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Secrets of a Runaway Bride

Page 26

by Valerie Bowman

  Jordan nodded. A large orange oak leaf floated from the branches above his head. He caught it in one hand and twirled it between his fingers by its stem. “I’ve always been partial to autumn myself.”

  Annie grabbed a leaf from the ground beside her quilt and twirled it between her fingers too. “Yes. It’s lovely.” She squeezed her eyes closed. Idiotic, asinine thing to say!

  His top boots crunched through the leaves as he approached her. He cleared his throat. “May I escort you back to the house?”

  “No!” The word flew from her lips much more forcefully than she’d meant it to. “That is to say, I don’t intend to go back … just yet.”

  Jordan frowned. “I see.” He swiveled on his heel to return to his mount. “Will I see you back there later then?”

  Was that regret she heard in his voice? No. No. She would not be sad. This whatever-it-was with Jordan was just for fun. “No. I mean, yes. I…” She forced herself to inhale a deep, cool breath. “Would you care to join me? On the blanket, I mean.”

  Jordan swiveled fully around. His eyes narrowed on her.

  “Or … not,” she quickly amended, her face heating despite the chill in the air.

  He stared at her. The longer the silence continued, the more desperately she wished she could disappear like a wood sprite. Yes. Just like a wood sprite. Wouldn’t that be convenient?

  “Annie, I…” He took a step toward her and then stopped. He pulled off his hat and shoved his hand through his thick, dark hair.

  “It’s all right. You don’t have to explain.” She glanced down at the blanket and traced the quilt’s pattern with the tip of the leaf. She bit her lip and glanced up at him.

  “No, it’s just that…” He stood there looking handsome and perfect and almost … vulnerable. One knee was bent, he’d discarded his leaf, and now he was turning his hat over and over in his hands.

  He met her gaze. “It’s not a good idea for us to…”

  She turned her face to the side sharply, as if struck by his words. Other words he’d said, the night he’d found her in the Roths’ library, pounded through her brain. Men aren’t that complicated. If they’re interested, they show their interest.

  And Jordan wasn’t interested. The words might be unspoken, but it didn’t matter. She clenched her teeth and tried to breathe through the pain in her chest. When would she ever learn? When would she stop doing this to herself? Throwing herself at men who didn’t want her?

  Jordan tossed the hat to the ground. “Damn it, Annie, what I mean to say is, if I sit down next to you there’s every chance I won’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

  Her head snapped back around to face him. Her eyes wide, a slow smile spreading across her face. Well, wasn’t that the cutest thing anyone had ever said? She scrunched up her nose and looked up at him. “Then, by all means, sit down.” She grinned and patted the spot next to her.

  He shook his head and smiled back, biting his lower lip in a way that made Annie’s heart skip a beat. Oh, but he was a beautiful man.

  Jordan let go of his lower lip and she knew a moment of regret.

  “Do you really think that’s wise?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No. Not at all.”

  He scrubbed his hand through his hair again. “Annie, listen, what happened between us last night was … incredible, but we cannot let it happen again. I must—”

  “Why not?” she demanded, sitting up and crossing her arms over her chest.

  Jordan turned to stare at her with eyes that looked as if they might pop from his skull. “Why not?”

  “Yes. Why can’t it happen again?” Tossing the leaf aside, Annie drew her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

  Jordan paced back and forth under the large oak tree, leaves drifting down around him. “For one thing, and only one. If Colton found out, he’d have me drawn and quartered.”

  Annie contemplated that argument for a moment. “Agreed. But the fact is that the damage is done, so what does it matter?”

  His eyes went wide. “The damage is done? I cannot believe you said that.”

  “It’s true, isn’t it?”

  “Despite your nonchalance about all of this, this is not something we can simply dismiss. There are consequences and—”

  “Oh, Jordan, please just sit down. I’d feel much more comfortable discussing this with you if you weren’t pacing like that. Especially if we’re going to talk about unpleasant things like consequences.” She smiled at him.

