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Until You: A Malsum Pass Novel

Page 9

by Forrest, Kimberly

The video switched to man in uniform who spoke to an on-site reporter. “We can only speculate at this time as to why they are attacking in numbers as these creatures are usually solitary hunters, but we feel the best course of action is to use tranquilizers to temporarily incapacitate the lions and relocate these animals deeper into the interior of the park where the food supply is more abundant. We plan to deal with this as swiftly and as humanely as possible.”

  The clip switched back to the anchorwoman as she warned, “Residents are advised to keep all children and pets indoors at this time and to call the number below if you see a mountain lion to report it to the proper authorities. For more information on what to do if you encounter a dangerous predator, please visit our website.”

  When the video ended Sebastian turned away from the computer to find Susan. She was sitting on the living room couch staring at the fireplace, her expression a blank mask. He doubted she even realized he was there and he wasn’t sure what to say. He sat beside her, put his arm around her and pulled her close. She nuzzled into his chest, her small hand resting on his belly.

  They sat that way for a few minutes before Susan broke the silence. “I can’t get hold of my father and his receptionist isn’t answering at the office. I don’t know what is going on, and I’m really scared, Seb.”

  The women that Susan had told him about accounted for four of the six deaths the reporter had mentioned. The council had allowed the cats to believe their assassination attempt on Christian had succeeded, so his “death” may be the fifth but that still left one more unaccounted for. Could her father be among the dead or one of the fourteen injured? He rubbed a hand over her back and shoulders, not wanting to state these fears aloud. “Just keep calling him, sweetheart. Or maybe call one of his neighbors – someone has to be around who knows what’s going on.”

  She pulled her head back and looked at him, her pretty blue eyes bloodshot from crying and his chest felt tight with pain at the sight. She thumped her forehead with the heel of her hand and gave him a watery smile. “I’m such an idiot. I should have thought to call Mrs. Anderson immediately; she always knows everything that’s going on in the neighborhood with her binoculars.”

  Sebastian gave her a small smile. “I remember.” He said as he used his thumbs to stroke her cheeks.

  She patted his knee and stood up. “I’ll call her right now.” She said as she headed for the phone.

  He listened as she called information first for the phone number, and she wrote it down as they connected her call. Mrs. Anderson answered after several rings and Sebastian had no problem hearing as the woman shouted “Hello?”

  Susan raised her voice to make sure the elderly woman could hear her. “Hi, Mrs. Anderson, this is Susan Fuller. How are you?”

  “Who?” Came through the phone loudly and Sebastian winced for Susan’s ears.

  “Susan Fuller” she said loudly being sure to enunciate.

  “You have the wrong number.” Was shouted and Mrs. Anderson disconnected the call.

  Susan stared at the dead phone in her hand for a moment before she tipped her head back and rumbled. “That did not go as well as I hoped.” She muttered before looking at him with a small smile. He would much prefer her smiles to those heartbreaking tears.

  He stood up. “How about we head into town and get your things and then you can make some more calls later. I’m sure your dad is fine, he probably just has a lot on his plate.”

  She nodded. “You’re right. I’m sure you’re absolutely right.”

  Sebastian wished he could be as sure but he continued to hold his tongue as they both pulled on their heavy parkas. “We’ll take the sled into town and then you can follow me in your rental on the way back.”

  Susan nodded and pulled her gloves on before heading for the door. She had only taken one step out onto the porch when Sebastian saw her foot slip out from under her and her body tip backward in a fall. He caught her around the waist and pulled her into his body. She let out a breathless laugh, her eyes sparkling with humor. “I guess the porch is icy. That was close.” She said before her eyes drifted down to his mouth and her eyes suddenly shone with something other than laughter; heat, desire, arousal – for him.

  Sebastian couldn’t resist the temptation her gaze was presenting and kissed her.

