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Intellectual: A Young Adult Romance

Page 26

by Katie Wright

  "Heather, I think you're beautiful, argumentative, compassionate, and an overall good person. Plus you have curves," he emphasized the word curves with a squeeze at my thigh, "that I want to run my hands all over. You have nothing to be insecure about."

  I sincerely felt the truth behind his words and when I finally believed him I wanted to cry. How many weeks and months had I spent pushing him away from me? Why had I never admitted the obvious? This man liked me enough to take me back after I was rude and cruel to him. There was a little voice in the back of my brain that called out another name, Lucy. But I reminded myself that Casey had gone out with Lucy because I wasn't willing to be with him earlier. That I had out and out rejected him and that we weren't together. He could be with whomever he wanted.

  Casey turned my face to him, "Why are you crying?"

  I tasted a bit of the saline on my lips and I licked it away with my tongue.

  I shook my head, "I don't know why, I just…"

  My words were cut off by Casey's mouth covering my own. His hands were now on my back pulling closer to him if it was possible. I was not someone who encouraged moans emitting from my body but one had slipped out and Casey took the opportunity to his full advantage.

  I forgot how good it was to feel in his arms. His kiss was not rough but not composed. He laid me back on the couch and proceeded to explore my mouth. My hands traveled up the back of his sweater. It was constricting my search of his body so I pulled it up his torso. He must have understood and soon he was hovering above me pulling his sweater off.

  The sight before me was more amazing than I remembered. Being under him in this scenario must have had my hormones on overdrive and before I knew it my hands were running up the front of his chest. I kissed the bottom of his neck because that was as far as my lips could reach. Then the tugging of my own clothing brought me back to Earth.

  In that moment I realized that it was only 9pm. That I could be here with him for a few more hours before my parents would worry. That no one would interrupt us and that finally I had him all to myself.

  After he had pulled my top over my head he brushed my hair back and tipped my head. Kissing me again soundly he looked down at me. His eyes seemed to travel over me but I had no urge to cover myself. Luckily the back of my mind had always prepared me for this. I was wearing undergarments that were tasteful yet sexy at the same time. They appropriately exposed every curve and covered any flaws.

  If it had been anyone else who had looked at me the way he did in that moment I may have slapped them or kicked them in the balls. However it was Casey who was so openly looking at me in such a way that would have made me blush. His index finger drew a faint line down my neck to the expansive crevasse in between my breasts towards my belly button and finally found the button of my pants.

  His eyes asked a question and I was more than willing to oblige him with a nod of the head. However after the final piece of actually clothing was removed I noticed he seemed tense.

  I touched his face, "What's wrong?"

  I could only think he was questioning this but then he said, "You don't deserve the couch."

  In a swift move he had picked me up and was taking me down the hallway and up the stairs to his bedroom.

  After being laid comfortably down on his bed he began to remove his pants. The room was darker than the den which had been lighted by the television. The slight amount of light that did filter in was from the tiny window.

  After he finally removed his pants he crawled from the bottom and over top of me.

  "Heather we don't have to do everything. I'll only go as far as you want to."

  The question was so open and honest I hadn't even thought about how far I wanted to go. Was I supposed to put up a red flag when I felt he had crossed that boundary?

  I stifled a laugh.

  "What," his question was impatient and possibly irritated.

  "I'm sorry, I don't know what you want me to do? Push you off of me? Make a noise or just say no?" Then I could help but start laughing.

  I heard a grumble and unexpectedly Casey's face was near centimeters from my own, "Heather I'll make this clear you better make some sort sign or I won't think twice about what I'm going to do to you."

  I thought he was serious but then I noticed a slight grin placed on his features.

  Then he backed up and settled himself over my legs. "How do you want to take this?"

  "Casey," I rested myself on my elbows, "I don't know how far I'm going to want to go with you until I get there you know?"

  "Well for your sake I don't think we should have sex. I don't think you're ready."

  His words sounded harsh to my ears but he was right. I wasn't ready to make that kind of commitment even though I knew I had feelings for Casey I didn't openly admit to.

  I nodded, "You're right."

  He seemed content with my answer and began to run a hand up the side of my thigh. He played with the fringe on my underwear. He slid a finger underneath it and pulled it up a bit from my hip. He seemed to play with it for a moment. Sometimes I thought how strange Casey was. Was he questioning his actions or was he just lost in thought?

  His next action surprised me. His head dipped down and kissed my belly button. Then he breathed, "We've been here before."

  I questioned him, "What do you mean?"

  As he kissed and traced circles with his tongue he murmured, "I wish we could start where we left off."


