Whiskers, Mane, and a Biter [Unmated at Midnight] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Whiskers, Mane, and a Biter [Unmated at Midnight] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 4

by Joyee Flynn

  “That’s really smart.” I smiled at him. It was so easy but I’d never thought about it like that.

  “We both wanted to make sure you knew that we don’t think you need to lose any weight though,” James said gently. “If you want to get into shape, that’s great and we support that. Personally, I like the idea of you being healthy and living a long, long life.”

  I swallowed what I’d been chewing on and drank a little bit of wine before getting up the nerve to ask what had been on my mind. “But you always brag about all the tight, firm bodies of the men you sleep with. I don’t have a firm spot on me.”

  “I do tend to sleep with someone of that build. Ramses is my normal type actually,” James explained slowly, choosing each word carefully. “But that doesn’t mean that’s all I’m attracted to. I love that when I grab your butt it fills my hands. And I can’t even tell you how badly I want to kiss every inch of your body and I wouldn’t feel that way if I didn’t find you striking, little mouse.”

  “I’m your normal type?” Ramses asked, his eyes wide in shock as I mulled over what he said.

  “Yeah, you are.” James looked almost shy as he admitted that. “I’ve always been drawn to Brad, his sexy ass bouncing as he walks and his cute little squeaks making me want to hear more. But I think you’re sexy too.”

  “You like my squeaking?” Now I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head. I’d never heard anyone say that before.

  “Oh yeah,” James and Ramses groaned together.

  “Thank you,” I gushed, drinking some more wine. Wow. They really knew how to lay on the compliments and make me feel special. We ate in silence for a little bit more as I racked my brain on what to say. “So what about you, Ramses? How are you still single?”

  “I’ve dated but I haven’t met the right person.” He shrugged before taking another bite of his ravioli. “I’m fifty and while that’s middle aged for a human, we’ve got forever really. It’s been hard sometimes because it’s tricky dating within my coven or other vampires really. They are a bunch of gossips and all know that my family has money.

  “Plus, my brother is leader of the coven in Chicago so he’s got a lot of power. I’ve had people date me to get in with my brother. Or they want something from me, so I started dating outside my own kind. Sure there were some who wanted me for my money, but it was a little easier. Now you understand why I tend not to show people my house or tell them about it.”

  “I watched Gavin go through that,” James said gently. “He didn’t date really, but he always had people all over him because he was the son of our elder. They wanted to be closer to the power and you’ve seen his house and land. It’s gorgeous.”

  “I don’t have as much land to my estate, but my house is about the same size,” Ramses admitted quietly. “So yeah, I know what he’s gone through. There are so many who want nothing but a free ride in life and think that what others have is owed them or something. It’s disheartening really.”

  “Yeah, there are a lot of jerks in this world.”

  “And they lie too,” I agreed with a wince. “I’ve only been with a few but I trusted that they weren’t lying to me and ended up being a one-night stand to them. I’m not that good at saying no either. People intimidate me so when they’d drag me off to have sex, letting me think it would go somewhere, I’d squeak and not be able to ask to take things slower.”

  “But no one’s ever hurt you or forced you, right?” James asked as his teeth extended, rage in his eyes.

  “No, nothing like that.” It touched me that he was so concerned with my well-being. “Earlier when I came out of my room you guys were looking as if you were going to eat me in the good kind of way. If you had suggested it I would have gone along with it because saying no leads to drama normally. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t have wanted it, but maybe waited until I knew it was right.”

  “Well, I promise if you ever tell me no there won’t be any drama,” Ramses said with a wink. “I want you to be comfortable enough with me that you’re honest and tell me what you really want.”

  “Same here,” James added. “I think you did a good job in the bathroom. It made me relax that you trusted me enough to tell me what you wanted when you’re normally so timid.”

  I smiled at him, not willing to correct him. It was more that I’d been afraid that I was making a mistake by even being out with them that had me telling him what I had in the bathroom.

