crazy,” he says and I can’t help but smile. I’m glad he’s well aware of what he’s getting himself into.
For the remainder of the night, we laugh, talk, drink and enjoy life. As the radio begins to play “There Goes My Everything,” I smile and take him by the hand as he shakes his head no. Pulling him onto the makeshift dance floor, I begin to dance with him and he shakes his head. Smiling, I look at him knowing that this song isn’t made for two-stepping, so I wrap my arms around his neck and sway my hips back and forth when the song begins, but when the beat picks up I take a step back and his face says it all. Laughter fills my soul as he pulls me close to him and he sways to the beat regardless of the music.
When the song ends, he pulls me in and my eyes meet his. “You're my everything, Dixie.”
“Right back at you, Colby,” I say as he bends down and his lips find mine. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hear Jeremiah holler, “Get a room!”
Laughing, we look over to see Jeremiah and Landry. Damn, she looks like she’s about to pop! Walking over to them, I hug her and we all take a seat at the bar, and bless her heart. I know she’s ready for these nine months to be over and a cold beer.
When the door to the bar opens, I see Dallas walk in. Wow, her hair still looks amazing!
“Shit, Dixie. Those pictures didn’t do that cut justice,” Stella says as everyone looks to the door.
“Told y’all she’s like a walking advertisement.”
I wave her over and tell her about the new shop. She can’t wait to bring Lettie by to see it when it’s finished. Speaking of Lettie, I can’t believe she’s not at home with her, but she tells me that her parents took her for the night.
“Why don’t you hang out with us?” I ask her.
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not? Hey, Everett, grab her another beer. She’s hanging with us.” He gives me a nod then brings it over.
For the first time in my life, I feel as if my world is exactly how it should be. All of my dreams are coming true, and the best part is the people that are watching it unfold.
As the clock approaches midnight, I look to Colby. He must read my mind as he goes to pay the tab and we tell everyone bye.
Arriving at my house, I don’t know what to do at this point. Everything is new and we’ve moved so fast already.
“Dixie, I don’t have to come in.”
“I know but I want you to. Can I ask you something?”
“Do you think we’re going too fast?” He starts to smile.