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Seduction: Book 2

Page 4

by Joyce Jordan

  Kelly poured her a glass of wine when she came back to the kitchen. A few minutes later the food was ready. Gabe dished the food onto their plates, and they each carried a plate along with their glass of wine into the dining room. Conversation was general and mostly about living in New York vs Los Angeles where they had gone to university. When dinner was over, Kelly jumped and said she would do the dishes. Ana followed and said she would help, but Kelly chased her away. Ana insisted and she came around Kelly and started scraping the plates.

  “Okay, tell me what’s going on?” Kelly said with a hand on her hip and her foot tapping.

  Sweeping her gaze to where she had left Gabe, Ana replied. “I think Gabe is angry with me.”

  “What did you do?” Kelly asked with an arched brow.

  Double checking Gabe’s whereabouts, Ana saw that he had moved to the sofa. Ana leaned to Kelly’s ear and whispered. “I went to his office and gave him a blow job.”

  “You what? Oh my God. In his office?” she cried with excitement.

  “Scream, why don’t you Kelly.”

  “Sorry, but why would he be angry at that?” she whispered.

  “Not that, but you know how he was harping about me using the train or cabs at night?” Ana asked.


  “Well, I left before he could offer me the use of his limo because I knew we would get into a fight,” she explained.

  “I see. Eventually you will need to face the music, so why don’t you start now. Charm him and he won’t even remember why he was angry at you,” Kelly grinned at her friend and turned her around then pushed her out of the kitchen.

  “You seem to be enjoying this,” Ana huffed at her friend, but moved away.

  Gabe held his hand when she tried to sit on a chair next to him. He tugged her down and sat her beside him on the sofa, then hugged her to his body. Ana tucked her legs beneath her and leaned into his shoulder. They sat like that watching CNN. Kelly joined them thirty minutes later and they played a game of Quiddler for about an hour. When Kelly excused herself from the game, saying she needed to sleep since she had to be at work early the next day, both Gabe and Ana also decided to go to bed.

  He shut the bedroom door and leaned against it. “Do you trust me?” he asked her.

  Ah, okay, not what she was expecting. Where is this leading to?

  “Ana, do you trust me?” he repeated and walked over to her.

  “Yes,” she croaked, then cleared her throat. Her mind was buzzing, trying to figure out what this was all about. She frowned and asked him, “Why do you ask?”

  “I need to tie you up.”

  Ana’s brows went up and she took a little step away. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.” She licked her lips and swallowed.

  “You said you trusted me.”

  “I know, but what does that have to do with you tieing me up?”

  “It’s either that or I put you over my knee and whip your ass. At least if I tie you up I can lose myself in you and pleasure you at the same time,” he explained.

  Okay. Guess he was still angry. “What’s in door number three?”

  Laughing, he moved closer, and rubbed the length of her hands, from shoulder to wrists. “There is no door number three. I promise to stop if you don’t feel comfortable.”

  Ana felt both thrilled and afraid at the prospect. “Okay, you can tie me up. But not too tight.”

  He pulled her to him and nipped her lips. Stepping away, Gabe moved his hands to her waist and pulled her sweater over her head. He moved her to the bed and stripped the covers away, then sat her down. Next he knelt down and removed her slippers from her feet, then took off her leggings and pulled them down together with her thong. “Lie down. In the center of the bed.” Ana saw Gabe going to the closet and coming out with two of his ties.

  She swallowed but refused to look away.

  Gabe walked over, like a panther seeking it’s prey. He tied one end of the tie to her wrist then secured it to the bedpost; then did the same with her other wrist. He switched off the main light then bathed the room with the bedside lamps. He picked her clothes and laid them on a chair, then proceeded to remove his clothes and placed them on the chair too. He left his boxer briefs on, then moved back to the bed. He climbed onto the bed and straddled her. He kissed his way up to her face starting from her belly button. He made a straight path until he reached her lips, then nibbled her lower lip. “Open baby.”

