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Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  I sat first, and then Rune slid in after me. Both of us across from my father.

  One side of Rune’s mouth quirked. “My hobby is boxing.” His fists lifted, and he jabbed a few times in front of himself. “I work a shit ton and deal with fucking idiots most of the time. It helps me take out my aggression.”

  Father lifted one brow. “Really? I own a few boxing rings. It’s nothing fancy like in the center of New City, but they draw a crowd.” He leaned forward and rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell the Corporate Army, but a few friendly bets happen from time to time.”

  Rune’s head tipped back as he laughed, his golden eyes glimmering. “My friends and I make a few friendly bets occasionally too. My lips are sealed.”

  The devious man chuckled. “You should come down sometime. I’d make room for any friend of Megan’s.” He leaned across the table and punched my shoulder lightly, his eyes on mine. “Hell, you’d probably enjoy watching this fit young man throw around a few punches.”

  I crinkled my brow as if I was thinking about it. “I don’t think so.”

  I had to play hard to get here. If I just said yes, he would be suspicious.

  Never agreeing with him was my own form of torture for the old man.

  But I still hadn’t figured out why he had tracked me down. It had something to do with Rune—that much was evident. But he was always one step ahead of the game. My father probably knew we were faking all of this right now. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

  Rune knew that too, but he kept playing the part. He bumped his shoulder against mine, crooning, “Come on, beautiful. I won’t get hurt. I’m excellent.”

  My nose crinkled, and I flicked a glare at my father. “I’ll think about it.”

  This was the one mistake my father made… or it was a “well-planned” mistake.

  His lips twitched before he scratched at his chin to cover it. Pretending to look for Kenny.

  Today, Wolfe had planted fake stats for Rune in the boxing system, just in case my father looked it up. We’d planned for him to review the numbers after our intended trip to the strip joint—which was sabotaged. Wolfe had done an amazing job, placing stats back five years. The numbers made Rune look like a hard beat, but not unbeatable.

  My father had plenty of men under his command who could beat those numbers.

  The question now was… which one of these should we be focusing on?

  Number one: If he’d been watching me before today, then he would know the stats were planted, and all of this happy shit was a lie to trap him. So what else was he scheming?

  Number two: If he hadn’t been watching me before today, then what did he want to take away from Rune? My father would find a way to make a deal if Rune lost. It just depended on the magnitude of his scheme.

  One or two? One or two?

  I had no idea yet. But I liked to plan for the worst.

  That would be number one. Meaning, this whole dinner was a sham.

  Everything about it was fake.

  I peered around Rune’s body, my eyes on the backroom. “Where’s Kenny?”

  “Good question,” Father mumbled, his forehead wrinkling. “Kenny! We’re hungry!”

  No answer came from the backroom.

  My father tapped his fingers on the table in agitation. “Kenny!”

  When no answer came, Rune slid from the booth. He grumbled, “I think I hear him back there. I’ll go see what the holdup is.”

  Father was still glaring at the door. “Thank you. This cool weather is bugging my right knee.”

  A knee I had once shattered with a bat when he’d tried to sell me to one of his associates for the evening. I’d been thirteen at the time, a virginal sale. It was the one time my father had backed down—only because he’d been in the hospital.

  Rune slid through the blue, decorative booths, and pushed through the door.

  As it clicked shut behind him, a sudden stir of dread fluttered inside my stomach. My brows furrowed, and I scooted on the seat, ready to stand. Something wasn’t right here.

  My father’s hand snaked over the table and grabbed my wrist in a bruising grip. He bared his teeth, snarling, “Did you really think I’d be fooled by a few well-placed numbers?”

  The air rushed from my lungs. I grabbed the edge of the table with my free hand and pushed, tugging to get my arm free. “You sick sonofabitch. Let go of me!”

  “Not yet.” His fingernails dug into my skin. “Not until you see your boyfriend hauled away to jail.”

