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The Reckoning

Page 30

by S. L. Scott

  The band has started meeting over at Dex’s studio and laying tracks for the new album. Dalton is gone about five or six hours a day and is home in time to have dinner with me and spend time with James. Sitting on the couch late one night while holding James after a feeding, I say, “He’s a night owl.”

  “He just doesn’t want to miss any of the fun.”

  “It’s that nighttime fun that I’m missing.”

  Fingers find me, slipping into my hair. “Tell me about it. I’m counting down.”

  “I have an appointment tomorrow. Trust me, I’m counting down too. I’ll talk to the doctor about it.” A yawn escapes and I lean my head back and close my eyes. “I’m so tired tonight.”

  “Get some rest. I’ll hold him and put him down.”

  “Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.” Dalton bends over and takes the baby. And there’s just something about seeing him hold this tiny little person we created that melts my heart every time. “Are you staying up late?”

  “No,” he replies, tapping James on the nose. When he looks up, he smiles. “We’ll be up soon.”

  I kiss them both and start up the stairs. I stop at the top just out of sight when I hear him say, “Your mommy is gonna love what I have planned.”

  My heart grows from all the love I feel. On top of the world, I go to bed.

  “I was given the go ahead,” I blurt out.

  Dalton looks at me completely clueless as to what I’m talking about… until he knows exactly what I’m talking about. He sets his soda can down and hops off the kitchen counter where we’re preparing dinner. “You were?” He grabs me by the waist and sways my hips. “What are we waiting for then?”

  “Nothing. No waiting.”

  He takes my hand and starts leading me upstairs, but I stop on a lower step than him. When he feels my hesitation, he stops and turns back. “What?”

  “I’m nervous. Why am I nervous?”

  No less than the most charming expression crosses his face, an excitement seen in his eyes. With his hands on either side of the railings, he asks, “Why are you nervous, Baby?”

  “It’s been a while. A few weeks before we had James and now just over a month has gone by after. I’m just nervous.”

  Coming back down the steps, he passes me until he’s two below and eye-level. Touching my cheeks, he says, “We’ll go slow. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I know you won’t.”

  He kisses me, takes my hand again, and we walk up side-by-side. He shuts the door behind him and I make sure the monitor is on. James is down for a nap, so we don’t have long.

  Music comes over the speakers on our nightstands. It’s soft and romantic, making me giggle. “I love it that you’re setting the scene, but is it really us?”

  “It can be,” he replies so easily. Holding his hand out for me, he stands in the middle of the bedroom. “May I have this dance?”

  Slowly, I go to him and take his hand. He pulls me in quickly, our chests suddenly together. With one hand on my hip and the other holding my hand, he begins dancing and I follow his lead. I rest my head on his chest, loving being this close to him.

  His mouth finds my neck and the sweet seduction begins. I give in wholeheartedly wanting him, wanting to feel him again. As he hardens against my middle, we continue an unhurried dance that leads me to the bed. Removing his clothes, he stands before me exposed and confident, sexy, and utterly beautiful.

  I lie on the bed, getting comfortable when he leans forward and takes my shirt up. My yoga pants are quickly drawn down, leaving me bare before him. Dalton kisses my belly, and looks up. “I love you infinity.”

  “I love you infinity.”

  Our love is steadfast and kind, our bodies move with a familiarity that only home provides. As we lie there afterwards, I say, “You’ll always be my home.”

  “You were always mine.”

  We hear a tiny cry come over the monitor and look at each other. “Best sound ever.”

  “Holliday, before you go, I want you to know how grateful I am to you.”

  “We did this together.”

  “I’m not just talking about the baby. Though I’m in awe of you when it comes to him. I’m talking about this life you’ve given me, everything you’ve given me. You’ve given me a purpose.”

  Rolling toward him, I say, “You’ve given me more than you realize. You gave me a life worth fighting for. You gave me your heart. You gave me your child. You make me feel a love I didn’t know was possible.” I kiss him on the lips. “I love you infinity, Dalton.”