  There was one thing that I learned that made me smile as I finished eating. I knew I liked them both but the more time I spent with them, the deeper I started to fall. Much more of this and I was going to give them both my heart.

  We finished dinner and I took half my meal in a to-go container for tomorrow. That’s all I’d eaten plus my salad, a breadstick, and a glass of wine… And that left me a little tipsy. I was giggling a lot by the time James paid the bill.

  “Is our little mouse a lightweight when it comes to alcohol?” James purred as we walked out of Olive Garden. His hand moved to my lower back and I shivered at the contact.

  “Yes and I don’t drink very often.”

  “Do you still want to go see the movie? Are you too far gone to be able to focus on it or should we just take you home?” Ramses studied me as if trying to figure out if I was rip-roaring drunk.

  “Worst case I might fall asleep,” I answered with a squeak. “But I have really wanted to see it. I didn’t want to be the dork sitting alone during a date movie though. I mean, I bet every couple in the area has gone to see Breaking Dawn. I’ve seen all the other ones though.”

  “Well we’ll go see it and if you fall asleep we’ll have an excuse to take you again.” Ramses let me see the lust in his eyes and I knew taking me to the movies wasn’t all he had in mind. Nice.

  The theater wasn’t far so we were only in the Hummer a short trip and James was more than fine to drive. That didn’t mean I wasn’t hanging on to the oh shit handle they had, hoping no one noticed.

  Ramses paid for the tickets when we got there, both of them assuring me since they invited me I didn’t have to worry about it. The movie had been out for a few weeks and since it wasn’t the weekend, we found seats right away. It was funny, but in a good way, to sit in the middle of them. It also made me a little nervous as to what I should do. I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or show more affection to one over the other so I folded my hands on my lap.

  About twenty minutes in, Ramses moved his hand onto my left thigh. I guess that gave James the green light because his arm moved around my shoulders. It was nice. But then another ten minutes and they went a little further. Ramses’s hand moved until it was snuggled right against my groin on my thigh and I got hard.

  James took my hand in his free one, while Ramses did the same on my other side. It was distracting and not easy to focus on the movie anymore.

  “Are you enjoying yourself? Would you like something to drink?” Ramses leaned in and asked quietly. His lips were pressed against my ear and I shivered when he nibbled on my lobe.

  “We’re going to have to see the movie again if you guys keep this up,” I panted, trying not to moan. There weren’t many people in the theater, about a dozen, but I didn’t want to disturb them.

  “Isn’t this half the fun of sitting in a dark theater?” James started doing the same thing on the other side of me after asking.

  “I never thought of it that way,” I answered.

  “Just relax, baby, and let us please you,” Ramses purred, letting go of my hand. It slipped under my sweater and undershirt, rubbing over my nipple.

  “I’m not sure I can be quiet though,” I whimpered as James expertly opened the button to my jeans. Ramses decided to fix that by covering his mouth with mine as James pulled out my cock and started stroking me rapidly. I gasped and tried my best to not make any noise. My vampire swallowed my cries when I came a few minutes later, James milking me dry.

  “Perfect,” James purred as I melted against the chair. />
  “So beautiful,” Ramses agreed. “Let me taste.” I just about swallowed my tongue when James extended his hand to our date, covered with my cum. Ramses took a lick and groaned quietly. “You taste so good, baby.”

  “Okay,” I squeaked. I watched as the two of them licked James’s hand clean.

  They behaved the rest of the movie and since I’d read the book the interruption didn’t leave me confused as we watched the rest. I was wound up the rest of the time after their teasing me. It made me wonder what else they had in store for me that night!

  Chapter 4


  I was having more fun on the date than I had in a long time. I couldn’t get over how something as simple as dinner left me so enamored with Brad… And Ramses as well. The man really was becoming someone I liked and wanted to see more of.

  By the time we were watching the movie we were even working as a team to please Brad. And what a firecracker our little mouse was. He was so shocked that we’d have our hands all over him in a movie that it made it that much more fun.