  He stopped and expelled his breath. “Very well.” He made his way over to the blanket and lowered himself to the ground. Sitting, he pulled up his knees and rested his forearms on them.

  Now I’ve got you.

  “Thank you,” she said, unbending her knees and stretching out on her side next to him.

  “We must talk about this—” he began.

  “No, we mustn’t.” She pulled herself up beside him and blew into his ear. Then she nibbled his earlobe.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” His voice shook a bit.


  “What do you think I think I’m doing?” she asked breathily.

  “Seriously, we must talk.”

  “No, we mustn’t. Talking is much overrated. Besides, I’m just going to repeat what I told you this morning. I will deny everything if you try to tell Lily or Devon about this. I mean it. This is nothing more than a little flirtation between you and me, no consequences involved.”

  “Annie, be serious. You cannot mean—”

  She slid her lips to his jaw and Jordan closed his eyes and groaned.

  “Yes I can,” she murmured.

  Jordan turned to her then and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her deeply and Annie’s fingers eagerly began to unravel his cravat.

  “Damn it. Why can’t I keep my hands off you?” he growled.

  Annie giggled. “I don’t know, but I’m so glad.”

  “No!” Jordan pulled away from her then and quickly stood. “Gather your things, I’m taking you home.”

  Annie frowned. “But I don’t want to—”

  “It was not a request.”

  Glaring at him, Annie hastily retrieved her bonnet and pushed it back onto her head. She stuffed the quilt into her satchel and Jordan pulled her by the hand over to his mount and unceremoniously hoisted her up. Then he swung up behind her. The horse took off at a brisk pace toward the house.

  “I don’t see why we can’t—”

  “Which is precisely why I’m taking you home,” he replied.

  He wrapped one arm around her waist and Annie smiled a smile he couldn’t see. Oh, it felt so good to have him behind her, solid and strong, touching her. His blasted morals were keeping him from doing more. She sighed. The man might be a rake, but unfortunately, he was a rake with honor.

  She turned her head and rubbed her cheek against his shirtfront, breathing in the familiar welcome scent of him. “Tell me. Why do you want to spoil all the fun?”

  He groaned. “Annie. You tell me. Exactly how do you think this will play out? You won’t allow me to tell Devon and Lily but you want to continue this … this—”

  “Affair,” she offered helpfully.

  “No. Not an affair.” His voice was sharp.

  “Very well.” She faced forward again. “What do you suggest we call it?”


  Annie laughed. “How about a liaison?”

  “Not that either.” Jordan pulled her closer against him.


  “What? Have you been reading a book of scandalous French words?”

  She clutched at his strong arm. “No, but if you have one I should very much like to borrow it.”

  Jordan sighed.

  “Jordan, I told you. I’m perfectly content with this being nothing more than a … tryst.”

  He glanced down at her. “Annie, you don’t really mean that.”

  “Yes I do. What happened last night w
as my choice. I knew what I was doing. I remember your speech from that night in the Roths’ library. You were right. I’m not going to throw myself at a man ever again. If you don’t want me, you don’t want me.”

  His arm tightened. “Don’t want you? Are you mad? All I do is want you.”

  Her heart flipped. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Promise me something, Annie.”

  She forced her voice to be nonchalant. “Depends upon what it is.”

  “You are an unholy temptation and I’ve no desire to be murdered by my own closest friend. Promise me you’ll stay away from me, far away, until we make some decisions.”

  Annie sighed. Jordan didn’t know it, but she wasn’t about to make any such promise.

  They galloped up to the back of the house then. Devon’s housekeeper, Mrs. Applebee, was standing on the terrace. No doubt seeing to the tea that was to be served there later.

  Jordan dismounted quickly and pulled Annie down. He quickly dragged her over to Mrs. Applebee and foisted her off to the housekeeper’s arms. “Get her upstairs before someone sees her with her hair down,” he said.

  Mrs. Applebee’s eyes were wide as moons but she quickly curtsied. “Yes, my lord.” She dragged Annie into the house quick as could be.

