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Mark of the Fallen: A Fallen Novel

Page 3

by Jones, Tanisha

  "Briar ó Flannagáin, sir," he spoke with a surprisingly deep Irish brogue, using the Gaelic pronunciation of his name and Remy's body began to tingle. His fangs extended slightly and the Lycan’s body tensed, his breath quickening. She could smell the arousal in the air coming from both of them.

  “Good Lord,” she thought rolling her eyes.

  "Well, Briar, I think perhaps when the Commander and I have completed our business with the Collective, you and I should talk. I may have a task for you. Meet me in my room in two hours. It's on the fifth level." The giant Briar smiled and blushed beet red; making him look even younger, if that were possible. The elevator pinged, the doors sliding open. Celeste stepped inside and watched Remy, the glint of wanting in his eyes.

  "Yes sir." Briar saluted again trying to cover the deepening blush.

  "Two hours, Briar. Don't keep me waiting." Remy stepped into the elevator beside her, coolly linking his fingers in front of him as the doors slid closed. The soldier watched Remy until the door closed, completely flushed, a smile lighting that face. She had to admit, Remy had remained cool and nonchalant, even though the lust was radiating from him in overpowering waves. His scent was strong, sugary sweet thick, filling the elevator car.

  "You're not fooling anyone, you know," she said, taking her gloves off, but avoiding his eyes. Remy managed to look completely innocent.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about." He managed to look completely guileless and somewhat insulted. Celeste turned to face him, her expression blank. "I do love those red heads," he whispered and Celeste couldn't help but smirk.

  Once the elevator began to move, he broke out into a spontaneous dance routine. He started thrusting his hips, his bottom lip between his teeth, his face twisted as if he smelled something bad. He shimmied up to her and she placed a hand on his chest, gently pushing him away. He smacked his own ass, watching as she stifled a giggle. He turned around, popping his butt against her hip until she'd backed into a corner to get away from him. She finally broke into a fit of giggles when the doors opened and their father stood staring at them.

  He was not amused.

  Jonas Kent was a powerful presence, imposing and filling every space he occupied, yet he wasn't a large man. He stood about six feet tall, narrow in the shoulders, his dark wavy hair going grey at the temples. What made him such a force was the laser focus of his gaze and his regal bearing. Nearly seven hundred and fifty years old, Jonas had the bearing of a king, his head held high, with piercing deep brown eyes.

  They followed him down the hall toward a small library off of the Collective's usual, larger meeting room. Celeste looked at Remy who shrugged, just as surprised as she was by the change of venue. Jonas held the door open and stepped aside, allowing Celeste entry into the darkened library first. She entered, staring around the room with its dark wood paneling and thick Persian rugs. A fire blazed in the hearth, warming the room and filling it with the smell of expensive cigars, burning wood and bourbon.

  The heavily embroidered Victorian furniture was occupied by members of the Collective and a couple of new people. She stared at the back of two heads, one a vibrant red that hung past milky white shoulders, the other dark and very male. She was staring, straining to hear the conversation across the room, but was only able to make out laughs and the deep voice of Collective member, Julian Onder. Julian leveled his gaze at her and smirked, his fangs showing and his yellow eyes giving her an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  She was so unnerved that she nearly jumped out her skin when the butler began removing her cape. She let the dwarf take it with a tight smile, handing him her gloves and hat as well. Remy had removed his own coat and began a slow stride towards the group with Jonas. She turned back to Julian who smiled wider and even managed a wink.

  "They have arrived," Jonas said in his heavily accented baritone. Even after three hundred years in the states, he kept the deep French accent. Celeste had the feeling that it was all for show. "I would like to introduce our guests to my youngest children, Remy and Commander of the Grey, Celeste Kent," Jonas said and the two with their backs to them rose.

  The woman was tiny with skin so pale that it made her hair seem that much deeper and bloodier a red. Her eyes were hard, white irises rimmed with the same deep red and her face was a cross between a pixie and elf. Yet, Celeste knew from the moment she looked at her, this woman was pure demon.

