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Intellectual: A Young Adult Romance

Page 8

by Katie Wright

  Why the hell did I just say that? Maybe it was the pathetic look Dan had given me when he noticed that he wasn't going to spend time with me. For some reason I was a nice person and just asked someone I felt uncomfortable staying in the same room as me to come over for dinner at my house.

  Dan beamed, "Oh yeah definitely love meeting the folks."

  The folks, jeez, I hope he didn't think this was his idea of a date.

  "Okay then, see ya tomorrow and I'll give you the specifics." I waved a goodbye and ran, well jogged to my car. I got inside and turned the ignition on. Music blasted in my ears because I had forgotten to turn off my stereo. I sat and listened to the music for a bit letting it wash over my issues. Why didn't I just stop at 'I have plans already'?

  I slapped my head a few times and when it finally hurt I stopped and realized I really was an idiot. And now I had just made myself that much more so.

  Chapter 9: Meeting of the Minds

  Not much of a turbulent week in my opinion. Sure the awkward silences with Dan put me on edge and made me rethink keeping my job but overall not such a bad week. In fact it was uneventful up until Friday night.

  Dan must have believed I had some thing for him which irked me even more. I mean just because some girl asks you to meet her parents doesn't necessarily mean she likes you in that way. I was just being very polite to someone as pathetic as him. Yes I am a bitch. All I really wanted to do was come home and have a nice long weekend to myself.

  I walked in the front yard and whiffed the various aromas that were filtering through my nose.

  "Mom," I called out, "what are we having for dinner?"

  My mom's head popped out from the kitchen entrance, "Chicken thighs and legs with garlic potatoes and I made a garden salad too. Oh and some veggies. I have to make for all these people coming tonight."

  What were all these people she was talking about? As far as I knew the only other person coming was unfortunately Dan.

  I walked into the kitchen and looked over at the kitchen table.

  "Hey Sarah," I said happily, "I didn't know you were going to be home tonight."

  She rolled her eyes, "I wanted to go out but dad said I have to stay."

  "Because of Dan?"

  "No because our cousins and their friend."

  "Huh?" I must have missed something.

  My mom turned from her cooking, "Didn't dad tell you Brian, Mickey, and Casey are coming for dinner."

  "Um, why?" Well this was a surprise. I felt I was seeing a lot of them lately and now Casey.

  "Because your dad wanted to thank Casey for the work on your car."

  "Oh." I cleared my throat, "well what time's dinner going to be ready? I told Dan probably not till six."

  My mom nodded, "Yeah that's fine."

  I started walking out of the kitchen, "I'm going to get ready." I suddenly felt disgusting and the urge to shower overcame me.

  Once I was done showering and dressing it was just around 5 o'clock. I walked down the stairs towards the family room when I heard my cousin's voices and my dad's.

  I looked around the corner and tried to flee past them into the kitchen.

  "Hey Heath!"

  Damn it they saw me. I looked back into the entrance, "Hey," I did a little wave. I wanted to make up an excuse and help my mom with dinner.

  "Hold on where are you going?" Brian peered from the couch.

  "Um, I was going to finish helping mom." It was a weak excuse. By now she was most likely done everything.

  My dad looked up and had to put in his two cents. "Your mom's got it covered and plus Sarah already used that excuse so we let her go."

  Shit, I forgot about Sarah. "Fine," I slapped my hands on my sides and looked discreetly for seating. Unfortunately the only spot left was next to Casey on the sofa. I squished in and tried not to make eye contract or even glance at him. I leaned against my hand, elbow on the couch arm and pretended to listen to my dad.

  I didn't know what he was talking about all I could think about was that Casey was right next to me. I hadn't seen him in a few days and for some reason I felt very embarrassed. I looked back over and to my surprise Casey was looking at me. His eyes made a motion for me but before I had a chance to understand what he was trying to convey he got up and left the room.

  My dad and cousins were in deep conversation and didn't seem to realize Casey leaving. I knew I was supposed to get up at that point but for what I had no idea. I left and luckily no one seemed to care.

  I looked around the kitchen and only saw my mom and Sarah in a lively discussion about Sarah's leave for college this September. They didn't notice me so I moved on. I knew I was looking for Casey but slightly afraid he would jump out of me behind a corner or something.

  I walked down the hall waiting for something to jump from a side door but there was nothing. Now what was this all about? Finally I made my way towards the front of the house and past the living room when a hand pulled me in there.

  I was in so much surprise I didn't have time to even yell. But then I looked and realized it was just Casey. Why was he sneaking around my house waiting for me? I became excited suddenly.

  I laughed a bit but Casey placed two fingers over my lips. His touch was so soft I wanted to coo. Wait why the hell would I want to coo? What was cooing, was I still living in the 19th century?