  Annie gave Jordan one final parting glance. He didn’t know it, but he’d just sealed his fate. Unholy temptation, he’d called her. And that’s exactly what she intended to be.


  Dinner the next evening was excruciating. Annie was seated several chairs away from Jordan but she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. The tone of his voice, the melody of his laughter. Pictures of their night together kept flashing through her mind. Images of his hands on her thighs, his mouth on her neck.

  He’d managed to avoid her all night last night just as he’d warned. Tonight she was having none of it.

  Retiring to the salon with the other ladies may have been more excruciating than the dinner, simply because Jordan wasn’t there to see, hear, smell. She smiled through all of the endless chitchat and tepid tea and finally returned to her room with a sigh of relief.

  Mary helped her off with her evening dress and Annie tossed on a flimsy white chemise. She crawled into bed and attempted to read a book. A book. Did Jordan really have a book of scandalous French words? Where was Jordan? What was he doing? He was determined to ignore her, and fine, she’d seemingly promised not to fling herself at him anymore. She snapped her book shut. And she would not.

  Just as soon as the house party was over.

  She counted to one hundred to ensure Mary had had time to retire and then she tiptoed to the door of her room. This time, she was going to Jordan’s bedchamber. She slipped out the door and down the hall, keeping to the shadows. Medford and Jordan had switched rooms after all. His new room was five doors down from hers. She’d already stopped by Devon’s study before she’d retired to ensure Jordan and Devon weren’t staying up late drinking. The study had been empty. Apparently, Devon had retired already too. Best not to think about what he and Lily were up to.

  Annie raced down the shadowed corridor until she came to a stop in front of Jordan’s room. She drew a deep breath before she knocked. What if he’d gone home tonight? It was possible. He’d already been there once today. Lily and Devon had planned another ball for the following evening as the final event of the house party, but perhaps Jordan had left and planned to return tomorrow. Or worse, perhaps he’d left for good. Annie’s stomach dropped. He wouldn’t leave without saying good-bye, would he?

  She closed her eyes and took another deep breath. He had seemed eager to escape her yesterday after their encounter in the woods. She raised her chin. There was only one way to find out, wasn’t there? She turned the knob and nudged open the heavy wooden door.

  She moved quietly into the darkened room. Only two candles were lit, one by the bed and one by a washstand in the corner. She shut the door with a soft click, locked the bolt behind her, and leaned back against it. She expelled her breath. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light and soon she heard the swish of … water.

  Jordan was taking a bath? Yes, he was. She focused on the copper tub that rested near the washstand. Jordan sat in the tub, his back toward her. He obviously hadn’t heard her enter the room. Thank goodness. She smiled to herself. She had the upper hand at the moment and she wanted to keep it that way. She slipped her chemise over her head and tossed it in the corner. Then, completely nude, and feeling oh-so-bad, she tiptoed over to the tub.

  “Enjoying yourself?” she asked in the most seductive voice she could muster.

  Jordan’s head swiveled around. He nearly leaped from the tub.

  “No. No,” she said. “Relax.” She wrapped her naked arms around his shoulders.

  His voice shook. “Annie, what are you doing here and … why are you naked?”

  She laughed softly at that. “Do I really need to explain it?”

  She entwined her arms around his neck and bit his earlobe. Jordan shuddered.

  She kissed his jaw, his cheekbone, the side of his mouth.

  “Annie, you shouldn’t—” He made a move as if to get up. Annie slipped her hand down into the steamy water and let her fist close around him. He was already hard.

  He clenched his eyes shut and slid back into the tub. “Don’t do this to me,” he begged. “You promised to stay away.”

  She stroked her hand up and down and he kept his eyes closed, a pained look on his face.

  “I didn’t really promise,” she whispered huskily against his rough cheek. “I just let you think I did. Besides, this is more fun. Isn’t it?”

  Without letting go of him, she slid around the side of the tub and slipped into the water on top of him.

  Jordan groaned. “Annie, why?”

