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The Curse of Hurlig Ridge_World Tree Online_1st Dive

Page 51

by M. A. Carlson

  “Relax, mate,” replied Heath. “It’s just a game, let me have my fun.”

  Olaf grimaced, as if hearing Heath speak was physically painful. “Please, just stop.”

  “No can do, mate,” said Heath, grinning as if he’d won some giant victory.

  “Troll,” grumbled Micaela.

  “Anyway, how is it you can read Norse, but not this Norse?” Heath asked, pointing from the book used to identify the language to the sketch I made earlier.

  “The other gods and goddesses have cursed, anything wrote by the fallen ones or a follower of a fallen one if written in the language of the fallen one’s original pantheon,” the mayor tried to explain.

  “So, if he wrote in French instead of Norse you might be able to read it if you speak French?”

  “I’m not sure what language French is, but yes,” answered the mayor.

  “How odd,” said Heath. “How long do you figure this will take? Do I have time to pop over to Doc B’s for a drink?”

  “Sit down and shut up,” Sergeant Butters finally snapped.

  Heath seemed to finally get the hint and sat down in one of the open chairs next to Baby.

  “So, Rose is your mummy, huh?” Heath asked, baby-talking Baby.

  One of Baby’s eyebrows rose slightly, but then I saw a glint in her eyes spelling mischief. “She’s the bestest mommy on the whole planet.”

  I nearly choked, when I heard that. The voice was perfectly childlike, as were her mannerisms. Even the smile was perfectly simulated.

  I looked at Rose, who suddenly had a deer in headlights look on her face which, was even more priceless.

  “Well, aren’t you just the luckiest little girl on the planet. I’m impressed your mom would let you play such a game, seeing as you’re so young, forward-thinking of her,” Heath cooed.

  I looked at Rose again. She was turning red. Having seen the same shade just a short time ago, I now understood this angry red. I looked back at Heath, then realized I was directly in the path of destruction. I tried to be subtle about it, as I slid my chair back until I was no longer at risk of being caught in the crossfire.

  Somehow, everyone else moved away from Heath as well, except for Baby, though I could see her wings were twitching slightly, in preparation to escape.

  I looked to see the sergeant was grinning a little, even he was struggling to keep a straight face.

  “Raagh!” screamed Rose, suddenly blurring and appearing across the room, her shoulder lowered, and Heath went missing from his chair. He was now buried under a pile of books and broken bookshelf pieces, behind where he was sitting previously. I looked at him carefully to see the debuff ‘Unconscious’, again, there was no timer on it, but from earlier experience, Trinico would be able to remove it.

  “Nice, well done, Miss Rose. I think you just learned ‘Charge’ without my help,” cheered Sergeant Butters.

  “I think we can leave him unconscious, for now,” volunteered Olaf with a small grin and trying not to laugh.

  I didn’t bother to hold back, I was laughing hard. It was hilarious, especially watching as Rose was hopping around, trying to catch Baby, who was flying in circles near the office ceiling, trying and succeeding to avoid being captured by her irate sister.

  “Sis, I won’t hurt you, just come down already,” said Rose, jumping again and swinging to capture Baby.

  “You still look mad,” said Baby, avoiding another swipe.

  “I’m not mad,” snapped Rose, sounding mad.

  “You sound mad, too,” Baby quipped.

  “Baby, get down here now or so help me . . .” threatened Rose.

  “No,” she replied simply, then stuck out her tiny tongue and blew a raspberry at her before giggling and flying faster, to avoid capture.

  Rose growled, seeming to have finally given up catching her sister. She grumbled something under her breath I couldn’t make out, as she retook her seat and crossed her arms. She then switched focus, between glaring at Baby, and the heap that was Heath’s unconscious form.

  Eventually, Trinico came out of her writing trance.

  “You are all children. Look at what you have done to my office,” the priestess complained, a small frown marring her face. “Who was responsible for this?”

  We all look at each other, then almost as one, pointed at Heath.

