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An Act of Release: Order & Chaos Book 2

Page 6

by Samantha Wolfe

  I helped her undo my jeans then lifted my hips just enough to slide them and my boxers out of the way. I grabbed her ass and raised her up over my erection. The head of my cock unerringly found her soaking wet pussy, and I thrust up into her sharply. Jen let out a loud wail as I pushed all the way in, bumping against the end of her and making the walls inside her ripple and squeeze around me. She was so soft and warm inside, and so goddamn tight. It was almost too much, and I was already a hair's breath from coming. I pressed her body against mine and stilled, my hands splayed across her back, and my entire body shuddering as I fought for control.

  "Please, Ford. Please," she begged in a desperation, her lips against mine and her fingers digging into my shoulders as she held on to me. I breathed her in. I could feel our connection, both physical and emotional, binding us together, pulling us into each other. This was meant to be. We were meant to be. My love for her crashed over me in a shattering wave, and it flooded out of me in a rush.

  "Fuck, I love you." I gasped. "Holy fuck, I love you so much, Jen."

  I seized her hips in a bruising grip and pistoned up into her, making her scream before she could even respond to my declaration. I felt her orgasm shudder through her body as her back arched back in absolute ecstasy, and I buried my face between her breasts. I moved in and out of her again and again in hard violent thrusts, chasing a release that I feared might shatter us both.

  I felt it coming over me in a rush, a building tension inside me pushing for a release that was going to skyrocket me over the edge. It lapped at me like a cresting wave, higher and higher, closer and closer. Jen started to come, her insides clamping down on me, pushing me over the tipping point and sending a wave of pure pleasure crashing over me.

  I shouted Jen's name as she wailed in my arms. I ground up into her, trying to bury myself as deep as I could go, wanting to meld with her, be one with her, and never wanting to let her go. We shook and quaked together as our orgasms swept through us. And when it finally ebbed, we were left limp and spent, our bodies pressed tightly together as I held her against me.

  "Ford," she finally managed to whimper out. "I love you."

  "I love you, too," I whispered raggedly as I panted for air, her words like a caress to my heart. "And I'll never let you go again."


  I lowered Jenny's limp body onto her bed with a contented sigh. She'd fallen asleep in my arms mere moments after we made love, sheer exhaustion finally catching up with her. She grumbled softly in discontent as I let go of her, then turned on her side and snuggled into her pillow as I pulled the blankets up over her perfect body. My lips curved into a smile. I reached out and ran my knuckles down her cheek, relishing the feel of her soft warm skin as she mumbled my name in her sleep. I took a few moments to study her beautiful face. She looked so gorgeous, and a sudden urge to draw her portrait came over me. It was too bad I didn't have my sketchpad. I sighed in disappointment and left the room in search of some water. I was thirsty, and I wanted some on hand for Jen when she woke up.

  It'd been a while since I'd sketched anything other than a tattoo for a client, and the last time I actually painted anything was my nephew's bedroom wall mural several months ago. I just didn't have time. My business was growing, and with that came more work and responsibility. I was fortunate that my trust fund limited my financial burden, but you never knew when things could go to shit. I never took my success or the money my parents gave me for granted. Business could be fickle, no matter how hard you worked.

  I opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. I opened it and took a long drink, then turned to head back to Jen with a yawn. I was tired too, and I could use a nap. That was when I noticed a pad of paper lying on the kitchen table. It was just a legal pad, but I wasn't picky. At this point, paper was paper. I grabbed it and a nearby pencil and went back to Jen's bedroom, grinning like an idiot.

  She was still right where I left her with her back toward the door, but the blanket had slid down enough to expose the tattoo that I put on her shoulder. I stepped closer to take a good look at it. It had healed beautifully, and the fiery colors of her phoenix were bold and vibrant on her skin. It turned out exactly the way I'd pictured it in my head. I hoped she let give her more ink. The thought of her wearing my art on her body kind of turned me on. I had to restrain myself from touching her. I wanted to draw her face relaxed in sleep, and I didn't want to wake her.

