Dream Sequence
Page 16
She thought of the airport, of all the people moving as usual, and her name being called for her flight home and no one answering.
I am indebted to Robin Robertson, Michal Shavit, Sarah Chalfant, and Paul Prescott for invaluable advice and support during the writing of Dream Sequence. I would like once again to express my gratitude to Beatrice Monti della Corte for time spent at the Santa Maddalena Foundation and for her friendship.
The name of one of the characters in this book belongs to a bidder at an “immortality auction” held on behalf of Freedom From Torture, a charitable organization dedicated to the treatment, rehabilitation, and legal support of victims of torture. They do extraordinary work. Further information can be found at freedomfromtorture.org where donations can also be made.
Copyright © Adam Foulds, 2019
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First Edition
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Foulds, Adam, 1974-, author
Dream sequence / Adam Foulds.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-77196-281-0 (softcover).--ISBN 978-1-77196-282-7 (ebook)
I. Title.
PS6106.O95D74 2019 823’.92 C2018-904424-1 C2018-904425-X
Readied for the press by Daniel Wells
Typeset by Chris Andrechek
Cover designed by Michel Vrana
Published with the generous assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country, and the financial support of the Government of Canada. Biblioasis also acknowledges the support of the Ontario Arts Council (OAC), an agency of the Government of Ontario, which last year funded 1,709 individual artists and 1,078 organizations in 204 communities across Ontario, for a total of $52.1 million, and the contribution of the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit and the Ontario Media Development Corporation.