  Trinico walked around her desk and handed me and Rose each a scroll. “Before you ask, no I do not know ‘Lore’, but I do have the skill ‘Linguist’. That is why I am able to provide you with the subskills.”

  Rose and I shared a brief look before the scrolls crumbled to dust almost at the same time, granting the both of us the subskill ‘Norse’.

  Then she continued walking until she hovered above Heath. She jabbed him with her staff a few times. “David, drag him out from under here. I do not want to get my books wet.”

  The sergeant complied, gripping the man by his jacket collar and pulling him out not so gently.

  Once he was clear of the books, Trinico doused him with water again, waking the man from his forced slumber.

  “Seriously, does no one else see the bloody gorilla, it keeps attacking me?” Heath asked as soon as he sat up, rubbing his head, where he was last struck.

  This time, it takes both me and Olaf, to restrain Rose.

  “Anyway, you’ve all done as I’ve asked, gone above and beyond even. Please accept these with my gratitude,” said the sergeant, notifying us of the completed quest and successfully distracting the group. He then handed each of us a cloth sack with our rewards.

  Quest Alert: The investigation of Lieutenant Graves 1-3 (Recommended Level 4-6) - Completed

  Sergeant Butters has asked you to look into the suspicious activities of Lieutenant Graves.

  Reward: +1,500-Experience, Guard's Light Leather Bracers, Guard’s Phalanx Shield, Holy Order Light Gloves

  Now that was one spectacular distraction. Three completed quests at once and three pieces of gear, one of them of good quality.

  Quest Alert: The investigation of Lieutenant Graves 4 (Recommended Level 5-7)

  Lieutenant Graves has been proven an enemy of not only the province but also an enemy of the World Tree. Put a stop to him before he unleashes something truly terrible.

  Reward: Experience, Good Variable Piece of Gear

  Do you accept this Quest?



  “You can count on us,” I said, accepting the quest without hesitating. This was another quest, where the ultimate goal, was to put a stop to Graves. That was two quests now asking us to put a stop to him. I had a feeling, the two quests I still had left would also be leading toward putting a stop to Graves.

  “Do not forget, the ceremony to raise Guard Davies is in five days. I trust you will all be there,” said Trinico. “Now, it is about time to sup, I suggest you all run along.”

  Knowing a dismissal when I heard one, my friends and I, plus Heath, departed the temple.

  “You lot, seem to get into the fun stuff,” said Heath, as soon as we were outside.

  I had no idea what to do about this guy. He’d literally forced his way into this quest line. And now, he probably had the quest to kill Graves. Thankfully, Olaf seemed to be thinking along the same lines, as I was.

  “Okay, you wanker, here’s the deal. You just won the bloody lottery of game quests. If you screw this up for us, I’ll end you, and I promise it will hurt. Now, Trini says you might be useful, and she usually knows what she’s talking about, so I’m willing to give you a chance. So, the real question becomes this, are you yanking us around here or are you actually going to help us?” Olaf stated seriously.

  For just a moment, Heath’s overconfident attitude and behavior faded. And then he spoke sans accent. “I’m in, seriously.”

  “Good enough for me,” said Olaf, nodding. “Oh, and if you insist on speaking with that fake accent, at least learn to do it well. And one more thing, love the bloody name, Heath Rickards, classic.”

nbsp; Heath’s attitude was back in place, and now he was humming a tune, as he walked with us, a little bit of a dance to his step. Yeah, this guy definitely had the attitude of an old-time rocker.

  Back at the inn, we ate, laughed, and drank a little, but I was early to bed. Things were quickly coming to a head and I had some reading long overdue.

  After a quick shower and putting my clothes in the basket to be mended I returned to my room. I spent a few minutes doing some ‘Maintenance’ on my spear and shield, losing a few points of overall durability, but restoring the lost points. I don’t know why I bothered with the shield when I just got a new one, but I wasn’t exactly in a hurry to equip the new shield, or even check it or any of the other new gear no matter how tempting. That could wait until morning. It would be my reward for reading the two town histories.

  I sat in my desk chair, and propped my feet up on my bed, and open the first town history.