  "Shh," he shushed. I grinned in spite of myself. He was definitely cute when he was trying to be unobvious.

  "Why did you want me?" I whispered.

  "Well," he began and looked down at his shoes. For some reason I looked down as well and started to watch as he dug the tip of his sneaker into the carpet. He started again, "Well I wanted to thank you for the other night. I didn't say anything to Brian about you being there through the whole fiasco I didn't want you to get into trouble. Plus you probably shouldn't have been there anyway."

  I looked up to see if he was looking back at me but he wasn't. I punched his shoulder lightly, "Ah, don't worry about it I didn't tell anybody either. But even if you told Brian he really couldn't do anything about it."

  He finally looked up, "Thanks."

  I shook my head, "No problem." I smiled to reassure him it was okay. I knew he must have been humiliated whether he hated his girlfriend or not. So I was not about to blabber to the world that his girlfriend cheated on him.

  He grinned back and was about to say something else when both of our heads turned at the sound of the doorbell.

  'Shit,' I thought, it was Dan. I guess this love fest with Casey would have to be postponed till another time.

  "I gotta go," I walked away and didn't wait for a response. It was as if he was sorry I had to leave. Plus he was becoming more like a relative to me than anything else.

  I opened the door to the sight of Dan dressed in different attire than the one he had on at work.

  "Hey," I smiled. I felt I was forcing a smile with him every time I saw him. Sad, I used to enjoy doing it.

  "Hey," he stepped in and I closed the door behind him.

  I brought him in to meet my mom and sister and then cringed as I realized I would not only be introducing him to my dad but my cousins as well.

  I walked into the family room where they were all sitting. Dan's appearance made all their heads turn to look at us. I even saw Casey who had returned from the living room.

  "Dad," I said only speaking to him. "This is Dan."

  My dad got up and walked over to him. He gave Dan a big genuine grin and shook his hand, "It's nice to meet you Dan."

  "It's nice to meet you too sir."

  My dad then took Dan away to meet my cousins and Casey. Well at least I didn't have to that. There wasn't time for a long conversation. My mom came in and told us dinner was ready.

  The seating arrangements were confusing at first but after a couple of times I finally found myself seated next to Dan and across from Casey. Brian was on my left and Mickey was next to Casey. My sister was on Casey's other side next to my mom at one end and m
y dad sat at the other.

  Conversation was quiet at first as everyone chewed on their food. I started swinging my legs trying to ease my tension. My leg kicked something and I looked up meeting dark blue eyes. Casey had a mischievous grin on his face.

  'I'm sorry,' I mouthed.

  He shook his head with that same grin. "Oh!" I exclaimed. I had felt a foot brush up against my inner calf muscle.

  "Are you okay honey?" My mom looked concern.

  I looked over at Casey who was holding himself back from bursting out laughing.

  "Um, nothing I thought I dropped my knife. I got it," I said showing the knife in my hand. My mother nodded and continued eating. I waved my knife at Casey and glared at him. He shook his head and continued to chuckle to himself. I noticed Sarah, then, staring at both of us. She had a peculiar look on her face. I glimpsed back down at my food. I didn't want her to believe anything was going on.

  "So Dan," my dad addressed. "How is working with my daughter, is she a pain like she is here?"

  Of all the things to say! I knew he was joking but I was not a pain to work with.

  "Well, I try but she is difficult."

  Dan had made a joke at my expense and everyone was laughing. I gave Dan a glare that I had given Casey but it was more sinister because I truly didn't like Dan. Well almost everyone was laughing except Casey. He stared at me for a bit and when he was aware I saw him he take a sip of his water and glance around.

  I don't know how the subject was approached but after the ice was broken everyone was in easy conversation. My dad had mentioned how college was important after asking tons of questions about Dan's background.

  "So you liked it a lot?" My dad asked just out of being nice. In addition, my father always enjoyed listening to people speak about themselves. Personally I was bored but I tried to look interested.

  "Well I did like college. I think many people miss out on the college experience. But it's one of those things I think you have to do to get it. Plus it's something you should do you can't get a job anywhere without a college degree."

  'Insert foot in mouth,' I thought. I can't believe he had said this in front of three guys who didn't even attend community.

  I heard a bitter chuckle across the table. Honestly I couldn't believe it when I saw Casey. He seemed to be holding his tongue in his mouth.

  "Is there something you want to say?" Dan asked in an almost snobbish manner.

  Casey looked over at him, "Why do you think everyone needs a college education to get a job? I'm a mechanic, I went to trade school and I do pretty well. I guess I don't agree with your opinion."

  Dan placed one of his arms behind my chair. Casey's eyes darted to it and then back to Dan.