  Ice coated my veins, my eyes snapping to his. I hissed, “What did you do?”

  “Tell that rich fucker he owes me if he wants out of jail. The CA ready to storm in here are on my payroll. If he desires the charges dropped from forgotten paperwork, he’ll pay.” My father’s eyes glinted under the light in pure greed. “I knew not marking your face up would have benefits one day. You did well, hon. This is my best mark yet.”

  “Rune!” I screamed, twisting my arm and yanking. My father’s fist couldn’t turn that way, and I was free. I jumped from the table, rushing through the booths. “Rune!”

  The front door crashed open, and I skittered to a stop.

  Corporate Army soldiers, dressed in formal black uniforms, charged inside.

  They barely glanced at my father, and then me.

  My father pointed to the backroom, his voice bored. “Back there.”

  The ten soldiers drew their swords and started marching toward the door.

  “Fuck,” I hissed. I rushed into the room, my eyes hardly adjusted to the light before my feet went out from underneath me. I screeched as I landed on my hands and knees, slipping in…blood. “Oh, my God.”

  Rune was there. As was a dead Kenny.

  Guess my father didn’t like him that much. Kenny was always a slimy bastard.

  Rune was lying next to the dead body, his eyes closed and a knife in his hand.

  “Wake up!” I stated, my heart beating too fast in my chest. “Wake. Up!”

  Then…he opened just one eye. He lifted a hand and pressed one finger to his lips.


  His eyes closed once more.

  The CA officers barged into the room, skidding right into me.

  “Oomph,” I huffed.

  My chest slammed down to the floor, and my knees shot out from under me. Arms flailing, the soldiers tried to steady themselves in the slick blood. Two fell on top of me. Another fell over us. The rest wised up and entered carefully.

  It was a serious embarrassment to the Corporate Army—other than they were dirty.

  With the side of my faced pressed to the bloody floor, I only had eyes for one man.

  What the hell was Rune planning?


  I lifted a fist covered in dried blood and banged on the door. “I know you can hear me!”

  My teeth ground together in anger. Rune had planned this and hadn’t told me.

  I pounded on the door again and jumped from foot to foot to release energy.

  The front door finally swung open to Poppy’s house.

  Alaric stood in the doorway in just his boxer briefs, scratching his chest, and yawning. “I wondered when you would show up.”

  I barged inside, pushing against his solid frame. I grabbed the door and slammed it shut behind me, my eyes swinging to his. I growled, “Do you know where Rune is right now?”

  He tilted his wrist and glanced down at his bracelet. “By now? He should be in processing for lock-up.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “What the hell happened tonight?”

  “Is there a certain place you want me to start?”

  “The beginning.” I snarled.

  He scratched at his chest again and rested his shoulder against the front door. “In the beginning, God created—”

  I kicked him squarely in the shin. “Don’t mess with me right now.”

  His mouth curved up. “You’re protective of him already. That’s excellent.”

sharp finger point. “I’m about to lose it.”

  He sighed heavily, and began, “After Rune had met you at the bar, he had the CA dig a file up on you. Since you enlisted in the CA recently, they had it readily on hand. Rune had Wolfe hack into your father’s bracelet immediately. Your father’s been watching you and bugging your apartment. While Rune was over there, he got rid of the bug. He knew it would tip off your father—especially because your father received a picture of the two of you together.

  “We planned something a little different, but then Mr. Valentine kidnapped us and shot that plan to hell. So we went with the boxing idea, planting fake stats in the system. Again, Rune knew this would tip your father off even more. Since we were watching his transmissions, we knew his plans tonight.”

  I gradually shut my mouth, my thoughts swirling with all this information. “Why didn’t he tell me?”

  “Because he wanted you to act natural tonight.” His head cocked. “Did you?”

  “Um…yes.” A blush formed on my cheeks, heating my skin. I had been thoroughly frightened for Rune. “I still don’t understand why he would let himself get arrested.”

