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Intellectual: A Young Adult Romance

Page 13

by Katie Wright

  "Oh Sarah?" My mom asked right before we left.

  "Yes?" Sarah asked in an annoyed tone which I knew would get her into trouble if she didn't keep herself in check.

  "No alcohol."

  I didn't see Sarah but I'm sure she had nodded. Yeah, okay, mom, right. I was old enough to drink, yes, Sarah wasn't. My mom's not a dummy, she knew Sarah would be drinking but her warning meant for her not to overdo it. And I, being responsible older sister, had to make sure of that.

  "Let's go," I mumbled as we left.

  The party was everything and more. We arrived semi on time, about an hour and a half late, which I consider fashionably late. The party reminded me of college and the stupid frat boys throwing themselves at girls, at each other, and in some circumstances out the window.

  Yes, I wondered if I had a place of my own as Lucy's sister did; would I throw parties such as these?

  "You guys made it!" I didn't recognize Lucy as she popped up in front of us with the exact sinful angel costume I protested not to wear.

  Thank goodness…

  She hugged Sarah and inspected her outfit remarking it look great on her and she was jealous that she couldn't wear such an outfit. Neither could I honey. Then Lucy jumped all over my two friends.

  Jane step back a bit and I had to stifle a giggle. Jane wasn't very fond of Lucy to begin with but since the Casey episode she considered her her worst enemy. Of course Lucy was clueless to this, another thing I had to be grateful for. If Lucy were to find out that Jane believed me and Casey were supposed to be together then she would think I felt the same way, which I vehemently denied.

  "Oh Cara, Dorothy suits you," Lucy supplied referring to Cara dressed as Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. She was also holding a small basket that held a stuffed look alike Todo, which just pulled the entire ensemble together. Yeah she looked cute.

  Jane looked like a vixen, to put it frankly. And I noticed Lucy stutter a bit.

  Jane had decided to go as a scandalously dressed French maid. To top it off, she heightened herself a full three inches in platform heels. I don't know why she had decided upon that outfit but I have to say at least she could pull it off.

  "Wow, Jane," Lucy began as if she didn't know what to say, "Mickey's going to love it."

  And then finally she went on to me. But I wasn't paying any attention to Lucy; I was staring at Jane's shocked face. I couldn't believe Lucy had said it, of all the things…

  "Well that's original Heather, what were you stalking Casey or something?"

  I didn't quite understand her meaning, until the devil, I mean person, in question came up to us.

  "Did I hear my name?" He came up to Lucy and the rest of us. "My you ladies look lovely tonight."

  "Yes, they do, especially Heather. Maybe you two should have gone as a couple."

  I wasn't as dumbfounded at her statement as before. There Casey stood in a pin striped gangster costume, sleeves rolled up and hat tipped perfectly. I had to say we both seemed to have stepped back into the 1920's.

  Jane perked up, "Yeah that's a shame they couldn't have." Her head cocked to one side.

  Oh, God. Well I guess Lucy deserved it but how come I had to be part of the turmoil.

  "Where are the drinks Luce?" Sarah asked relieving the tension.

  "Oh in the kitchen, back that way," she threw her hands in the direction towards the back of the house.

  "Thanks," Sarah said and we followed her.

  I didn't look Casey in the eye as I passed him or Lucy. She didn't seem to be the same girl I met over the summer and I didn't understand. It seemed to be there as soon as she spotted us.

  Then when Casey got there it fueled whatever problem she had with me. On top of things, Jane had to put in her two cents. Not that I minded after getting Lucy's 'preferential' treatment.

  I was sipping down a cool rum and coke when I noticed the grim reaper sipping a beer through its mask. I laughed and went up to death itself.

  "Hey there," I joked, pointing to the bottle in the opening of the mask's mouth.

  Once it pulled the bottle out the reaper pulled the mask up.

  "Brian!" I laughed so much I fell on the floor. I guess the rum was finally taking over my senses. Everything seemed to be funnier, and maybe the party wouldn't be so bad.

  "Stop laughing, everyone's looking," He slurred. I guess he had been drinking a bit much too.

  "What's so funny?" Dorothy strode up to us.

  "Oh nothing," I said as I was getting up from the floor, "Reaper, has a funny drinking habit."

  Cara looked back at me and then Brian, "Oh I didn't know it was you in the corner. I saw how you're drinking that bottle, pretty clever."

  Clever? "Clever?" I snarled. "Yeah okay."

  "What's your problem Heather?" Brian snapped. And he had every reason to, since I was being a bitch.

  "Nothing, I just thought it was more funny than clever."

  "It's both," Cara spoke up.

  "Fine, yes both, I guess." I turned around towards the counter and refilled.

  When I turned back the Grim and Dorothy were walking into another room speaking to one another, leaving me by myself, of course.