  Ana opened and Gabe pushed his tongue in. Holding both sides of her head he deepened the kiss. The control that Gabe had been holding onto finally slipped. He changed the angle of the kiss and plundered her mouth like a man starved. He was angry, but his lips were soft against her. After what seemed like hours they both came up for air and he swooped down again and took her mouth. His mouth moved from her mouth and went down her body. He palmed one breast and took the other into his mouth. Intense heat flooded through Ana. Writhing, she moaned and pushed her breast further into his mouth. He grazed her nipple with his teeth, she felt both pain and pleasure. He quickly soothed the nipple with his tongue and blew air onto the nipple. It tightened and became very sensitive, shooting straight to her core. And when he pulled her nipple with his lips, she cried out. Gabe moved to the other breast and gave it the same attention. He left both nipples hard and sensitive to the touch, and kissed his way down, her belly button and finally reached her sex.

  Switching his position, he pulled her legs apart and knelt between her thighs. He grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed, he placed in underneath her ass. He caressed her limbs starting from the feet and moved up until he reached her thighs. Gabe moved to her center and opened her folds. She was overflowing with juices. His cock hardened in anticipation. He couldn’t wait until he entered her.

  “Tell me why you the need to defy me?”

  “I didn’t,” she whispered.

  “Tonight, you left knowing I wouldn’t want you to be out when it was dark. Why?”

  “Gabe, please.”

  Gabe pushed two fingers inside and soon after pushed a third one. “Why, Ana?”

  “We already agreed about all that last week,” she panted.

  “Well, it stops today,” he groaned and moved his fingers rapidly inside. “Agreed?”



  “Yes. No.” Ana was confused what she was agreeing or not agreeing to. She was desperate, her body was on fire and she needed Gabe to fill her with his cock. Despite her confusion she knew he was a man on a mission and his cock was out of reach. For a while anyway.

  Chuckling, “Which is it?” Gabe asked her. He dropped his head and replaced his thumb on her clit with his mouth.

  Ana writhed and cried out. She whimpered as she pleaded with Gabe. “Please Gabe. I need you.”

  “Come for me Ana.” He put more pressure with his mouth and his fingers, Gabe sucked Ana and in less than a full minute she cried out, bounced up and came quickly, trembling violently. Gabe shucked off his boxer briefs and entered Ana with a hard thrust. He waited until her orgasm was over then started moving inside her. After a couple of thrusts, he slipped out and Ana cried out. A second later, he thrust back it. Gabe knew he was lost, whatever rational thought he had been holding onto, deserted him. His hands held her head and he kissed her until she was senseless. He moved wildly, in and out of her, his hands moved up and down her body, not sure where to hold but leaving marks of possession.

  Each time Ana was ready to come, Gabe changed his angle and his position, starting the torment all over again. Ana was overwhelmed with the pleasure and pain from Gabe’s furious thrusts. She didn’t think her body could take it anymore, but Gabe was relentless.

  Finally he cried out, “Now Ana!” And immediately Ana came with Gabe following not too long behind her.

  Afraid to crush her he balanced on his elbows and untied her wrists. He gathered her into his arm and rolled onto his side. When her trembling ceased, Gabe kissed her forehead and told her he w
ould be right back. She heard the bath running and a few minutes later he came back and scooped her up. Gently he sat her down in the tub, and followed to sit behind her. He took a wash cloth and washed her back and front, moving slowly.

  “Ana, I’m sorry I was such a beast. I have never lost it like that.” His voice was full of remorse.

  “What happened?” she asked softly.

  “You left in such a hurry, and I was worried about you in the dark. You refuse my offer of a car and I feel so powerless - worried because I am afraid of what could happen to you. New York isn’t very safe at night, especially to a female walking alone.”



  She sighed and explained. “Okay, I will agree to a car. After dark only.”

  Gabe tensed behind her. “Come again?”

  “I will agree to you providing a car after dark.”

  “I would feel better if you agreed to use it all the time.”

  Ana blew a strand of hair that had fallen to her face. When it didn’t move, she moved it out of her face with a hand. “Don’t push it.”

