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The Curse of Hurlig Ridge_World Tree Online_1st Dive

Page 42

by M. A. Carlson

  I stopped in quickly to return the book to the mayor, then quickly headed to meet Trinico only to find the Temple empty, aside from a meditating Micaela. I say meditating because that’s what it looks like, but it was actually just her, being off in the spirit world doing who knows what.

  Having a little time on my hands, I went to Issara’s altar again, dropping to a knee, I looked at her visage. I was struck by how much her image resonated with me. Since the first time I spoke with her, I have felt a connection to this being I’ve never felt before. I’ve never been a religious person in the real world, and I don’t know if I’m religious in this one. I know the Goddess Issara is a computer program playing the role of a goddess. But, after a rocky start, she had earned my loyalty in this world, not absolute loyalty but . . .

  “Hello,” I said, sort of expecting an answer, but not counting on it. I wasn’t surprised when she stayed silent. “Yesterday was tough. I know this world is . . . different, but I’m struggling with what we had to do yesterday. Yes, it was justice, absolutely, but it still felt . . . wrong to end so many lives.”

  “I know there is nothing you can do about it, and I guess I’m not sure why I’m telling you, but . . . I don’t know, I just wanted to say something to you. I wanted to know if you were okay with what I did or if you were disappointed in me or if you even cared.”

  “I know it was necessary and I did what was right, but I’m still struggling with it,” I stated, feeling uncomfortable talking like that. I didn’t usually express my feelings to anyone.

  Our world is not your world. Justice is much more elusive and often must be obtained at the tip of the sword or spear, as in your case. I appreciate that you struggle with your actions, it makes me more certain than ever, you were the right choice. Continue to defend life and Justice, and I will never be disappointed in you, my one and only servant.

  Okay, so she was listening. And I felt better she empathized with my struggles. This was a good decision, taking a moment to speak to her.

  “Thank you,” I said, after a moment of silence. I then stood and headed for the exit.

  “Ah, Bye-bye, finally arrived, have you?” asked Trinico, entering the temple with an exhausted-looking Baby, floating wobbly behind her.

  “I wasn’t late this time,” I defended instantly. I was on time, less than ten minutes from the time I left the training ring.

  “And yet, you took time to pray, instead of coming around back to find me,” said Trinico, her ever serene smile in place.

  I wanted to snark back but held my tongue. I had things to do today if I was going to get everything accomplished, I couldn’t waste time arguing with Trinico over something so minute.

  “So, what can I do for you?” Trinico asked.

  “I was hoping you might be able to teach me a new spell or two,” I answered.

  “And do you know what you want to learn?” asked the priestess.

  “I died to poison yesterday. I need a spell to deal with such things,” I replied. That was only the second time I had died, since coming to the game. Worse, it was completely avoidable. None of us thought to bring antidotes and a number of other useful supplies. There is no one person to blame for this oversight as we were all guilty of it. Now, we had to remedy the situation.

  “Hmm, a ‘Holy Cleanse’ spell should suit you, assuming you are capable of learning,” said Trinico thoughtfully. “I will return in a moment. Baby, would you benefit from this spell, too?”

  “Yes, thank you,” said the tired fairy. As Trinico walked away Baby fluttered over to one of the pews and dropped unceremoniously onto it. “So tired,” she complained.

  “Been there before,” I commented. Then I took a seat next to her.

  “How was your training?” asked Baby. “And where is my sister?”

  “Training was fine, I learned a couple skills,” I answered. “And your sister stormed off, I have no idea where she went.”

  “What did you do?” asked Baby, giving me a look of exasperation.

  “Why did I have to do anything?” I asked. “How do you know it wasn’t her fault? Which it was.”

  “Okay, what did she do?” Baby asked.

  I could see Baby didn’t believe me, but I answered her anyway. “She was struggling with a new ‘Command’ spell. I talked it through with her and made a suggestion.”

  “It didn’t work?” asked Baby.

  “No, it worked fine, and she learned the spell. Anyway, in her joy, she hugged me, then punched me and warned me to never touch her again. Then she stormed off,” I answered, explaining what happened. Despite knowing what happened, I still could not puzzle out why it happened.

  Baby just giggled, confusing me even more.

  “I’ll never understand women. I never understood them when I was in school either,” I groused. “And stop laughing at me.”

  Baby’s giggle morphed into peels of childlike laughter. Ugh, that cuteness was quite the ruthless weapon.

  “Bye-bye, stop torturing that poor fairy and read this,” said Trinico, walking toward us with two scrolls in hand.

  Spell: Holy Cleanse – Teaches the Holy Cleanse spell

  Would you like to learn ‘Holy Cleanse’?



  “Thank you,” I said, accepting the spell scroll which crumbled to dust a moment later. I checked my system message

  You’ve learned the Holy Spell ‘Holy Cleanse’

  Holy Cleanse

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Conditions Removed: 1

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant

  Spell Mana Cost: 50

  Spell Effect (Active): Remove 1 poison or disease from afflicted target.

  “Is there anything else I can assist you with today?” asked Trinico.

  “No, I’m good,” groaned Baby, not moving from her spot on the pew.