  “Three reasons there.” He yawned while eyeing my flushed cheeks. “One: Your father has recently come up on our radar. He’s starting to snoop around shifters. We wanted him to see, and believe, we could be taken down easily—and tell his associates that. Nothing out of the ordinary. And, two: We wanted to know who the CA soldiers were on his payroll. And last, three: Rune will be released in the morning, no charges filed. We want your father to see that although we may be physically normal, we have power—and tell his associates that. The corporate heads aren’t to be fucked with in the judicial system.”

  I swallowed, my eyes wide. “You planned this to perfection.”

  Alaric smirked. “Rune really wants to take that bastard down.”

  My brows lifted. “So what’s his actual strategy now?”

  He chewed on the inside of his lip, hesitating and eyeing me. “I’m not supposed to tell you.”


  “What? He wants to tell you.” He shrugged. “He’s very pleased with himself.”

  “He came up with this all on his own?” I blinked in amazement.

  “That would be correct. He just needed the leg work done by Wolfe.”

  “Goddamn,” I breathed. “How did he manage that?”

  “He’s a great hunter. It’s what he does best.”

  I snorted. “He told me that once. Then I found his ass up in the air searching for mice.”

  Alaric choked, then pounded on his chest with a meaty fist. “I won’t tell him you told me that. Even if it’s brilliant blackmail material.”

  “It would have been better if I’d taken a picture.”

  Instant. “Did you?”

  I shook my head. “I was too busy staring at his ass.”

  Alaric snorted. “You guys are a perfect match, even if you haven’t figured that out yet.”

  I groaned, catching sight of the blood coating my body. “I’m a damn mess. I need to get back so I can get some sleep before heading for the jail in the morning.”

  “How did you get here?”

  “I took a train. It’s still out there.”

  He asked…carefully, “Are you good to get back?”

  “I’m not completely broke yet.” I rolled my eyes and trudged back to the door. “What time will they release him?”

  “Seven o’clock. Enough time so we aren’t late to the funeral.” He opened the door for me. “I’m going to the jail too. Do you want me to pick you up?”

  “Sure. I will be broke if I have to keep taking trains everywhere.”

  He chuckled behind me. “Rune will take care of you.”

  “But it is nice to take care of myself,” I grumbled. “See you in the morning.”

  “Safe travels, Megan.”

  The man watched me march all the way back to the train.

  Protective didn’t even begin to describe this group.

  * * *

  “I’m free, bitches!” Rune threw his arms wide and sauntered down the rock stairs to the sidewalk, the front of the intimidating jail his backdrop. “I know you guys missed me.”

  Alaric picked at his nails, his voice dry. “It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “This is one of those times you owe me an apology. I was worried sick.”

  Rune hopped down the last step and enveloped me in his arms, his embrace warm, strong, and steady. He inhaled deeply against the top of my head, and whispered quietly, “I’m sorry, beautiful. I didn’t like frightening you. That was the worst part of the plan.”

  Reluctantly, I uncrossed my arms and decided to hug him back. Our bodies aligned, and I sighed in sweet pleasure. “I get it. I do. That doesn’t mean I had to like it.”

  “I know.” Another kiss on top of my head. “I know.”

  With shock coating his tone, Alaric choked, “Did you just apologize?”

  Rune tilted his face to eye his friend and rested his cheek on top of my head. “I think you heard wrong, man.” A tiny growl erupted from his chest…and it wasn’t human. That was all black panther.

  I froze inside his hold but gradually relaxed as his strong hands rubbed my back in slow circles.

  Alaric’s features blanked. But his voice was still garbled. “You’re right. Didn’t hear anything.”

  I pushed at his head and waited for him to lean up. My eyes found his, my words sincere. “Thank you for taking on my father.”

  Golden eyes softened. “You’re welcome, beautiful.”

  I stood on tiptoe, and he obliged by bending down. I kissed him.

  He grinned against my mouth. “Remind me to be more gallant. I like the results.”