  I set the water bottle on the nightstand, and crossed to the other side of the bed toward a purple club chair near the window. The woman really must love purple, since there were pops of it throughout her entire apartment. I smiled in amusement at that thought as I sat down.

  The chair gave me a perfect view as the sunlight spilled through the window onto her face. Her hands were tucked under her pillow, her arms pushing her breasts together into a delicious line of cleavage. Her face was relaxed and content, her dark hair spilling out onto the pillow behind her. Yes, this would do perfectly.

  I leaned back into the chair, crossing my left ankle over the opposite leg, and rested the legal pad on my knee. I stared at her for a long moment, studying the light that played across her creamy skin, and the shadows that fell between the soft curves and planes of her face and upper body. I locked it all in my mind, and the next thing I knew the pencil was gliding across the page as I began sketching my Jenny.

  Soon I was lost in it, glancing back and forth between the woman and the legal pad. Time meant nothing as the graphite lines swooped and flowed across the page until Jenny's face slowly began to appear in shades of gray. Eventually, my soul focus was on the drawing as I fleshed out her portrait in greater detail. Jenny's form was locked in my memory now as I brought her to life on the page. I was so immersed in my art that I didn't realize that Jen woke up until she spoke.

  "Ford?" she asked in a sleep roughened voice that pulled me back to reality.

  I glanced up at her to see that the sun had moved substantially from where it was when I began sketching. Holy hell, I'd completely lost track of time.

  "What are you doing?" She gave me a confused and questioning look, her eyes sleepy and only half open.

  I sat up straight and smiled at her. "I was sketching you while you slept." I suddenly wondered if I'd somehow crossed a line by not asking her permission. My smile faltered. "I...I hope you don't mind," I added apologetically.

  A smile slid slowly across her luscious lips. "You were drawing me?" she asked in a surprised, yet pleased tone as her eyes lit up. I sighed with relief.

  I watched her push herself up into a sitting position, her breasts now fully exposed to me as the blankets fell away. She raised her arms and stretched languidly. Her breasts rose and fell hypnotically, and her nipples were hard little points that mesmerized me. I stared at her chest helplessly, my brain stuttering to a halt and my mouth going dry. The effect her body had on me was overwhelming and astounding.


  "What?" I suddenly realized that she'd continued talking to me, and I didn't hear a damn word of it.

  "Do I need to put on a shirt so you can hear me?" she asked in wry amusement.

  "Hear what?" I asked playfully as I gave her a lopsided grin that widened as she threw the blankets off her legs and swung them off the side of the bed. I caught a tantalizing glimpse of her pussy as she spread her legs for a second before standing to walk toward me. I was pretty sure she did that on purpose.

  "Let me see," she said with an impish gleam in her eyes that told me I was right.

  I took her hand and pulled her across my lap, settling her against me with a sigh of contentment. I thought for a while there that I would never feel her body in my arms again. I'd never been so glad to be wrong. Jen took the legal pad from my hand and looked at the paper. She stared at it for several long moments.

  "Oh, Ford," she whispered in awe. "It's beautiful."

  "The subject matter makes it easy." I nuzzled my face against her neck and breathed in her scent. I didn't have to
look at her again to sense her dubiousness. "That's how I see you, honey." I stared at my sketch, running my fingertips over her image. "You're so beautiful, so gorgeous. Inside and out." I dropped the legal pad to the floor and hugged her close with our heads bowed together. "I see you, Jenny," I whispered vehemently. "I see all of you. I love all of you."

  "Ford," she murmured softly, her arms wrapping around my neck. "I love you too, and I'm so sorry I hurt you." A quiet sobbed hitched up out of her.

  "Shh..." I pressed a soft kiss to her cheek to quiet her. "I know. I already forgave you. It's in the past now, and you need to let it go."

