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Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 12

by Rebecca Joyce

  “Now, my dear,” Matthew said, helping Macie to stand. “Is there something you would like to say?”

  “Fuck you! You had no right!” Macie stood, rubbing her bright-red derriere.

  Gabriel snickered. “Oh, beautiful, that was the wrong answer.”

  For the next twenty minutes, Jeff and his guests watched as Matthew and Doc proceeded to spank, whip, and then fuck Macie as she was blindfolded, gagged, and tied to the Saint Andrew’s Cross in the gym. When the discipline scene was over, Macie seemed to be in a more congenial mood, as she apologized to the men for her impertinent behavior.

  Smiling, a look of euphoria crossed her face when she announced, “Gentlemen, dinner is ready.”

  * * * *

  The glow of the dimmed lighting complimented the soft background music playing throughout the house. She sat there quietly and slowly ate the superbly prepared dinner before her.

  Breathing normally was out the question, as were her typical speed-eating habits. Her breaths were controlled, as was the reduced pace in which she was forced to eat, although she didn’t mind either factor.

  She was rather comfortable in the situation she found herself navigating through. Underneath her long cascades of curls was the reason to slow her eating and change her breathing pattern.

  A corset.

  Not just any corset, but a corset with built in vibrating anal beads and a clit vibrator.

  It had a closed measurement of twenty-four inches, with a remote that could cinch her down to eighteen inches, but Jeff only laced her down to twenty. She was bound tight. The pressure on her lower spine and abdomen actually forced her to sit properly and maintain a neat posture. She felt the gentle constriction with every breath. They had told her to behave or they would take it in more, and she believed them. “We expect you to be on your best behavior while we are entertaining, or having this corset fully laced won’t be the last of your fears. Do you understand?”

  Their words still echoed in her mind.

  Instead of terror, like most women would feel in that instance, she only felt tranquility. She looked up at them and smiled. Their eyes were directed to the bloodred corset that was hugging her pert breasts, but also barely hidden from the others view.

  She enjoyed their dominance over her.

  Janie had absolutely no reason to resist them, nor did she want to.

  She knew the rules, but when she looked up, her eyes caught Jeff’s. Casting her eyes back down, she silently cursed herself. Jeff and Caleb had made it perfectly clear that the eye contact was not acceptable. So when she saw him reaching for the little silver remote next to his plate, she shivered, wondering what he was going to do.

  Janie nearly bolted from the chair with the level of vibrations channeling from the devices in her ass and on her clit.

  Her brain told her to put her eyes down, place both palms down on the table, and sit upright, but her body remained motionless as the corset was set to the lowest setting. Her breathing hitched, attracting the others at the table. Blushing scarlet, she closed her eyes and focused on the task at hand.

  Do not come. Do not come. She said the mantra over and over in her mind. Oh my god! I can’t do this. Oh wow, this feels good. Focus, Janie. You can do this!

  After a moment, and regaining her composure, she kept her eyes fixed down and her hands motionless on the table before them.

  Softly whispering an apology, she sighed when he clicked the remote off.

  She smiled when Jeff resumed carving up his bloodred steak. She had to admit to herself that she was shocked that she was still sitting across the table from him when all she wanted was the blessed release of the orgasm that hovered just beyond her reach.

  * * * *

  She did look beautiful, like she belonged there. Her spirit was remarkable, and he was in awe of her. Caleb knew Jeff was having fun. Hell he was, too, but he was itching to get this stupid dinner over. His balls hurt, his dick was throbbing against his jeans, and if she moaned one more time, he was going to come in his pants.

  Looking at his brother, he questioned his decision, but seeing the beautiful blush on Janie’s face, he chose not to say anything. Instead, he turned his attention to their guest.

  “So, Braxton, any word on the charter?”

  “Matthew was going over the original charter last week, when he recognized one of the signatures. It seems that it was not just our families that created the charter, but some acquaintances also. Matthew thinks those acquaintances’ children are who our ancestors married. Either way, now he is trying to track the genealogy of those families as well,” Braxton offered.