  When the monitor lights up again, I whisper, “Meet you downstairs?”

  “I’ll be down in a few. I need to make some phone calls.”


  Though I’m curious to the phone calls he needs to make, I give him the privacy he seems to want.

  When he comes downstairs, he comes into the kitchen and says, “Want to go out to Ojai this weekend?”

  Standing in front of the stove, my eyes light up as I stir the noodles. “I’ve been wanting to go out there. It will be nice to take James out there too. It’s so quiet and peaceful.”

  Taking notice of Dalton’s silence, I look over my shoulder at him. He asks, “Do you want to have a dinner party?”

  Surprised by this, I ask, “A dinner party? Wow, you’re jumping into this settling down thing both feet first.”

  That makes him laugh. Leaning on the counter he says, “I’ll handle it all. I know you’re busy with the baby and trying to squeeze in work.”

  “You don’t have to do that. You’re busy too.”

  “I want to. I want to for you.”

  Bending down, I pick James up out of his bouncy seat and walk around the counter to Dalton. He takes him from me and snuggles him. “What’s going on?”

  “I just want to do something special for you and thought this might be a good thing.”

  “You’re very sweet. If you’re sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  Remembering his phones calls and what I overheard him say, I drop it realizing this is what he was planning. “So is it more dressy or you want to keep it casual?”

  “Let’s do dressy. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  “Yes, we do.” I finish cooking dinner while he holds James. “Maybe I’ll see if Rochelle wants to go shopping.”

  “That’s a good idea,” he replies while rubbing his nose against the baby’s.

  “Can you stop being so stinkin’ adorable? You’re very distracting.”

  He sends a smirk my way before continuing to love on James.

  The next day Rochelle meets me at a boutique down on Melrose. I run my fingers over a rack of clothes and moan, “I’m not feeling my best with this flabby belly.”

  She wraps her arm around me and says, “You look fantastic. You’re active and eat healthy, so don’t worry. It will melt away.” Leaning down, she smiles as she coos. “Baby James, he’s just gorgeous. So handsome. I see both of you in his features, but I don’t see Sebastian at all.”

  “You’re so bad.” I nudge her in the side. “Did Dalton talk to you about the dinner party?”

  “He did. He said he wants you in a dress.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “He did? He just told me it’s a fancy dinner and he’s talking to you about what he wants me to wear?”

  “I think he wants to make it special for you.”

  Glancing down at James who is asleep, I say, “I’m very fortunate. My life is a dream come true.”

  “That you appreciate it is what’s important.”

  “I do. I wake up every day with a grateful heart. So about this dress…”

  “Well, I got here early and scoped the place out. I saw this incredible dress over here. I think it will look so beautiful on you.” She leads me over and shows me a dress that comes in two colors—emerald green or blue.

  “He always loved me in this color,” I remark, holding the green dress out.

  “Try it on.
It’s perfect for a dinner party.”

  She takes the stroller and I walk toward the dressing rooms, but I see a dress that grabs my attention on the way. The salesperson assists me in finding my size and I go into the dressing room. I slip on the green dress. It’s lovely and hides all the parts I’m not comfortable showing just yet.

  I walk out and show Rochelle. She says, “You look great. That’s a definite.”

  “I have one more.” I run back into the dressing room and try on the red dress. It fits my new curves and highlights the positives. I kind of love it, but I need a second opinion. “What do you think of this one? Honestly.”

  “Oh Holli, you look incredible. It’s perfect for the Grammys and for the dinner party. You have to get that one.”

  “Well it’s kismet that the first two dresses are winners. That almost never happens.”

  “Yes, kismet indeed.”

  What I didn’t know was that kismet was coming into play in a much bigger way. We arrive at our property in Ojai around four in the afternoon. There are trucks and cars on our property filling the road leading to the house. “What’s going on,” I ask, looking for hints that will clue me in.