  “Actually, I could use a little more assistance. Sergeant Butters and I have been discussing how to improve my combat abilities. He said my magic can be used to boost my physical combat skills, which I already know how to do. He also said that as a warrior, pseudo paladin, I should be able to learn either skills or spells to increase my magic damage. Is that something you would be able to help with or do I need to find a paladin trainer?” I asked, spelling out my reasoning to the best of my ability.

  “Interesting,” said Trinico, rubbing her chin. “Just so you know, we do not have a paladin trainer in town, nor will you find one in any town or even in Root City. A paladin is granted his or her abilities directly by their god or goddess.”

  “So, I need to pray to Issara for more skills?” I asked.

  “Goddess Issara,” Trinico corrected, “But, in short, yes.”

  I could only groan in frustration. I had spoken to my goddess twice now and she had yet to mention it.

  As if reading my thoughts Trinico added, “It is not her fault you did not ask.”

  “I suppose I should go pray . . . again,” I added.

  Trinico only nodded and waved me along.

  Once again, I was before the altar, and once again, I took a knee.

  “Hello . . . again,” I said, trying not to let any resentment leak into my voice. “I have just been informed, I should be asking you for more spells and skills to fit the unique class you bestowed upon me. I don’t suppose you would be willing to help me out.”

  Your prayer has been heard.

  You’ve learned the ‘Law and Order’ skill ‘Justice Strike’

  Justice Strike

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Current Damage Modifier

  Damage: +0.50 Cooldown: 30 seconds

  Skill Stamina Cost: 50

  Skill Effect (Active): A righteous strike in the name of Justice. Increases damage or healing of next spell cast by 10.

  It was only one skill, but it was powerful. This is exactly what the Sergeant was talking about before. This skill would boost my spell damage, while my spells boost
ed my physical damage. Well, ‘Lesser Holy Imbuement’ increased my physical damage . . . no, that was also spell damage. ‘Lesser Combat Blessing’ increased my strength and dexterity, increasing my physical damage. Okay, so it wasn’t much but I’m sure more spells will come.

  “Thank you, Goddess Issara. I don’t mean to sound greedy, but I could use a spell that increases my physical damage. Something to balance with ‘Justice Strike’,” I requested. I knew it was a long shot, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.

  Your prayer has been heard.

  You’ve learned the ‘Law and Order’ holy spell ‘Lesser Holy Shock’

  Lesser Holy Shock

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Damage: 10-15

  Spell Cast Speed: Instant Cooldown: 30 seconds

  Spell Mana Cost: 100

  Spell Effect (Active): A shock of holy energy attacks the nervous system of your target stunning it and increasing physical damage received by 10 for 5 seconds.

  That was an expensive spell, but the effect was nice, especially if it increased my parties damage too. And what was with this ‘Law and Order’ category just started popping up. Shouldn’t I have had this all along? Or was it that these spells and skill would only ever be available to me and my class?

  Regardless, I gave my thanks, “Thank you, Goddess Issara, you’re awesome.”

  I swear I heard a giggle of laughter after that but couldn’t be sure.

  I would need to practice both of these new abilities, but I was feeling much more comfortable with my current skills. I had a good balance of spells and skills, now I just needed to find the right combinations for them to maximize my damage output and minimize my resource use.

  I retrieved Micaela from her spirit walk and sent her to get her husband, and I sent Baby to get Rose, agreeing we would all meet in front of the barracks.

  “So, what’s up?” asked Rose, arriving with Baby first.

  “We need to go to the Leather Emporium and then finish clearing out the caves. There are five wagons and oxen waiting at the gates for us. After that, we’re all free to do whatever we need to do.”

  Rose nodded then started talking to her sister about some dress she saw at which point I tuned them out.

  I had to explain the same thing to Olaf and Micaela when they arrived a few minutes later. After that, it was a short walk to the shop.

  “Welcome, welcome,” said the old man when we entered, except he wasn’t old, or at least didn’t seem as old as he had the day before. With his beard shaved and his hair cut he looked much younger, probably in his forties, maybe fifties.

  “You’re doing better, Barnum,” I greeted the much healthier looking man, his health bar alone told me as much.

  “So much better, you would not believe how much a bath, a shave, and a haircut can do to revitalize the body and soul. Now, I promised you all a reward for my rescue and I intend to deliver.”

  “First, for you Bye-bye, these have been collecting dust in my back room for years but as I understand it you might find a use for them,” said Barnum, handing me leather armor dyed white.

  Quest Alert: A self-proclaimed Bandit King (Recommended Level 5-7) - Completed

  Stop the self-proclaimed Bandit King and use his key to free the captured merchants.

  Reward: +1,000-Experience, Holy Order Light Leg-guards

  Now I was intrigued but I would check them in a minute. I was always interested to see what my friends would get as well.

  Rose was handed a small chest. “Those are blood samples from some of the rarer beasts I have slain over the years in my pursuit of higher quality leather. I hope you find them useful.”

  “I’m sure I will, thank you,” said Rose, already having opened the small chest and looking at the vials within.

  “For you, Miss Babies, I believe this bag will be very useful as it will reduce the weight of anything within by a factor of 10.”

