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A Worthy Heir

Page 5

by Pat Ballard

  “Of course.” He hadn’t moved, but Pam had the disturbing feeling that she could be pounced on at any moment. Tonight he seemed almost like one of those Bengal tigers she’d seen in the photos hanging in his office.

  But at twenty-seven Pam had learned to never run from trouble. Even when she knew she should. Tonight was no different. She smelled trouble with a capital T, but that only caused her adrenalin to flow faster.

  “Then if I want the house and contents, I guess I’ll just have to seduce you, won’t I, Reese?”

  She never knew anyone could move so fast. He must have had a lot of practice running from the wild animals he photographed, because suddenly he was there, towering over her.

  “Now you listen to me, and you listen good.” He wasn’t touching her, but she felt penned. Trapped by his blue glare. She couldn’t have moved if she’d tried.

  “I don’t get seduced by women. Is that clear? I do the seducing, and that is only for the women I want. And I don’t want you, Pamela Spencer. The sooner you get that through your head, the better off we’ll all be.”

  “Dinner is ready,” Suzy’s hesitant voice called from the doorway. There was no doubt she’d heard his tirade.

  “Where is everyone else, Suzy?” Reese asked, not moving an inch from Pam.

  “What do you mean?” Suzy asked.

  “This is supposed to be a family dinner,” Reese answered, with heavy disdain on the “family” part.

  “Miss Fiona said that she and Mr. Spencer were going out to dinner, and that I was supposed to prepare a cozy dinner for you and Miss Pam.” Confusion sounded in Suzy’s voice.

  The distraction had given Pam the strength to move away from Reese. But suddenly he turned his blue glare to her.

  “You knew about this, didn’t you?”

  What on earth had Fiona been thinking? Surely she knew this would backfire on her, but should Pam admit she was as surprised as Reese, or should she play along with whatever Fiona had in mind? Her hesitation was all Reese needed.

  “You did know! You were in on this with that scheming old bitch! That’s why you wore that sexy outfit. You actually were going to try and seduce me, weren’t you? You naïve little fool. You really have no idea who you’re playing with, do you?”

  And with that, he turned and stormed from the room. In a moment, the two women heard the front door slamming.

  “Wh—what should I do about dinner?” Suzy seemed almost in tears.

  “Have you eaten?” Pam asked.

  “Why, no. I don’t eat until everyone else has been served.”

  “Well, Suzy, it looks like it’s just you and me, so why don’t we go and enjoy that fine meal you’ve prepared.”

  “But, Miss Spencer—“

  “Oh, please, just call me Pam, and come on, sit with me and tell me all about the crazy family that lives in this house.”

  Once Suzy relaxed, the two women had a long, leisurely dinner, with Suzy talking lovingly about a young Reese Bainbridge who had grown up under the stern, watchful eyes of Fiona Bainbridge. Of a young Reese Bainbridge who had talked to her, Suzy, when he needed the love and warmth of a real mother figure, and who had cried in her arms on many occasions because he missed his parents.

  Pam went to sleep that night feeling compassion for Reese Bainbridge, instead of the hurt she should have felt because of all the harsh things he’d said to her earlier in the evening. But the last thing that her mind registered before sleep claimed her was Reese’s voice accusing her of wearing a sexy outfit to seduce him. Hmmm, so he thought it was sexy, huh? She wore a small smile as sleep enveloped her.

  The next morning Pam dressed for work and slipped quietly out the front door, skipping her usual morning cup of coffee. She didn’t want to face anyone after last night’s fiasco.

  Her morning was progressing without any mishaps until she looked up and saw Sam Winger, the senior partner of Winger & Thomas, approaching her desk.

  “Good morning, Pam, how are you?” His voice was too cheerful, and suddenly Pam was on guard.

  “Just fine, Sam, and you?”

  “Oh, better than I deserve,” came his usual response. “Pam, you and Tom are living at the Bainbridge estate, aren’t you?”


  “Oh? I thought it was a permanent arrangement.”

  “I’m sure it’s not, Sam, but why are you asking?”