  Susan was in raptures. Finally, after so many years of wanting this man, she was in his arms and he was kissing her with a passion more intense then she had ever imagined. In all of those years she had had countless fantasies with Sebastian in the starring role; some of them had been sweet and romantic while others had been hot and exciting, but none of them could compare with the toe-curling reality. His mouth moved over hers, alternately nibbling and sucking at her bottom lip and then stroking her tongue with his; she returned it all with undeniable enthusiasm.

  She never wanted to let him go. She hurriedly ripped off her gloves and tossed them aside before her hands fisted in his hair so that he wouldn’t be able to easily pull away. One of his hands moved down to her backside to give it a small squeeze. She moaned low and hooked a leg around his. She didn’t care if she was coming off as a complete wanton at that moment; she was afraid he would suddenly come to his senses and stop and she was frantic to hold onto this feeling.

  Sebastian suddenly stood upright to his full height and lifted her up easily, never breaking the kiss and she signaled her acceptance by wrapping her legs around his waist. His hand moved to cup her jaw while his mouth moved from her lips to travel down her jaw and the slope of her throat. Susan eagerly threw her head back to allow him freedom of movement.

  They were still standing in the open doorway and he turned slightly to brace her back against the doorjamb. She was getting overheated despite the cold air outside, just to her left. Her clothes felt too tight and confining; she wanted nothing more than to strip them off and strip Sebastian bare at the same time. She needed to feel her skin pressed against his. She wanted to explore his naked body at her leisure, yet at the same time, she didn’t want to stop those wonderful kisses and nibbles that had moved to the base of her throat.

  She nearly cried when he pulled at the tight grip her thighs had on his hips, his mouth moving to her ear to breathe raggedly, “Release me.” She almost uttered the never that sprang to her lips but she swallowed it down and dropped her legs.

  Sebastian turned and set her on her feet fully inside the house and disappointment settled in her chest like a heavy weight; he was going to stop. He slammed the door before he pulled her to him by the front of her coat and began kissing her again as he unzipped it and pushed it off her shoulder. “Yes,” she breathed, as her insides flipped and fluttered in a dance of happiness that he wasn’t rejecting her. He gripped her sweater at the bottom and pulled it upward while Susan eagerly lifted her arms to assist him. The cool air caressed her skin and offered a few seconds of relief for the inferno that seemed to be raging inside her as his lips immediately returned to hers.

  She clawed frantically at his shirt; wanting it gone so that she could press her torso to his, but Sebastian proved equally impatient as he broke the kiss just long enough to grab his shirt by the neck to give it a hard jerk and the fabric ripped right down the front. His mouth returned to hers as if he wished to devour her and she loved it. She smoothed her hands over his shoulders, pushing the fabric away as she went until it slid from his arms to the floor. His skin was silky smooth over rock hard muscles. He pulled her close, granting her wish to press her body against his and she realized that he had removed her bra while she had been fascinated with his shoulders and she hadn’t even noticed. Her nipples tightened painfully when they made contact with his skin and Sebastian’s hand pressed between their bodies to soothe her aching breasts.

  She hooked a leg around his calf again, wanting to climb him, and Sebastian lifted her from the floor so that she could once again hug his waist with her thighs. She gasped loudly as she felt his erection pressed tightly between her legs and she couldn’t seem to cont
rol her own hips as they ground against him seeking fulfillment.

  Sebastian groaned, his hand gripping one of her ass cheeks to squeeze it through her jeans as he walked with her a few steps before dropping to his knees. His hand fisted in the back of her hair to hold her head still as he laid them down in front of the fire without breaking their kiss.

  He attempted to brace his weight on his elbows, but Susan would have none of that as her hands gripped his biceps in an attempt to pull him closer. She wanted – no, needed – to feel his weight; to have his body fully pressed to hers. She continued to writhe under him, making little whimpering noises of need and Sebastian’s hand moved around to the button of her jeans. “Please,” she whispered against his mouth, encouraging him not to stop as he made quick work of unfastening her pants. She wiggled her hips to assist in their removal as he sat up and pulled both her pants and her panties down her hips. He yanked off her boots and tossed them behind him before pulling her jeans the rest of the way down her legs.

