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Seduction: Book 2

Page 9

by Joyce Jordan

  “Yeah. He can’t part with a couple hundred dollars out of his billions.” Ana added.

  Rafe looked at the table and asked who was currently winning. They both chimed in that Gabe was and he realized that there was no way they could ever win with the way the balls were. They both looked a little inebriated but he wasn’t willing to touch on that one.

  “Fine. Let’s bet a hundred. Best of three.” Gabe said wearily.

  “A thousand, and best of five.” Ana countered.

  Both men gaped and Gabe shook his head. “I can agree to two hundred and still say best of three.”

  “I guess he is afraid after all,” Kelly said as she walked over to her glass. “Tell me Gabe. Do you usually feel challenged by women?”

  Rafe guffawed and choked on his beer. Gabe almost dropped his bottle when he missed the edge of the pool table.

  “You know what? The gloves are off. We will have it your way. A thousand and best of five.”

  “See? That wasn’t so hard.” Ana came up and kissed his cheek. She indicated that Kelly make her move. She was next. The game was already shot, so they continued in the same manner and a few minutes later, Gabe won. Obviously.

  The next four games were the total opposite. Gabe realized he had been played when shot after shot each girl landed in the hole. He hadn’t put much to it when they changed their sticks, but his buzzed brain saw the changes in the stance when they prepared to strike. Soon a small gathering had surrounded their table and the commentaries from Rafe were non stop. Needless to say, Gabe lost all four games after that. He smiled and shook his head. He had been played. Big time. And he would live to regret Rafe being a witness to his humiliation.

  When they found a booth to sit in, the girls finally confessed that they had been taught pool by the best, and that he wasn’t the first person they had played like tonight. Rafe kept regretting not taking a video. He claimed he could have made millions selling it. Gabe shot him a look, but Rafe was not intimidated and just laughed at him.

  “Oh, oh.” Kelly said softly.

  “What?” Ana asked.

  “Something wrong?” Gabe questioned.

  “Everything okay?” Rafe asked.

  “Ana, MIB is here. Don’t turn,” Kelly answered.

  Before she could react two guys wearing black suits were at their table. Gabe and Rafe were surprised when Ana greeted them as if she knew them. They were now both standing and had placed the girls behind them.

  “We are here for Ms. Ana Summers,” one of them said.

  “And who are you?” Gabe asked at the same time as Rafe was asking, “What’s it about?”

  “We work for the government,” the talker replied while his counterpart stayed silent keeping watch.

  “It’s okay. I know them.”

  “You know these guys?” Gabe asked confused.

  “Yes,” she replied wearily. Turning to the MIB (as Kelly had nicknamed them years ago) she asked them, “I didn’t receive a call.” She checked her phone and there were no missed calls or even texts. No sooner had she finished checking her phone, than it rang. Blocked number. She answered on the second ring and acknowledged that the MIB had arrived. After a few more exchanges she hung up.

  “I’m sorry I have to break up this party. I have to leave.” Ana slid off the booth and Kelly followed. Gabe and Rafe were still standing. “Look I can’t say much. But I’ll call or text when I can. Gabe, please see Kelly home,” then she turned and started to move away. Both agents flanked her as they made their way to the door.

  “Ana.” Gabe held her hand when he caught up with her. “Fuck off,” he said to the agent who tried to block him.

  She smiled and asked for a minute in private. When they realized Gabe was willing to fight them in the pub, they relented and moved a little distance away.

  “What’s going on? Are you in some sort of trouble?” he asked concerned.

  Caught offguard she laughed. “No. But ask Kelly to tell you what she can. I can’t really say anything, especially with them here.” When she saw he was still worried, she added, “I promise I will be fine.” She leaned in and kissed him. They walked out together with the MIB following close behind, and Kelly and Rafe bringing in the rear.

  A black Lincoln Towncar was waiting outside. Gabe kissed her and threatened he would threaten every government agency until he learnt her whereabouts if she didn’t call or text within twenty four hours. Knowing he was probably serious, Ana promised and kissed him back. She slid into the car and one agent sat beside her while the other took the passenger seat. They passed by her apartment where she changed and packed an overnight bag and took her laptop. And less than an hour later they were boarding a shuttle flight to DC.


