Book Read Free

At Your Service

Page 4

by Alysha Ellis

  With her mouth full of Harry’s cock she couldn’t answer, couldn’t even shake her head, she simply stopped any attempt to change her position. She wrapped her hands around the base of Harry’s cock, her thumbs brushing up against something that dangled between Harry’s legs. The skin covering the globules was wrinkly and soft and strangely elastic. When Harry and Drake had been naked before, her attention had been so focused on their cocks, she hadn’t even noticed these. She slipped one hand down to cup them, surprised at the heavy weight.

  Drake thrust two fingers up inside her cunt then pulled out again. He twirled them, wet with the moisture that flooded her, around the hooded button he’d called her bean. She sucked in a lungful of sex-scented air. The inward rush pulled Harry’s cock. Beneath her hand, the swinging sacs she hadn’t yet had time to fully explore tightened.

  Drake stood suddenly, wrapping his arms around Mary’s waist and dragging her away. Harry’s cock slipped free of her mouth with a wet pop.

  She twisted her head and looked at him in lust-dazed confusion.

  “That’s enough,” he growled. “I don’t want either of you to come yet.”

  He grabbed their hands and pulled them to their feet. He gripped and pushed and arranged them as if they were mannequins he could pose in any way he wished. He lowered Mary onto the daybed, legs apart, knees raised. Harry knelt before her. His eyelids were heavy, the pupils dilated and black.

  She smiled and held out her arms and Harry settled into them.

  His cock pressed up against her cunt and she gladly opened to receive him.

  Drake maintained his control of them, pulling Harry’s legs wide on either side of Mary’s feet. He pushed his head down, so Harry took all his weight on his elbows, then stepped back and tore off his own clothes. Again he reached under the bed for the pot of salve.

  Mary waited, her inner muscles slowly clamping and releasing around Harry but not moving in any other way. Drake would tell them what they should do.

  Drake knelt behind Harry and wrapped his arms around Harry’s hips.

  Mary watched Harry’s eyes widen and even though she couldn’t see, she knew Drake had pushed his cock deep into Harry’s arse. He began slowly, each thrust and retreat pushing Harry’s cock into Mary. She shivered with the power of being fucked by both.

  Drake thrust harder and faster. Harry, sandwiched between them, flexed and groaned. The position should have been awkward or uncomfortable but Mary’s excitement rose to fever pitch. The harder Drake drove into Harry the better it felt, the closer she came to that screaming whirlwind that carried her away. She wanted it, begged for it but Drake panted, “Not yet.”

  She fought to obey, every breath a battle but the forces were too powerful. A stream of constant supplication poured from her lips. “Please. Please. Please.”

  “Now,” Drake commanded and the walls of her cunt twitched then pulsed with wave after wave of release.

  Above her, Harry’s crisis came upon him and again she felt the hot splash of semen. Drake grabbed Harry. Harry’s cock almost slipped out but Mary lifted her hips to follow him and keep him lodged there. Waves of aftershock pumped on and on.

  Drake’s upper body arched and he lifted his head and gave a feral howl. Then he slumped forward, his forehead resting on Harry’s back.

  Mary dropped her head onto the headrest and Harry collapsed beside her, his head next to hers, hair a tangled sweaty mess.

  After a moment, Drake stirred and stood. He pulled Harry up, then helped Mary to her feet. He wrapped his arms around them both and kissed first Mary, then Harry.

  They stood there for several minutes, a tight triangle. Mary’s knees were shaky and she doubted if she could have stayed standing if not for Drake and Harry’s support. Yet she didn’t want to let go, didn’t want to sit down. The sex they had just had had been dirty and sweaty and rough and she had loved it. She wasn’t ready to wash away the evidence, don her prim society clothes and return to the barren world outside the summerhouse. All her father’s money, all her privileged lifestyle could not give her what she had here.

  At last, Harry stirred. “We’ll need to go to the house. We’ll only just have time to change for dinner.”

  Drake took a step back. “And I need to get to work.”

