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Seduction: Book 2

Page 14

by Joyce Jordan

  “Morning Ana. A very good morning indeed.”

  “When did you get here?”

  “Last night. I found you asleep on the couch.”

  Ana moved her lips to his chin and then his chest, “I missed you,” she said as she continued down his body. “Let me show you how much I missed you,” she added as she took her time suckling his nipples, grazing them with her teeth, then continued to his abdomen, navel and went down one leg, then came back up with the other leg. When she came back to his cock, it had grown twice in size and Ana kissed it, licked the head that already had pre-cum flowing.

  Gabe had woken up with a raging erection that needed Ana’s pussy to satisfy it. And when she started with her sweet little kisses down his body, his cock even swelled more in size and he needed immediate relief. He decided to give her a couple of minutes before he took over and showed her how much he missed her. He groaned as she paid attention to his nipples and ignored his cock as she went down one leg before finally paying some attention to it on her way back up. When she licked his head, he hissed and before he could pull her up his body, she had stopped and jumped off the bed.

  “Fuck, Ana. Where are you going?”

  She walked backwards as she smiled impishly saying, “I’m just going to take a shower before I go to work. You probably need to be at work too. I’m sure there are lots of documents awaiting your signature.”

  Gabe sprang off the bed so fast, Ana could only stare for a second before her braincells were activated and she shrieked rushing to the bathroom. She literally had only made it two steps into the bathroom before he caught up with her, lifting her high into his hands. “Nobody will be going into work today, until we are both satisfied, thoroughly satisfied. And I intend to be very thorough.”

  He tuned the faucets and adjusted the temperature as he walked into the shower with her. They washed each other, thoroughly then Gabe proceeded to thoroughly make love to her in the shower, with the waiter cascading down their bodies. He made love to her pussy until she came twice then took her from behind agaist the shower wall. He was slow and gentle with her, but didn’t let up until she collapsed into his arms.

  An hour later they were both ready to go to work. It was already after eleven. He took her to an early lunch, then dropped her off at her apartment.


  “What are we wearing for the benefit tomorrow?” Ana and Kelly were discussing a benefit they had been invited to by Evelyn. Kelly had managed to re-arrange her work schedule so she was off Friday and Saturday this weekend. It was Friday aftenoon and they were on their way to do their regular volunteer services at the nursing home they usually went to when Kelly’s schedule allowed them to.

  “I have no idea, but Evelyn said that people really go out with their dressing on this day,” Kelly replied. “But I think we can work something out when we come back tonight.”

  “I think I would like to go to the hair salon tomorrow. It’s been a while since we have had a professional do something with it. What do you say?”

  “Since it is promising a warm night, as warm as it could be on a New York winter night I guess , I think I would like a pedicure then I can wear those strappy sandals I haven’t had the time to wear. Remember, the ones I bought on sale when winter was just starting? We could do that after the hair,” Kelly added.

  “Not bad Kelly,” Ana responded as they got out of the car. They told the driver that they would be done in about three hours and they would meet him back out front.

  By the time they got back it was dark, they had volunteered an extra hour since they needed more hands at the nursing home. They were shocked to find Stefano talking to the doorman as if they were old friends.

  “Stefano, what are you doing here?” Ana asked.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you were coming?” Kelly added.

  “Surprise!” he shouted as he rushed over and hugged them both. He picked up a small suitcase and an overnight bag then followed them to the elevator. “I hope you can put up with me for a few days?”

  “Ofcourse, you are always welcome, you know that,” Ana said. “But what are you doing in New York?”

  “I don’t want to sound too optimistic but I have an interview with one of the major companies that sells men’s underwear and sportwear. We are talking about being the face of their company if they like me.”

  “Ofcourse they’ll like you. Who wouldn’t?” Ana said. “Would that mean you get to stay in New York?” When he nodded Ana hugged him, saying how exciting this was.

  Kelly hugged Stefano too and said they needed to celebrate after the interview, but for now, how about ordering a pizza. Pizza’s were one of Stefano’s favorite foods.