  I nipped at his bottom lip. Softly.

  Alaric cleared his throat, much too loudly. “Hate to break up the reunion, but we do have somewhere to be in an hour.”

  Rune sobered immediately, his brows lowering as he placed his forehead against mine. He whispered—so quietly, “I don’t want to do this.”

  This time, Alaric didn’t make a rude comment. In fact, he turned away and gave us privacy as he trudged up the iron stairs to his train. He stated over his shoulder, “I have your suit inside. You can change on the way there.”

  My fingers tightened on the back of his shirt. With our eyes only an inch apart, I held his agonized gaze. There were no real words to say to him. Nothing helps when you lose a best friend.

  So I held him even closer and didn’t look away.


  The view below us was magnificent, precious, and overwhelming all at once—ancient trees, tall and willowy, with large, fat leaves the colors of autumn. The sun was still low in the sky, the air outside crisp and cool. Wildflowers with petals of white, pink, and orange dotted the hills and valleys.

  With Rune’s hand in mine, I asked quietly, “This is where he wanted his ashes scattered?”

  Rune nodded once, pressed against my side to stare out the window with me. “This is where we shift and play together. There are no worries on this land. Only pleasure and happiness. No king or alpha. God was free to be himself here.”

  The burn of tears left me blinking. “This is the perfect place for him to rest then.”

  A shaky breath escaped his mouth. “When we found him in the wreckage of the building, I knew this day would come. I’ve prepared for it. But it still doesn’t seem real.”

  I gripped his fingers tighter, the train descending. “I’m here. If you need me.”

  “Today…” He cleared his throat as the train landed. “Today I’ll need you.”

  I nodded and stood to my feet. I gently pulled him up.

  I busied myself brushing any pieces of lint off his suit. “You can do this.”

  He still stared out the window.

  “Rune, you can.” I pulled on the bottom of his jacket, straightening it. “Don’t faint on me. I
can’t carry your heavy ass.”

  He chuckled half-heartedly, the wrinkles in his forehead staying in place. “That would be a funny sight.”

  I lifted my hand and grabbed his chin gently. I turned his face away from the window and stared into his eyes. “You really can do this, Rune. I promise. It’s gonna hurt like a sonofabitch. But you can do it.”

  He snorted. “Then I’ll move on?”

  I peered back down to his suit jacket and brushed off his shoulders, where I couldn’t see. “Eventually, it’ll get easier. But your love for him won’t ever disappear. You’ll hold that in your heart for eternity because that’s how amazing friends affect you. They change your life in the best ways.”

  His black brows pull together. “You lost someone.”

  “I did.” I cleared my throat and started straightening my black dress. “I had a real friend once when I was young. She was the only good in my horrible life. She made me smile—and even laugh sometimes. Then my father had her killed. We were only ten-years-old then, but she made an impact on the person I wanted to be.”

  His hands grabbed mine, stilling their movements. “I’m sorry.”

  I tilted my head back and gazed into his eyes. “Don’t be sorry. I’m not sorry for the time I had with her.”

  “About your father, Megan.”

  I shook my head and looped my arm through his. “Today is about Godric. We should make our way out there.”

  Rune puffed out a breath and turned his head to peer at his silent friend. “Are you ready, man?”

  “No.” Alaric jerked his attention from his own window. He pushed to his feet and yanked on his tie, straightening it in a nervous gesture. “But your mate’s right. We should quit hiding in here. Poppy’s train is landing.”

  Alaric led the way down his train’s stairs. I stuck close to Rune’s side as we walked through the grassy field, spurts of sunshine shining down on us through the fragrant foliage. Alaric walked on his other side, sticking close to us.

  My brows furrowed, and I quickly released Rune’s arm to curve around him. Then I stepped directly between the two men. I hooked my arms into both of theirs. At Alaric’s surprised stare, I simply stated, “No one should be alone today. Everyone needs someone to lean on.”


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