  Mary looked at him, trying to read his expression. Was he still offended by her earlier insensitivity? He smiled at her and she relaxed. The roles of master and servant had been incinerated by the raging fires that consumed them.

  Chapter Four

  That night she sat at the dinner table as usual. She spoke placidly to her brothers and sisters and her parents. She and Harry exchanged nothing more than glances. Restraint between them seemed natural. Everything that needed to be communicated was done in the summerhouse under Drake’s control. It was almost as if they had two lives. One was routine structured, socially acceptable and one was the wild passion that existed only when they escaped the bonds of the everyday.

  At the end of the meal, the female members of the party and the younger boys stood and left Harry and her father to their after-dinner port.

  The children retired to the nursery as was customary and Mary sat with her sewing. The return of the men to the drawing room took much longer than usual. Twice Mary’s mother sent the pot of tea back to be freshly made before the men appeared.

  The earl walked into the room. Harry followed him, his face white, his eyes empty. Mary’s heart raced in panicked fear. Had her father found out what they had been doing? She clasped her hands together to still their shaking, driving the needle deep into her palm. She cried out, and her father turned to her. “What are you squeaking about, Mary? Behave in a seemly manner and do not draw unwanted attention to yourself. I have an important announcement to make.”

  Mary raised her hand to her mouth and sucked away the little drop of blood. Her father’s annoyed tone reassured her. Whatever the problem was, it was not the one she feared.

  “Harry has been offered a position of some import,” her father said. “One that I am proud to say I have been able to use my influence to procure.” He paused for a moment as if waiting for some accolade. When no one spoke he cleared his throat and went on, “Harry has been offered the post as an administrative head in India. “

  “How gratifying.” Mary’s mother’s comment was the vacuous inanity expected of well-bred females.

  Mary couldn’t speak. Shock held her silent and confused. She looked once more at Harry and saw the clear evidence of his misery.

  “It is particularly pleasing because Harry will play a vital role in the governance of the country.” Mary’s father turned and put a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “If he takes advantage of the contacts he’ll make, he could make his fortune.”

  Harry tried to speak but nothing came out but a raspy “I…I…”

  “The boy is a little overwhelmed,” the earl said. “His modesty compelled him to resist at first but I convinced him that this was an honour that could not be refused.”

  The tightening of the earl’s lips hinted that Harry’s opposition had not been to his liking.

  How would Drake react to Harry’s leaving? And how would Harry bear to be separated from someone who meant so much to him? How could he bear to leave Drake—and her?

  Her thoughts were interrupted as her father continued, “Harry will leave on the next ship that sails bound for Bombay. The sooner the better, don’t you think.” He rubbed his hands together in satisfaction and strode to the side table where he waited for his wife to pour him a cup of tea.

  In numb conformity to social ritual, Mary offered Harry his tea. The cup and saucer clattered sharply, drawing a disapproving frown from her mother. Harry stared blindly at it for a minute then shoved it back into Mary’s hand. He turned on his heel and strode from the room. Mary heard the thud of his dress shoes as he raced up the stairs.

  “It is to be hoped Harry will behave with a little more decorum once he takes up his position,” her father remarked. “
I understand that he is overcome with excitement but it doesn’t do for an Englishman to display his emotions.”

  Mary waited only until she was sure that Harry wouldn’t return before she too excused herself. She tapped on Harry’s door but there was no response. She put her ear to the panel and listened, then turned the handle, and looked inside.

  The room was deserted. Harry’s valet appeared from the side room. “May I help you, my lady?”

  “I was looking for Lord Selton,” she replied. “He came up here earlier.”

  The man’s stolid demeanour faltered. “I was in the servant’s dining hall. I’ve just returned. I didn’t know I would be needed.”

  His nervousness shamed Mary. Why had she never realised how much the staff’s security depended on the whims of their uncaring or uninterested employers?

  “I’m sure it will be all right,” Mary reassured him. “No one expects you to go without a meal.” She backed out though the door. “Goodnight.”