  They spent that evening talking about Stefano moving to New York. Helping him look for an apartment close by to them and introducing him to their favourite hangouts. Ana called Evelyn to see if she could get an extra ticket to the benefit for Stefano and Evelyn agreed to have someone deliver it to them the next day. They told her they would be out, likely most of the day, but she said that wouldn’t be a problem because she could have it delivered to the salon when they got there. Now they just needed to add a trip to a men’s store and either rent or buy Stefano a tux.

  “Stefano, you know you caused trouble for Ana the day you left? Tomorrow you will meet Gabe at the benefit. He may want to punch you when he sees you,” Kelly warned Stefano.

  “You didn’t tell him I was gay?”

  “I did, but Gabe can be possessive. I mean, what guy travels thousands of miles on some phone misunderstanding? He probably still needs to check you out for himself. Just don’t provoke him.”

  “I’ll try my best,” he said and winked at them.

  Ana offered Stefano her bedroom and she camped out with Kelly. They agreed to meet Stefano later the next morning, after their hair apointment, so he could sleep in and adjust the time zones.

  The next morning, Kelly was using her shower, so Ana went to use the shower in her bathroom. Stefano was still fast asleep. She entered through her office, since her bedroom and office shared the Jack & Jill bathroom. She made sure the connecting door to her bedroom was closed so she wouldn’t disturb Stefano. She had already chosen her clothes for today, before she went to bed last night, so there was no need to disturb Stefano.

  Ana was about to rinse shampoo in her hair when she heard shouting from her bedroom. Gabe’s voice. What is he doing here? They were supposed to meet at the benefit tonight. Oh God. Stefano. Ana wrapped a towel around her body and opened the door to her bedroom. Stefano was still in bed trying to get his bearings and figure out what was going on. Gabe was livid and prowling like a lion.

  “Gabe, what are you doing here?” Ana said as she opened the connecting door.

  “Who the fuck is that guy in your bed Ana? And why are you naked?”

  “Gabe, calm down. I can explain,” Ana said as she walked up to him.

  He sprang away from her when she tried to touch. “Don’t touch me. Not after you have been with another man. And you know what, save it because I don’t want to hear it.” He turned around and marched out of the bedroom with Ana trailing behind trying to calm him down.

  He almost bumped into Kelly as she came running to find out what the noise was all about. He said Kelly’s name by way of greeting as he continued to the door and marched out slamming the door as he went.

  “Oh God!”

  “What happened Ana?”

  “Gabe saw Stefano in my bed and jumped to the obvious conclusions. And when he saw me coming out of the shower, he flipped and wouldn’t let me explain the situation,” Ana managed to say before she started crying. They sat in the corridor against the wall, Kelly holding Ana in her arms while she cried her heart out.

  Stefano joined them and only after they told her Gabe didn’t deserve her if he was willing to think bad about her did she stop crying. They called him all sorts of names, jerk – asshole – coward – imbecile – ignorant before she was calm enough to finish
her shower. Ana refused to cancel the benefit just because of Gabe, besides Evelyn had invited them, so they couldn’t disappoint her. Her friends promised to stick to her all night long.

  Stefano joined them for their hair appointment. He sat and watched, talked to them about life as a model, making them laugh with dressroom stories. Ana was miserable, her thoughts kept going to Gabe despite her friends trying to find topics that didn’t remind Ana of him. If she didn’t love him, it wouldn’t hurt so much. She realized that somewhere along the line, she had fallen in love with him.

  Evelyn had the extra ticket delivered to them as they were making their way to the nail salon. All three had both manicure and pedicures before they went shopping for a tux for Stefano. They decided to rent one since he already had a tux back home and didn’t want to spend extra money on another especially if this interview on Monday, didn’t work out.

  Kelly did her makeup and tried to hide evidence of her crying. They fawned over her as if she were a porcelain doll until she assured them she was okay, and was done with crying over the stupid man. Dressed to kill, they called for a taxi and went to attend the benefit.


