by Blue Saffire
“I figured I might as well, I was already getting beat for it, but this was different. The moment he asked if I like being a rich whore I knew he knew. Somehow he had found out about Desire.
“The next morning I woke with one eye swollen shut, but I could see him sitting in the chair over me as I lay on the floor naked and broken. I always knew he was crazy, but the words that came out of his mouth when he saw me stir sealed that fact for me.”
“Aw, my high priced whore is awake. Tell me, are you fucking all those rich men to give you the baby I can’t give you?” he said in a deadly calm voice.
“Answer me, whore,” he snarled when I didn’t answer.
My throat was raw from all the times he choked me within an inch of my life the night before so all I could manage was a slow shake of my head.
“You won’t treat me like some weak man any longer will you? I have no heir and you were my only prize and now look what you have done,” he licked his bottom lip angrily. “Well Julissa, I want you to feel the pain I feel. I want you to know what it is like to have what you hold most precious taken away. And since you are already a filthy whore and like being fucked, I want you to go have one of those rich bastard’s babies so they can too know what I feel. How it feels to be blindsided.”
“Julissa…that was my given name. He only calls me by it when he is a hair short from losing it. He thought Vanessa was a more becoming name for his wife.
“From that point on he became obsessed with me getting pregnant. He was the one that gave me the tampered with condoms. I had to take lengthy breaks from the club because of the broken bones and bruises after failing to get pregnant each month.
“I was terrified and relieved when it finally happened. The beatings stopped for a while. I thought for sure if I told you about the baby then maybe… maybe you could help me. I didn’t know what to do when you went away and I couldn’t reach you.
“Patrick started to get crazier asking who the father was. He said he wanted to know to use the baby to get money for the damage to his marriage and reputation. You had become my friend. I trusted you, so I wouldn’t tell him. He decided one night to torture it out of me. Nothing to hurt the baby at first but when I finally told him it was you, he snapped.
“I guess I shouldn’t have picked a billionaire as the father for my child. He couldn’t handle the fact you had more status, more money, more everything. You had done the one thing he couldn’t do and you have deeper pockets. I guess it was the last tug at his crazy.
“I was sure that he had finally killed me. As I lay there in a pool of my own blood. I knew my baby couldn’t have survived and I was sure I wouldn’t either. Dale, my friend and Patrick’s accountant found me. He rushed me away and helped me go into hiding.
“I didn’t stay hidden for long. That’s when Patrick offered me my freedom. All I had to do was get your girlfriend to leave you. If she left you and took the babies with her, I could go free. I didn’t know you all would be so great and I would crave your friendship so much. I’ve been stalling for weeks.
“Patrick has gotten impatient. The nights that I go home to him he threatens me. He hasn’t hit me since the baby but he threatens. I have two more months to ruin you somehow. He said that if Pam doesn’t leave Nate with my revelation then I have to bring harm to Pam and the babies,” Vanessa paused, her breath hitching on a sob.
“I can’t do that. I would gladly let you both beat on me before I bring another ounce of hurt into your lives. I really wanted your friendship, no I needed your friendship,” Vanessa sobbed. “He’s going to kill me.”
Pam turned to look at Nate with tears in her eyes. A part of her wanted to have no feelings for this woman, but the better part of her saw herself in her. This could have been her life if Nate and Uri hadn’t stepped in.
She would have been trapped with a man that she didn’t love. No, she didn’t think Luca would have laid a hand on her or tortured her so cruelly, but it would have been like slowly dying inside. It would have been the same torture of not knowing how to get out.
“We have to do something,” Pam and Paige said to Nate and Bobby at the same time.
Nate kissed Pam’s temple. “It’s already done,” he said gruffly.
It would be years before Pamela or Paige saw Vanessa again. The sisters slept in the same bed that night, spooning as best as their bellies would allow as they held onto each other. Together, thanking God for the men they had in their lives. Bobby and Nate set off to handle this Patrick and get Vanessa to safety once and for all.
