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Her Mysterious Protector (Her Protector Alpha Male Military Romance Book 1)

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by Michaela Strong

  Her Mysterious Protector

  By Michaela Strong

  Copyright© 2016 by Michaela Strong. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Her Mysterious Protector

  Dana was running. Again. She was running much faster than her slightly out of shape body could really manage, just to make sure her damn handbag wasn't stolen. Again. For such a tiny town, the elusive purse snatcher seemed to enjoy a wide berth and was able to work his mojo. This had been the third hit Dana had sustained that month and she was taking it real personal. She changed up her schedule; spread her cash to two different banks and even got paid via direct deposit by one client but this guy was good. A pro. An Olympian at making a patsy out of her. Well not today - she hoped.

  Dana let her guard down a little and thought she had the strangely persistent purse snatcher outfoxed. So she really wasn't dressed for the 880 meter dash she was engaged in. Her silk wrap-around dress barely had her contained – let alone stabilized – as she booked it down Thayer Street. She was making a pretty good effort in her three inch heels but it was too much and she had to let them go. One. Two. She flung one slingback over her shoulder and gripped the other like a weapon. She thought she might have heard someone exclaim, "Hey" but didn't give it a second thought. Thayer Street was bustling. Lunch breaks were full on and people were taking advantage of the intoxicating unseasonably good weather. The municipal masses were sunbathing in the unexpected sun.

  Just as Dana was gaining good ground in her bare feet, she was passed by a blur. For a second, she thought she caught something in her eye, a gnat or something that had impaired her vision but the blur was definitely moving and it was now tackling the heretofore successful purse snatcher. Just as the blur detangled the purse from the clutches of the thief, the thief was off. Out of midst and out of sight.

  "Uh, dumbass!" Dana shouted. "You let him get away!"

  Dana focused. The blur was now a form that her eyes could totally feast on. A brawny bicep and quadriceps-laden form, with a shock of shiny, spiky black hair, definitely civilian style but everything about the way he moved as he sauntered towards her, said military.

  "I got your purse. What do you say?" The look in his eye was a confusion of twinkle and glare. There was something as playful as it was deadly about him and both things stirred her. She wanted to sink into those gargantuan pillowy muscles and lose herself. "What do you say?" he prompted her again.

  "You let him get away," she murmured.

  "No. You say thank you. I'm Rory Wilson, and you are?"

  "Pissed off. I lost my cutest shoes to…" Rory pulled out a shoe and shut Dana up. For a second. She looked at the shoe and looked to him, trying to make sense. "You've been running with my shoe?"

  "My shoe," he corrected. "I earned it. I asked for thanks and didn't get it. I'm keeping the shoe. I will ask again. And you are? Your name please?"

  "Dana Emery, and thank you," Dana said rectifying her oversight, and held her hand out to receive the shoe.

  But Rory whisked it out of reach. "Not unh. Price just went up. You want this back now you have to earn it."

  That was it. Dana was done. "You know I'm having a bad day," she declared. She sulked.

  "Tsk, tsk. The attitude. You're having a great day. You were about to get robbed and Big Dog rescued you."

  "Big… Dog?" Dana gawked. He bounced a puffy finger off his massive, rock-hard chest and smiled. "And you're okay with not only referring to yourself in third person but giving yourself a nick name?"

  "I'll take one from you." Dana opened her mouth and he quickly jumped on her words before they came out. "On second thought."

  Dana sighed. "Really. Come on. My shoe?"

  "I'm not kidding. I'm keeping it. I appreciate you were in a survival situation and we don't always use our manners in those moments but I have the feeling you are in serious need of a lesson. And I would be remiss as a member of the United States Marine Corps and a gentleman if I didn't teach that lesson to you."

  "I knew it."

  "Knew what?" He got really close to her face, all grins and teasing, "That I was the teaching type?"

  "No that you were a Marine."

  His smile expanded across his face. "You can spot us, can't you?"

  "Bite me."

  "Beautiful, never give a Marine an order. He'll just follow it."