  Gabe left Ana’s apartment, angry and wanting to punch someone. John dropped him off at one of Rafe and Manuel’s club, closest to Ana’s apartment. It wasn’t open, but he knew there would be people cleaning and making arrangements for the night. He went into the office that they usually used when on site and helped himself to a whiskey bottle that he knew they kept in one of the drawers. He was surprised neither of them were already in, they usually alternated each Saturday.

  He drank one glass in one swallow before he smashed the glass down hitting the table.

  Manuel entered just in time to see the action. “Whose face would you like to smash, brother?” he asked as he walked in. Manuel saw blood oozing from cuts on his hand, but Gabe didn’t even flinch, didn’t even show like he realized he had been cut.

  Gabe didn’t respond. He ignored Manuel, then walked over to the side cabinet and took another glass and poured himself another shot.

  “If you are going to ignore, me at least clean your cut. I wouldn’t want to explain to mom how you bled to death.”

  Only then did Gabe look at his hand. He went to the bathroom and washed his hand. Manuel followed to make sure he didn’t need stitches. He refused to put a band aid but agreed to antiseptic, at least to prevent an infection. For the next two hours, he didn’t speak, but slowly drank the whiskey. He didn’t even notice when Nate and Rafe came into the room. Nobody said anything until he tried to stand and wobbled before falling down. His brothers picked him up and moved him to the couch. Now that he was drunk, he started talking, but nothing made sense because he was talking in jumbled sentences. They only manged to hear that it had something to do with Ana and some man in her bed. Gabe had walked in on them.

  He woke up with his head throbbing. He was in his bed. Trying to clear his head, he finally remembered Ana’s betrayal, seeing Manuel and thinking at some time Nate and Rafe were there when he ended up at the club.

  It was six and he needed to be at the benefit his sister was hosting. He knew Ana had been invited. He wondered if she would be there. He didn’t want to see her, yet he also wanted to see her. Despite her betrayal, he still loved her. God he ached for her. It had only been that morning when he walked in to find some guy in her bed, and she taking a shower a few feet away. It didn’t take a brilliant mind to add the math. Was this the first time, or did this happen every night they slept apart. Clearly she hadn’t been expecting him, they were to meet tonight at the benefit. It was a good thing he had decided to show up because he may have gone on for a while being played for a fool. Fuck.

  Gabe showered and dressed and made it a little after seven. The driver he had sent to pick Ana and Kelly had called him telling him how they had refused the use of the limo and used a taxi. He smiled, in the next instant he was angry at her for snubbing him when all he wanted was to make sure she was safe. He would make sure he had a word with her when she came. He walked over to the bar and ordered a drink.

  “Don’t you think you have had enough for the day?” Gabe turned and met his three brothers.

  He ignored them. “Have you seen Ana?” he asked instead.

  One of them said no they hadn’t seen her yet, but he didn’t check to see who. Another wanted to know what had happened, they never knew him to drink unless something was serious. And another said other than in college, that was the time his dad passed away.

  He told them about his visit to Ana’s apartment this morning and what he had walked into. He didn’t like it when they told him that he should have waited for her explanation.

  What was he supposed to do? Wait for her to come up with lies when the evidence was right there in front of him. It’s not like he had heard about it through the grapevine, he thought to himself.

  They had all been standing facing the doorway when conversation stopped and a commotion at the door took their attention instead. The man in Ana’s bed walked in flanked by both Ana and Kelly. God she is so beautiful, he thought and rubbed his chest. They were both laughing at what the man was saying. They stopped as a waiter stopped by them and offered them champagne glasses.


  Ana, Kelly and Stefano continued to walk in and were going in the general direction of the bar. Suddenly Kelly said Gabe was at their five o’clock. Ana stopped and their eyes connected.

  Ana had hoped that Gabe wouldn’t attend, but on the other hand she needed him to attend so he would see her. She changed course and her friends moved with her. She had never looked better in her backless silver long dress that swayed with the movement of her hips. “Eat that Boyd,” she said softly as she walked away.