  He set his chin on my stomach and looked at me. His normally clear blue eyes almost looked black in the light. "I mean up at the cabin. We had gone pretty far. I'm just wondering if I want to start from the top and work my way down or go from the bottom up."

  "Oh you're an ass!" I took a pillow from behind my head and hit him with it.

  He tried to cover himself with his hands until he finally decided to just grab the pillow and stop my attacks. He not so lightly pushed me on my back and starting kissing me roughly.

  After he assailed me with his kisses he pulled back, "Well you know what, torturing you would be more enjoyable."

  Before I had a chance to recover he was already slowly pulling the straps of my bra down but not enough to expose my breasts. His kisses followed the path across the top of fringe and dipped in between. Without removing the fabric he bit through the material. A sigh escaped my mouth and I none too gently grabbed his shoulder. I could hear his chuckle and hot breath on me but I let him get away with it because I was enjoying his advances too much.

  I closed my eyes and just enjoyed every action his tongue and lips were playing on my feeble body. The air finally touched my breasts and I knew he had removed my bra. He fondled and played with them. I chuckled, "Men and boobs."

  "What? I like them," he openly admitted.

  Instead of being embarrassed I took it as the compliment it was and let him enjoy me.

  "No retort?" He was questioning me. And I understood why. How many times was it hard for me to take a compliment and make a sarcastic remark instead of a 'thank you'?

  "I'm glad you like them," I confessed.

  "Definitely," and then he removed his conquest of the one and went to the other.

  Instead of feeling like an onlooker trying to enjoy the show I actually felt like a participant. Every kiss and touch left me wanting more and I encourage him just by brushing my fingers through his hair.

  Some sort of selfishness came over me and I wanted him to do more than fondle. I started to beg my hips up to him. They rubbed his growing arousal and I took the opportunity to leisurely slide my hand down towards his boxers.

  He grabbed my wrist and placed it above my head, "Not yet," he said as sucked and nipped at my neck.

  "Why not?" I couldn't help but ask.

  "Because I'm not done with you yet," I could feel his smile against my skin.

  He took one last delve into my mouth. Now his hands were in my hair and his body fully covered my own. The immensity of this kiss had me wrapping my legs aro
und his waist trying to pull him closer. We couldn't get enough of one another and I was soon running out of breath.

  Casey begrudgingly pulled himself away from me but no sooner was he at my head than he was in between my legs. He pushed them apart with his hands and started rubbing the outside of my panties. His eyes looked into my own and he knew I was more than ready for him.

  I was now damning his boundary he made for me. There was no reason to overly tease me at this point but he still continued. And when his finger lightly touched the most sensitive part of me I almost pulled my legs closed. His legs were there to stop that and the marked smirk on his face gave away his wickedness.

  He was going to torture me as he had said. Finally the last undergarment was stripped from my body and the cool rush of air was agony.

  "Heath, relax, lie back," Casey whispered.

  I felt silly and more than slightly embarrassed that I had been observing Casey's actions like a scientist would observe a lab rat. I forced myself to close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

  I think I heard him say, "Better." It was either him or my subconscious.

  It seemed as though I was coming to that momentous point and I waited for everything to explode. I waited for my body to vibrate, for the white light to smack me in the face, for the world to shake, for all those cliché phrases to come to mind when I finally had my orgasm. But then it was quiet. I was almost there I was breathing deeply if breathing at all. I was gripping onto Casey's head like I was grabbing onto the bars of an amusement ride and then the ride abruptly ended.

  I looked down and Casey looked up. He left his boxers on and then slid back on top of me. He used his one vital instrument to bring me to climax without taking off his clothes. I gripped the sheets, his back, and in a moment completely unlike myself his buttocks.

  After he was done the euphoria swept over me and all I wanted to do was hold onto him. His one arm was under me and his other was strewn across my torso; his fingers sprinkling touches against my rib cage. He kissed the inside of my neck and then he nuzzled his face there.

  "Casey," I whispered.

  "Yeah," he murmured.

  "Um, thank you."

  He laughed out loud almost shattering my ear drum.

  "Anytime Heath," he pulled me a bit closer.

  I felt that we weren't quite done yet so I had to ask, "Casey what about you?"

  He pushed himself up on his elbow and looked down on me, "How about we just cuddle for a little bit?"

  He must have noticed my surprised expression because he quickly explained.

  "You wore me out Heath." He kissed the top of my head and laid me back down.

  I turned my back against his chest and let him wrap a heavy arm around me. I grinned as I glance at the clock; it wasn't even 10 o'clock yet.