  "Oh Big Dog…"

  "Yessss?" Rory's voice was syrup, and Dana wanted to both swallow it and bath in it. Use it like massage oil. It was so warm and think and delicious.

  "You have to give me back my shoe."

  "Why is that?"

  "I have bare feet. I know it's like a summer's day and cute as it is downtown Silver Spring, it can't be sanitary for me to be walking around like this. Besides, I am not sure I can hop on the bus with no shoes on."

  "You take the bus?" Rory asked incredulously.

  Oh man, thought Dana. On top of being cavalier, virulently sexy, just plain hot…he couldn't also be supersonic that perceptive too, could he? No. Dana didn't take the bus. She lived a block around the corner in the Warwick apartments. Right now it was all about her getting her way.

  "Always. I take the bus," she lied.

  "Where's the stop?"

  Dana arbitrarily picked a stop within sight. As soon as she indicated it, she felt the powerful forces of his massive arms lift her as easily as if she were her other shoe. Rory was carrying her.


  "Yes," Rory replied, his face so intimately close to hers.

  "Big Dog, I'm a little creeped out. You're carrying me down the street and—"

  "And what?"

  "You don't know me, for one."

  "I know you just fine, don't I?"

  Dana felt her innards pull. It was mortification. Well some of it was mortification. The rest of it was pure animal attraction and she was pretty sure she needed to change her under drawers. He probably did know her. She never felt so obvious in her life. "I'm heavy," Dana switched protests.

  "Really what do you weigh? 105? 110?"

  Dana weighed closer to 130. "Yes that's about right," she answered.

  "I said Marines. Not Navy. I'm no weakling."

  "I don't know any Navy people."

  "I did," replied Rory.

  Something was striking to Dana in his reply. It was a random intuition that she had about a virtual stranger – a virtuous stranger—that he was alluding to something sad. A wave of heaviness, an apparition of grief, pressed over them.


  And that grief was the perfect segue for Dana to begin thinking about her ex-boyfriend. It had been a lifetime since Dana was in the arms of a man. Flashes of stills of sex …raw, hot, I-can't-get-enough-of-you sex played through her head. Gray-washed scenes of her ex, his broad shoulders over her, her hand on the smooth, firm curves of his buttocks as he pistoned into her… filled… and made her say out loud specifically what it was they were doing.

  "What do you like?" he'd whispered to her, urging her to talk as dirty to him, say words she loved to hear him say. She could feel his hot, tickling breath caress her neck.

  "I like fucking you," she told him, letting her voice be sweet and sugary.

  "Does it feel good?" he coaxed her.

  "Yes. It is the best in t
he world."

  "What is?" he teased.

  "Your cock," she told him.

  "Really?" he played. "Is it better than when I stick my hot wet tongue deep inside your hot pussy?"

  Sweet agony. Dana wouldn't trade those moments for anything but the luscious recollection of them followed by a maddening emptiness. It was the price of letting him go, saying enough was enough. For as magnificently as he fucked her, he was a blight, a walking wrecking ball on all the progress she made in her life.

  Dana had to stop. She had gotten herself all worked up, felt a tremendous aching deep within her core that needed filling by a man. A real man. Not a phantom in her head. And not the phantom one she married for not even that guy was the real man she thought he was. And it always came round to that. It had all been a sham, the love of her life and that made the hole in her heart as empty as the one between her legs.


  "Put me down Marine…Big Dog," she ordered, now on a total downer.

  "Okay, your teeth are crooked," he mused.

  Dana startled out of her grief. "What?"

  "It was a joke. Put down, like an insult. Never mind. What's the matter, forget your bus pass?"

  Now Dana more than suspected he miraculously knew she didn't ride the bus and it was time to just be out with it. "Okay, do you know I don't take the bus and if so, how?"

  "Well because you just told me. Thanks for the honesty." Rory did set her down after all. He looked bummed.

