Legally Bound 3: His Law

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Legally Bound 3: His Law Page 17

by Blue Saffire

  It was just the sweetest, most thoughtful proposal. She was stunned into silence. Once again only Nathaniel Briggs could render her speechless. Her eyes moved back to his and he lifted a brow to let her know he was waiting for an answer.

  “Are you serious, Nate,” Pam half laughed, half sobbed out.

  “Yeah Baby, I’m very serious. This has been in the works for months. I was going to propose the night of the incident that’s why your folks flew in and why Minnie and James were taking all the kids,” Nate said with a hint of regret and moisture building in his eyes.

  “I’ve known for a really long time I was going to propose. I was just trying to figure out the right time and how to do it right. So… did I get it right?”

  Pam launched herself into his arms wrapping her legs around his waist. “Yes, yes, yes,” she squealed while planting kisses all over his face.

  “Be careful with my baby in there,” Nate laughed and took her lips in a searing kiss.

  “Wait, you guys are having another baby?” Rita was the first to ask.

  “Yup,” Nate crooned. “This pint sized villain has stolen my heart and my seed.”

  Everyone roared with laughter.


  Jasper stood watching Marie toss her hair and laugh at Paige and Camille. Earl walked up beside Jasper on one side and Thomas took the other side. Jas sighed this couldn’t be good. He was not going back overseas. What he needed and wanted was right here. He wanted what his cousins and friends had.

  “She stops running today,” was all Uncle Thomas said.

  Earl nodded in agreement. Jasper looked between the two then over at James who nodded too, lifting his glass as if in agreement. Jasper smiled. Yeah, they’re right. No more running, Baby.


  Nate couldn’t stop smiling he was finally married. He looked across the dance floor as his wife danced with her father. She looked so gorgeous in her gown. Nate refused to wait too long to make it official. Since they all had the understanding that things went according to his law Pam had picked an empire waist gown to hide her swollen belly.

  She was simply glowing in the gown that had a crystal encrusted bust and soft flowing skirts that dropped to the floor. Her hair was styled in intricate curls flowing down her back with a crown braided across the top and crystals pinned throughout. His heart swelled with pride, just stunning, simply breathtaking.

  “She makes such a stunning bride,” Uri’s accent filled Nate’s ears as he stepped up beside him.

  “Yes, she does. Thank you again for everything. I would have taken care of Mims myself, but Pam needed me then,” Nate said sternly.

  Patrick Mims was a threat Nate wasn’t willing to let go unhandled. Uri was the only person he knew that took Pam’s safety as seriously as he did and would do anything to insure it. One call and an explanation of what Mims had been up to and Uri hung up with just one word said, “Done.” He had been indebted to the man since.

  “This is nothing to mention. I would do it again in a heartbeat,” Uri nodded.

  “Still, thank you.”

  “Well, I would like to call in that favor,” Uri said grimly.

  “Name it,” Nate said simply.

  Uri nodded his head in the direction of the woman he brought as his date. “She is to me what Pamela is to you,” Uri started. He turned to face Nate and looked him the eyes. “There are people who feel she doesn’t belong to me. Of this they are mistaken, I need to silence those people for good. My Bella Donna is more than meets the eye. She will try to get in the middle of this. I cannot have that.”

  “So where do I come in,” Nate asked curiously.

  “I need one week. Keep her here with you for one week and I will hush my problem,” Uri said coolly.


  With that Uri walked away with a smile as if he didn’t just admit he was about to go on a massacre. Nate laughed to himself and shook his head. At that very moment his phone vibrated in his pocket. Nate frowned, most everyone he knew was already in the room with him.

  He pulled the phone from his pocket and read the text. He cursed wanting to shatter his phone into pieces. It was a text from Wyatt Black with one simple word, but that simple word meant a world of trouble. Things were about to get interesting again.



  To my friends, my readers,

  I want to thank you all for your time and support. I thank you all for the reviews as well; the good, the bad and the ugly. I’ve been told before that if they are not talking you are not doing it right. So I thank you.

  This book has been a rollercoaster of me in my head and in my feelings. I hope you enjoyed the results. I wanted to introduce you to some new characters that will let you into their worlds soon. I hope by now you all understand me and my writing. I don’t leave cliffhangers to piss you off. LOL.

  Each book is a set up for the future of the characters as my books weave, loop and intertwine with one another. This being said I’ll be moving on to the Hush series with Uri and Luca as well as the Brothers Black series with Wyatt, Toby, Joe and their crew. You will get to see characters from the Legally Bound series make an appearance in those series as well. I will be coming back to Legally Bound four by December hopefully if not sooner.

  So much love to my little crew that puts up with my drama when I am going through the writing process. We made it through another one. NEXT! LOL Love you to life and beyond.


  Blue Saffire is a house wife with too much time to think and not enough time to herself. By some miracle she has found the time to write books. Blue represents the secret author inside that some of us are too scared to let out.

  Blue and her family all enjoy life in the suburbs. However life throws her challenges daily and since her diary is no longer enough she has decided it is time for new outlets for the words she would never say face to face to her friends, family or other moms and definitely not her husband.

  So here in lays the thoughts of Blue Saffire, the author, the wife, the mother, and the woman. Enjoy.

  Wait there is more to come! You can stay updated with my latest releases by subscribing to my newsletter at

  If you enjoyed Legally Bound 3, I’d love to hear

  your thoughts and please feel free to leave a

  review for it. And when you do please let me

  know by emailing me [email protected]

  or leave a comment on Facebook or Twitter @TheBlueSaffire

  Other books by Blue Saffire

  Also available….

  Legally Bound

  Legally Bound 2

  Perfect For Me

  Coming Soon….

  Hush Book 1 (Uri)

  Brothers Black Book 1 (Wyatt)

  Legally Bound 4: Allegations of Love (Jasper)




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