  “So, ten pounds will carry as one pound?” asked Baby.

  “Yes, indeed,” he replied with a kind smile. Then he turned to Micaela. “For you, a new belt. It should be better able to carry your totems.”

  “Thanks, this is perfect,” cheered Micaela, quickly equipping it. She then pulled two more gourds from her bag, each now able to be secured to her belt. I made a mental note to ask her about her two new gourds later.

  “And for you Olaf, I thought you may appreciate these,” he handed the man a large pair of pants, mottled black and green, reminding me of older style camouflage and matching the cloak he received the night before.

  “Artillery Leg-guards,” said Olaf aloud

  I had to guess he was reading the description.

  “Thank you,” the ogre added as an afterthought.

  “No, thank you,” said Barnum gratefully. “Thank you all so much. I am not ready to die, not yet at least. I still wish to see so many of the rare and legendary leathers the World Tree has to offer. It would have been a real travesty to have died before then.”

  “Are there any rare or legendary leathers in this province you wish to have us collect for you?” I asked. I knew none of us were able to harvest leather, but we could always drag a corpse back here for him.

  “As a matter of fact, there is a rather elusive I’ve been hunting for years. That’s how I was captured you know. He is said to stalk the highest ridge far north of town. If you could bring him back to me, I would reward you all very well.”

  Quest Alert: Hunt the Elusive (Recommended Level 5-8, 3 or more Adventurers)

  Barnum has challenged you to hunt the elusive and very dangerous . Return with the body of the beast for him work the leather and you will be well rewarded.

  Reward: Experience, Good Variable Piece of Gear, Collectable Trophy

  Do you accept this Quest?



  “Yes, we’ll do it,” said Rose, grinning excitedly and accepting the quest for all of us.

  “You just can’t help it, can you?” asked Baby, looking at me.

  I shrugged but grinned a little anyway. “What can I say? When you’re good, you’re good.”

  “We’re definitely forming an Order,” said Olaf, a finality in his voice. “No more doubt about it. We are forming an Order and Bye-bye will be our secret weapon.”

  “I still think we should make a rank for him called ‘Cool Stuff Finder’,” added Micaela.

  “What do you think, Sis? Should we join this Order?” asked Rose, looking at Baby.

  “Yes, yes, we should,” said Baby with a firm and serious demeanor. It was out of place on her childlike face, but I could see a small upturn at the corner of her lips, betraying her seriousness. I kept it to myself. She was having fun. We all seemed to be having fun.

  “So, Mr. Cool Stuff Finder, where to next?” asked Rose, grinning excitedly.

  Chapter 25

  Nothing could get me down right now. You may ask, ‘Bye-bye, why can nothing get you down right now?’ My answer can be summed up in a few simple words, ‘Holy Order Light Leg-guards’. What are the ‘Holy Order Light Leg-guards’, you ask? They are light leather armor for my legs that are simply awesome. Like, really awesome. First, they are of Good quality. I don’t remember if I have mentioned the various levels of gear quality, but it goes something like this. Poor quality is the worst you can get, this gear will usually have very little durability and provide almost no protection of any kind. Normal quality is what most starter gear consists of, this has okay defense and durability, but almost never offers more than that. Good quality is a considerable step up from there. This gear has solid defense or offense bonuses and durability, in addition to giving some nice stat bonuses. After that is High quality, another step-up in all aspects, some even give unique abilities only usable while equipped. As far as the forums are concerned, there have only been a few dozen pieces found or made, but as we know, the forums lie so much right now. After High quality is Mystic qua
lity, forged with magic as well as tremendous skill, the stuff is the currently highest discovered level of gear, but again, that’s per the forums. Also, per the forums, there are supposedly two or three higher gear qualities, but nothing has been confirmed.

  So, again, for a beginner province, getting Good quality gear is a huge bonus. ‘Holy Order Light Leg-guards’ are good quality, making me so unbelievably happy to have them.

  Holy Order Light Leg-guards – Light Leather - +20-Armor, +5-Endurance, +10 Intellect, +5 Wisdom, +10-Holy Damage, and Healing, Durability 35/35

  They were considerably heavier than any other piece of gear I’ve gotten so far at 5-lbs but wow, such great boosts.

  “I still say they clash with your vest, you should replace it,” said Micaela, giving me unwanted and unneeded fashion advise. I was well aware, my gear appearance clashed, but who cares, they work and have awesome stats.

  “Babe, it’s only starter gear,” said Olaf.

  “And you totally need a shirt, you’re a giant Sergeant Butters now, except with camouflage pants instead of armor. When did you buy that tank-top anyway?”

  “A while ago,” answered Olaf, his single eye eye-rolling at his wife’s antics.

  “I think he looks good,” said Rose, grinning and staring at Olaf’s exposed arms. “Real eye-candy. I mean, just look at those muscles.”

  “Hey, you look away, my eye candy only,” warned Micaela, stepping in between the two, blocking Rose’s view.

  I could only shake my head. We’d been having this same conversation for the last two hours. That’s how long it took to get to the caves, loot them, and return to town with four and a half carts filled with stolen goods.

  But I was still in a good mood, nothing could ruin that.


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