  She rubbed him up and down and he stopped talking. “I want you, Jordan,” she whispered.

  Jordan’s jaw was clenched, sweat broke out across his brow, his eyes were tightly closed. “You must stop.” He pushed himself up in the tub to try to move away from her but it only served to push their bodies closer in contact in all the right places. She wrapped her other arm around his neck.

  “Kiss me, Jordan,” she whispered.

  “God, Annie, I can only ask you one more time. Please get out of this tub and go. For your own good.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  He shuddered.

  She shifted atop him and guided him into her. Jordan grabbed at her hips, trying to pull her away but failing. “Oh God,” he groaned. “Please.”

  “That’s what I was just about to say to you,” she murmured.

  She slid her hips up and down and Jordan’s head fell back against the rim of the tub. “Damn it, Annie,” he ground out between clenched teeth.

  He grabbed her then and pulled her to him, kissing her fiercely and moving his hips under her to take control. Annie moaned with delight. His hands braced on her hips, he pushed into her again and again before he finally murmured against her neck, “Not here, I want you on the bed.”

  “By all means, my lord.”

  He pushed himself from the tub and carried her to the bed in his arms. He laid her down there, water dripping all around them, and braced himself atop her. He was just about to enter her again when a knock sounded at the door. Jordan fell to his side and rolled over; Annie quickly moved atop him. Her eyes were wide.

  “Ashbourne?” Devon’s voice filtered through the door.

  “Don’t say a word,” Jordan warned in a harsh whisper, and Annie nodded rapidly.

  “Yes,” Jordan called back in a thunderous tone.

  “Ashbourne, I came by to see if you were interested in a drink. Meet me in the study?”

  Annie squelched her giggle against Jordan’s chest. Now this was an interesting turn of events. Oh, what would her big, strong brother-in-law do if he knew his innocent little sister was lying naked atop his best friend on the other side of the locked door? It was downright scandalous. Would make
for an interesting pamphlet, really. She bit her lip to keep from laughing again.

  “I … um…” Jordan’s breath caught in his throat, for Annie hadn’t kept still. Instead she was wiggling her way down his chest and her mouth was perilously close to his cock. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight, sure as hell couldn’t talk to his friend who would castrate him if he knew what was going on at the moment.

  “I—” Jordan repeated, sweat popping out on his brow.

  Annie’s hands were braced on either side of his hips and when she brushed her mouth against his tip, his hips bucked. “Oh God. Don’t,” he warned in a whispered half growl, half plea. “Not now.”

  She glanced up at him with dark mischievous eyes and whispered, “I think now is the perfect time, actually.”

  Jordan squeezed his eyes shut.

  “What’s going on in there, Ashbourne?” came Devon’s voice just as Annie clamped her soft pink lips around Jordan.

  He could not stop his groan.

  “Ashbourne, are you all right?”

  “Yes. Yes. I’m … so … good,” Jordan managed through tightly clenched teeth. “I’m bloody perfect, actually,” he whispered for only Annie to hear. His hands moved through her luxurious dark hair, and looking down at her tiny pink tongue darting across his cock, he got even harder.

  She looked up at him through half-lidded eyes and removed her mouth from him momentarily. “Aren’t you going to answer him, my lord?” she whispered just before sliding her lips back down him again, making him insane.

  “If I live through this, I swear I’m going to torture you endlessly,” he ground out in a harsh whisper.

  Annie fluttered her eyelashes at him and pulled him from her mouth. “Promise?” Her mouth descended again.

  Jordan clutched at the bedsheets on either side of his hips. “I’ll meet you down there in say, fifteen”—her mouth moved again—“uh, half an hour,” he called.

  “Good, see you then,” Devon replied, and the clip of his boots on the marble floors signaled his retreat.

  The minute Devon was gone, Jordan snatched Annie up into his arms. He rolled over on top of her and pulled her hands down so they were pinned on either side of her hips, then he started his own slow descent. “That was unfair,” he said.


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