  “The problem is that there are too many families and so much data that I’m overwhelmed. Every time I think I make a breakthrough, another family pops up and I have to add them to his list,” Matthew continued.

  “So, what you’re saying is that your work had doubled and we don’t know anything yet?” Jeff asked dryly.

  “Yep. That about sums it up.”

  “If you were to compile a file data sheet and program that file to find the matching factors, then your work would be less, therefore eliminating half of the work,” she muttered.

  When all eyes turned to look at her, Janie’s face immediately blushed as she instantly regretted speaking.

  Oh, why did you have to open your big mouth? She chastised herself, knowing any minute Jeff or Caleb would instill her punishment.

  Hoping to squelch any forms of retribution, she immediately lowered her head and apologized once again, praying they would accept it.

  They didn’t!

  * * * *

  The telltale sound of soft buzzing had been going on for over thirty minutes now. Though the conversation had continued, their male guests never commented. Occasionally, a guest would look her way, smile, then return to the conversation at hand.

  Caleb asked, “So we don’t have any legal rights to our land?”

  “No, I didn’t say that. As of right now, technically you do. But there is an underwriter to your deed. All of us who own land have this same underwriter, even Andrew and I. I am trying to track down this person, but so far nothing. I am beginning to believe this person is a ghost. The problem with chasing a ghost is that they are never found,” Matthew informed Caleb.

  “Who is this person?” asked Braxton.

  Matthew sighed and said, “Diana Bertrum-Drake.”

  “Who the hell is that?” Jeff asked.

  “No clue. Every search I have done has turned up nothing. I even went as far back as to when the town was created. There was nobody named Diana Bertrum-Drake. Not here in the states or in England. Like I said before, I’m chasing a ghost.” Matthew sighed, running his hands through his hair.

  They all knew it was frustrating for Matthew. He was giving the town charter his full attention, but unless there was a breakthrough, they were all stuck.

  The thought of handing over their lands to the woman they married didn’t sit well with the ranchers. Even the wives who had recently found out that they owned everything had tried to turn the land back over to their spouses, but because of the way the charter was written, if they had children, their children owned the land, thus starting the chain reaction all over again.

  It was a soft whimper coming from the end of the table which interrupted their conversation. All eyes turned to the woman who sat quietly as possible. Her face was brightly flushed the prettiest shade of pink. Her breathing increased, giving them all a beautiful view of her voluptuous breasts, but when her mouth popped open, she whimpered as the buzzing immediately stopped.

  Caleb smiled as her shoulders slumped and she moaned her denial. Her bottom lip pushed put in the most adorable little pout, making him want nothing more than to suck that bottom lip into his mouth.

  Jeff had denied her yet another orgasm.

  He watched as her breathing slowly returned to normal, and her pretty pink flush began to fade. Caleb knew that eventually Jeff would let her come, but even he wasn’t sure
when. Caleb had to admit that this was hands down their best dinner party, and having Janie there, writhing in ecstasy, just made it all better.

  Grinning, Jeff asked, “Did you need something, cupcake?”

  “No, Sir,” she responded softly, shaking her head no.

  “I must congratulate you, Jeffery, and you, too, Caleb. Your Janie is just a delight to watch,” Gabriel offered.

  Braxton smiled. “Gabe’s right. She has come a long way in such a short time.”

  “And what about our other beautiful guest? Seriously, brother, she has done well this last hour. We should reward her,” Andrew said, looking at his brother Matthew.

  All eyes, even Janie’s, turned to look at Macie.

  Sitting quietly beside Matthew, she looked furious. Thanks to the ball gag, which prevented her from speaking, the meal was eaten in relative peace. If it also wasn’t for the handcuffs around her hands and feet, Caleb would bet the farm this lovely meal she prepared would have been over Matthew’s and Doc’s head.

  Caleb knew the moment Matthew removed that gag, Macie was gonna blow. She wasn’t one to take any shit lying down, and in his opinion, even though she denied her true feelings for the Jenkins brothers, her stubborn nature was going to prevent her from submitting to them. Oh, those two definitely had their work cut out, but the reward was so much sweeter in the end. Caleb couldn’t wait for them to begin pursuing her full-time.