  Oh, thought Dana. Rory was a gorgeous all-man kind of guy when he chased the bad guy but now he was just plain adorable that she had hurt his feelings. "Hey sorry if I didn't disclose personal truth to a man I just met," she said mildly sarcastically. She could see he didn't like her tone but she felt like if she didn't on-purpose turn him off and get the heck away from him, she was within seconds of propositioning him. She never had sex with a stranger, and didn't think now was the time to start. Even if he was ridiculously gorgeous. And it had been a long time.

  Dana had just gone out to deposit some checks she got in the mail when she got mugged. Being completely confused about the past and the present, being both totally worked up sad and horny was definitely not on the horizon when she scooted back in her chair to take a breather from her work less than half an hour earlier. "I'm at the Warwick Apartments," she heard herself say. She felt like she should tell him where she lived to make up for lying about how she traveled.

  "People are way more intimate than that with strangers all the time," he said playfully.

  Rory was definitely filling her with all the flashbacks of the best of her previous sexcapades. Thinking that, the more she tried to put them out of her mind, the more they were there, in uncensored graphic visuals. But now the stills were of Rory and her, for he had changed places with her ex in her head. Dana scrunched her eyes to try to squeeze the forbidden images from her mind to no avail. She imagined she was on her belly on a decadent upholstered bed. Rory sat back on his haunches holding his giant sumptuous, hard cock to her lips and she was eager to have a taste. She could feel his tight muscled thighs with the palms of her hands. And knew in intimate detail what it was to lie back and to be fucked by him, to feel him sinking into her slowly which she worked herself to sweet orgasm. The fictitious video rolled in her mind like it was a memory and he was someone she had always known. Dana was drenched; soaked with arousal.

  "I wasn't kidding," she said apologetically, trying to divorce herself from the naughty fantasies she was having about him. "I really did have a bad day. That was the third time my purse has been taken. I am real unlucky."

  "We all have our own personal bad day," he responded. "And you're not going anywhere."

  "I beg your pardon?"

  "I mean, you're not going home alone. I am walking you to your door. You're not unlucky, you're a mark. This guy is going to keep hitting you because he has the inside scoop on your routine. I'm going to mix it up, walk you to your apartment and give him something to think about."

  Dana wanted to give him a speech about not needing his help, but she was actually flattered he seemed to care so much about her safety

  "Hate to say this, Dana, but I think you're getting mugged by a friend or neighbor. Someone who knows you."

  Dana thought about what he said, looked at him, and thought again. It never occurred to her. Now a total stranger – one that she imagined going down on – was very insightful. She owed him for her purse, the ride to the bus so to speak, and now for the clue to the string of robberies. Except that they had been happening to others as well, but still. Dana felt bad though because it appeared she had somehow knocked the joy out of him. His mood was dampened by the fact that she fibbed to him about taking the bus. And when he took a step and constricted with pain, she felt positively guilt ridden.

  "Are you okay?" she said. "I know it's late in the game and you asked me but thanks for getting my purse and…thanks for being willing to carry me, um, to the bus stop. It was silly but it was nice. Sorry for hurting your back."

  "You didn't hurt my back. I have to get it looked at."

  The heat rose in Dana and she could not resist. "I'm looking at it right now," she said brazenly, "and it's definitely making me feel better." She let every bit of the sexual arousal he'd awaken in her come through her voice, making sure he knew exactly what she was suggesting.

  Rory turned around and this time for sure, he knew what she was thinking. Dana grinned from ear to ear with sultry confirmation, and slowly pulled into him to her for hot, tantalizing kiss. "I want you to know that I don't make these random offers to play doctor with strange Marines, but how about we go to my place, Big Dog, and kill some pain with wild, animalistic therapy, strictly for medicinal purposes?"

  "I'm only strange in the best possible way," he took hold of her in a real-man way, for in his midst, she feel like a total woman through and through, beautiful and confident and so attractive. At that moment, he was such a man and she was such a woman. "You in the medical industry?" Rory murmured against her lips, his mouth so hot and inviting.

