Legally Bound 3: His Law

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Legally Bound 3: His Law Page 16

by Blue Saffire

  “We’ll save those for after she takes the boy back,” Thomas chuckled causing his laugh lines to deepen. Pam liked the look on him. He was always so serious unless he was playing with the girls or Daniel.

  Pam realized she was getting another glimpse of how close these two families really were. These were all things she had taken for granted and never really looked at too deeply. Now that she knew more of their history she couldn’t help letting her heart soften.

  She was beginning to understand why it was so important to Nate to keep his secrets. They weren’t just his. They belonged to all of the family and just one secret given to the wrong person or at the wrong time put everyone he loved in danger.

  Thomas watched Pam’s face closely. “I believe you are beginning to understand our family a little better now,” he nodded in response to his own statement. “Pamela you see, before my wife past the three of us made her a promise. We promised that we would make sure that all of our children found true love like we all have. My wife wanted not just our boy and girl to find love but she wanted it for Earl and Josephina’s and James and Minnie’s lots as well.”

  “All our boys have found true love and we are certain Marie has too. She’s just afraid of it,” James added in. “That will take care of my brood as well as Earl’s clan.”

  “Rita has always been Marcus’s match. I think Raquel was the first to see it. So that leaves Nate,” Earl said thoughtfully.

  “I believe Nate has found exactly what his mother wanted for him. Yes, he has made a few mistakes but to Nate he was just doing what he is used to. He takes charge and gets things done. Albeit that may not have been the right way to do things this time, it came from a good place,” Thomas declared.

  “We just want you to consider the fact that you could be walking away from true love,” James injected.

  “Also think about the girls,” Thomas said with a sad smile. “I miss our morning breakfast. Having them and you here has been the happiest I’ve been in this house since my wife passed on.”

  “You’re laying it on thick,” Pam said through her own tears.

  “Someday your children’s happiness will require you to do the same. I love my children. My son has sacrificed enough in his life. If I can help it he will not have to sacrifice his heart too,” Thomas lifted a brow at Pam.

  “No, he will not have to sacrifice his heart too,” Pam sniffled. “I really can’t live without him.”

  “Oh thank God,” James boomed. “Pam my dear, we have to get working on my plan.”

  Pam’s eyes widened at James’ excitement and she laughed. The other two men smoothly slipped from the room and in no time James had his plan laid out and underway.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Nate had been watching Marcus with Hannah all evening. His girls would be one soon. He remembered when they were as small as Hannah. It had been amazing. It was a feeling he once thought he would get to have again someday. As Marcus pressed his lips to the top of Hannah’s head, looking as if he was inhaling her scent, Nate walked up beside him.

  “It’s amazing isn’t it,” Nate said nodding to Hannah in Marcus’s arms. He couldn’t hold back the huge smile.

  As if she knew he was talking about her Hannah turned to Nate and cooed a few bubbles, grimaced, wrinkled her little nose and yawned. Nate chuckled before he bent to kiss the top of her head.

  “Yeah, don’t get me wrong I love my son just as much, but she just makes me want to hold onto her forever,” Marcus said with a dreamy look in his eyes as he looked down at his daughter. Nate noticed the moment Marcus looked up at Rita laughing across the room.

  Nate was really happy for his sister. He knew she had thrown this party in hopes that Pam would come. Nate loved her for trying. He just didn’t think he would ever get his heart back.

  “I’m glad you two were able to work things out,” Nate said nodding to his sister. He really was. He had gotten over his initial anger. Rita couldn’t have found someone to love her more.

  “Yeah me too, I couldn’t imagine my life any other way,” Marcus smiled and winked at Rita across the room. “And when the kids get older we’ll have quite a story to tell.”

  Nate snorted. “Well that makes two of us.”

  “You know what I don’t think your story is over just yet,” Marcus said with a knowing smile.

  “I’m starting not to be so optimistic,” Nate grumbled. Pain filled his eyes and his brows drew downward. “I knew she wouldn’t want to be around me, but I didn’t think she would miss all this to avoid me.”