  It was Thursday night before Ana walked into Gabe’s penthouse. He had given her a key and she let herself in when she realized he wasn’t home. He was either at the office or with his brothers. Tired, she took a shower then crawled into bed.

  Gabe arrived home not more than an hour after Ana arrived. He had been working late hours since Ana left. He couldn’t bring himself to be home when she wasn’t there. A couple of times he went by her apartment when he knew Kelly had left for work. He had received texts from Ana everyday, short and pretty much non informative except just proving that she was still alive. Unless if someone was using her phone. He didn’t want to go there, but anything was possible except that she hadn’t been grabbed or kidnapped.

  When Rafe and Gabe drove her to her apartment, Kelly had explained the little she knew about Ana’s work with the government. She wrote programmes for them and they usually showed up unannounced when they needed her hacking capabilities. No, she hadn’t been coerced because she had been caught, she answered Gabe who thought she had been caught hacking into a government network. She explained how she had actually helped a friend who had been caught and even then they couldn’t tell what she had done or who had done it. But a mutually beneficial agreement had been reached from then on. There was no telling how long she would be gone, but she usually checked in, so both of them shouldn’t worry too much about it. Or better still, get used to it.

  As he walked into his bedroom a beer in his hand and his suit jacket in the other, aiming for the closet and then then bathroom, Gabe saw her lying in his bed. He stumbled and when he righted himself up, he changed direction and knelt on her side of the bed. She was fast asleep and looked tired, but beautiful. He ran the back of his hand against her face and stared at her beauty. He thought to the first day when she had walked into his office with gawky glasses that she used as a prop. He even remembered the day she had confessed that she used them when she met most clients on first meetings. They took her more seriously when she had the geek or nerd personna. He had laughed and agreed that no one would probably agree she knew her way around tech mumbo jumbo if she dressed any other way.

  Gabe kissed her forehead then backtracked to his original destination. He took off his suit and shood under the shower while drinking his beer. Finally the hot water eased the remaining tension in his shoulders and he went to join Ana in bed. He gathered her to him and fell asleep. His first good night sleep since she had left on vacation.


  Ana woke to find a set of gorgeous deep blue eyes staring at her across the pillow. When he smiled at her she asked, “How long have you been watching me sleep?”

  “About an hour or so?”

  “You should have woken me up. What time is it anyway?”

  “Should be about ten.”

  “Huh?” A few seconds later the time sank into Ana’s brain and she jumped up. “Oh God, you should be at work. What are you still doing here?”

  Gabe grabbed her butt before she could get off the bed. “Settle down. I’m the boss, so I can take the day off.”

  “What? You don’t have to stay because of me.”

  “Ana, you overthink too much. You haven’t even said ‘Good Morning’ yet.” He pulled her until she was flush against hi
s body. He then moved his hand to her head and held it while he shut her up with a kiss.

  Gabe kissed her with relief that she was back. He had been worried despite Kelly’s assurances. He deepened the kiss and kissed her with passion and love. She moaned and played with his tongue running her hands throught his hair. He moved her to her back and followed to lie on top of her but didn’t break the kiss.

  Breaking the kiss to breathe, Gabe said, “I’ve missed you,” before he went back for more. Ana moved her hands from his head to his back and caressed him up and down his shoulders, back and butt. Her hands lit up a fire in his blood and his skin sizzled everywhere she touched. There was no way he would last with her touching him like that. He took her hands and held them above her head.

  “Please Gabe, I need to touch you. Let my hands go,” she pleaded with him.

