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Amy Lynn, The Lady Of Castle Dunn

Page 26

by Jack July

  “Mother will demand it.”

  Claire nodded. “When do I have to go?”

  “There are several other girls interested, but I think I like you best. You would need to leave today.”

  Claire remembered the shame she felt walking back to the castle with Miss Constance when she saw the Lady with the police.

  Claire gave it a few more moments of thought. “How would this work?”

  “We pick you up, put you on a plane and you’re off. Mother will take care of your paperwork.”

  She would have liked to have more time to think about it. But there it was, an opportunity to start over. “Okay, I ah, I will.”

  “Very good, where should I have you picked up?”

  “Outside the gate to the Castle Dunn.”

  He thought the Castle Dunn? She must live in a farmhouse near there. “That is out in the country. Okay, the taxi will be there at 9:00 tonight.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Oh no, my dear, thank you.”

  When Claire left, Doctor Wirths went to his office, picked up a phone and dialed.


  “Mother, I’ve found a perfect match, B-.”

  “Excellent. Vell done, Adolf.”

  Chapter 48

  Carter Spencer understood that the easier a mission appeared, the more likely it would go haywire at some point. The address on the package was an apartment in Sopron, Hungary. As instructed, Meyer Braddock dropped it off at a DHL shipping center, and Spencer boarded a plane for Europe. Once in Hungary he rented a car, turned on the receiver for the tracking device and followed the package, starting at the DHL shipping terminal. He waited near the exit of the compound until the yellow truck holding the package drove by. He followed it, and about an hour later it was delivered to a rundown complex close to an industrial center beside a railyard. Moments later the receiver locked on to an older woman carrying a shopping bag. Spencer watched as she left the apartment and turned up the street.

  He followed her on foot to a Federal Express shipping office, got in line behind her and watched as she filled out a new label and taped it over the other one. The new address was Vesetin, the Czech Republic. He waited until he saw the woman pay and hand over the package, then stepped out of line. On the way back to his car, he called in his position and destination, and headed back to the Airport.

  Claire looked around her room at all the things Bogus and the Lady had bought for her to make her comfortable. New bedding, pillows, stuffed animals, a CD player, and the clothes: all designer brands, beautiful things. All that, and she had only been there about a month. And how did I repay them? I nearly got the Lady arrested.

  The Lady bought Claire a journal so she could write down her thoughts. She said it would help her deal with her past. Claire tore out a couple of blank pages and wrote a note,

  My Lady, Mr. Z,

  Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have given me a chance to change my life. I have been offered a job helping an older woman. They promised I would be able to attend school. I know that’s what you wanted for me. I am deeply sorry for the trouble I caused, and I hope someday to be able to come back and repay you for your kindness,


  Bogus had announced a strict rule against Micky being in Claire’s room after hours. They were both at the age where young people had feelings, and it was clear they liked each other. The Lady cloaked the rule in etiquette, however, and though unspoken it was clear what she didn’t want happening. Luther and Allister met Bogus and Amy at the airport to provide security, which left Princeton to patrol the grounds and provide castle security. Micky saw this as an opportunity to visit Claire after dark. It really was innocent, but he knew he wasn’t supposed to be there. Just after 8:00 p.m., Micky made his way to her room to find her packing.


  Claire jumped in surprise. “Micky, what are you doing here?”

  He smiled at her. Every time he saw her, he smiled. “I come to see you. What are you doing?”

  She looked down in shame “You shouldn’t be here.”

  Micky’s expression changed as looked around the room. “Are you packing?”



  “Doctor Wirths offered me a job in Slovakia helping to care for his mother. They are going to pay me and let me go to school.”

  “You can go to school here. You don’t need money. Claire, you can’t go. Please, don’t go.”

  “I almost got the Lady arrested. The whole town of Shannon sees me as a whore...that’s all I am to them, a whore. I bring shame on everyone. I have to go.”