  “Did she just…” Manuel didn’t get to finish his question.

  “Yes,” Rafe answered.

  “Is that the guy?” Nate asked.

  “Yes that’s him,” Gabe responded and turned away to get a refill.

  “Bro, that guy is gay. Trust me I know,” Manuel said to the group.

  “What? What were they doing in bed together then?” Gabe almost shouted.

  “Keep your voice down, will you.” Manuel looked around. Some people had turned to look in their direction. “Gabe, did you actually see them in bed. Unless he is bi they could have just shared a bed and nothing happened.”

  “He was in her bed. I know what I saw,” Gabe came back.

  “Didn’t you say a friend of theirs joined them in Hawaii a few weeks back? Some gay dude?” Nate asked.

  “Fuck, you think it’s the same one?” he asked.

  “Gabe, focus here. Was Ana in bed too?” Manuel stood watching him.

  “No. She was in the shower when I walked in.”

  “So how do you know they actually slept together?” Rafe asked and kept watching the trio as they made their rounds of the room.

  “It’s obvious isn’t it?”

  “No. It’s just an obvious assumption, but doesn’t mean that’s what happened,” Manuel countered.

  “You need to get that explanation you refused earlier. You may need to grovel bro,” Nate suggested.

  “I doubt she will talk to me. You all saw the way she changed direction when she saw me,” Gabe muttered into his glass.

  “They just found Evelyn. Maybe I’ll go and say hi.” Manuel was off before anyone stopped him.

  Evelyn was just being introduced to Stefano who charmed her by kissing the back of her hand, when Manuel joined their group.

  “Ladies, you steal the show tonight,” Manuel said to all three of them. “I’m Manuel,” he said as he turned his attention to Stefano.

  “Stefano.” The guys shook hands and smiled at each other. Although Ana was so miserable, she saw the change in Stefano as soon as Manuel had walked over. She watched the play and smiled. She tried to catch Kelly’s attention, but her attention had been caught by Rafe who had suddenly joined their group too.

,” Rafe said and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful tonight.” He did the same with Kelly then turned his attention to Stefano. The same scenario played with Nate and Ana was wondering if this was just manners or they were trying to figure out her’s and Stefano’s relationship. As the group shifted to make room for the newcomers, Manuel moved with Stefano and Ana became convinced of the attraction. She didn’t see Gabe coming until he was already there in front of her.

  Her breath hitched, God he was so handsome and now he wasn’t hers anymore.

  “Ana, you look beautiful.” Gabe tried to walk to her, but he saw her stiffening and her friends flank her. He stayed then greeted Kelly who barely acknowledged him. When he made to greet Stefano, Ana excused herself saying something about the bathroom.

  “I’m sorry. I have to take care of my girl,” Stefano said as he walked away.

  “Boyd. You are a piece of shit. You just lost the best thing that could have happened to you. All because you didn’t trust her. What kind of girl do you think my friend is? She would never cheat on you, never cheat on any boyfriend for that matter. She is as monogamous as they come. Now you can go back to those floozies you are used to.” Nobody dared say a word and when Kelly was done, she flounced off and went to look for her friends.

  “What the hell did you do Gabe?” Evelyn almost screamed at him.

  “I fucked up that’s what I did.”

  “Royally,” Manuel added.

  “Her friend Kelly did chew you out. She has a mouth on her,” Rafe said with appreciation.

  A few minutes later they saw Stefano dancing with Ana, then he switched to Kelly and another guy took Ana in his hands.

  “Who the fuck has his hands around Ana?” Gabe growled and went in their direction.

  Ana heard Gabe before she saw him. “Excuse me, she is taken,” he was saying to the nice gentleman that had asked to dance with her after her dance with Stefano.

  “You need to go away Gabe. We are no longer together.”

  Before he could cause a scene his brothers had swooped in and one of them had taken her into their hands. The others led Gabe and the gentleman away.


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