  Day 1

  My name is Homer Dobson. I’m proud to write this first history of our new village, Hurligville. I always liked the sound of a ‘ville’ and as this is my town, I figure I can name it whatever I want. We founded Hurligville on orders from King Leopold II, there are twenty families for a total of 52 men, women and children including my own family. We were supplied 30 wagons, 10 horses, 20 oxen, 20 chickens, 20 pigs and 5 hunting dogs and 2,000-lbs of grain and feed. We were additionally provided with tools, saws, hammers, nails, shovels, hoes and field tills.

  We expect things will be difficult at first, settling new lands is never easy. But these untamed wilds promise the chance to build something with our own hands. It also promises us each land, something we couldn’t dream of owning if we remained in Root City.

  Day 2

  The men and I have begun to chop back the forest in the area we have selected to build our first longhouse. We will need the lumber to build with, so it works to our advantage. The area we’ve chosen is about two miles south of the river and a bit elevated. I do not yet know what the rains will be here, nor do I know if the river floods, but best to be safe about it.

  Day 6

  The hunters had their first run-in with some of the local predators. A few wolves came sniffing around but were quick to run off.

  Day 35

  Pleased to announce the completion of our fifth longhouse. I can proudly say all of our settlers, officially, have a roof over their heads.

  Day 198

  Our first new settler arrived today. A man by the name of Tombs. He’s young and seems energetic. He says he was a former soldier, sent late by the King to provide us some protection. He looks capable enough.

  I set the book down for a moment and pull the envelope with the deeds from my bag. I check the oldest deed, it’s a signed bill of sale from Homer Dobson to Manrock Tombs.

  Year 1, Day 25

  The local wolves have suddenly turned aggressive on us. One of the children has been killed by the beasts. Young Thomas was a bright boy, adventurous to a fault. I often caught the boy playing with the wolves, I cannot fathom it. Why would they have turned on him so?

  Year 1, Day 99

  We’ve had another death to the wolves, that makes seven dead. I’ve sent my eldest son, Davidson to ride to Root City and requisition a mage from the mages guild. In the meantime, we’ve begun construction on a mote around the village. Ideally, we can use it to stop the wolves, Donna, the apothecary, says she can lace it with silver essence, to drive them back.

  Year 1, Day 254

  Still no word of my son or the other two riders I’ve sent out. I fear none made it.

  Year 2, Day 3

  At last, one of the riders has returned with a representative of the mages guild, a serious man by the name of Balthazar. Alas, we also finally have confirmation, my son and four other riders never made it to the city.

  Year 2, Day 15

  I bear grave news. The mage has informed me that we have a werewolf problem. It is most likely the cause of the wolves turning so aggressive.

  Year 2, Day 18

  I announced to the village yesterday, the believed cause of our problems. Tombs packed up and fled. So much for being a soldier here to protect us.

  Year 3, Day 25

  While the wolves remain aggressive, it has been more than a year since we lost anyone to the beasts. It is our hope the werewolf has moved on.

  Year 3, Day 151

  There was an attack last night. The Travers Farmstead, the whole family was killed and mostly eaten, even little Sarah. It was the worst thing I have ever seen.

  Year 3, Day 180

  The mage believes this to be no normal werewolf after he and a number of our hunters encountered it last evening. He has been in talks with the Donald Maron, one of our farmers who happens to run a still on the side for medicinal purposes.

  Year 4, Day 30

  We have finally driven the beast off. It was a most unusual solution, but I could care not, for my people are safe. My town is saved after being terrorized by the beast for near 3 years. The mage enchanted the still, to distill the shine of the moon, into the grain alcohol. The combination of which reversed the effects of the light of the moon. As a result, this new ‘Moonshine’, as they have taken to calling it, weakens the werewolf significantly. It made him vulnerable.

  Year 4, Day 31

  Today, we found symbols carved into the earth and stained with blood, in front of the gates, along with the dead bodies of several wolves. I believe, it is a promise to return, and have his revenge. Many whisper, it is a curse by the werewolf. I say let him come, we will drive him off again. Still, knowledge should be preserved. Only one of my people could properly see the symbols, but he knew not the language.