  I drove us back to Ramses’s house when it was over, the man suggesting some dessert. He said he had a fruit tart in the fridge but I knew what I wanted to eat instead. And I had a feeling Ramses felt the same but didn’t want to scare Brad.

  I did a double take when I followed the directions to his house and saw how massive it was. I mean, he’d told us it was about the size of Gavin’s house, but it was gorgeous. After I parked my Hummer, I helped Brad out, making sure to grope him slightly. I smiled when he squeaked and blushed.

  Ramses let us inside and gave us a brief tour, including his collection of classic cars. The man was hot and got me going… And his cars got me hard. We discussed them a bit until we noticed Brad was glancing nervously between us.

  “It’s good that you guys have something in common,” he said quietly, looking worried. It hit me like a ton of bricks what was wrong.

  “We also have wanting to see you naked in common,” I purred as I ran my hands over his arms.

  “Oh, well that’s a good one too.” Brad preened and I winked at Ramses. “How about we work up an appetite for dessert?”

  “Great idea,” Ramses agreed, swooping Brad up into his arms. I smiled as I raced after the vampire, ready to get our little mouse naked. The moment we entered his room I whipped off my shirt but then glanced at Ramses when he sighed.

  “What’s up?”

  “I guess we tuckered him out,” he answered, nodding to Brad. I bit my lip to keep in the laugh when I realized Brad was out for the count, making cute squeaks in his sleep.

  “Is it wrong I want him even more now?”

  “No, I do too, but he obviously needs some sleep.” Ramses sighed again and pulled off his shirt. “You want to crash here tonight? I figured I’ll tuck Brad in and join him.”

  I thought about that a moment, my eyes focused on Ramses’s firm body. I wasn’t the type to stay overnight, but I was trying to make things real this time. And if I stayed I wouldn’t miss a chance for some hot morning sex with them.

  “I’d like that.” Ramses gave me a bright smile that made me feel as if I’d made the right choice. We got undressed and helped Brad out of his clothes. It wasn’t how I planned on Brad being naked at the end of the night, but at least I finally got a chance to see him without most of his clothes on.

  We got into bed with him, each of us snuggling on either side of Brad. I closed my eyes and while I was tired, I wasn’t sleep-time tired.

  “So how did you meet him?” Ramses asked me quietly after a few minutes, knowing I was still awake as well.

  “Gavin’s old personal assistant hurt Ant to get him out of the way. At the same time everything was going on with Elder Ashby’s trying to force Gavin into taking over the pride. So they interviewed for a new PA and hired Brad. I met him when I learned about Gavin’s dad being thrown in jail by UPAC. Here we come with this serious news and Gavin freaks out and all I can do is stare at Brad when he comes running outside with Ant.

  “I slapped him on the back when he got confused, swearing we wouldn’t eat him even though he was a mouse when he seemed nervous. Brad almost went flying and I had to touch him more to steady him. He squeaked and I wanted to take him home and have him make that sound some more.”

  “So why didn’t you?”

  “I flirted with him and asked if he was seeing anyone and he squeaked a no and ran off to help Ant. I realized he was innocent. I figured not a virgin but not someone who would want just to play around. I was too damaged to risk hurting him, especially since he worked for my friends and that would just suck if things went ass up.”

  “Why did you change your mind?”

  I thought about that for a moment, realizing it was Gavin. “I’ve always been a lot like Gavin in the fact I didn’t date and just had one-night stands. Maybe I wasn’t as selfish with my lovers as he had been, like I appreciated them and wouldn’t just go for their hole. But I didn’t ever keep anyone either. But watching him with Ant over the past several months, I realized maybe all lions didn’t have to be cold.

  “The proof that there could actually be a happy ever after was right in front of me. I realized I wanted that. So it wasn’t really a conscious decision, as much as the idea I’d never have that getting chipped away a little at a time. Then when Gavin implied Brad had a crush on me, I knew I couldn’t keep my hands off of him any longer.”