  Mary hurried back to her room, aware that she’d lied to the valet. How could she say Harry would be all right? She wasn’t sure any of the three of them would be all right again. She sat on her bed and dropped her head onto her hands. Why had her father chosen now to act on Harry’s behalf?

  The thing she’d discovered with Drake and Harry was too new and fragile to withstand a separation. Her time with them had been so short. Harry and Drake had already forged solid bonds long ago in their boyhood. In the last few days they had expanded them to include her but without Harry, how could those bonds hold? There would be a hole in the centre and she was afraid she would fall through.

  Without Drake and Harry she would keep falling, forever and ever without any hope of a safe landing. She needed them. She wanted them because… She lifted her head and stared at the wall while she examined her own mind. She wanted them because she loved them.

  Loved Harry for his gentle, familiar kindness and his new and passionate heat. Loved Drake because she had no choice. He had swept her up and taken her with him on a wild journey where he’d taught her new and wonderful things. He had turned her world upside down and she no longer fitted into her old one.

  Without bothering to call for her maid, she readied herself for bed, although she doubted if she would get much sleep. In the morning she would go to Drake. If there was a solution to their problem, he would find it.

  Chapter Five

  The rattle of the maid placing the tray of hot chocolate on her bedside table roused her from her half-doze. Her eyes were gritty and at first she didn’t notice the envelope. Once again it was plain, white and unmarked.

  Mary snatched it up and ripped it open before the maid had closed the door quietly behind her. The missive contained a single word.


  She flew from her bed, donned her clothes without waiting for assistance, pulled on her shoes and ran downstairs, out of the door and all the way to the summerhouse. When she got there she clung to the doorjamb, bent over, head down, gasping for breath.

  Harry sat morosely on the daybed, his eyes reddened, his face grey, lines carved on either side of his mouth.

  “Have you been here all night?” Mary asked. Her heart pounded with dread long after she got her breath under control.

  “Yes,” Harry replied. He lifted his head and looked at Mary. “I’ve tried to think but nothing works. I could refuse to go, but if I did that I couldn’t expect your father to continue to support me. I’d have to leave anyway. I could take Drake with me, but you wouldn’t be with us.”

  Mary swallowed. “We could get married.”

  “Your father would never agree. You know his views on cousins marrying.” Harry’s jaw firmed. “And without his permission I could not marry you and take you to India with me.” He held up a hand to still her protest. “And we can’t just run away and marry. I’d have to support myself and it would be a long time before I could afford to support you the way you deserve.”

  “I don’t need dresses and parties.”

  “You need food and shelter. I couldn’t even provide that.”

  She wanted to protest that she would do anything. Work as a lady’s maid or something else, but she knew she couldn’t. Her father would find her and bring her back no matter where in England they tried to hide. She twisted her hands together. “Then what will we do?”

  “Pack your bags and prepare to leave.” From the doorway, Drake’s cool voice sent a chill racing down Mary’s spine.

  She spun to face him. Surely he didn’t understand. If he did he couldn’t stand there so calmly. “You can’t know. Harry…”

  “Is being sent to India.” Drake lifted one shoulder and stepped into the room.

  “Who told you?” Mary demanded.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Does it matter? The downstairs staff knows most things long before they are announced upstairs.”

  Harry rose to his feet, swaying slightly. “The posting is for five years. How can I bear…?”

  “Have you no faith in me?” Drake walked towards Harry with the grace and purpose of a predator. “You are mine.” He spun and his work-muscled arm slammed across Harry’s chest, pulling him in against him so that his mouth was close to Harry’s ear. “Did you think I would let you go?” He spoke softly but the words carried clearly to Mary’s straining ears.

  Drake raised his head and looked at her. Had she thought him emotionless? His eyes burned with fierce intent. “You and Harry and I are going to New South Wales.”

  “Where? When?” Harry spluttered.

  At the same time Mary asked, “How?”