  "This is Lilith," Jonas said. The woman nodded towards Remy and Celeste, her smile ethereal. Celeste felt Remy stiffen beside her, yet his face remained relaxed and calm. Remy and his red heads, she thought, waiting for him to make a move, say something wholly inappropriate, but he didn't. He simply smiled and nodded in her direction. Celeste nodded to their guest.

  "And this is,"

  "Karim,” she exhaled and stopped short. Her mouth had suddenly gone dry. He was tall, with a slim muscular build, his skin a tawny gold. His dark hair was slicked back tight to his skull, his face slightly angular and one she wouldn't call handsome, but striking. His eyes were the thing that captured her attention every time she saw them, they were branded on her memory, so pale they were like looking into sunlit ice. She had seen those eyes in her dreams for centuries. And now, here he was, in the flesh. After all of this time, she was face to face with him again.

  The newcomer smiled and his face became beautiful, his fangs exposed and that twinkle appeared in his eyes. She knew that twinkle and she hated it. She hated it and she hated herself for reacting to it. After all he had done, he had the balls to show up here.

  "Good to see you, Ce-" Before he could complete the sentence, she punched him in the face with a right hook that knocked him flat on his ass.

  "Good to see you too,” she growled.


  Chaos had ensued the moment Karim hit the plush carpet of the library floor. He crumbled like a ton of bricks, his nose exploding in a bloody mess. Julian burst into surprised laughter, reveling in the violence. Lilith stepped back, avoiding being crushed under the falling weight of the man, her hands going to cover her delicate mouth.

  The Collective members sprang to their feet in shock, not knowing how to react to Celeste and the unexpected attack and not wanting to get in between her and her mounting rage. She moved forward, preparing to continue her assault on the fallen man, when Remy wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides and backing her away.

  "What are you doing?" He asked against her ear. She fought against him, struggling, her legs flailing as she growled in anger.

  "I'm going to kick that piece of shit's ass into his fucking neck." She was practically foaming at the mouth and Remy was struggling to hold her. Karim sat up, those frosty green eyes alight with mild amusement.

  "I see you still have a nasty right." His soft Persian accent filled the room, making her knees go weak. His voice was thick and slurred slightly, but it was still the sexy purr that always made her stomach twist into knots. Damn, she wanted to punch him again, knock the sexy right out of him. She surged forward, dragging Remy with her as he dug his heels in to keep her from attacking.

  "Little help!” He called to Julian. The other members of the Collective would be of no help holding back a bloodthirsty goddess. They stood in silence as she charged, not daring to get in between Celeste and Karim who was wiping the blood from his nose and lip. The High Regent moved forward, only to be held back by her ever present security. Two large men materialized from the shadows and stood in front of her, protectively blocking her from any harm, or a good view, as the melee continued. Jonas was busily assisting their fallen guest, apologizing for his daughter's actions, which meant only the powerful lycan alpha was left to help Remy contain her growing rage.

  Julian stepped forward, catching one of Celeste's legs before she connected with his crotch. He shook a finger at her in warning, taking both of her calves in his strong grasp. "Careful Tanrıça, you may have use for that later. I'm excellent at burning off excess aggression,'" he purred, o
ne hand moving seductively up her leather clad calf.

  “Not now, Onder." Remy warned.

  "Take her to her suite,” the High Regent said, her solemn black dark eyes watching the scene with something close to confused horror. Her perfectly coiffed hair glowed deep chestnut, her skin a soft amber in the fire light. Her long delicate fingers moved up to her throat as she watched the scene in stunned silence.

  "Yes, mother.” Remy mumbled gritting his teeth as he and Julian carried the enraged woman out of the library.