  Chapter 27:

  There was something otherworldly about waking up next to someone that you long regarded as your enemy. The enemy finally vanquished now you found a lover that would hold you and comfort you and make you believe in every word they said. This is how Casey made me feel and this is the first time we would wake up to one another just before dawn.

  My parents had decided to take a weekend trip to my relatives down the shore. The weather didn't provide any sunbathing or swimming in the ocean but the company would be more than helpful. The immediate depression that had fallen over my family after Mickey's death was still lingering. Now the house held an odd sense of seriousness that I was never accustomed to.

  "Heath," Casey whispered next to me.

  I turned over to peak at half his face, the other half being covered by one of my many pillows. His eye was wide open since it was still considerably dark in my room.

  I sat up and pulled my knees to myself looking down at him, "Yes," I questioned him.

  He held out his hand, "Come here it's cold."

  I laid down on my side and allowed him to pull me against his chest as his arms enveloped me. No I had not given up my virginity at the first chance I got. I was starting to wonder after being with Casey if I was going to. There were so many times we had come close but he told me I wasn't ready. We hadn't confessed we loved one another but I had the sneaking suspicion that I would soon tell him. He looked especially cute now with his newly awakened wide sky blue eyes.

  Yes, I had undermined my parents and let him sleep over and we did more than sleep but I couldn't help it, I wanted him.

  "What are you thinking about," he nuzzled my neck.

  "Hmm," I mumbled, truly enjoying his lips massaging my neck.

  "Come on," he encouraged.

  "I can't think when you do that," I breathed out. "Come on!" I whacked his arm.

  "Okay, okay," he replied brusquely.

  He pushed me back into the pillow and looked over me. With his long fingers he pushed aside my hair from my face and just stared at me. "Well," he began, "are you going to tell me what you were thinking about and what you're thinking about now?"

  I shook my head.

  His eyebrows drew up, "No," he pecked my lips, "not now?"

  I smiled and shook my head mimicking him by raising both my eyebrows.

  He leaned down and started to suckle my neck and breathed against my hair, "Not now?"

  His hands were following a similar pattern on my body. Running up and down both sides until one fell flat on my stomach. He started tracing small patterns with his fingers which were coming inevitably close to the top of my pajama bottoms.

  "Come on Heath you know what's going to happen if you don't tell me."

  "And I would mind that because," I tittered off.

  His actions immediately stopped and he pulled himself from my neck. I couldn't help but sulk.

  He shook his head, "No way, you are a little nympho."

  "Well I can't be a nympho unless I've had sex so you're definition of me is wrong."

  He pushed himself up from me and crossed his arms. "Fine then you get nothing until you tell me what you were thinking about."

  "Are you going to straddle me all day? I thought you had to work on some car," I turned looking at the clock. He'd only be here two more hours and now he may leave early because I couldn't tell him how I felt.

  "Well I could head there early since you're giving me no reason to stay."

  You see I had always sensed him and now he wasn't being playful any longer. Sometimes it was difficult for me to open up and I would become angry at myself for that. However the other person, Casey at this moment, would see it as me being angry with them.

  I grabbed a hold of his shirt and pulled him towards me, "I can't tell you right now okay?"

  He unfolded his arms and held the sides of my head, "Why not?"

  I looked away from his truth seeking eyes. I always found myself staring into them and trying to see what he was thinking. This time I could see he was doing the same with me.

  "Heath, I…"

  Suddenly there was a loud sound from downstairs. We both sat up immediately.

  "I better go check, it might be my parents," I jumped up from the bed and ran towards the door. Slowly opening it I peered out into the hallway.

  "Heather!" Sarah's voice rang from downstairs.

  I smacked myself in the forehead.

  I looked over at Casey, "It's Sarah, shit!"

  Casey sat up, "Doesn't she know?"

  I shook my head, "I haven't really talked to her about it." I squirmed. What was I going to do?

  "How could your parents know about us and not your sister?"

  I pulled the door open, "I'll explain later, just stay here I'm going to go downstairs."

  I didn't look at him as I closed the door. Somehow I felt I had lost a trust but he needed to understand that Sarah didn't trust him. This was my sister after all, my best friend. There had to be an easy way to explain things to her; to make her understand.

  I walked into the kitchen, "Hey Sarah, I didn't know you were coming home for the weekend or this early."

  She looked at me suspicio
usly, "I noticed Casey's car parked in front of the neighbors so you don't need to pretend."

  I was taken aback.

  She looked at me with disapproval, "Why didn't you tell me? Why did I have to hear it from mom?"

  My anger that I had thought been put away boiled inside of me, "Why didn't I tell you? Let me think because you chose that stupid girlfriend over your sister!"


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