Chapter Twenty
Nine months later ….
Day before kidnapping
“Babe, did you know mommy and daddy were flying in to help out with the kids,” Pam asked as she walked into the kitchen distracted by the text on her phone from her dad.
She had just put Tiffany and Tracey down for the night and finished packing their bags for the sleep over. She was exhausted. Eight month old twins were no joke. Those two little girls already had little personalities of their own. Pam smiled to herself when she thought of all the trouble they were going to give Nate when they got older.
When she didn’t hear Nate’s reply to her question she looked up from her phone. Her mouth dropped open at the sight before her. The kitchen lights were dimmed and candles were lit on the counter tops.
No he didn’t, was the first thing to pop in her head. Standing in front of the kitchen island in nothing but an apron covering his waist, a sheen of oil greasing his chocolate skin, and a sexy panty dropping smile, was Nate in all his naked glory.
Pam smiled then laughed. “Boy you know you need to stop playing,” Pam smiled and looked around as if someone would walk in at any moment. “Where’s your dad?”
“He and Uncle Earl flew out on business. He wanted to give us the house to ourselves for the weekend,” Nate said with a sexy grin.
Pam let her eyes roam over his large rock hard chiseled body. “Damn Nate, have you been doing something different,” her voice came out full of lust.
“I have to put all this pinned up energy somewhere,” he chuckled.
“So what’s all of this?” she gestured with her hand.
“I thought I’d make you dessert,” Nate’s voice came out all gravelly and husky.
“Oh is that right. You want to make me dessert,” Pam purred as she ran her fingers over the collar of the romper she had on.
“Yes, you,” Nate growled, holding out his hand for her to come to him.
This was the weekend he was going to finally ask her to marry him. He had planned to a long time ago. Right after the drama with Vanessa but first Paige went into labor then Rita. Pam wasn’t that far behind the two the following month. Between all the babies and Rita and Marcus having a second wedding, it just never seemed like the right time to go through with it.
What none of the women in the family, except for Minnie, knew was that this weekend of the grands taking the kids was to give Nate the opportunity to propose. He had it all planned out. Tonight he was going to show her what it was going to be like to be his wife for the rest of her life and tomorrow night he was going to propose.
He was still warring inside on whether or not to tell her about the family business. They had been living in the Briggs compound since Vanessa’s little break in. She and his dad had become pretty close. If it weren’t for the fact that Paige was now being threatened as well as Rita and Marie he would have told her already.
Rita may have been pregnant again but she was still an intricate part of Marie’s safety detail. Marie knew of Jasper’s involvement in the family business but not Rita’s. From time to time Marie still gave her detail a hard time. Mostly she gave them the slip when trying to dodge Jas, but it was still dangerous to do.
Nate had vowed to himself that before they walked down the aisle he would tell her everything. Pam deserved that and more. Nate knew she still had questions but after the whole incident and having the girls something changed. Pam changed. They had
n’t fought in so long he often wondered what happened to his woman. Did the body snatchers come for her?
“Wait a minute Hulk,” just when he thought she’d changed. Nate let out a loud roar of laughter throwing his head back. “You didn’t answer my question. Daddy just text me, what’s up with that?”
“I’m flying them in. I thought they would like to get in on the big grandbaby event,” Nate beam with pride.
“Suck up,” Pam teased. Her parents loved Nate. She swore he doted on them as much as he did her and the girls.
“I’m just taking care of my family,” Nate shrugged bringing Pam’s attention back to the fact that her man was standing before her glowing and naked. She looked down at the apron and burst into laughter. Not just because it was now tented by his massive erection but the apron itself read, One Cocky Cook.
Pam walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “As exhausted as I am, I need you more than you could ever know. Are you ready to put it on me, Daddy?” Pam purred.
“I’ve been ready, Baby,” Nate slid his hands down and grabbed both cheeks groaning. “I’m going to wear this pussy out.”