  “Well, um, well, the security service that we employ for this building has offered to clean our offices for free. They said we’re one of their preferred customers and they want to do this for us. And I thought that since you don’t have to pay rent and bills now, you don’t really need the extra job. Hell, I’m surprised you’ve stayed on with us, at all. But, don’t get me wrong, I don’t know what we’d do if you left.”

  A deadly, numbing rage slowly crept over Pam. How could Reese Bainbridge stoop so low? This was revenge, pure and simple. Damn him! Okay, so she really would like to have quit the cleaning job, but she’d kept it because it was wonderful to see her bank account growing. Plus, she’d kept it partly to spite Reese. And now he’d made her lose it.

  “Pam? Are you okay? You can keep the job if it’s going to be a problem.” Concern edged the older man’s voice, and Pam realized her emotions must be apparent on her face.

  “Oh, no, Sam, it’s not a problem. I’ll actually be glad to have a little extra time on my hands at night,” she lied. To do what? Sit in her room and try to avoid that asshole Reese Bainbridge? Or to spend it trying to seduce him? A slow smile spread across her face. Yes! She’d bring him down! He’d told her she didn’t know who she was messing with. Well, apparently, he didn’t know who he was messing with. He had no idea how far Pam would go to win a battle. And this was most definitely a battle now. He had brought it on!

  “Yes, I can see you’re feeling pretty good about the situation, so I’ll let you get back to work. And I’m serious, Pam, don’t even think about leaving Winger & Thomas. You’re very valuable to us.”

  Still smiling, Pam said, “Don’t worry, Sam, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Pam’s anger spurred her though the day, giving her extra energy to get more done than she’d expected to. But at times she’d find herself just staring into space, planning her revenge.

  She left work early, and as much as she hated to, headed into the Dallas traffic. Even though it was only June, the East Texas heat was already making itself known. But it didn’t take long to get to the local mall, where she spent several hours shopping for clothes, makeup and accessories. If Reese Bainbridge thought the outfit she had on last night was sexy, wait until he saw her in the things she bought today.

  Pam knew how to dress to bring out her best assets, and dressed accordingly in every situation, but since Tom’s accident she’d had to limit her spending, especially on clothes, so her wardrobe wasn’t what she’d like it to be. But she’d remedied that situation today.

  She groaned when she thought about how much money she’d spent. A big chunk of what she’d been able to save was blown. But it’d be worth it when she saw the reaction on Reese’s face. At least, that’s what she told herself.

  She made it home and to her room without having to face anyone. Good. After a long, relaxing bubble bath, she took her time dressing.

  Her surprise would be two-fold tonight. She wasn’t usually here for the dinners that were served at seven o’clock sharp each night, since she was normally working. And when she was here, she didn’t usually show up looking like a walking fashion show.

  She didn’t even know if Reese would be at home for dinner tonight, but if her plan was going to work she had to dress every night as if he would be here. Even if he didn’t show for dinner, he’d be home sometimes in the evening, and she’d make sure he saw her whenever he did show up.

  Smiling with satisfaction, she took one last look in the mirror. The mint green, three-piece pantsuit emphasized her green eyes. The material was soft and flowing, and she loved the way the duster-
length jacket flowed around her when she moved. The bodice, while not too snug, fit well enough to accentuate her curves.

  Feeling like a million dollars, Pam headed for the library, where Fiona liked for everyone to meet before dinner. She heard voices just before she reached the door of the library, and realized that Fiona and Reese were already there. They didn’t see her approach, and she caught enough of the conversation to sense they were having a heated argument, and that part of it was about her.

  “Should I come back after you’re finished with this discussion?” she asked.

  Startled, both people whirled to confront her. She watched with great satisfaction as two mouths dropped in astonishment.

  “Pam, what are you doing here?” Fiona shot at her. “Why aren’t you at work?”

  “Oh, I got tired of working all the time,” Pam said, holding Reese’s gaze, but trying not to show the belligerence she felt. “I decided to quit the cleaning job. I gave my notice to them this morning.” She thought she saw a brief moment of uncertainty flash in Reese’s eyes, but it was gone before she could be sure.

