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Bartender with Benefits

Page 60

by Mickey Miller

  “Hey Brett,” Troy says, standing right in front of me. “I was just wanting to ask you something.”

  “Ask away,” she says. She switches her hair over the side of her ear, a little bit surprised.

  “Yeah, I wanted to ask; are you going to go to the happy hour later?”

  Jealousy rises in my stomach as I watch the two interact. As much as I want to get mad at Troy, I can't hate on him for what he's doing. Who the hell wouldn't want to go to the happy hour with Brett? She's the fucking prize of the office as far as I'm concerned. I watch the interaction curiously; Brett in front of me, to my left, and Troy in front of me to my right. He's definitely checking her out. I think my angle is better though.

  “I would love to go to happy hour,” Brett smiles, “but I've just been putting in some really long hours at work and I was planning on catching up on some rest later. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to take a rain check.”

  “That's all right,” Troy says. And I can tell he's trying genuinely not to sound surprised or dejected; even though he is. “It's not a big deal at all, just thought I'd ask, maybe some other time.”

  “Yes, sure,” she agrees. “maybe some other time.” Troy nods as the elevator comes to a stop at floor fourteen.

  “All right well, guess I'll see you cats at the next meeting,” he says as he steps out.

  He disappears down the hallway, and the elevator dings shut.

  Then it's just Brett and I together in the elevator alone. Brett exhales.

  “I'm so slammed today. So much work to do this afternoon.”

  “Yeah, you are slammed,” I say with a smirk. I press the emergency stop button on the elevator and it comes to a halt. Brett freezes.

  “Oh my gosh, what on Earth are you doing”?

  “Well, according to Lacy and Zane, Lacy wanted to get caught off guard today.”

  “Here?” she gasps.

  “Yes,” I confirm, smirking. “Right fucking here.”

  I pin her body hard up against the clean silver metal of the elevator. She moans beneath me as I take hold of her hot creamy thighs, dragging my hand up the back of them. I grab her ass.

  “But we're not actually going to do it here, are we? There's a camera. Isn't someone going to see, the security guard maybe?” She nods toward the digital surveillance camera that's been placed in the elevator.

  “So,” I grunt. “What do you care if we give them a little show?”

  She laughs. “Aren't we supposed to be keeping this a secret?” I look at her sky blue eyes dead on.

  “Don't worry. I did a little project this morning. As in, I replaced that camera with a personal camera.”

  She raises an eyebrow. “So this will be saved for what exactly?”

  I shrug. “I mean, I figured I could give you a copy to watch after we're done and that way you could take notes, just in case you wanted to go back and add some of this in and see what happens between Lacy and Zane.”

  “Oh so thoughtful of you, Bossman.” I let my hands drift up her stomach and sneak them underneath her bra. She moans so I grab both of her tits. I search for and find her nipples, delicately running my thumbs across them. They're hard, standing on end.

  “If you don't want to do this we don't have to.” I smirk.

  “Stop teasing me. Just fuck me,” she begs in a whisper. “Please.”

  Her voice is low, as if she's embarrassed she wants it this bad. I tip her chin to me. “Brett, you're so damn sexy. I couldn't stop thinking the whole meeting how I was going to do this with you.”

  She hesitates, and I take the time to cover her mouth with mine for a kiss. Our bodies gyrate against each other as we make out in the elevator.

  I love the feeling of her hips spurring against me, and I reciprocate her sense of urgency. There will be a time for hour long lovemaking sessions between us in the future, but right now, this is about giving Brett what she wanted; what she wrote about:

  A dirty quickie that takes her by surprise.

  My cock is so hard now, I could cut diamonds with it. She runs her hand over my pants and gets busy undoing my belt, taking down my zipper. In the confined space, the entire elevator fills with her perfumed scent mixed with our sweat. Her breath smells like cherry lip gloss and freshness and sex and everything that's good in the world. I wrap my arms around her body, feeling every inch of her flesh available to me within my reach. I want to feel her in every way possible. I run my hand under her clothes over her back, bring them around to her stomach, and gently up to her breasts. She reaches inside my pants, grabs hold of my cock, and whispers in my ear; her voice soft and throaty. “Bossman, I want you so bad right now.”