  "Maybe you should take your time?"

  That voice repeated itself in my head numerous times but this time it was different, masculine.


  I turned and met on with my perfect match, in costume.

  "What do you want Casey?"

  He shook his head, "Do you make it your mission to piss people off?"

  I sighed, "I don't want to argue with you Casey."

  "Neither do I," he grabbed my arm, "Come on."

  I followed him to another room filled with people and to an odd looking checker's board.

  "Shot checkers?" I inquired.

  He sat down at one side and pulled out a bottle of Captain Morgan. It seemed to appear out of thin air or maybe he had it in his hand all along.

  He waved a hand offering me the seat across from him, which I obliged. Then he pulled the cap off and stared pouring the shots.

  "I couldn't find anyone else," and it seemed he regretted his words. I bit back what I wanted to say, I know I had a retort but my brain wasn't working anymore. "I mean," he started again, "I asked Lucy and she's kind of busy mingling with her girlfriend's from high school."

  "So I was your last resort." I didn't say it in a mean way just a statement of fact.

  "Kind of," he mumbled.

  "You just told me to stop drinking," I reprimanded him.

  "Yes, but this is more controlled drinking. It'll take longer for you to get more drunk. You won't be drinking as fast." His reasons seemed contrived but I, in some way, understood what he meant.

  "Yes now we start."

  We played for maybe twenty minutes and nearly that many shot glasses were put off to either side of the checkers board.

  "Okay," he concentrated on the board.

  "You know it doesn't matter," I started to laugh realizing the ridiculousness of it all.

  He looked back at me, this girl that had gone off on her drunken rocker. Yes I was definitely drunk. Regret would soon follow the next morning but it wouldn't be unwanted. At the very least I could say I had a good night and oh my goodness, in the company of Casey.

  "What's so funny," he finally asked.

  "Nothing," I could do nothing but snicker.

  He seemed perturbed and grabbed for my hand across the table pulling me practically across the board.

  "Woah," I breathed, "watch it or we'll lose all the rum."

  "Oh I don't care, what's funny?" He almost seemed to laugh but tried to keep a mean demeanor.

  "I just figured we probably will end up drinking the rest because we wouldn't want to waste it."

  "No," he let go finally of my wrists and allowed me to sit back in my seat, "the loser has to drink the rest of the shots off the table."

  "Nuh uh!" I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.

  "No amount of cuten
ess will get you out of this."

  I paused and wiped my mouth, trying to rub off the traces of a pout. I didn't know I was trying to be cute.

  I sat up straight, "Well we're not done yet. I could still win."

  "Not likely, I've taken your king."


  Indeed I did lose and Casey was victor. But he was a nice one and we split the remaining shots. Downing them fast the effects started to really hit me and even in sedentary position I could still feel the room spinning.

  "Whoa," Casey was by my side before I fell out of my chair.

  "I'm okay, really."

  "Yeah sure," he laughed. He pulled me up and held me. We both swayed a bit.

  "Apparently I'm not the only one a little smackered."

  "True," he chuckled to himself.

  "Oh now how's a drunk going to help another drunk?"

  He led me out of the room and to the stairs. "I guess," he beamed as we ascended, "we take it one step at a time."

  I laughed and so did he, it had to be one of the corniest things I had ever heard but in this state everything was funny.

  "At least we're happy drunks," I offered.

  "Yes this is true."

  "True," I sighed.

  We hit the top and went left towards what we supposed was a vacant bedroom. Yes, Lucy didn't exactly have a bedroom in her sister's house but it was still hers when she stayed over. I was told that's where we were supposed to go.

  "This way," I followed him.

  He opened a random door to a bedroom. Shock, disbelief and horror struck my features. Okay it wasn't that bad, but still shocking.

  "I can't believe you corrupted Dorothy man." Casey said. I started to laugh.

  "Then where's Todo," I offered my contribution to the state of affairs. Casey and I went again into a fit of laughter until Brian was standing at the doorway, no longer in his robe or mask.

  "So may I ask what you two are doing up here?"

  That sobered us up and we closed our mouths. Casey stood up a little taller to Brian, and it was a noble effort but Casey would never come close to Brian's imminent size.

  "I was taking Heather, here, to her bedroom so that she could sleep."

  Brian snorted, "Sure man, but," he started to pull back and close the door, "don't do anything I wouldn't do." He snickered and in the background I swore I heard Cara tell Brian to 'shut up.'

  Casey and I stood next to one another in the dark hallway not looking at each other or saying anything to one another. I hoped he wasn't taking Brian's suggestion the same way I was. It wasn't that big of a deal he was only kidding.

  Then suddenly Casey grabbed my wrist, "Let's go down here then."

  He opened a dark bedroom which was unoccupied. Closing the door behind himself he told me to lie down.