  Dalton parks the car and starts, “I have to confess something to you.”

  I usually get a sinking feeling when a confession is involved, but it’s been so good between us for so long now that I have faith that whatever he needs to confess, we’ll be able to take it in stride together.

  “It’s not a dinner party.” He gets out and comes around to open my door, leaving me to guess why he lied about a dinner. After helping me out, he reaches into the back and pulls James’ car seat out, being careful not to wake him.

  “What is it then?”

  He acts coy. “Remember when I dared you to marry me again?”

  I know what he’s going to say before he says it. “Dalton, what did you do?”

  “You said you always choose the dare. I’m daring you to marry me tonight.” He starts for the house. “Our parents are here already. They’re going to take care of James for us. Tonight is about you. Me. James. Our friends. Our family. And infinity.”

  Standing next to the car, I put my hands on my hips. “You’re really daring me to marry you again?”

  “Double dog daring you. At sunset.” He bites his bottom lip as he walks away from me.

  I’m weak to him. Always. “I’ll take that dare.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that. See you at the altar, Sexy.”

  “See you at the altar.” I fall back against the car and enjoy the view as he walks away. Kismet indeed.

  “A little hazel-eyed blonde is my Achilles’ heel. Without a doubt that woman owns every breath I take.” ~ Johnny Outlaw

  Every detail is handled. I had no idea how he pulled this wedding off, but Dalton did and it is amazing. The sun is setting up ahead when I walk out of the house. It’s as if it’s waiting at the end of the aisle like Dalton is. Everyone we care about stands from their chairs on either side of an aisle created from petals. Dalton stands at the other end of the aisle with a huge smile on his face, holding James in his arms.

  When I begin walking, music starts playing. I recognize it instantly. The melody makes me swoon every time just like my husband. When I look to the left, I stop and laugh from pure delight when I see the actual band playing live, just for me as I walk down the aisle. I turn back to the men I want to see them most. As the band plays “One Day Like This” I walk, not worried about all the eyes on me or that I’m wearing a red dress at a wedding. None of that matters. All that matters is the two waiting for me at the other side.

  Dalton’s clean shaven, his hair styled, but not overly so. He’s wearing a black suit that was made to fit, showing off his broad shoulders and lean body. The white shirt is crisp and the black tie, not too wide or thin, perfect in fitting the man wearing it. I thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever laid eyes on when I saw him in that corridor back in Vegas years earlier, but today, he surpasses that because I know the man behind the captivating features. When I reach Dalton and James, I lean down and kiss my sweet boy on the head, then I lift up and kiss my sweet man on the lips.

  My baby is dressed in a onesie with a tuxedo design. His eyes are still blue, but I see hints of green starting to take over. One day, he’s going to have his Daddy’s eyes and drive the ladies wild, just like Dalton does. I laugh lightly to myself imagining the trouble he’s going to get into. That’s a worry for another day.

  Dalton’s mother joins us and takes James from him before returning to the front row. Dalton reaches forward, taking my hands in his, and says, “You’re breathtaking.”

  “You don’t look too shabby yourself, handsome.”

  The minister clears his throat and I remark, “Nice touch by the way. I didn’t take you for the religious type.”

  “I’m covering my bases,” he says with a wink. “We have a date with infinity, remember.”

  Nodding, I become emotional all of a sudden. The man before me is standing so sure, so confident in spending his eternity with me. I’m not nervous to make the same commitment. I can easily tell him the same, but I want to spend my infinity showing him how much I love him.

  The minister starts and as we repeat the vows to each other, our eyes don’t drift, our hearts bond strengthens, our love deepens. He pulls a ring from his pocket and I realize he got me the pink diamond ring I saw in Austin. My eyes begin to water from the overwhelming emotion when I take in all that he has done to make this day happen, all he has done for me. Inhaling, I look up hoping to rid the tears I don’t want falling. When I look back at him though, I know that’s going to be impossible. One slips down my cheek as he slips the ring onto my finger. Before our lips touch, he whispers, “I’ll always be yours. You’ll always be mine.”