  “And what Brett wants, Brett gets,” I murmur. I reach between her legs, she's already soaking wet. I flick her clit for a few moments with my finger, letting her soft moans spur on my enthusiasm. I love the way she sounds when she’s turned on like this. She anxiously pulls down my pants and briefs with one motion, and my cock flops out. Her jaw drops.

  She drops to her knees and takes me into her mouth, sucking the tip. I lean back and groan. Fuck, she feels amazing. I look down and watch her blonde hair bobbing back and forth.

  I can’t believe how dirty innocent little Brett is capable of being with me.

  And I love it.

  I don't think H.R. would be okay with this if they knew it was going on. But then again, I can't think very clearly right now with my cock inches deep in Brett’s mouth. She takes me whole, sending pleasure rocking from my spine through my entire body.

  “Fuck, Brett,” I moan. “What are you doing to me?” She glances up at me and doesn’t say a thing, she just smiles as she runs her hand back and forth on the shaft of my cock. I smile down at her and take a mental snapshot for posterity. This is one of those moments in life you can't get back, one of those moments that you don't have a camera with you to take that picture. But I'll definitely remember this one forever. Brett's ruby red lips locked around my cock as we lock eyes. I grip and massage her neck and lean down.

  “Baby, stand up,” I growl into her ear.

  She does as she's told, and stands before me. I reach under her dress, pull down her panties, and pull her into me, nibbling at her ear and growling.

  “Turn your gorgeous body around, Princess.”

  Without a word, she turns around and sticks her arms out to brace herself for what she knows is coming. Well, she'll be coming too but first, I hike her blue dress up above her ass and look down at the luscious round thing.

  “Holy fucking shit, baby. I'm so hard right now. It's fucking awesome. Are you ready for this?” She groans.

  “Just fuck me already will you. Please.”

  I push in just the tip. She's tight and still swollen from last night. I gently push in a few inches and start to move a little bit.

  “Relax baby.”

  “It's big though.”

  “And you're so tight.” I chuckle.

  “Maybe it's a little bit of both,” she says. Gradually, I thrust in deeper. Pleasure runs through my spine; through my whole body. Just touching her makes me electric. I grab onto her hips and thrust all the way in; she lets out a stifled moan when I bottom out.



  The next couple of weeks at Blackwell Industries are very intense. And when I say intense, I’m referring to a variety of areas.

  To start with, Sebastian and I do it in almost every room in the Blackwell Building we can reasonably hook up in.

  The janitor closet.

  The gym.

  His secretary’s desk when we’re doing a little role-playing.

  The list goes on and on.

  But there's more. I finish with Lacy and Zane's story, so now I'm in the editing phase of the book.

  Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep everything afloat that I'm doing for my day job.

  Somehow, Sebastian and I haven’t been found out yet. The way we’re sneaking around, it only feels like a matter of time until we slip up, or a
weird coincidence results in us getting caught.

  My responsibilities at this job have shifted, too. Sebastian claims he has nothing to do with my added responsibility, and that it’s been mostly Bob’s idea.

  But today, I’m tasked with reaching out to distributors to help find a way for the distillery to open its doors two months early.

  As I sit at my desk, what I really want to be doing is editing my novel. It's almost to the point where I'm confident enough to let Crystal read it. She's been bugging me to show her the book for a while.

  I click off the browser I'm using for work stuff and click back onto the Google document where I have the first draft of my book saved.

  As I skim the book, a fear pops into my head: If Crystal reads the book, and she knows that I have a real life inspiration for the book, won't she immediately realize that I've been sleeping with Sebastian Blackwell all this time?