  "Is that code for something?" Dana joked nervously, her boldness momentarily overwhelming. "Like are you asking if I am a professional practitioner?"

  He laughed. "Okay you're funny. And you know what happens to funny girls?"

  "No, what?" she asked.

  Without further warning, Rory dipped down and had Dana over his shoulder in an easy move. "They get thoroughly fucked."

  "Rory," she said casually as she was draped across his upper body.

  "Yes Dana."

  "Thanks for picking up my other shoe."

  "There is no "other shoe." You have one shoe. I got dibs on its mate. Dana?"

  "Yes Rory."

  "What floor?"

  "Third." No sooner had she answered, Rory began climbing the stairs. "Um, Big Dog we have elevators."

  "I thought I would show you mercy and work off some steam before I give it to you good."

  Dana raised her head with surprise. She was completely turned on. "Oh my gosh…you're killing me. I hate being patient." She felt his powerful hand slide up the back of her bare thighs, up, up, in between, and his powerful fingers slip inside the wet entrance of her body. She was slippery wet and his hard fingers gave her pressure and touch she was aching for. She gasped.

  "You like that?" he asked her. Liked it? She loved it. Her moan echoed throughout the apartment building stair well. Rory chuckled but pushed his fingers more deeply into her, filling her. Dana was so aware that her pussy was really not that far from his face and she had the strong urge just to swing a leg around so she was straddling his mouth. She was aching so bad, throbbing with the need to come. Dana's next moan was more like a shriek "Shh," he laughed. He stroked her ass. "Better be careful. Your neighbors will hear you and you'll get a rep."

  "I already got a rep," she said breathlessly. "And that's why it's pretty safe no one will think it's me." Rory stopped in his tracks. "Why did you stop?"

  He set her dow
n and smiled at her as though he totally adored her. "Because we are on the third floor." He put his hands back between legs and devoured her with a kiss. Slowly. He slid the neckline of her dress apart and she was exposed. She could feel the breeze and the sun on her naked breast. He was as surprised as she was. "You're not wearing a bra?'

  "Well I wasn't planning for anyone to see me," she replied bashfully.

  He grinned. "A bra takes planning?" Dana had nothing to say. "I'm not complaining, beautiful. Let's get you inside."

  "I was about to say the same thing to you."

  Of all the times for Dana's key not to work immediately; she jimmied and jiggled it. Rory put a calm, huge hand over hers and together they unlocked the door. Dana took a couple of steps inside the apartment when she was hoisted at the waist, off her feet, harnessed to his hip by the steel strength of his giant forearm. He walked them over to the couch.

  She giggled. "I do have legs, Marine."

  "Believe me, I noticed." His mouth was in her hair and the vibration of his voice was erotic on her skin. A surge of wetness ran through her and Dana felt that in that moment it wouldn't take much to send her soaring on a wild orgasm.

  She turned around and met him, joined him at this mouth, put her arms around his massive upper body and they kissed like they knew each other. It was as though the two of them had been long in love and this was finally the end of their day where they could be together at last. She knew searched his body like she knew what she was looking for, ran the palms of her hands under the smooth thick fabric of his jersey cotton T-shirt to feel the rigid definition of his well-honed body. She traced his abs, felt his pecks, and ran her hands down the "wing" muscles on his back as he oh-so-delicately cupped her jaw to feed on her more deeply.

  He played his hand through the strands of her hair which she wore naturally. She was a blond and could have gone lighter. Her gal pals said she would get more guys that way but Dana wore it unadulterated, let it maintain its dark honey tones, didn't dress it with sprays or gels. He played with it which made her smile against his lips. They were dancing slightly, their hips swaying in the heightening passion. The tips of his fingers traveled her spine in their own quest, slipped her blouse from her shoulder to very decisively taking hold of her breast. He left her mouth and put his searing tongue on her nipple, licking, sucking, and feasting. All semblance of delicacy had vanished and was replaced by a masterful, powerful approach and he was now taking from her what he knew he would find. And she gave it to him.


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