  He let them go and just wished he didn’t embarrass himself. He tried to take his time and slowly moved down her body kissing every inch of skin. Ana’s moans and groans nearly had him coming before he was done with loving her breasts. He licked and suckled them until they were tight and painful, then he moved to her sex. She was dripping wet and he licked all the juice before he inserted his tongue inside. She bucked and cried as an orgasm hit her. Gabe didn’t stop, but continued his exploration with his tongue and played with her nub with his thumb. She whimpered, twisted around, but he held her down. Gabe pulled her legs over his shoulders and pushed a pillow under her butt to give her elevation before he increased the pressure on her nub. His tongue twisted around in her sex and increased its own pressure too. He felt the pressure build in her, her legs pulled on his shoulders and then he sucked and she burst open like a flood gate. Her scream brought a smile to his lips.

  Gabe moved up her body and latched onto one breast. He greedily suckled it while he pinched its twin. “God, I love your breasts.” Gabe worshipped them giving each the same attention while Ana whimpered and said she needed him inside. He dropped one hand down and pushed three fingers deep into her womb. She cried out and started moving up to get more contact. Tears fell as she cried for Gabe’s cock. Gabe moved down from her breasts and kissed her belly and belly button. He kept moving his fingers against her walls, hitting all the major areas. Gabe finally reached her nub and suckled and grazed it with his lips and teeth, then soothed with this tongue. Ana writhed and cried until the orgasm took over and she shook violently. She was gripped in it for a few minutes and Gabe held her while he watched her face. He wiped her tears and crooned to her. When everything subsided her rose above her and thrust into her. She cried and grabbed his biceps.

  “Are you okay baby?” he asked and waited for her answer.

  “Yes, yes. Please move Gabe.” She whispered back to him. She was already moving her body.

  “Not yet baby. You are very tight. I need you to get used to my size first.” He pulled out slowly and she whimpered, but when he thrust back she cried out again. When she bit his shoulder Gabe trembled and lost it. “Ana!” he cried and started pounding into her. She met him thrust for thrust crying and digging her nails into his back and butt. When he felt her orgasm coming he flipped them. “Not yet baby. Ride me.” He cupped her breast as she rode him hard and climaxed then fell against his chest. Gabe flipped their positions back again and pulled out then thrust back in Ana. She started moving with him and together they moved, matching up thrust for down thrust. He changed his angle several times finding deeper connections that had Ana crying for more. “Come with me baby.” Screaming his name, Ana came immediately. Gabe thrust several more times until he shook and howled like a man in pain. He held her butt and pushed her against him then screamed, “Ana!” He fell against her until he realized he was squashing her. “Sorry,” he said and pushed his hands underneath her so he could move them together.

  “I like your weight on me,” Ana told him as he switched their positions until she was on top of him. She lay her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck.

  “I’m too heavy for you.” he rubbed her back and kissed her head.

  “I saw the paper on Tuesday.”

  “What paper?”

  “Where you kissed me when we met at that art show. More like attacked me.” She smiled remembering the day. “The reporter speculated on my age and said how you were probably robbing the cradle.” Ana laughed and looked into his face.

  “If they only knew what a tigress you are in my bed,” Gabe replied smiling. “Ouch!” he cried when she hit him on the shoulder. “What was that for?”

  “What does one have to do with the other? You could still be robbing from the cradle.”

  “True, but I would gladly go to jail for that. But as long as you visited me there every couple of days, I would be okay.”

  “Nah! I would probably just resort to my BOB. It’s like an energizer bunny.” She laughed into his face.

  His cock swelled and he flipped them to be on top. “There will be no BOB’s as long as I am alive.” He pulled out and thrust into her. “Do you understand?” Another thrust and another. “Ana. Do you understand?”

  The thrusts pumped into Ana’s body and while she was trying to listen to what Gabe was saying, her body was already reacting to the pleasure. Moaning and meeting his thrusts, she listened to her body and its needs and tuned out Gabe’s words.

  Frustrated with her non answer, Gabe held her head and looked into her eyes. He demanded a kiss from her and she opened up. He took her mouth as he was taking her with his cock. The fire in both of them ignited hotter than before. Ana felt like she couldn’t breathe and tried to get even closer to Gabe. Gabe felt like he needed to go deeper but each time he thrust into her, his thick base hit her outer walls and his balls hit her ass cheeks. He took one leg and placed it on his shoulder and pumped into her several times, before he changed and placed the leg behind his waist. He pulled her nipple and squeezed her breasts bringing Ana to an earth shattering orgasm.