  “No, Claire, I love you. The Lady, Mr. Z, Miss Constance, everyone loves you.”

  “I know you do, okay, but them? Don’t be a fool Micky. They feel sorry for me, that’s all.”

  “I’m calling Mr. Princeton. You’re not leaving.”

  She spun quickly and looked Micky in the eye, “You do that and I will hate you. I will hate you for the rest of my life.”

  Micky stood confused and torn. Claire approached him with open arms and hugged him. “Look, I’m not leaving you. I’ll call you. I’ll write. Maybe you can come visit. It’s not forever. It’s just for now. Please, let me go.”

  Micky took a pen and a scrap piece of paper and wrote the number of the phone at the stables. “You call me tomorrow and tell me you’re okay. You promise?”

  She took the number, “Yes, I promise. I have to go. Walk me to the gate?”

  Micky nodded and helped her carry one of the two shopping bags she used as luggage. With the other, he held her hand for the half-mile walk. When they arrived at the gate, a taxi was parked along the road to the left. She took the bag from him, leaned in and gave him the sweetest kiss she knew how to give. “Goodbye, Micky.”

  He was too choked up to say anything. She walked over to the taxi, climbed in and rode away. He was glad she didn’t see him cry.

  Bogus and Amy boarded the G-5, took off their coats and buckled in. “Did you enjoy the party?” he asked.

  “I would have liked it better had you been around.”

  “Yes, well, what you will discover is a get-together such as this is as much about business as celebration.”

  “I see that. Fortunately I had Sky, Marky and that cute friend of his, Chris, to entertain me.”

  “Oh really? Are you trying to make me jealous, Mrs. Zielinski?”

  “Maybe. Is it working, Mr. Zielinski?”

  “Hmm.” As the plane was taxiing for takeoff Bogus stood, opened the cockpit door and said something to Garret. He returned to his seat and gave her a mischievous smile.

  “Now what are you up to?”

  “Apparently I’m expected to compete. You know me; I love competition.”

  “Oh really?” She thought she knew what was on his mind. “Well, this flight is less than two hours.”

  “Not anymore. I have decided to take you on a little honeymoon. We never really had one; we just went home. I was thinking somewhere warm where you can relax and just be Amy for a while. I think you need that.”

  “What about my SAT phone? I can’t be away from it for too long.”

  “It’s in the closet in the back along with a packed suitcase.”

  “What about the kids?”

  “Princeton and Constance will care for them.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “‘The kids.’ Not quite what you had in mind is it?”

  “Yes, well, it certainly doesn’t take long to become attached to them, does it?”

  “No, no, it happens fast. So where are we going?”

  “The Maldives.”

  Her face lit up. “The Maldives? I love it there.”

  “Yes, I know, as do I.” He reached over and took her hand. “It was the first place I he
ld your hand.”

  She smiled sweetly. “Yes it was, although I barely remember it, I was so high on pain killers and rum. Where are we staying?”

  “I bought you the house next door to Tatiana’s.”

  “Really! Does she know?”

  “She’s the one who called and told me it was for sale.”

  Amy squealed with delight. “I get to hang out with my friend! Oh, you are so wonderful.”

  “Yes, I know.” As the plane reached cruising altitude, Bogus got up and put the couches down, making them into a bed. “We should probably get some sleep.” He reached in the overhead compartments and took down sheets, blankets and pillows and began to make the bed. While he smoothed out the sheets, he felt something hit him on the side of the head. He picked it up off his shoulders and held the black lace panties out in front of him.

  She roughly grabbed him from behind with her left arm, slipped her right hand down the front of his pants and licked then nibbled at his ear, “I’m not really sleepy,” she purred. After feeling he was sufficiently aroused, she playfully pushed him onto the bed.

  “So, am I to gather I have won the competition?”