  "Well," Dan's voice was condescending. Even I could sense the tension. "Yes blue collar work isn't something one has to go to college for. But you guys never really get it and I find many of you feel that college has no benefits but to sustain a degree to make more money."

  Casey waved his hands, "Whoa, I never said that. I think it's important to get a degree and it's something to be proud of but it's not necessary to get a job or even the job you really want." Casey's eyes again turned to me and back to Dan's arm. I looked at Dan who noticed this as well.

  Dan shook his head, "Yes but blue collar work is something anyone can do…"

  I started before he could say more, "It isn't something anyone can do. They have skills that I couldn't do. They are more mechanically inclined instead of analytically. They do something that is just as important if not more so than what we had to accomplish or have accomplished." I had to open my big mouth. No one besides me, Casey and Dan had said anything. I knew everyone was looking at me. I just forced my eyes at the white table cloth.

  "She has a point," Casey said.

  "And that would be?" Dan offered.

  Casey cocked his head towards the front of the house. "Well I guess you service that Beemer of yours?"


  "Well who does?"

  Dan looked around the room, "My mechanic."

  "So without your mechanic I guess you wouldn't be able to fix your own car or keep it running right?"


  "Well I guess then we lowly mechanics do have a purpose in this world. We of the uneducated class."

  Dan nodded.

  "Well," my mother began, "Would anyone like some pie?"

  Dan leaned over to me, "Where's the bathroom?"

  I looked back towards the family room, "First door on the right down the hallway."

  "Thanks," he got up and walked away.

  I heard a couple of soft chuckles to my right. My dad, Mickey, and Brian were all laughing to each other. Luckily I didn't care if they were laughing at Dan because I didn't like Dan too much myself. He had attacked Casey with his snobbery and embarrassed me. I went to college and yet he made it seem as all of us held the same opinion as him.

  Glancing back at Casey I noticed he was the only one not laughing. He looked generally pissed and I couldn't blame him.

  "Well that was great man," Mickey gave Casey a good pat on the back.

  "Thanks," Casey muttered.

  "Okay," I said happily seeing my mom with the pies.

  Dan made it back but the rest of the conversations funneled towards my sister's life and Brian and Mickey's lack of love lives. It was amusing but after we finished eating Dan made a hasty exit. He hadn't spoken since the argument.

  "Well," he said outside my door.

  "Well, um," I didn't want to apologize he had been wrong.

  "Sorry about that earlier I didn't mean to sound like a jerk. I just have problems with…"

  "With mechanics?" I supplied.

  He chuckled, "Um no, just guys like him and no offence your cousins that remind me of the guys I hated in high school."

  I understood where he was coming from but he shouldn't judge them they were good people and that's all that mattered. "Well they're my family and Casey's pretty much like my family now."

  "Have you known him a long time?"

  "Um no, but more so recently, he's Brian and Mickey's best friend who used to be my best friends." I was babbling but Dan would just have to deal that Casey was a part of my life.

  "Yeah I understand you really can't help who your cousins hang out with." I can't believe he said that with so much honesty and assholishness. "But um," he started for me by pulling my neck with his hand to kiss me. When did I give him any idea or inkling I liked him in that way to kiss me? I pulled myself back but he was fervent.

  "Um," I said. I cringed because I knew it was coming. I turned my face to the side so he could kiss my cheek.

  Suddenly I heard the front door open and I jumped about two feet away from Dan.

  "Um," Casey said. He seemed to be in as much of shock as I was. I went towards Casey and pushed him in, "Bye Dan see ya Monday." I closed the door behind Casey.

  "Hey I was going to grab something from my car," he went for the door knob.

  "No wait till he leaves, "I pressed a hand on Casey's chest. Oh, nice and sculpted. Mentally slap myself over and over again. Why did he get to me?

  'He's totally your type,' Jane's words came back to me. 'Shut up!' I told her in my head. Casey's one eyebrow rose and I realized my hand was still on his chest, "Oh." I pulled it away as though I had been burned. In a way I had but I wasn't going to admit it, yet.

  Dan drove away and Casey made his way outside. I watched him walk to his car and back to the house.

  "What have you got there?" He held something tight in his hand.

  "Nothing I wanted to show Brian."

  "Nothing?" Why didn't he just tell me?

  He opened his hand to reveal a pack of cigarettes.

  "You smoke?" I was surprised.

  "No but Brian does and I promised to pick him up a pack. I thought you knew."

  "All I knew was that he was supposed to quit and his mother thinks he stopped."

  Casey gave me a cheeky grin, "She thought
he did."

  "And my parents don't care!"

  "Well he smokes in the back after they've settled themselves upstairs to watch tv."

  "Oh, so clever of you. You're encouraging this, I can't believe you," I wanted to make a quick exit. I didn't even understand why I was so mad about it.


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