  She sat up as well and attacked the fastening of his jeans and he quickly kicked them off. He wasn’t wearing anything underneath and his erection sprang forth eager for her attention. She marveled at the sheer size of him and grabbed him firmly in her hand. Sebastian let out a hiss and threw his head back before he removed her hand.

  “Did I hurt you?” She asked breathlessly.

  “Never,” he growled his dark eyes so intense they were almost frightening. “But I’m already at the end of my control.” He settled his weight over her, the head of his erection rubbing against the juncture of her thighs and making her moan with pleasure.

  “It’s been so long,” he panted as he made the first nudge into her eager body, “too long.” His mouth came to hers in another devouring kiss as he pushed further inside.

  Susan gripped his hair and tried to relax but he was so much larger than she had ever imagined and she had never actually done this before. She had had plenty of opportunity, but she had never wanted anyone as much as she wanted Sebastian Black. This was no fantasy though and the reality stung. There was so much more pressure than she had ever imagined as he finally thrust in to the hilt. He stilled and rained kisses over her face as he allowed her a moment to adjust to his size. “God, you are so tight. You feel so incredible and I really want this to last but it just feels so amazing. Tell me you feel it too.”

  Susan could only nod and gasp as he moved in her and she was grateful the stinging had subsided. Each forward slide felt better than the last and each retreat left her panting for more. She could feel the intensity building inside of her and wanted to grab it and embrace it but it remained just out of reach. She didn’t even realize she was chanting “please, please, please,” over and over again as her hips tilted to meet his thrusts. Sebastian’s hand slid between their bodies and flattened on her pelvis while his thumb moved over the center of her pleasure. She moaned at the exquisite sensation.

  His hot breath fanned over her ear as he demanded “Come for me, sweetheart. Come now.” The sound of his deep, passion laced voice was just the nudge Susan needed to send her over the edge. It felt like she was splintering apart as wave after wave of pulsating pleasure spiraled outward from her core. She gasped and dug her nails into the back of Sebastian’s neck to find purchase as he surged forward with aggressive strokes before throwing back his head with a roar of completion.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sebastian looked down at the woman beneath him, her eyes were closed and a dreamy little smile was on her kiss swollen lips. He kissed her forehead and then each of her passion flushed cheeks as her small hands lightly caressed his back in appreciation. She was incredible and he was definitely keeping her. His performance on the other hand… He grimaced, she should be slapping him away from her and calling him every name in the book – he would completely deserve it.

  He’d only meant to kiss her, but she had been so responsive, so eager that he had let things go too far too fast. She had come here for her own protection and he had just completely lost his mind with her. This was Bug! She deserved a slow courtship and gentlemanly behavior. There were steps, you had to start small and slowly lead up to what they’d just done but instead he’d practically attacked her with his lust; jumped on her like he was a starving man and she was filet mignon. It was bad enough that his impatience had had him skipping almost all of the foreplay he should have bestowed on her, but he’d taken her on the damn floor like the beast he was with no thought to either her comfort or her safety.

  He sniffed. She didn’t scent of an ovulating woman, but he had never been so careless in his entire life. Not only had he not taken precautions, but once he’d been inside her and her tight sheath had squeezed him like a fist, he couldn’t have pulled out even if he’d wanted to. He’d put her in a position she may not want and the only excuse he had was temporary insanity brought on by the heat of the moment. He had never been so ashamed of himself and she had every right to disdain him.

  An image of her sitting in front of a fire, her belly swollen with his child suddenly entered his mind and Sebastian felt an intense stab of yearning. The decision to bring a child into this world should be made by two people in love, not by the carelessness of a passion hazed oversight. And yet he couldn’t halt the thought that if he had gotten her pregnant that she would be his forever. It was so wrong and he was instantly disgusted that he would even consider putting his wishes before hers.