  She slowly climbed on top of him, hovering on all fours. Her hair fell down around his face as she gave him a long, wet kiss. She sat up and began to unbutton his shirt as she growled, “Oh yeah, you won. Now collect your prize.”

  Chapter 49

  Micky was up early, working around the stables, never wandering too far from the phone that hung outside Constance’s office. At 9:30 the phone rang, and Micky raced to pick it up.

  “Micky, it’s me, Claire.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “So what’s it like?”

  “It’s a big house, a little creepy. Dr. Wirths’ mother is a little strange, but I have my own room and she doesn’t ask me to do a lot.”

  “So where is it? I mean, where exactly is the house?”

  “It’s just outside—” ‘click’, the phone went dead.

  “Claire, Claire? Are you there? Claire?”

  “Micky? Micky?” Claire turned to look at the phone only to see a long pale finger with the red fingernail holding down the button on the phone cradle.

  “Claire, who ver you talking to?”

  “My best friend.”

  “Yes, vell in dis house we must ask permission to use the phone.”

  “I’m sorry, Countess. I meant nothing by it.”

  “Sooo, vat did you talk about?”

  “He just wanted to make sure I’m okay.”

  “Hmm, and did you tell him where you ver?”

  “No, I didn’t get the chance.”

  She smiled a wicked smile. Claire thought to herself, She’s like every witch in every movie I have ever seen.

  “Oh vell, dat is too bad. You call back later. Right now we have to prepare for company. Vee have a guest arriving for lunch. Vould you please help to set up the dining room?”

  “Yes, Countess.”

  As Claire walked away the Countess unplugged the cord from the wall then from the phone itself, coiled it up and hid it.

  Constance poked her head into Claire’s room. “Hey, sleepyhead, time for breakfast.” Claire was already up, but there was something that gave her pause. The bed didn’t look as if it had been slept in. It was made up perfectly, and Claire never really took the time to make the bed. She recalled a conversation with Lady Amy about Claire in which Constance suggested giving her duties in the castle. Lady Amy got a bit testy and made it clear, “Hands off Claire. You want the bed made, make it yourself. She needs to heal and she needs no stress. That’s the way it’s going to be.”

  The library was one of Claire’s favorite places, but she wasn’t there either. Constance walked back out to the stables where she saw Micky busily working. “Micky, have you seen Claire today?”

  Micky looked away and shook his head. That’s unusual, she thought. You mention the name Claire and he lights up like a Christmas tree. Picking up the phone in the stables she dialed Princeton. “Princeton? I can’t seem to find Claire.”

  “Ask Micky. He knows where she is every second of the day.”

  “He said he didn’t.”

  “I’ll call Richard and have the staff look around. I’m sure she’s here somewhere.” He paused for a moment. “Micky really doesn’t know where she is?”

  “I’ll go talk to him again.”

  “Yes, do that. I’ll be right up.”

  She found Micky leaning against a stall door, mindlessly scratching Greta’s neck. “Hey.”

  Micky looked up at her and suddenly it occurred to her how sad he looked. Princeton pulled up in the land Rover with a bit of concern on his face. “The staff can’t locate her either.”

  Constance nodded and turned to Micky. “Where is Claire?”

  Micky wouldn’t say anything. Princeton had no time for games. “Young man, answer Miss Constance.”

  Micky looked at the ground then turned back toward Greta. Mr. Princeton decided to jerk him off his feet and shake him a little. Constance stopped him about halfway there. “No, you don’t want to do that. Ask Luther what happens to people who lay a hand on these children.” Constance took a deep breath, walked up to Micky and put her arm around his shoulders. “Look, I don’t think you understand. Mr. Z is one of the richest men in the world. He loves Claire. Oh, does he love Claire. He will stop at nothing to find her. Trust me, Micky; he will find her. The Lady and Mr. Z made it clear that Mr. Princeton and I are responsible for both of you. If he has to look for her, I doubt we will have a job. Please, Micky, where is she?”

  Micky thought for a few moments and said, “Slovakia.”