  “A ship leaves for Australia three days’ time,” Drake said. “The three of us will be on it.” He held out his free hand to Mary and she hurried to his side. “In England the constraints of class and rank will never let us be together.” He hugged both of them closer to him. “But in the new world, we can forge our own future. New settlers can claim land if they’re willing to make something of it. We’ll have our own place and our own lives.” He looked at Harry. “You would have got rich if you’d taken the posting to India. You’ll be giving that up for a life of hard work.”

  “I never wanted wealth, just to be independent with the two of you by my side.” Harry’s eyes narrowed. “You seem so confident. How long have you had this planned?”

  “The basics…?” Drake grinned. “For a long time. I knew you and I couldn’t stay here the way we were forever. Then Mary moved into our lives. I realised the time to act had come.” He looked sternly from one to the other. “There are no objections I hope?”

  “No,” Mary replied, “But I don’t know how we’ll manage it.”

  “All taken care of,” Drake said. “We’ll be on that ship and on our way before anyone can figure out what’s become of us. We’ll have our land selection in the new colony.” He dropped a kiss on Mary’s head and did the same to Harry. “So are you happy now? All satisfied?”

  Relief and excitement made Mary bold. “Not quite.”

  Drake’s eyes twinkled. “No?”

  “No,” Harry said, and spun to face Drake. “You’ve ordered our lives for us. Not that I’m complaining.” He looked at Mary and grinned. “But I think it’s time Mary and I asserted ourselves. Mary, help me undress him.”

  For a moment, Drake tensed. Mary watched him cautiously. Could a man as assertive as Drake yield control, even for a moment? His dark eyes clouded as if he waged a battle with himself, then he laughed, held his arms out from his sides and said, “I’m yours. Do as you like.”

  Mary ripped off his shirt, buttons tearing free and rolling across the floor. Drake reached to push his breeches down but Harry gripped his wrists and pinned them above his head. Mary dragged the pants over his hips and nudged him so that he lifted his legs to step out of them. His cock sprang up from the nest of hair, strong and thick, brushing against Harry’s stomach. Mary wedged herself between the two men and took Drake into her mouth. He jerked but Harry held his hands firm while he sealed
Drake’s lips with a passionate kiss.

  Mary took her time, sucking and licking, savouring the salty tang of the moisture that her tongue called forth. When she’d tortured him enough, she stood and quickly shimmied out of her own clothes. She nudged Harry aside and pressed herself, skin to skin against Drake. “Hurry,” she said to Harry as he stripped his clothes off, flinging them wildly to fall wherever they might.

  Harry fell into the embrace, sandwiching her between them. She nuzzled Drake’s chest and hooked one arm back to wrap around Harry’s waist, the other hand splayed out on Drake’s back, her knuckles brushing up against the wall.

  The hand Drake lifted to her breast was strong and brown, the grip firm almost to the point of pain. The heel of his hand abraded her nipple until it rose to a hard peak. Behind her, Harry’s cock slid between her legs, rubbing back and forth with his rocking sway.

  Moisture flowed hot and wet, preparing her for entry. Suddenly Drake groaned, a feral sound that showed his limits had been tested. He reached beneath Mary and hooked his hands under her thighs, lifting her so that she wrapped her legs around his waist. He raised her up higher then drove her down, pushing his cock deep inside her. The movement of Harry’s cock continued, dragging back and forth.

  As Drake surged in, his cock collided with Harry’s and the three of them squirmed and rocked together in a three-way contact.

  The tight knot of nerves that Drake had played so expertly swelled and throbbed under the friction. Mary tightened her grip, bringing her weight harder onto Drake’s cock, driving it deeper.

  Harry’s arms supported her as Drake lifted her hips, harder and faster until she couldn’t stand it anymore and she screamed as her climax hit her.

  Drake didn’t stop or slow, just kept up the relentless rhythm. The wild spiralling built again, but before it exploded Drake groaned and rammed her down and held her there while he pumped out his own release. Then he lifted her clear and set her on her feet. He supported her there, bent forward, head resting on his chest while Harry thrust inside her eager, wet cunt.


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