  I run a hand through my hair and lean back in my chair, taking a deep breath. I don't like thinking about Crystal--or anyone--knowing what I've been up to at my new job.

  My paranoia has nothing to do with the NDA I signed either.

  My problem has more to do with my own negative self-judgment.

  I’ve felt more sexually liberated with Sebastian than I ever thought was possible.

  Yet another part of me though, feels off with how things are between us.

  I don’t want to be that girl, asking about where the relationship is going when Sebastian has a million important things on his mind every day.

  But I can’t help but think, is this it?

  Is this as far as we’ll get with the emotional profundity of our relationship? I’m grateful for the inspiration he’s given me. But will we ever be something more?

  Then again, I didn’t come into this looking for a marriage proposal.

  I scroll through the exploits of Lacy and Zane, noting where they did it in the different chapters. Their love life is more or less a mirror of the sex life between Sebastian and I, except theirs has a happy ending. Sebastian has even written a healthy amount of the chapters from Zane's point of view.

  When I started this job and this benefits situation with my boss I figured it wouldn't last very long. Maybe it would be a one-night thing. But now, the way I'm thinking about him, everything has changed.

  I decide I need to tell him how I feel.

  “Brett,” a voice says over my shoulder. “What are you working on, honey?”

  My heart lurches when I realize two things. One, this is Bob looking over my shoulder, and I absolutely don’t want him to see the dirty words on the screen, and start asking questions about what I’m doing during work hours. Two, Bob just called me honey.

  “Oh, nothing,” I say in a sing-song voice, minimizing the Google Docs browser.

  “Really?” he says, crossing his arms. “Because that sure as hell didn’t look like nothing. I think I saw some dirty words on the screen. What exactly are you writing? I hope it wouldn’t be anything to violate the rules of the handbook.”

  Before I can stop him, Bob leans in and moves the mouse to bring back up the Google document that houses my erotic novel. I freeze like a deer in headlights.

  As Bob scrolls, the novel happens to be on a particularly dirty session between Zane and Lacy.

  In an elevator. I wonder where I got that inspiration.

  “What the...what the hell?! Oh my gosh, is this a sex scene? About a boss and employee?”

  For a moment Bob looks at me like I'm a sexual object for his taking, which sends a cold shiver down my spine. I want to tell him so badly that I'm taken, and I want to tell him by who.

  But I can't.

  “You know, that’s weird...I think my friend sent me that Google document,” I say, nudging Bob’s hand, taking the mouse, and exiting out of the document. “She was playing a trick on me I think.”

  I muster a partial smile.

  Bob’s face turns part sinister, part creepy. “You know. If you ever need anything Brett, I’m here for you.”

  “I'm good, thanks. Anyways I have a lot of work to do so I'm going to get to it.”

  Bob leans back, his hands on his hips. He furrows his brow.

  “You know what? I don't like your snarky attitude.”

  “Snarky? I’m not snarky at all!”

  “There. See that snark! Denying it again. I think I’m going to put you on notice with HR.”

  My heart races a little bit, and I’m not sure why Bob is being such a dick all of a sudden. “Human Resources?”

  “That’s right. I don’t know what they’d think of you typing such a weird thing at work. Or even pulling it up on your computer, for that matter.”

  The last thing I want is a complaint lodged with Human Resources, and for them to start digging deeper into everything. God only knows what the consequences would be if they have access to all of my files.

  As if things can’t get any worse, Kim Murphy must have heard the commotion between us, and out of the corner of my eye I see her approaching.

  “Hello.” She smiles callously. “What’s all the commotion about?”

  Bob sneers. “It seems like Brett here has a habit of getting off task. She won’t tell me exactly what she’s working on, but it’s making me suspicious.

  As if he’s got a radar that senses everything, Sebastian suddenly materializes behind Bob.

  “Everything all right here?” his voice booms, and Bob launches into the explanation again.

  “No.” Bob crosses his arms. “As a matter of fact, everything's not alright. Your new hire here is working on some rather illicit materials during work hours.”