Pam felt her panties flood with moisture. Sex had been nonexistent lately. It was like the girls had radar and knew exactly when they were about to go at it. Nate had also been doing some light traveling, which cut at their time.
Pam reached under the apron and wrapped her hand around his dick, giving it a good squeeze. “Not if I wear this dick out first,” Pam said saucily.
Before Nate could answer in response Pam dropped down into a squat before him. She still had her heels on out of habit after having the girls. She hated being so much shorter and smaller than everyone, especially Nate. Sometimes she just wanted to reach up and taste those juicy lips. Right now though, her height challenge was working to her advantage as she reached around and pulled the tie loose to his apron.
Nate placed his hand in her long locks as he watched her squat before him. His tongue slipped out of his full lips to dampen them before resting on his bottom lip, as his anticipation for her first touch tighten his groin ever more. Nate forced a breath out when he saw Pam’s face light up as his shaft came into her line of view with a bead of his precum dripping down the tip.
“Oh, we can’t have this going to waste, can we,” Pam purred and flicked her tongue out to catch her favorite juice. Pam felt her head spin as the heady scent of his body wash mixed with his natural manly scent. Nate always smelled and tasted delicious. Pam hummed as his flavor coated her tongue.
“Fuck,” Nate growled as she swirled her tongue around the tip not once, not twice but three times before she reached to wrap her small hand around his base.
Pam’s soft lips wrapped around him next and she hummed in pleasure. Nate hissed out a breath, his nostrils flaring as his hips bucked forward. His hand in her hair tightened guiding her to deep throat him the way that drove him crazy.
Pam placed her free hand on his thigh halting her forward motion. Instead she swirled her tongue again before sucking on the tip. Nate growled and Pam chuckled blowing on his tip then swiftly swallowing him whole and bobbing with vigor.
“Oh yeah baby, take it all,” Nate groaned.
Pam hummed her response and flicked her eyes up to look at him through her lashes. She loved the taste of his thick steel in her mouth. He tasted as good as he smelled. Pam could taste a hint of coconut which made her smile. He had gotten into her bag of tricks again. The thought that he planned all this turned her on even more. Her man knew her well enough to know she would end up on her knees before him.
Pam started to take him so deep her nose started to touch his pelvis. She purred at the loud rumble that came up out of Nate’s chest. It was so hot to watch him come apart. His free hand flew to the island countertop to steady his stance as he bucked his hips with more force.
The muscles in his thighs flexed and his breathing increased. Pam watched as his eyes changed causing the subtle flakes of green in them to show. It was an intimate fact about her man that she loved. The almost unnoticeable trait showed itself most during sex.
Nate felt his orgasm roaring up his spine and knew he was helpless at this point to stop it. So instead he slipped his other hand in Pam’s hair tightening his grip as he pumped forward. Pam did that little tongue flicking thing to the underside of his cock as he slid in and out of her mouth driving him crazy and right over the edge.
With a loud roar he pumped his seed down the back of her throat. Pam continued to suck making sure to get every last drop. When she let him pop free from her mouth she licked her lips not taking her eyes off of him.
Nate leaned back against the countertop, reaching for Pam and pulling her to him. He crushed his full lips to her swollen ones. He groaned into her mouth tasting the hint of coconut from the oral pleasure balm he had used on his phallus. He knew Pam loved that stuff.
Nate slid his hands up her sides to her shoulders were he pushed off the straps of her romper. Pam worked at the buttons on the front allowing the romper to fall down around her hips. Nate hooked his fingers in the romper and her thong, pulling them down with one tug. He broke their kiss just long enough to get her undressed and to look over her delectable body.
Cupping her face he kissed her deeply. Thoughts of what this weekend meant for them made his heart swell as well as his manhood. He loved this woman with all his heart. She had no idea the lengths he had gone and would go just to keep her safe and happy.
“I love you so damn much, Baby,” Nate crooned against her lips.
“I love you too, Nate,” Pam breathed as he placed kisses against her neck.