  “SLOVAKIA?” they exclaimed in unison.

  “The doctor at the clinic offered her a job helping his mother.”

  Princeton muttered, “Oh bloody hell. I’ll go talk to him. You better call the Lady and tell her what’s happening. Maybe she’ll have mercy on us. Lord knows, Mr. Z won’t.”

  Amy and Tatiana walked along the beach. Amy reached down and took her hand. Tatiana smiled at her. “Careful with that, people are going to talk.”

  “Oh, I’m holding your hand, that’s just the way it is. I miss my friend.”

  Tatiana bumped her with her shoulder. “Your friend misses you, too.”

  Amy reached over and rubbed Tatiana’s belly. “You are so beautiful.”

  “I’m a cow, complete with udders—milk-dripping udders. Although Brandon seems somewhat fascinated by them.”

  “I’m jealous.”

  “Are you trying?”

  “I’m not using any birth control, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Adele won’t be happy if you get pregnant.”

  “Why? I can still work.”

  “You could, but you won’t. You’ll get very protective.”

  “I won’t do wet work, but I can sneak and peek.”

  “We’ll see. Let’s go get something to eat. I’m hungry.”

  Amy laughed. “We just had breakfast.”

  “Yeah, well that was for me. Now Carl is hungry. Kid eats like a horse.”

  Brandon was working the kitchen in the bar/restaurant in the little compound. He knew the drill. He walked out with a plate of nachos and a tall glass of chocolate milk. Amy giggled. “Oh, that looks delicious.”

  “Don’t knock till you’ve tried it.”

  Amy looked over the rail and saw Bogus coming out of the ocean after a two-mile swim. “Does he have to wear Speedos? I hate those things.”

  “It’s European.”

  “I suppose. If that’s the worst thing he does, I guess I have it made.”

  “Oh, you definitely have it made.”

  “Yeah.” Amy gave Tatiana a little smile, grabbed a towel from
the rail and threw it down at him.

  “Thank you, my love.”

  “You’re welcome, my love.”

  Tatiana sighed. “Oh, the syrupy sweetness of newlyweds.”

  “He’s so romantic. Just the other day he—” The SAT phone rang. “Uh oh.” Amy pulled it out of the pouch she wore on her waist and looked at the number. “Good news, it’s not Washington.” She hit the button.

  “Lady Amy, it’s Miss Constance. We have a problem…”

  “WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU CAN’T FIND CLAIRE?!?!” Bogus heard her yell down on the beach. He yelled back, “Can’t find Claire?”

  “SLOVAKIA?!” Amy exclaimed.

  Tatiana leaned back in her chair, “Not much good happens in Slovakia.”

  “Okay, we’re on our way home. Have Mr. Princeton call when he finds out anything.” She turned to her friend. “Tatiana, I’m sorry but we have to go.”

  “Dammit!” Carter Spencer exclaimed out loud as the bottle he was trying to pee into slipped out of his hand and spilled down his pants onto the floorboard of the car. I don’t miss this, he thought.

  He had been tailing a car for almost three hours after the man inside picked up the package at the Fed Ex office in the Czech Republic and crossed the border into Slovakia. He kept back as much as he could, but his tracking receiver was intermittent. He had to keep visual contact.

  The man entered the city of Bratislava, pulled into an apartment complex parking lot and disappeared inside a building. Carter ran the car’s plate and found it had been rented by an Ivan Smirnov. The commonality of the name was equivalent to the American John Smith. It was clearly a cover. The lights were dimming on the receiver so Carter figured it must be the batteries. There was a small convenience store up the block, and he wouldn’t have to take his eyes off the apartment for more than a moment, so he figured it would be worth the risk. He jumped out and ran to buy some.

  SVR Agent Aleksey Borodin peeked through the window and watched the man who had been tailing him disappear into the store. Then he picked up the phone. “Countess, I am being followed.”


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