  “Oh really,” Marcus lifted a brow. “Are you really sure she would miss this?”

  Nate looked up from staring at his niece to look Marcus in the eyes, but Marcus was not looking at him. He was looking behind Nate. Nate felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and his whole body shuttered. There was only one way he had this type of reaction.

  He turned quickly and there she stood. She looked stunning. There was a glow on her skin and a sparkle in her eyes. However what stunned him more than anything was the fact that his little girls were standing at her sides. They were dressed in soft pink dresses that complimented their cocoa skin.

  Tiffany was the first to squeal and toddle her way over to Nate. He swiped her into his arms and nuzzled her wild waves. His heart swelled as she cupped his cheek in her tiny hand.

  “Da-da,” she cooed happily.

  Nate squeezed his eyes shut and inhaled her baby scent mixed with hints of her mother. His eyes flew open with his other daughter’s frustrated squeal. He looked down to see she was trying to break free of Pam’s hold.

  “Tracey,” Pam chuckled. “Sweetie let me help you.” Tracey just turned and glared up at her mother.

  “Come here baby give daddy a hug,” Nate crooned down at her.

  Pam looked up at him with a small smile he was relieved to see. “She is not walking as well as Tiffany yet,” Pam explained.

  Nate nodded his understanding and move closer bending to scoop Tracey up in his other arm. “Here baby girl,” Nate crooned into Tracey’s temple. “God, I miss you two.”

  Pam stood there watching Nate with the girls. Guilt was riding her hard. James and Minnie had taken the girls for the morning and afternoon. James had talked her into a spa day and shopping trip to get the perfect dress for tonight. She had plans to be here hours ago, but neither she nor Tracey had been feeling well.

  Pam was worried about Tracey and almost cancelled. If it weren’t for the fact that she knew exactly what her own problem was she would have. Unfortunately, she needed to deal with all of this now.

  This meeting was long overdue. Just looking at the longing for his family in his face broke her heart. Pam moved closer and rubbed Tracey’s back as she squirmed in her father’s arm.

  “Is it okay if I join this hug,” Pam said softly.

  “No,” Nate replied without any emotion showing on his face.

  Pam’s head whipped back as if she had been slapped. Her face crumbled and her eyes dropped to the floor. She knew they had things to work through, but she didn’t think he would reject her.

  “Marie, could you take the girls for me,” Nate asked as Marie passed by them.

  “Oh sure,” Marie said with a smile. “I was just going to get dessert.”

  “Oh Marie, Tracey wasn’t feeling well. That’s why we were late. Please don’t give her anything to upset her tummy again,” Pam said softly.

  “Okay, no problem,” Marie smiled and turned to leave with the girls.

  Just as Pam turned to leave so that she could lick her wounds in private, Nate pulled her into a bone crushing hug. His lips planted a kiss to her forehead and he inhaled the sweetest breath of his life. No correct that, he inhaled life.

  “We’ve had enough between us. I needed to fully feel you back in my arms. I needed my arms to be free from anything blocking the way. For now that means even our babies,” Nate said against her ear. “Hi.”

  “Hey,” Pam choked out try
ing not to cry.

  “You look stunning. I don’t know what I want more. To hold you or to look at you,” Nate breathed.

  Instead of choosing he took a few steps back and looked down at her. She was wrapped in a form fitting one shoulder gold dress. It molded to her shape and had slits up the sides that showed off her shapely mocha legs. As always she was wearing four inch heels, they were gold at the toe and heel. The rest of the shoe gave the illusion that her foot was bare.

  Pam cupped his face bringing his eyes to hers. “We need to talk,” she said a little above a whisper.

  Nate nodded and clasped her wrist in his hand leading her out to the closed in deck. Nate walked over to the fire pit and took a seat pulling Pam into his lap. He had been too long without this woman to let her go now.

  “Nate, I’m so sorry,” Pam blurted out as soon as she was seated.