  Before she was fully recovered, Gabe flipped her so she was flat on her stomach. He lifted her ass in the air and widened the gap between her legs. He brought his cock to her opening and moved it up and down, spreading the juices around. “Tell me again about your BOB? Tell me that you understand.”

  Ana whimpered and begged Gabe to just fuck her. She tried to push back hoping she would find his cock. He resisted and tormented her with just the tip entering her pussy. “Please Gabe.”

  “Ana we can be here all day, until you tell me you understand.”

  “Yes, yes. I understand.”

  “What is it you understand Ana?”

  “That…That there will be no use of the battery operated boyfriend.”

  “Go on.”

  “…as you… as long as you are alive.”

  He kissed her spine then rammed hard into her. Ana spasmed and came gloriously. “Oh baby. You are so responsive.” He pushed her legs further apart and pushed her ass higher, then teased her breasts as she went through her orgasm. Gabe pulled out again and Ana whimpered but cried his name when he thrust back in. He held her hips as he furiously pumped hard and fast into her. Ana’s harsh cries of ‘faster, harder, faster’ just made him go utterly crazy. She muffled her cried with the pillow while thrashing her head in excitement. When he slowed the pace a little her cry of ‘don’t stop, don’t stop’ fueled him on. He changed the angle and hit her hard and they both climaxed together. Ana’s orgasm rolled through her as she felt sensation after sensation throughtout her body. Gabe thrust several times before he gently moved Ana to her back, then thrust into her several again and collapsed to her side.

  Hunger woke them and a glance to the bedside clock showed it was after one. Shaking her head, Ana wondered if everyone had sexathon’s like what she just had with Gabe. Boy she was sore, but it was amazing. She thought back to her energizer bunny comment and laughed. Who is your energizer bunny now?

  “Why are you smiling so smugly?”

  “I’m just wondering if your employees are aware of what the boss has been up
to? The boardmembers would probably fire you.” She laughed at him when he grinned.

  “I’m sure some of my employees have called in sick a time or two and enegaged in the same activities. And as for my boardmembers, they can’t really fire me, but if they could, I would gladly take the severance package and keep you tied to my bed,” he said with a grin.

  “I’m not sure I would survive. Right now I’m not sure I can move or walk.”

  “Poor baby.” He kissed her nose, then got up. “I’ll run a bath to sooth your muscles.” A few minutes later he came and carried her into the tub. The water was scalding hot, but after she got used to it, it was a relief. They washed each other and sat in the water until it had cooled down. Gabe then took her into the shower and they rinsed off.

  After she was dressed, Ana used the blow dryer to dry her hair while Gabe shaved then dressed. They changed the sheets and made the bed together. It was so domesticated but neither said a word to comment on it. Gabe insisted she sit while he made lunch.

  “Did everything go well when those guys picked you up?” he asked concerned.

  Laughing, “You mean the men in black as Kelly’s calls them?” she asked him.

  “Seems appropriate, I guess. Yes them.”

  “Yes. It went well.” Sighing she went on, “I’m sorry I really couldn’t say anything, and even now I can’t say much, except that I help them out time to time. Kelly told me she explained this to you.”

  Gabe placed a plate in front of her and came to sit beside her. He topped off her wine and continued, “How did they know where we were? You didn’t seem to expect them, yet you were not surprised.”

  “Yeah, about that. The phone that I use has a tracking device that they activate when they need to reach me. Usually they call ahead, but sometimes they show up and then someone calls to confirm just so I don’t get in the wrong hands.”

  “Does this happen often?” Gabe frowned at her, showing he was still trying to figure out the whole weirdness of it. For most people sure, but Ana had been at it for years now, and it stopped fazing her out about a couple years into it. Everytime she had been gone, she had thought maybe this is the day she wouldn’t make it back, and Kelly had been frantic everytime they had come calling.


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