  “So, you’ll be with us each night for dinner? Or are you going out? You look absolutely stunning!” Fiona came toward Pam to give her a closer scrutiny.

  “Thank you, Fiona, and no, I’m not going out. I’ll be joining the family for dinner.”

  “If you’re not going out, why the hell are you dressed like that?” Reese’s low voice sliced across the room from where he still stood. He wore a pair of black slacks and a tan knit pullover shirt.

  Even though Fiona stressed that no one came to the table in attire that was too casual, she didn’t require formal dress, either.

  “Oh, I’ve decided that if I’m going to live in a beautiful house like this, I need to dress the part. Especially at dinner,” Pam answered sweetly.

  Fiona’s face suddenly lit with glee. “You go, girl,” she barely whispered for Pam’s ears only.

  Tom’s arrival stopped any reply Reese may have been planning.

  “Pam?” Tom’s voice reflected the shock on his face.

  “Hi, Tom, did you have a good day?” She greeted her brother warmly as she went to him and placed a kiss on his cheek, as she always did when she saw him at the end of their day.

  “Why aren’t you at work?” he asked, taking in her new look and about to comment on her clothes when Reese’s voice suddenly interrupted them.

  “She says she quit her cleaning job.” Pam didn’t miss the doubt he deliberately interjected.

  “Oh, Pam, I’m so glad. I’ve been worried about you.” Tom’s sincerity touched Pam.

  “Now that we have the family reunion over, can we possibly go in to dinner?” Reese interrupted.

  “Reese, is it impossible for you to be civil?” Fiona impatiently asked him.

  “If and when I find myself in a situation that deserves it, I can be extremely civil,” came his sardonic reply as he led the way from the room.

  “So you quit your cleaning job?” Reese’s voice suddenly brought everyone’s attention back to Pam.

  Suzy had just finished bringing in the food, and everyone was beginning to eat.

  “Yes,” Pam answered, smiling sweetly at him as she cut into her baked chicken. She could tell that not knowing what happened concerning the cleaning job was really eating at Reese. But if he found out anything differently, he’d find it out from someone else.

  “I see. Well, I wondered how long it’d be before you’d start taking advantage of the situation that you think you have here. Now I wonder how long it’ll be before you quit your other job.”

  “Reese!” Fiona warned.

  “That’s okay, Fiona,” Pam stopped her, before turning to fasten Reese with an icy green stare.

  “Mr. Winger informed me today that I wouldn’t be allowed to leave Winger & Thomas even if I wanted to. He said I am much too valuable for them to lose.”

  “And you’re as confident about that as you are about your situation here, aren’t you?” His taunting voice suddenly ignited the anger Pam had tried to conceal all evening.

  “Oh, I’m sure some imbecile could come along and buy them out and cause me to lose my job, but I don’t know of anyone desperate enough to do that right now. Do you, Reese?” Well, great! She’d said too much. Now he knew. She could tell by the blue gleam that engulfed her, that he knew.

  “What do you mean, ‘desperate,’ Pam? Aren’t you giving yourself way too much credit?”

  “Will one of you please tell me what you’re talking about?” Fiona suddenly interrupted the fiery exchange between the two.

  “It’s nothing!” Pam and Reese exclaimed in unison.

  “Pardon me, Reese?” Suzy hesitantly interrupted. “Odis is on the phone. He says no one’s showed up to clean the Winger & Thomas building, so what should he do?”

  Pam almost choked on the bite of food she’d just put into her mouth, as laughter exploded from her. Reese gave her a scalding glare as he left the room to talk on the phone.

  “Pam, I would really like to know what’s going on,” Fiona said. The look on her face implied that she intended to have an answer.

  “Then you need to speak with your grandson, Fiona. Because the only thing I know is that Mr. Winger told me this morning that the security service was going to provide free cleaning for the building, and I wouldn’t be needed anymore.”

  “What? Free? Why?”

  “Pam—it seems that I need your help,” Reese interrupted from the doorway. His face looked like a thunderstorm about to explode.