  Sebastian rocks back on his heel and crosses his arms as if he's very upset. “You don't say. What's this all about, Brett? Is this true?”

  I swallow. “I told Bob. It was just a note that a friend sent me. I shouldn’t have opened it at work. It was a mistake. I won’t do it again.”

  “I’m going to let Human resources know. I don’t trust her, to be honest, Sir,” Bob says. “Her productivity numbers are quite low for a girl who spends so much time here. I have a feeling she’s been working on something non-work related.”

  Sebastian rubs a hand and finger on his chin, as if he is thinking hard. “No,” he says. “Don’t call HR. You know what, let me handle this one personally. Brett, come on into my office.”

  “Are you sure?” Kim interrupts. “You have so much on your plate lately. I feel like you’ve been missing some meetings and people don’t know where you are.”

  A guilty feeling wooshes through me, because for many of those missed meetings, I’m the one he was with. I absolutely do not want to go with Kim, though.

  Sebastian squints, mulling it over.

  “I’ll handle it. Come with me, Brett.”

  His voice is dominant-sounding, and a little different than the tone he usually uses with me.

  It’s his boss voice.

  “Yes Sir,” I say. I get up, lock my computer, and follow behind Sebastian, feeling the disapproving gaze of Bob at my back.

  Kim scowls even harder at me, and I feel a tinge of jealousy coming from her for the added attention Sebastian is giving me.

  Or maybe I’m just imagining that. I can’t tell.

  When we arrive at his office, Fiona greets me with a smile. “Oh hi, Brett,” she says and stands up. “I didn’t know you had a ten a.m. appointment today. Is this on the schedule?”

  “Not on the schedule,” Sebastian booms. “Clear my morning. I have something I need to deal with.”

  “Oh,” she says, glancing at me. “Will do.”

  Sebastian opens the door to his office. “After you, Miss Blue.”

  “Thank you.”

  I walk into Sebastian’s office, and just knowing I’m in his lair, in his space, turns me on. I’ve been with him so often in here lately, my body already revs up just by stepping inside his office and being near his presence.

  I sit down in the chair, cross my legs, and s
traighten out the black skirt I have on today.

  Sebastian grabs a glass of water and leans against his desk. His light blue suit glimmers in the morning sunlight seeping through the window.

  “How are you doing? Bob fuck with you?”

  “Bob is acting really weird,” I say. “And he saw me pull up the document with Lacy and Zane’s story. I’m worried he’s going to report me to HR and they’ll start looking into my computer usage. You know, like you did.”

  Sebastian nods and takes a sip of his water, his gaze steely. “That could be an issue.”

  “Is that something they might do?” I ask.

  The thought crosses my mind that I don’t want to be talking about the logistics of getting caught.

  I really just wish we were out in the open. Sneaking around has been fun, but it’s getting old.

  “They certainly have the power to do so. But I also have the power to tell them to look the other way. Rex is the head of HR. He’s a good friend. I’ve hired him personally. I’ll make sure he squashes any reports coming in.”

  I rub my forehead with two fingers. “Sebastian, can I ask you a question?”

  “Uh oh. One of those questions that has to be prefaced by you asking me a question.”

  “What, are you nervous?”

  “I have ice in my veins,” he says with a smirk. “There’s not much that makes me nervous anymore. What’s your question?”

  I get up from my chair and walk over to him. He watches me closely. I swear he doesn’t even blink.

  “Fuck, you look sexy today,” he says with a wide grin.

  “We’re not changing the subject,” I say. “I want to know something. You’ll think it’s silly though.”

  “It’s not silly if you’re thinking it. What is it?”

  I sigh, and put my hand on his forearm. His body feels hot. “It’s just that, what are we doing here, you and me?”

  Sebastian rakes a hand through his hair. “What are we...doing?” he snorts. “I mean I think we’ve been having a great time getting to know each other. That’s what we’ve been doing.”


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