  “No Baby, I’m the one that is sorry. I miss you so much,” Nate replied and nuzzled her neck. “I want you home Pam. I have been respecting the space you asked for, but I miss my family. My girls are starting to walk. I missed so much in the past two months.”

  “I know, Baby. I really am sorry. I know it is not the same as being there but I recorded a lot,” Pam said sadly.

  Nate pressed his lips and shook his head. “It’s not the same. I don’t want to miss anymore. Baby come home,” Nate pleaded.

  “My things are already at the compound. Your dad had someone come over and pack up for me this afternoon,” Pam looked up through her lashes for a response.

  Nate grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. His tongue claimed her mouth like it was the first time all over again. Pam wrapped her arms around his neck and squeeze for dear life. She never wanted to be without this man ever again in her life.

  “I love you so much,” Nate said against her lips.

  “I don’t think I can ever make up for you missing Tiff and Tracey’s first steps, but if you are not off protecting the family you’ll hopefully be able to see this one’s first steps,” Pam pulled his hand to her belly and covered it with her own.

  Nate’s face lit up. “Really,” he asked shaking his head. “You do know once I found out you were pregnant I was going to come for you, right?”

  Pam burst into laughter. “I can’t believe you stayed away for two whole months,” Pam playfully punched him in his arm. “Why didn’t you come get me? I was ready to come home the day I left. What happened to the Hulk that just busted his way into my heart?”

  “I’m right here, Baby. Sometimes you have to let the ones you love go so they realize where they belong,” Nate said teasingly. “I just needed you to learn that we do things around here according to my law.”

  Nate gave a full belly laugh at the frown on Pam’s face, and then he kissed the tip of her nose. When his lips captured hers she knew he was right. They had always been playing according to his law and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Pam was on cloud nine. After the dinner party last night she and Nate took the girls home and he tucked his girls in with their night time story for the first time in two months. Pam stood back to let him have all the time he wanted with his girls.

  She knew she was a lucky woman. He was an amazing father to the girls. She was sure he would be just as amazing to the little one growing in her tummy. She was still convinced that the women around her had some type of baby cooties. She wasn’t surprised to find out her sister was pregnant again as well.

  Once the girls were down for the night Nate took her to their bedroom, where he stripped her out of her gold dress and heels. She was sure he was going to make love to her. Instead, he pulled the covers back and snuggled under them with her tucked into his arms.

  They were up most the night talking about the journals and everything he shared with her within them. Pam shared more with him than her own twin last night. She had had no doubt that their relationship had taken a turn for the better last night.

  She felt all the walls come crumbling down, hers and his. The only disappointment was this morning when Nate got up early and said he needed to take care of somethings. He even took the girls along with him. Pam couldn’t blame him for wanting the girls with him he had missed so much.

  Though disappointed that Nate wouldn’t be spending more time in bed with her that morning, she was glad to get some alone time. It had been hard staying at Uri’s with just the small staff he brought in to help her. Here at the compound she always had more help than she needed.

  Pam’s stomach flipped and she knew she would have to get up soon to settle her stomach, if she didn’t want the morning sickness to get out of control. She needed to get ready for Daniel’s birthday party anyway. She laughed to herself and shook her head when she thought about the big to do her sister insisted the boys and her twins share despite their birthdays being a month apart.

  She was sure that if Rita hadn’t been plotting she would have gotten roped in. Ellen got lucky Megan was born a month before Daniel, Peyton and James. Pam rubbed her tummy and wondered if all the children would be as close as the Mairettie and Briggs families already seemed to be.

  Pam was happy to see Marie laughing once again as Rita teased her. They made up last night like nothing had ever happened. Pam had a feeling Marie wouldn’t be able to stay mad for too long. After all, she was still blaming herself for the boys getting kidnapped in the first place.

  Pam wiggled herself into a pair of black spandex, before pulling on a black tank top and lightweight teal sweater. She pushed her feet into a pair of grey four inch booties, finishing her look with a messy bun. She had plans for the messy bun later.