  “Not tonight, Reese, I have a headache,” Pam smiled sweetly.

  “Damn it, Pam, Jen’s baby got sick and she can’t do the cleaning. I really need your help.” For once, Reese Bainbridge was actually asking, not demanding.

  “Know this, Reese. I’ll go do the cleaning tonight, but it’s for Winger & Thomas, not for you. I don’t want to have to work in a dirty office tomorrow. I’ll have to go change to work clothes.”

  “Well, at least finish your dinner,” Fiona advised.

  “I’m not in the mood for food right now,” Pam said. “Maybe a little blood,” she ground at Reese, “but not food.”

  “Reese, I will speak with you in my office right now,” Fiona demanded, rising from her chair.



  Tom reached out and squeezed Pam’s hand as she walked past him. “I want to talk with you as soon as we get a chance,” he said.

  Pam nodded and went to her room to slip into a pair of faded jeans and a worn T-shirt. The anger she’d fought all day was almost ready to pour out in the form of tears, but she fought them back. Okay, maybe tonight hadn’t gone off without a hitch, but this was just the first night of the plan. She wasn’t daunted yet.

  Keys in hand, she was reaching for her car door when a voice startled her.

  “We’ll go in my car.” Reese had been waiting beside her car.


  “Yes, we. I’m going to help you.”

  Pam couldn’t stop the laugh that slipped from her throat. “The mighty Reese Bainbridge is going to clean toilets?”

  “Just come on,” he said, and headed for his car.

  Reluctantly, Pam followed. She had no desire to be trapped in his small sports car with Reese Bainbridge. Such close quarters. Suddenly the reluctance left her as she realized she’d been handed a wonderful opportunity to follow through with part of her plan.

  “It’s really nice of you to help me like this,” she said sweetly, as she slid into the seat beside him.

  Reese glanced at her, sensing her change of attitude, but didn’t respond.

  After fastening her seat belt, which emphasized her breasts by slicing right between them, Pam stretched around to look into the back seat of the car. As she did, one of her breasts grazed Reese’s arm as he was in the process of shifting gears. The gears ground as his arm momentarily froze at what he felt.

  “Stop it, Pam!” he demanded.
  “Stop what?” she asked innocently. She really hadn’t planned what happened, but was encouraged by his reaction.

  “I’ve already warned you, you don’t want to play with me.”

  “Yeah, yeah, fire burns, blah, blah, blah,” she taunted.

  Before she knew what was happening the car had screeched to a stop and Reese was reaching for her. Her gasp of surprise gave him full access to her parted lips as his mouth covered hers.

  He had stopped the car in the shadows of the trees that lined the long driveway to Bainbridge Hall, so they were in no danger of being seen. For that reason the swiftly approaching car was practically upon them before they were aware of the bright lights flooding them. Reese barely had time to sit back in his seat before the car came to a screeching stop beside them.

  “Hi, Reese, darling, it’s so good to see you,” Sharon’s voice called as she let her car window down. At that moment she spotted Pam, and her welcoming smile froze on her lips. “Am I interrupting something?” Her warm voice turned cold and hard.

  “No, I just pulled over to check something,” Reese evaded.

  “Well, where are you going? Did you forget our date?” Honey dripped from her voice as she asked the question.

  “Oh, damn! Actually, I did. I had an emergency arise at the Winger & Thomas building, and that’s where we were headed. I’m sorry, Sharon, can we postpone until tomorrow night?”

  “But, Reese,” the honey voice suddenly turned to little-girl whining, “I’m all dressed up just for you.”

  “Oh, good grief! Just go!” Pam quietly admonished Reese. “I’m quite capable of taking care of the emergency.”

  Not missing the sarcasm in her voice, Reese turned to Pam. “Are you sure?”

  The green glare she sent him was all the answer he received.

  “Okay, Sharon. Pam says she can handle the emergency. Meet us back at the house.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!” Sharon gushed. “See, the fat girls are always easy-going and agreeable.” She screeched her tires toward Bainbridge Hall.


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