  Below it was a Norse inscription reading, ‘By the will of the Betrayer, you shall be tormented for all time’.

  Was the ‘Betrayer’ the name of the god?

  The rest of the first book was uneventful, a number of grain reports, construction, wolf incursions and births, and deaths. Nothing alluding to the werewolf or the cause of the wolves to have become so aggressive.

  I had just finished the first town history when there was a knock on my door. Figuring it was Dogson, I opened the door, wearing only my pajama bottoms.

  I opened the door, but it wasn’t Dogson, it was Rose.

  “Hey,” I greeted her, not sure what was going on.

  “Hey,” Rose said, trying to look anywhere but at me. “Mind putting a shirt on or something?”

  I quickly grabbed the robe I had left hanging on the armoire door and slipped it on, hastily tying it closed. “Sorry, thought you might have been Dogson.”

  “No worries,” she replied, sort of just standing there.

  “Want to come in?” I offered, not sure why she was here.

  “Sure,” she answers, stepping in and walking around my little room. Stopping briefly to flip the pages of my journal, stopping on some of the pictures. “You draw well.”

  “I’m pretty sure it is game assisted,” I replied, feeling more confused by the minute. “Was there something you needed?”

  “Look, I’m not very good with this stuff but . . . thank you. You’ve made this game . . . fun. And you’ve . . . been a big help,” Rose stammered.

  “Sure,” I replied, unsure why she was saying this now.

  “Anyway, I hear the bath calling to me, so see you in the morning,” she said, moving toward the door. She paused when she got to me, then did something I could never have predicted. She kissed me on the cheek, then rapidly fled. I never even had a chance to ask her why.

  “I’ll never understand women,” I said, staring at the closed door she just left through.

  I shook my head and sat down with the next book. After reading the first page 10 times, I gave it up as a lost cause and called it a night. “I’ll never understand women,” I said again, as I extinguish the candle lighting the room. I brushed my cheek as I started to doze off, it felt warm.

  Chapter 31

  “Holy Smite,” I
chanted, blasting that cursed rooster to kingdom come.

  “Not again, Bye-bye,” howled Dogson.

  I grumbled angrily. I took my time getting dressed before I headed downstairs. Before Dogson could berate me. “How much for the rooster?”

  “2-Silver,” the dogman answered.

  I paid without a word of complaint.

  Dogson accepted the money with a nod, then went back about his business. I turned away from him, finding an amused Rose.

  “It deserved it,” I said as I took a seat across from her.

  “You’ll get no argument from me,” Rose said with a small grin. “Was it worth it?” she whispered conspiratorially.

  “Best 2-Silver, I ever spent,” I replied in my own whisper, a satisfied smirk upon my face.

  Baby joined us a few minutes later, looking sleepy, but happy.

  “And how is Rose’s daughter this fine morning?” I asked, laughing. I get a small glare from Rose but a giggle from Baby.

  “How long are we going to keep this gag going?” demanded Rose, arms crossed and leaning back in her chair.

  “Just a little more, you have to admit, it’s really funny,” I said, a small chuckle followed.

  Rose tried not to smile, but eventually gave it up as a lost cause, and grinned along with me and Baby.

  “Here you are Bye-bye,” said a voice, I didn’t immediately recognize. I turned to see one of the level one players I had helped the day before. What was her name again? Aretha? Urita? I looked at her again and smiled in as friendly a manner as I could, I risked glancing up at her name, floating above her head, Arial.

  “Hello again,” I greeted her.

  “Where were you last night? I looked all over for you,” Arial pouted, coming closer to our table.

  “I was here for a little while. I ended up calling it an early night. Have you settled in okay?” I asked.

  “Oh, quite well. Mr. Dogson is very nice, and the room is comfortable. Thank you again for the recommendation,” answered Arial.

  “I’m glad it worked out,” I said pleasantly.


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