Nate lifted her in his arms taking her over to the area he prepared to make her his dessert tonight. Placing Pam back on her feet he commanded. “Turn around.”
Pam did as she was told and faced the island. Before her were fresh fruits, whip cream, chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, ice, and champagne. Pam chuckled at the display. Something tugged loose in her soul. This man was made for her. She never thought herself silly or slutty for the things she wanted to do to him and wanted him to do to her the way she used to with Luca.
It was refreshing to be with someone that wanted to please her the way she wanted to be pleased. Pam felt totally sexy standing before her man in nothing but her heels. She’d been joining Rita in the gym here at the compound since having the girls. Rita was kicking her ass, but it was worth it. She nearly had her body back, although she had a feeling that Nate like the extra cushion.
“Ankles Baby,” Nate ordered as his hand smoothed up her spine.
She bent at the waist and grabbed her ankles. Pam smiled at the thought of the first time he ordered her into this position. Her smile grew when she felt his fingers in her hair. Once he had her hair in one of his messy buns he kissed the nape of her neck and made his way around her body. Pam gasped at the first touch of something cold and wet between the crack of her cheeks.
Nate smiled as he squeezed chocolate syrup and caramel sauce between her cheeks and over her full globes. After placing the containers back on the counter he dropped to his knees behind his woman. He could smell her delicious scent mixed with the syrup and sauce. A strangled growl ripped from his throat.
Pam shivered at the sound. Her breath hitched when she felt his tongue at her crack, lapping at his creation. Nate followed the trail the sweet treats made. When he got to her slick folds he began to eat her pussy with gusto. Her sweetness mixed with the sauce and syrup drove him to dive in for all he was worth.
“Oh yes, Daddy,” Pam cried out.
Nate licked off the sauce on her left cheek then slapped her sticky cheek hard enough for her to lift up on her toes. Pam groaned and wiggled her bottom back at him. He growled and went to lick the other cheek clean before going back to the treat dripping around her tight puckered ring.
“I’m owning everything tonight,” Nate warned after circling her tight ring.
“Yes, Baby I’m all yours,” Pam moaned.
br /> Nate sealed his mouth to her clit and sucked, licked and sucked some more. Pam’s legs started to shake and quake as her orgasm roared through her veins. This man, her thoughts called out.
Pam came so hard she almost tilted over. Nate’s firm grasp on her hips was her saving grace. Lifting to his feet he walked her toward the side of the island with his hips until her back was flush with the cool hard wood against her back.
Nate then slid smoothly and slowly inside her tight wet heat. Nate plowed through her still quivering sex. Pam wasn’t sure if her head was spinning from her head being upside down or from the feel of her man having her so full. She had a feeling it was more of the latter.
With each thrust her back bounced off the smooth hardwood of the kitchen island at her back, bouncing her right into his driving hips. Her next orgasm was building fast. As Nate bent his knees some more and tucked in closer, Pam was trapped to his pounding rhythm that threatened to shatter her into pieces.
It felt incredible. She could do nothing but take it and she loved it. Every thrust, every slap to her ass, every roll of his sexy hips, she was beside herself. And then she heard Tiffany’s cry through the baby monitor. She knew her girls cries. Besides Tiffany was always the one to start first.
“Shit,” Pam groaned. “Nate, the baby.”
“Marie and Jas are upstairs,” Nate panted. “They have the girls for the rest of the night.”
“Seriously,” Pam half moaned half laughed.
“Yes seriously, I’m not letting up on this pussy until you can’t walk straight. Do you have any idea what you do to me,” Nate growled.
“Oh shit, yes Baby yes,” Pam cried out. She should have kept her voice down now that she knew Jas and Marie were somewhere in the house. She didn’t know any woman that would be able to be quiet while getting it like this.
“I love you, Baby,” she cried out.
“Oh yeah… you have no idea Pam. I love you with every breath I breathe Baby. Every time I look at my girls I can’t wait to put another baby in you,” Nate said through clenched teeth.