  “I knew he liked you but I had no idea you had any feelings in return. I bet he was clueless as well.”

  “I flirted a few times, but I think he thought I was just being nice to him. I didn’t know he liked me. I thought I made him too nervous.” I stared at Ramses over Brad’s shoulder as I held him back against me, meeting his eyes. “What about you?”

  “Well, I met him at the party Gavin and Ant had for all the local paranormals a few months ago,” he answered. A wide grin crossed his lips as he thought back. “I saw this little guy racing all around checking on everything, reporting it all back to the hosts. Keep in mind I didn’t know Gavin or Ant then either. I realized I spent the first hour I was there just watching Brad. He was so damn attractive and sweet to everyone.

  “And it was so endearing that every time he ran past the table that had cheese and appetizers on it, he’d stop and pop a cube into his mouth. It was almost comical, like an afterthought as he backed up and snagged a piece. I tried talking to him, but he always had something he needed to be doing. He bumped into me at one point and my fangs popped out because he smelled so good and he squeaked and raced away.

  “So when Gavin and Ant announced that Brad was being promoted and they were looking for his replacement, that he’d train, I knew I’d apply for the job. They hired me right on the spot and I couldn’t wait to get to know him. But he was so nervous all the time I knew if I just asked him out he’d wig. I figured once he got used to me I could tell him I wanted him.”

  I nodded and something hit me. “You’re way overqualified for the job, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah,” Ramses chuckled, shaking his head. “I have an MBA from the University of Chicago and own a successful consulting firm. Also I own a bank that my parents passed down to me. There are several branches and all the presidents report to me weekly on them and my firm.”

  “So you took a job way below what you’re qualified for when you have a full plate already just to be close to him?” I waited until he nodded to confirm what I thought he’d said. “Wow, that’s really liking someone.”

  “He’s special.”

  “That he is,” I agreed. “I’ve watched him for months help Ant and Gavin. You’ve seen him play the video games they test, right?”

  “Yeah. Have you ever seen someone so animated and excited playing them?”

  “No, it’s a sight. He just draws you in with how much he enjoys it. I could watch the little mouse play video games for hours.”

  “I’m sure that has nothing to do with the way he shakes his ass as he makes the
guys in the game move around. Oh, and what about when he does his victory dance?”

  “It’s so sweet and so sexy at the same time. I get hard and want nothing more than to tear his clothes off,” I agreed. We stared at each other a while, realizing neither of us would walk away from Brad unless it was what the little mouse wanted. “I won’t give him up.”

  “I know but at least there’s something here so that maybe it won’t be him and you or him and me. I’m okay with the idea of all three of us. I enjoyed your company tonight.”

  “I did too. And I was pleasantly surprised we have some things in common.”

  “Besides wanting Brad,” he chuckled. “Reading and liking to rebuild classic cars is a start.”

  “We both like working out and using the gym. I use Gavin’s every morning and Brad said you have a sweet one here. We’re both paranormals and younger than Brad. We’re only fifteen years apart where as he’s sixty-five years older than me.”

  “That’s true,” Ramses said after a moment. “We’re going to have to be careful with him. I think he’s been hurt bad.”

  “Yeah, I know it was something horrid but Gavin and Ant are good people who don’t gossip. They wouldn’t tell me, saying it wasn’t their story to tell.”

  “Maybe Ant will tell me now that we’re involved with him.”

  “You know he’ll worry that we’ll fall for each other and ditch him, don’t you?” I asked quietly.

  “I know. It won’t be easy but we’ll figure it out. We’ll just have to make a point to always show him how special he is and that we want him.”

  “I don’t think there will be any problem there,” I chuckled. Ramses agreed. We talked a little more, our hands caressing each other on Brad’s side. I fell asleep wrapped around Brad and Ramses’s hand in mine. It was the best sleep I’d had in as long as I could remember and I had a feeling the company was the reason.


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