  I knew that was easier said than done, because honestly, I still felt bad about how I let her down when she needed me most. She'd been betrayed by her best friend and duped into thinking I used her. Instead of reassuring her and being there for her, I'd jumped to conclusions and walked away. Guilt swamped me.

  "I'm sorry too," I whispered.

  "I thought we were letting it go," she said with a touch of amusement.

  "It's a work in progress, honey," I replied. "We'll get there together."

  "Together," she repeated with a more hopeful tone.

  I pulled my head back and pressed a warm gentle kiss to her full lips, a soft moan escaping me at the feel of her mouth against mine. Then, a sudden bone deep exhaustion fell over me. I stood and carried her toward the bed. I laid her down then took off my jeans and boxers. I crawled under the blankets next to her, pulling her into my arms and holding her close. She snuggled into me with a contented sigh, her warm body pressed against the length of mine. Within moments, I drifted away as images of Jenny's gorgeous face filled up my mind and followed me into my dreams.


  My phone started ringing as I walked into my office from my upstairs apartment a little after ten-thirty Wednesday morning. I slept for another hour or so after I got home from dropping Jen off at work since she left her car there. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night since we were up late having shit-loads of make-up sex. It was new to me, and if our brief breakup hadn't hurt so badly, I might have thought it was worth it.

  I pulled my phone out, saw Natalie's name, and smiled. She was probably checking up on me. After she found me pissed off and wallowing in self-pity in my apartment yesterday, who could blame her? I was glad that I had good news to share with her after the hot mess that I'd been before getting back together with Jen.

  "Hi, Natie," I greeted her happily as I sat down at my desk.

  "Hey, big brother," she said brightly. "I called to make sure you were okay, but you sound awfully happy. Are you drunk again?" Her voice was sarcastic and amused. "You're not going to punch someone are you?"

  "Yeah, do you want to come over and volunteer?" I asked in mock irritation. "I'll kick your ass," I growled out threateningly.

  She made a scoffing noise. "You can't take me," she sneered in jest.

  Natie and I liked to threaten each other with bodily harm when we joked around. In all reality though, I was kind of afraid of my sister. She was scary when she was pissed. No one could verbally destroy someone like her. I'd been on the receiving end of it many times myself when we were kids, and even a few times as an adult. As for a physical fight, I was convinced that she'd fight dirty, and I planned never to have that theory proven on me.

  "Whatever, shrimp," I replied snidely.

  She answered with a snort of amusement. "What's with the good mood?" she asked curiously. "Did something good happen with Jenny?"

  "It sure did, Natie." I couldn't stop the idiotic grin that spread across my face.

  "Can I assume that you guys are back together again?"

  "Oh yeah," I said happily. "I told her I loved her." I lapsed into silence to mess with her.

  "And?" she finally prompted me in annoyance.

  "And she said it back, Natalie," I answered her, my voice filled with quiet awe. I still couldn't believe Jen said she loved me, since her only experience with love before was with a psychopathic user who lied to her eight years ago. I was grateful and honored to be the one to prove to her that real love was out there. I told her about the visit I got from Jen's brother, and what happened at Jen's apartment yesterday, minus the intimate details of course.

  "Oh Ford," she said in a relieved tone. "I'm so happy for you."

  "Thanks, Natie."

  "I told you to talk to her." Her voice was smug.

  I let out an exaggerated sigh for her benefit. "Go ahead and gloat. It's not like I can stop you."

  "Told you so," she said in a high-pitched sing-song voice that made me smile.

  "I'm a man. Sometimes we need to be told things more than once for it to sink in."

  "Don't I know it," she agreed in an overdramatic tone.

  I asked her how David and Daniel were doing. She told me how much David loved being a father and how involved he was with his son's care. She bragged about how much my nephew had grown in the six weeks since he'd been born, and how much he acted like her. David was in for one hell of a ride if that was true. Growing up with Natie was eventful to say the least.