  “I’ll take that,” he chuckled and kiss her shoulder. “For now. I’ll arrange one for Kelly too.”

  Ana rolled her eyes and thought to herself. Trust him to want the whole cake and not just a piece, but she was glad Kelly would be safe. She usually left and came home when it was still a little dark, especially now in the winter season with short days.

  The water was getting cold, so Ana pulled the plug and stood up. She carefully stepped onto the bath mat and pulled two clean towels from her linen closet. Gabe accepted one and wrapped it around his waist, then took the towel she was using to dry herself.

  “Let me,” he said to her and proceeded to dry her body. “Move your legs further apart baby.” He knelt down and gently he dried her sex. “Sorry,” he said when she flinched. Ana was sore. Gabe’s huge cock had pounded into her mercilessly. “You are all dry now,” he added as he stood up, then took the towel around his waist and quickly dried himself. Switching off the light he picked her up and laid her on the bed. He pulled the covers up and switched off the side lamps, then pulled Ana into a snuggle.


  “Yes baby.”

  “Can we do that again tomorrow?”

  “Do what?” Gabe was almost afraid of her answer.

  “What we did tonight,” she muffled into her pillow.

  “Ana. I lost it with you tonight. I don’t think I want to do that again.”

  Ana shifted and turned to face him. “I know your reasons were less than honorable. But I really enjoyed it. It was brutal but the pleasure was intense.”

  “Aren’t you sore?”

  “I am, but I will take that any day to the pleasure I get.”

  Gabe threw his head back and laughed wholeheartedly. “We’ll see. But I also have to say, what you did this afternoon in my office,” he paused and looked into her face. Not that he could see much, but he knew she was blushing. “Come back any day and give a repeat performance. Just don’t rush out into the night, leaving me half dressed.”

  She giggled and hugged him to her body. “Yeah, about that. I’m sorry, but I needed to leave you like that because I knew you would try and stop me.” She lifted her head and dropped a kiss to his lips.

  “I figured as much.” And he pulled her head into a deeper kiss. Before long, their kiss was wild and hot. He shifted and rolled onto her, but didn’t break the kiss. He moved down and settled on her breasts and made love to her breasts until she ached, and she came for a third time that night. Rolling to the side again, he snuggled her front to his front and rubbed her back, soothing her until she fell asleep.


  The next morning, Gabe woke to kisses all over his torso. When he stretched and was fully awake, Ana pushed him to his back. “Morning Sunshine,” he greeted her as he fell to his back.

  “Morning, I hope you slept well.” Ana straddled him and continued with her mission.

  Grinning, Gabe ran his fingers through her hair and responded, “I did. Everytime you are in my arms I sleep better than I have for years.”

  “What? That didn’t happen with your previous girlfriends?” she continued kissing away.

  “Ah, actually I haven’t had girlfriends since maybe middle school, and those don’t count. The other women I have slept with were never really girlfriends, more acquaintances.”

  “So you sleep with all your acquaintances?” Ana asked and raised her head.

  “Not all, a few here and there.”

  “I see,” she smiled at him and moved up until her head was level with his them kissed him lightly.

  Gabe flipped their positions, and kissed her chin. “What is it that you see?” He moved down and kissed her neck.

  The ringing of the phone broke in. Ana glanced to the bedside table and realized it was her cellphone. “Ignore it,” she said and tried to flip back to get on top, but Gabe held her steady. Frustrated she cried, “Gabe! Let me up.”

  He was now down to her chest and lightly kissed both nipples and they perked up. Ignoring her, he gave more attention to the nipples that were hard and sensitive to his tongue.

  Again the ringing of the phone broke in. Ana glanced to the side again, wanting to shut the thing off, but realized it wasn’t her phone. “I think it’s yours,” she told Gabe in between moans.

  “No, it’s not mine.”