  “I don’t know, Andrew. She still looks mighty pissed, and I haven’t finished my wine,” Matthew advised, looking the tied-up woman in question in her eyes.

  Her growls were heard clearly, and if Caleb was correct, Macie had just warned Matthew of a castrated bull?

  Gabriel’s laughter rang out along with Jeff’s as they apparently heard what she said correctly.

  “Matthew, a small warning, let Andrew release her bonds. I suggest you run when he does,” Gabriel offered gleefully.

  “Jeff?” Janie piped up at that moment.

  “Yes, cupcake?” Smiling, Jeff gave Janie his full attention.

  “It’s an anagram.”

  “What is, Janie?”

  “The name Diana Bertrum-Drake.”

  “What are you saying, Janie?” Jeff questioned, getting to his feet walking over to her. Caleb watched as he helped her to stand, thus ending the dinner.

  “The name is an anagram. Jeff, I know I’m right. The name Diana Bertum-Drake is also Duke Adrian Bertram,” she said seriously, looking Jeff in the eyes.

  “And you just figured this out in less than a couple of minutes?” Braxton said sarcastically.

  “Our Janie is a smart cookie, Braxton,” Caleb huffed, annoyed that the sheriff would ignore her suggestion. Walking over to Janie, he kissed her cheek. “Beauty and brains. How did we get so lucky?”

  “The beautiful lady is correct,” Gabriel said. “The name is an anagram. I am most impressed, Janie. Well done. Jeffery, you must reward this beautiful woman.”

  “I intended to, several times,” Jeff said, looking at Janie, who blushed scarlet.

  “Well, gentlemen, I believe that is our cue. Please, join me in my private suite at The Cave. Entertainment is on me,” Gabriel offered, walking toward the door with Braxton and Doc, but when Matthew picked up the chair with Macie still attached, their laughter bellowed throughout the house.

  “Matt, what in the hell are you doing?” Doc laughed.

  “Oh, taking her with us. She needs more attention.” Matthew grinned, walking out the front door, with Macie, chair and all.

  “Oh this is going to be a fun night. I love surprise guests.” Gabriel clapped, following the rest of them.

  * * * *

  Alone at last, Jeff cupped Janie’s face and planted a soft kiss upon her lips.

  “You, cupcake, did very well. How about Caleb and I reward you properly?” he asked.

  “Oh yes, please.” She smiled demurely.

  And that was exactly what they did for the next two hours.

  Chapter Twelve

  Saturday had finally arrived, and within a couple of hours, most of the ranching families would be arriving for the BBQ. Jeff and Caleb were outside setting up the tents and helping the ranch hands with games and activities for the kids. At her request, they left Janie the house.

  Moving throughout the house, Janie maneuvered in and out with the furniture. With most of the ranchers and their wives coming over for the barbeque to talk about the charter, she wanted the house to look spotless. She had a lot of work cut out for her, as the house did house two bachelors. Even with her staying here, the house still needed a lot of work and cleaning.

  So with rag and Windex in hand, she began her day.

  Moving along, she soon had the bedrooms picked up, and the beds made and vacuumed. The bathrooms were all sterilized, and now all that was left was the living room and kitchen. Waning and almost out of steam, Janie walked into the kitchen for a pick-me-up. Pouring herself another cup of coffee, she leaned against the granite counters and surveyed the living room, where she saw the expensive stereo system. Smiling to herself, she walked over and hit the power button.

  The sounds of Great White’s “Once Bitten Twice Shy” thumped from the walls.

  Letting the beat of the high-tempo rock song invade her body, she slowly began to move. Laying her cup on the coffee table, she sashayed and twirled. Reaching for the rag, she left the kitchen counter.

  Dipping down to her knees and arching her back as she came back up, Janie got into a sensual rhythm, allowing the music to dictate the moves.