  Pam looked around the room and wiped away the stupid tear that trailed down her cheek. This was really her life. Nate had really erased all traces of Luca. She could never compare the two again. If she would have known that that one night would have led to all of this she would do it all over again.


  Nate didn’t do nervous but he sure was doing it today. He had to plan an event that had taken him months to get right the first time, all in one day. He repeatedly cursed Bobby for making this so much harder for him. He laughed at the thought because he knew Pam would give him shit regardless just to bust his chops.

  Although, he wasn’t sure he was giving her much room to do so. Looking at the clock he knew the birthday party was already in full swing. Pam had text him a few times to make sure the girls were okay. At one point they had been tired and cranky, but a nap in the back of the truck fixed that.

  Team Briggs was ready for their mission. Nate pulled up to Marcus’s house to find an eager Minnie and Davina waiting for him. Things were really working out for him. The Kemble’s were more than willing to make the last minute trip and he was able to use the birthday party as a cover.

  Nate chuckled to himself. Only their first day back together and he was covering shit up again. Only this time he was sure she would forgive him.

  “Oh my God Nate, this wagon is too cute,” Davina gushed as tears wet her lashes.

  Knowing that Tracey wasn’t able to walk as well as her sister, Nate had come up with the idea to place Tracey in the wagon and let Tiffany help him push. Nate removed the wagon from the trunk as Minnie and Davina helped out by getting the girls.

  “And these t-shirts,” Minnie gave a watery chortle.

  “Ladies if you go in there crying she is going to know something is up,” Nate laughed.

  “I know, I know,” Minnie fanned her face.

  “Here you can place Tracey in the wagon here,” Nate said pointing to the spot behind the bowl with the floating lily inside.

  Nate knelt in front of Tracey. “Okay baby girl, no touching the water or the box once Daddy puts it in the bowl. Okay?”

  Tracey happily clapped her hands and nodded her head. Nate smiled and sent up a little prayer that she would actually listen and this all didn’t turn into a huge disaster.

  “Okay baby,”
Nate stood and held his hand out for Tiffany’s. “You are going to help Daddy push the wagon.”

  Tiffany gave her own little squeal and clap. Nate looked at Davina and Minnie and nodded. He was ready. It was time he got this done. Pam was his and after today she always would be.


  Pam was laughing with Paige as they watched Bobby and Marcus dance with the boys. It turned out to be a nice day and it could be seen that everyone was enjoying themselves. Both Pam and Paige were wiping at the corners of their eyes as everyone stopped dancing and started looking at the doors leading back into the house.

  Pam turned to see what had everyone’s attention, to see Nate helping Tiffany push a wagon with her sister in it. A huge smile spread across her face the three of them looked adorable. She lifted her phone to video it for her collection. When they were getting closer Nate let Tiffany push on her own.

  Pam looked up over her phone and her brows furrowed. The girls were not in the outfits she had dressed them in this morning before they left. She first read the t-shirt Tracey was wearing.

  Mommy will you…

  Nate nudged Tiffany to the side of the wagon as they stopped a foot in front of her. Pam then read Tiffany’s t-shirt.

  …Marry my Daddy?

  Pam gasped and looked up at Nate with tears in her eyes. She looked back down at the girls reading their t-shirts again to make sure she was reading them right. Tears were in full stream now.

  Paige nudged her. “Pammy, do you see the ring? Oh my Gosh, this is so freaking sweet,” Paige gushed.

  Pam looked down into the wagon and sure enough there sat one of the most beautiful rings she had ever seen. There had to be at least four carats just sitting on top, not counting the stones wrapping the band.

  In that moment it dawned on Pam that she really had been dating a billionaire all along. It was something she still hadn’t wrapped her head around after two years. Pam covered her mouth with a shaky hand.

  This was over the top. Nate knew floating lilies were her favorite. He also knew that purple and teal were her favorite colors. The wagon was a pretty shade of teal and the floating lily in the bowl within the wagon had been tinted purple. The ring was sitting in its box in the center of the lily.


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