  Natie and David were still adjusting to being new parents, but they seemed to be dealing with it well. I was happy for them. It made me wonder what Jen and I would be like as parents. I shivered at how much I liked that thought. I sure as hell wouldn't mention it to Jen. She'd shit a brick.

  "What are you doing Friday night?" she asked as we wrapped up our conversation. "How about bringing Jen over for dinner? David and I would love to meet an actual girlfriend of yours."

  "I bet you would." I laughed. It was probably just as weird for her to talk about as it was for me to wrap my head around having a serious girlfriend for the first time.

  I'd never introduced a girl to my family before, until my mom showed up unexpectedly at my place last week while Jen was there. Natie had never met any of the women I frequently spent time with. I considered some of them friends at the time, but nothing more than that. They certainly weren't anyone I would have considered introducing to my family. Those women were with me for what I could offer them as a dominant, not as a boyfriend. Any other women were short-lived flings and a few one-night stands, never anything serious. I'd never wanted that until recently. My how things in my life had changed.

  "I'll ask her and let you know." I hoped she said yes, because I really wanted Natie to meet her. I knew she'd love Jen just as much as I did.

  "Love you, big brother."

  "Love you too, Natie," I told her. "And take care of my little peanut."

  "I will, Ford. Bye."

  "Bye." I ended the call with a contented sigh.

  I was just turning on my computer when I heard the bell on the front door ring. I smiled. It had to be Angel coming in, and I was anxious to tell her the good news about Jen and me getting back together. She was going to eat this shit up.

  "Hey," Angel said in a subdued tone when she walked into my office a few moments later with a wary look in her eyes. Guilt stabbed at my heart. Fuck. I'd been a complete asshole to her over the last few days. It was no wonder that she was walking on egg shells around me.

  "Have I got some things to tell you." I gave her a wide grin. Her eyes lit up as her curiosity peaked, the wariness from a moment ago fading. I offered her a sincere apology for my recent behavior, then launched into a detailed account of yesterday. I hoped it would help alleviate some of my guilt, because lord knew I already had enough where Jenny was concerned. It was time to start letting some of it go, and my best friend was the perfect place to start.

  Chapter 4


  I was walking down the hall with a wide grin when Andy approached me with a smug smile on his face midway through Wednesday morning. I knew this was coming after Ford told me about his little visit to Apex Ink yesterday. The garage must have been busy for him to wait this long to gloat. Even though I was never going to hear the end of this, I was grateful for my brother's intervention. I'd admit it to him eventually, but first I ne
eded to mess with him a little. His head was already big enough, and a little harassment was good for him.

  "You look awfully happy today," he said as he began walking beside me. "Did something good happen yesterday?"

  "Nah," I said nonchalantly. "Just another day." My smile belied my words. I enjoyed messing with Andy, and it would serve him right for all the times that he teased me.

  I ignored him and didn't say anything else as he followed me into my office. I sat behind my desk and began sorting through the papers lying on it. Andy stood in the doorway, and I could feel him staring at me. It was all I could do to keep from smirking at him. I glanced up at him with a curious expression.

  "Oh, did you need something else?" I asked him in a bland tone. "Because I'm kind of busy."

  "Come on," he blurted out impatiently. "You're killing me here."

  "Killing you?" I asked with wide eyes. "Why on earth would I do that?" I gave him a sweet innocent smile.

  Andy huffed and walked into my office. "Jenny," he said in exasperation as he threw himself in one of the chairs in front of my desk. "Quit fucking with me. Is everything alright with Ford now? Did you guys talk?"

  "Why are you so invested in my love life now?" Ever since I met Ford, Andy had been overly concerned with the status of our relationship. He never seemed to care about my love life until recently.

  "I've seen how you look at him," he answered with a serious expression. "I've seen how he looks at you. This isn't just a fling. It's something real, and I want that for you. You deserve to be happy, and Ford makes you happy. I couldn't just sit and do nothing when I could help you."

  "I know," I said in a warm tone. "Thanks for butting in where you didn't belong."


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