  "Excuse me?"

  I could make out his silhouette, "Heath, you should lie down; I'll get you some water."

  "Okay." I did as I was told, thinking his idea was better than mine. I planned on yelling at him for his insolent tone but that probably would have made me feel sick. I tried to will the sickness in my stomach away. I would not get sick.

  Casey came back in and closed the door. He almost tripped a bit, seeing as he was walking in the dark but made it over to me without any real damage.

  "Here, take this."

  I pulled the glass to my lips and sipped lightly.

  "It'll take care of the hangover, I hope."

  "Me too," I muttered and then gave Casey the glass back. I dropped my head against the pillow. "The room's still spinning."

  "Me too."

  I sat up, regretting my actions and patted the space next to me, "Why don't you lie down then?"

  He hesitated, or I think he was since he didn't move right away and then instead of walking up and around the bed he crawled right on top of me.

  As if sensing my unease he said, "What? I didn't feel like walking all the way around."

  "Oh, sure."

  Then I cooed, "Oh I can't believe it."


  "Brian and Cara."

  "I can," he chortled.

  I turned my side to him and smacked him on what I thought was his arm but instead hit his chest. "What do you mean?" I noticed my hand didn't mind staying where it was and Casey didn't seem to be pushing it off so I let it stay there.

  "I knew Brian liked Cara. I mean for awhile he did but then she started dating that guy and he stopped talking about her. It really pissed him off." He craned his face as if to look at me in the dark, "I'm surprised you didn't know, seeing as he is your cousin."

  "Yeah well just because we're related doesn't mean anything. It really depends on who you're close to, like your friends. They know you the best. They know what's really going on in that mind of yours no matter how much you deny it." My tongue had a mind of its own. Rum was its truth serum. I pulled my hand away from Casey's chest, only for him to hold it in place with his own.

  "Don't move or I'll get sick," he said.

  Okay not what I was anticipating, "What?"

  "You shake the bed and then I'll get sick on you."

  "Um, okay." What had I been expecting, him to pull me over and kiss me? Probably not when we were drunk and not like this. What was my train of thought doing? I didn't want to be like this in any way with him, did I?

  "I think it's time we go to sleep, kay Heath?"

  "Sure, sure," I was at a rather awkward angle and instead of just sleeping on my side I turned on my tummy and moved a little closer to Casey. To anyone who may see our positions it wouldn't look right. Oh well I just had to hope the wrong person wouldn't come waltzing in on us.

  "Oh. My. God!"

  The screams broke me out of my sleep, very slowly. I was aware there was a light in the room, or it was the morning, I wasn't positive. All I knew was my body was being slightly pushed up. Pushed up?

  I opened my eyes and found my upper body resting on Casey's chest. He was leaning up and holding my back at the same time. I looked up at him and he seemed just as confused as I was.

  I turned my head a bit and realized that the light that invaded my eye lids was from a lamp. The party seemed to still be going on downstairs.

  I wondered how long we slept.

  "Casey, what the freak!" The pitching scream was invading my ear drums.

  I don't know if it was the noise or the fact that my sleep was disturbed or that I still felt somewhat sick, but all I knew was that this bitch was disturbing it, "Shut the fuck up!"

  I turned and noticed Lucy standing there with Jane and Mickey behind her. Jane had a smile on her face that would be considered knowing if there was anything to know. Mickey was standing there in what I perceived as anticipated jubilation and Lucy could have very well been the devil incarnate. That costume really didn't do anything for her.

  I felt hands rest on my arms and slightly move me. I looked over at Casey who had an apologetic look on his face. If it was for me and this situation we were in I couldn't blame him. I think we both knew it was a bad move.

  "Casey do you want to tell me what the hell's going on?" Lucy's voice wasn't as loud but strained. She looked like she was going to cry.

  He pushed me away and I couldn't help but feel something in my chest. My stomach flipped flopped and I knew I couldn't hold it in anymore. I jumped up and ran to the hall bathroom. I emptied the fine captain into the bowl. Oh how sad. It's such a waste it couldn't have even gone out the other end.

  I felt someone rubbing my back and looked over to see Jane who was now holding my hair.

  I went back to the bowl as another wave attacked me. Then I finally looked over at her again, "What happened?"

  She shrugged, "Maybe I should be asking you that?" Her eyes lit up like fireworks.

  "Jane, nothing happened, unfortunately," I breathed the last thing to myself.

  Jane heard me of course, "Well at least you admit it."

  "I don't think we can stay overnight."

  Pounding fo
otsteps coming up behind me were the first thing I heard before the high pitch voice, "Jane, Heather, I think you guys should leave," Lucy said.

  What no screaming at me? I wonder what Casey had told her?

  "Can you drive?" I asked Jane.


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