  Remy and Julian pushed her into the living room of her fifth floor suite, slamming the door behind them, both panting heavily after the strain of containing the fury of an angry goddess and getting her safely into her room. Both men sat heavily on the sofa, beads of perspiration dripping from their faces, and panting from the exertion, leaving her to pace the room. Remy looked up at her, watching to make sure she didn't sprint for the door. Her neat bun had fallen free, hanging down her back in heavy unruly waves, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes blazed with blue fire. Remy loved her like this, breathing fire, ready to eradicate anyone who crossed her path. She was exquisite.

  "Damn, she's even hotter when she's pissed." Julian mumbled.

  Remy looked at Julian in disgust, rolling his eyes as the man tugged at his pants, trying to adjust himself. Julian’s nostrils flared and he moved closer to the edge of his seat, those yellow eyes smoldering as he watched her move back and forth across the room. Julian's eyes stayed on the sway of her hips, the way the leather cradled the curve of her ass. He was growling, a low soft hum that vibrated in his chest.

  Remy could smell the scent of his arousal, strong and pungent, and it made him angry. This man was not worthy of Celeste and he had the nerve to lust after her in front of him.

  "Not now, Julian. Mind explaining what that was about?" Remy asked, rising and stepping in front of Julian to break his visual contact with her. If he didn't Julian would pounce on her, and then Remy would have to put him down. He really didn’t have time for that.

  She stopped pacing long enough to look her brother in the eye, her anger evaporating and her shoulders beginning to shake. She wasn't crying; it was as if a chill had set into her bones and her body trembled. She opened her mouth, snapped it closed and then opened it again.

  "I trusted him and he …" she choked on the truth she'd never spoken to Remy. A truth that she had denied to all except one.

  "He sold me,” she whispered.



  She sat on the sofa of the starkly decorated room, a glass of scotch in her shaky hands. She was fuming, unable to quell her fury and overcome by profound sadness. It was now Remy's turn to pace, his sinewy frame wound tight. His body made slight popping noises as he tried to keep himself from turning into some ferocious animal. Beside her, Julian sipped a glass of vodka, his amber eyes on Celeste as he inhaled her scent. Lycans were drawn to aggression and she was throwing it off in waves that had him hard and hurting for her. It also made him angry, because with each wave of anger there was an underlying feeling of hurt.

  "I'll kill him." Remy grunted over and over, his pupils elongating, giving him a serpentine look as he slunk back and forth across the plush white carpet. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell any of us? Celeste- you - you told Nicky right? Nicky knows? Of course he does, you tell him everything," he sighed, jealous of the closeness she shared with her best friend. And not for the first time.

  "He sold you?" he repeated, his anger resurfacing with ferocity. His hands became claws with thick dark talons that looked as if they could shred a man to pieces.

  "For a fucking camel." She gave a snort of laughter and sighed. "A camel," she whispered.

  "I would have been better off if he'd left me to die in the desert. At least then maybe Anhur could have found me. Or Nyx. Hell, I could have found my own way given enough time. But he traded me for a camel instead. Can I pick 'em or can I pick' em?" she asked.

  The men were silent and she could feel their pity and it angered her even more. She didn't need pity, she had survived and she would continue to do so. Seeing Karim had only brought all of those memories to the surface in such a primitive way that she hadn't had time to process it. So she'd attacked.

  There was a soft knock on the door and they all froze.

  Remy turned to look at Celeste who stared into her empty glass, her mind a million miles away. When neither of them moved, Julian grunted and went to answer the door. He wasn't sure whom he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't … Karim.

  Julian stared at the man, his growl, which moments ago had been sexual in nature, turned to a fierce rumble. He grasped the vamp by the neck and tossed him into the room, his body already beginning to change into the beast he was. Karim landed on the rug with a thud right at Celeste's feet.

  Remy turned in an instant, his fingers elongating, the nails shifting into razor sharp, black talons. His eyes turned deep green and every muscle in him tensed.

  Karim rose quickly, his fangs extended and those intense eyes that sparked with anger, narrowed as he prepared for the onslaught that was sure to follow.

  "Stop,” Celeste said in a low voice. “I’m not in the mood to clean blood off of my sofa.”