  “Then whose is…” Struggling to get up Ana quickly glanced at the phone and realized it was nine. “Shit. Shit. Shit.” She hit Gabe on the chest with her fists. “Let me up. Oh my God!” Ana rolled off the bed and fell down as sheets tangled her legs and for the life of her she couldn’t untangle herself. By the time Gabe came to her rescue she had untangled herself and was grabbing a robe running to her office. She got there in time to hear the voice mail come on with Gabe behind her. “Sorry, I overslept,” she answered as she picked up the handset. “Let me dial in and we can get started.”

  “Everything ok?” Gabe asked from behind her.

  She laughed as she powered up her computer. “In a minute yes. I can’t believe I forgot.”

  “Forgot what?”

  “I have a conference call,” she responded while dialing. “I should be done in thirty minutes to an hour.”

  “Okay, I’ll get out of your way,” Gabe told her and kissed her forehead, then left her home office.

  A minute later Ana was seated and had joined the conference call. She was glad it wasn’t a video call otherwise she would have had to delay the start looking for clothes to wear. Thank God for small favors of working from home. You got to wear a robe and have an intelligent meeting with your clients none the wiser.

  A couple of minutes later, Gabe entered with a cup of coffee, heavy on the fresh cream. Just the way she liked it. Mouthing a thank you, she sipped and hit a few keys on her keyboard.

  After bringing coffee to Ana, Gabe went to the bathroom and took a shower. He found a pair of clean sheets in her lined closet and made her bed with fresh sheets. Seeing that she was running out of clean towels, he gathered the towels they had used over the last few days and ran the washer. Next he tackled breakfast. When Ana had taken a rain check on dinner yesterday, he had dome a little shopping for dinner and breakfast today. By the time Ana showed up in the kitchen he was cleaning up the used dishes. “Breakfast is ready. Do you mind eating at the island, or do you want to use the table?”

  “Thanks. Here is fine,” Ana replied and took a seat. “You made dinner last night, and now breakfast. And in between,” she paused and picked a fork, “you made my bed.”

  “And your point is?” Gabe arched his brow looking at her intently.

  “I’ll get to that in a minute.” She looked at her food and dug into the scrambled eggs. “What else do you do?”

  “Any housework really. My mother made sure all her kids knew how to take care of themselves. Nate and Rafe too.” He laughed when he saw her puzzled expression. “I even
put a load of your towels in the washer.” Gabe smiled and tapped her nose. “But you should see me with a vacuum cleaner.”

  “Okay, now to my point. I may have to keep you.”

  He threw his head back and laughed wholeheartedly. “You need me as your housekeeper?” he teased.

  “The sex is good too. Scratch that. Great actually, so that would be a benefit,” she said grinning.

  “Well, in that case, how can I refuse. Anything for you baby. But then I may have to let my housekeeper go.” Finished with his breakfast, Gabe sipped his coffee and watched Ana eat. “Any more conference calls?”

  “No.” she swallowed then continued, “God, I can’t believe I forgot. And it’s all your fault.” She looked at him and pointed her fork in his direction.

  “Do tell? How is that my fault?” He leaned back and folded his arms.

  “You distracted me.”

  “If my memory serves me well, you woke me up.”

  “That may be, but I had everything under control, until you decided to take over my show.”

  “Your show?”

  “Aha! My show. Maybe next time I will have to tie you up.”

  “Never gonna happen,” Gabe shook his head and started clearing the breakfast dishes. The ringing of Gabe’s cellphone prevented further talk.

  Ana finished her coffee then loaded the dishwasher. The rest of the kitchen was clean, so she only had to clean the island. Gabe was still on the phone, so she went to her office to check for urgent e-mails. When she found none, she moved to her bathroom and cleaned it from top to bottom. She was on her way back from moving the towels from the washer to the dryer when Gabe found her.

  “What would you like to do today?” he asked her.

  “I don’t know. But don’t you have any work to do?” she responded pointed to his phone.

  “Everything is under control. How about a drive?”

  Excited, Ana jumped and hugged him. “That would be great. Where to?”

  “Surprise. John will be here to pick us up in fifteen minutes then we will go and pick up my car.”


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