  Gentle fingers caressed his face and he looked down to see that her eyes were open. “What are you thinking so hard about?” She asked; the dreamy smile still evident. Did she even realize what he’d done?

  He took a deep breath and slowly shook his head, “I’m so sorry, Bug. That shouldn’t have happened.”

  She stiffened underneath him, storm clouds of anger gathering in her eyes before her hands planted on his chest and pushed. If he’d wanted to keep her under him, she would never be a match for his strength, but he allowed the push and slid out from the exquisite heat of her body to roll off her and sit up.

  She stood up and planted her fists on her lushly rounded hips not even trying to cover her nudity. Those glorious breasts of hers on full display and he felt his dick harden again. Unbelievable, here she was about to rail at him and he was turned on – he truly had lost his mind.

  “You’re sorry?” She growled, “Sorry? Unbelievable!” She stomped around the room picking up her discarded clothes and tugging them on. While he hated to lose the sight of her gorgeous body, at least clothes might restore the blood to his brain.

  He wanted to get up and grab her and pull her into his arms to soothe her temper but her angry movements suggested she wouldn’t accept him right now so he stayed where he was. “If it’s any consolation,” he said carefully, “I can guarantee you that I’ll never be that foolish again.”

  She froze where she stood for a moment and then snapped her head around, her eyes narrowing to a glare so ferocious he should have burst into flames. Apparently his words meant to reassure her had spectacularly backfired.

  Then she nodded and smiled – a smile that lacked any actual humor. “You know what? You’re right. You are sorry. A sorry son of a bitch and I can’t believe I have spent so many years wasting my time loving you! Saving myself for you! You don’t deserve me!”

  With that she yanked her pink knit hat down over her ears and stormed out the front door while Sebastian just sat there on the floor with his mouth hanging open like an idiot.

  Susan stomped down the road away from Sebastian’s until some ice had her slipping again and almost landing on her ass. She picked her way more carefully after that as her tears coursed freely down her cheeks and blurred her vision no matter how many times she swiped her gloved hands across her eyes. She really wanted to shift and bend some trees but she needed to get back to the bed and breakfast and pack her things so she could get out of this town. She’d much rather take her chances by her father’s side than stay here with Sebastian and his foolish decision.

  The constriction in her chest nearly had her gasping in pain. What had she really expected? She had practically attacked him; hell she’d climbed him like a tree. Any man probably would have taken advantage of her obvious desperation. He had probably thought he was doing her a favor. Susan snorted at the thought before another surge of humiliation had her sobbing. It was only after the haze of lust had cleared he’d remembered who he was with. His nickname for her that he refused to relinquish said it all. He considered her a bug; an insignificant insect to be batted away or squashed under his boot heel. She had come here with the hopes that he would finally see her as a woman and fall in love with her, but he saw her as nothing more than an obligation, a pest, and now a mistake. He was actually sorry he’d made love to her. It had been the most wonderful experience for her and he was sorry.

  Another loud sob broke free and she had to stop walking. She couldn’t even see where she was going anymore as her hot tears blinded her to her surroundings. The whine of a snowmobile made her stiffen. She couldn’t let Sebastian see her like this; her cheeks were red hot and wet from crying despite the cold, her nose was running freely and she was probably a blotchy mess. Some women were able to cry and still look pretty in their heartbreak – she was not one of those women. If Sebastian saw her now, he’d see her as not only desperate and love sick but pathetic; her humiliation would be complete.

  Susan was relieved when she saw the snowmobile coming from the opposite direction of Sebastian’s cabin. It slowed to a stop when it drew abreast of her and the rider pulled his helmet off to reveal a red headed, bearded man who looked like an older version of Jacob Pierce, probably his father. He looked at her with concern. “Are you all right?” He asked.

  She tried to paste a smile on her face to alleviate his worry, but knew that she failed miserably when a whimper squeaked through. She cleared her throat and licked her lips. “Any chance you can give me a ride to the bed and breakfast?”


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