  “I’ll always be yours. You’ll always be mine.” Our lips come together cementing our promise.

  The small gathering cheers for us and when we part, I reach for James. He’s set in my arms and together, we kiss his cheeks. The band begins playing again and with his hand wrapped around mine we walk back down the aisle as petals rain down over us. James starts crying from all the excitement so we detour quickly into the house.

  Standing in our living room, we look at each other, words not seeming necessary. When I lean my head against him, his warmth surrounds me as his arm comes around me. As a family, we stand there watching the guests move across the lawn to the reception area set up beyond the new playscape. There’s a dance floor, a stage, plenty of tables and chairs, and a buffet setup next to a bar. When I see a cake, I say, “You thought of everything.”

  “I had a lot of help from Tracy and Rochelle. They’re good friends. They love you.”

  “They’re good friends.”

  “I owe them.”

  “For what? The wedding?”

  “No,” he says, holding me a little tighter. “For being there for you when I wasn’t, when I should have been.”

  Turning in his arms, I hug him gently, trying not to upset James who seems content with us alone in here. “When bad things happen, we have to remember them so we don’t repeat the same mistakes. But our hearts have to let them go to find happiness.”

  He kisses my lips, then whispers, “I’ve found my happiness.”

  “And you’ve given me mine.”

  James starts squirming. “You ready to go party, little man?” I ask, cradling him closer.

  My Mom knocks lightly on the back door before coming in. “Hey there,” she says, holding her arms out for James. “I’m ready to snuggle with my grandson.” I hand him to her and she continues, “Congratulations on renewing your vows. Now go enjoy your celebration.”

  “I already made a few bottles for when he gets hungry.”

  “Okay. We’ll be fine. You two have fun and I’ll call you if we need anything.” We start for the door, but she adds, “Holli?” With the door open, we both stop and look back. “You’re a wonderful mother. I always kn
ew you would be. Jack, I’m proud to have you as my son-in-law. I can see how much you love my daughter and your son and I know how much they love you. We all do.”

  “Thanks,” he replies, appearing sheepish from her words. Maybe it’s the day. It’s making us all a little more emotional than usual.

  As soon as we close the door, the DJ starts playing “Push It” by Salt n’ Pepa. I burst out laughing. “Is there meaning behind this?” I ask Dalton.

  When he stops laughing, he says, “I have no idea. I didn’t request it.”

  In the excitement, we hurry across the lawn to the dance floor. “May I have this dance?”

  “Yes, you may,” I say performing a slight curtsy and take his offered hand.

  Dalton spins me around and dips me. “For the rest of my life?”

  “For as long as we both should live.”


  He lifts me up. We’re cheek-to-cheek as “These Foolish Things” starts playing. Smiling, I close my eyes and say, “I love this song.”

  “I know.”

  He makes me giggle under my breath. “Are you always so cocky?”


  Leaning back to see his eyes, I ask, “Oh really? You’re that sure of yourself?”

  “Sure am.”

  “I bet I can still surprise you.”

  “Try me.”

  “Later. Let’s enjoy the party.”

  He spins me out, twirling me back in. Trapped in his arms, I say, “We’ve never really danced before. Where’d you learn these moves?”

  “Don’t laugh. Okay?”

  Laughing already, I say, “I can’t make you that promise.”

  He turns me around once, then whispers, “Dex.”

  “Dex? For real?”

  “For real. But it’s not like we danced together or anything. His mom had a DVD and I don’t know,” he says, shrugging. “He just knows this kind of stuff.”

  I want to laugh so hard at the awkwardness, but I don’t want him to be embarrassed. Unfortunately the laughter wins.


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