  Remy stopped growling, and stood clenching his fists as he tried to contain his anger. “Please," Celeste whispered and his shoulder sagged in defeat.

  He turned away from Karim, stomping across the room as his human form returned.

  "Can I speak to her alone?" Karim finally asked once he realized that there would not be a fight. Not today anyway.

  Remy was about to say something, and she held up a hand.

  "You can leave." She met Remy's eyes.

  He stared at her for a moment, then seeing something in her that seemed to satisfy him, he turned to Julian and they headed for the door.

  "I'll be right next door if you need us,” he said, and then looked at Karim with a smirk of utter disdain. "I hope when she tears your head off the process is as slow and painful as possible."


  Behind him the door closed with a gentle snick, and Karim's body relaxed slightly. He could never completely relax in her presence. She was strong enough to rip him apart and if he'd truly done something to hurt her, he probably deserved it. Even if he hadn't known the consequences of his actions had been devastating in some way, he had been asked to protect her, to see her out of Persia safely. But his own attraction to her had driven him nearly insane and he had wanted nothing more than to be rid of her before he'd fallen too deeply. He'd made a promise, bound by a blood oath to Nyx that he would not seduce her; but he just couldn't keep himself away from her.

  He hadn’t laid eyes on her since he’d entrusted her to the merchant would who promised to take her with his wife into the city of Pelusium. She would meet an envoy there and a ship that would take her to Thebes. The man and his wife had guaranteed her safety on the short journey. Nyx had never told him otherwise, so he had no earthy idea why was she so angry.

  No one would speak of it to him, not even Nyx, who feigned ignorance. When he'd broached the subject with the Collective, they had looked at him with horror in their eyes. Something profound had happened to her, something that had changed the sweet girl he had known into an angry, violent woman before him.


  Remy sat on his sofa, his eyes closed as he savored his drink and soft R & B that filled the room, when the knock on the door drew his attention. Two hours exactly, he thought as he opened the door to his guest.

  Remy closed the door softly when Briar eased past him into the darkly decorated suite. Celeste's rooms were done in stark white with clean lines, Remy's suite was done in all blacks and deep blues; a hint of Turkish tobacco still wafted in the air from the snuffed out cigarette Julian had left upon his exit.

  Briar moved further into the room, his eyes going over the dark leather sofa and deep pile of the sapphire blue rug before landing o
n the open door and the big round bed beyond. He could see the heavy black duvet and pillows in the same sapphire as the rug, and knew that eventually he would end up there. His eyes moved to Remy standing barefoot, shirtless, that long ragged scar that curved around his left shoulder, smooth and shiny in the dim light. He never really spoke of the scar which looked as if his arm had been removed and then sewn back on, and Briar knew not to push. His pants looked as if they were clinging to him by sheer will, and Briar couldn't help but think about what lay beneath the soft cotton material.

  Remy was slender, but every inch of him toned muscle, smooth save the smattering of fine hair across his chest. He didn't have facial hair, and Briar wondered if he could even grow any, his skin was so soft.

  "Drink?" Remy asked, moving past him only to be grasped around the waist and pulled hard against the granite wall that was Briar. Every muscle in Briar's body was ridged, hard and tense against him. His mouth was hot and moist against the bare skin of Remy's throat. His big beefy hand slipped low past the waist band of Remy's pants, thick fingers sinking into soft curls before slowly wrapping around his growing erection. He stroked slowly at first, his hand a silken fist playing with him.

  "Oh, I have missed you, B." Remy moaned, his arm going up to cup the back of Briar's head while the knot of want low in his stomach burned through his body like a wildfire. Briar pressed his hips into him, his erection just as thick and massive as the rest of him.

  "I missed you too, baby." Briar sighed. Remy turned to face him, his eyes on the soft sweetness that was Briar's incredible innocent face. He pulled him closer, their mouths meeting, his tongue slipping past his teeth into the delicious sweetness that was Briar's mouth. His taste always reminded Remy of a fresh orchard, sweet, fresh, he tasted wonderful.


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