  Within seconds, Janie had gotten into the groove of the song, and was soon gyrating, and swinging her hips to the beat. Letting herself go, she felt free as the music flowed all around her.

  * * * *

  Jeff and Caleb walked out of the barn dusting dirt from their jeans, only to come face-to-face with most of the members of the ranching community. Braxton Connelly, the Quinn Brothers, along with their wife, Emma, Brannon, and Conner Kincade, the McDaniel Brothers, and even Doc Jenkins and his brother Michael were there, but it was their stunned faces that stopped Jeff and Caleb.

  “Hey, guys. Why ya’ll waitin’ out here? Janie won’t mind if ya’ll go on in,” Caleb asked.

  “Uh, Caleb, if you get tired of Janie, call us,” Orin McDaniel said, never taking his eyes off the front of the house.

  Jeff and Caleb moved closer to see what the problem was. As they moved closer, they could hear the loud music coming from inside the house. Drawing closer, their jaws dropped and hearts stopped.

  Caleb slapped Jeff against his chest, halting their movements as they all watched their gentle, shy librarian dance seductively around the house. It was hands down one of the most erotic moments of his life.

  “Holy fuck!” Caleb moaned as Janie dipped, touching the floor, and slowly came back up, licking her lips.

  Oh, momma! Caleb thought as he wiped the drool from his mouth. His flaming rock-hard cock burst against his jeans, ready to erupt in record time.

  “It’s always the quiet ones,” Doc Jenkins muttered, looking at his brother Michael.

  “Think she could teach me to move that way?” Emma asked.

  “Oh, princess, you move just fine,” Travis replied.

  “Yeah, but not like that!” Tucker added, and was slapped upside the head by Tate.

  “What are we gonna do, Jeff? We can’t barge in there. She will be embarrassed,” Caleb asked, looking to his brother for a solution. But Jeff couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  Jeff stood rooted in place, staring straight ahead, ignoring everyone, watching his Janie move to the beat of the music. As she moved around the house, her hips swayed and shook. Her carefree expression was priceless as she allowed herself the freedom of expression. After everything they had been through, Janie was coming into her own, and today proved it. No longer the timid little flower, she was blossoming, and by god, she was something beautiful to behold.

  As the song faded, Caleb grabbed him by the shirt.
“Jeff! We have to do something. The next song! Remember last night!”

  But it was too late. The moment Jeff heard the opening beat of Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar on Me” he knew he had to stop her before things got out of hand. Running fast past their guest, Jeff prayed he made it in time.

  He jumped the stairs in one large leap, reaching for the front door. Opening it, Jeff came face-to-face with a half-naked Janie, gyrating and pleasuring herself. Quickly closing the curtains, Jeff locked the front door and leaned against it to keep the others from entering.

  He knew Caleb would keep them entertained outside while he took care of Janie.

  Trying to catch his breath, he watched as she slowly removed the rest of her clothes. The music pulsed all around her as she closed her eyes and danced.

  Grabbing one of the support columns in the living room, Janie slowly rocked her body in a wave motion as if she were on a stage, performing just for him. As she rubbed her shaved pussy against the column, Jeff groaned.

  Oh yeah, cupcake is so getting a stripper pole for Christmas!

  Watching her, Jeff unzipped his jeans and grabbed his hard cock. Stroking it, he pleasured himself as Janie danced for him. When she looked over and saw him, he damn near came in his hands as she smiled brightly, licking her lips. He watched as she grabbed her chest, pinching her nipples. Slowly moving toward him, she moved to the beat, enticing him, drawing every last breath from him.

  She stopped before him and turned, bending over, rubbing her ass against his cock, teasing him. That erotic move did it. Jeff grabbed her hips, and he jerked her against him. She continued to move her hips, rubbing against him, eliciting a growl deep within him.

  Fuck his guests. They could wait!

  Unable to handle anymore, Jeff took his cock and slammed it hard into her wet pussy.

  As the music played, he shoved his throbbing cock into her as her sensual movements aroused him more. Wanting it to last, he tried to gain some control, but that flew out the window when she clinched her tight pussy and ground against him.


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