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Forget Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 1)

Page 4

by Tracey Champion

  “Kyle has been pretending to be with you, Cara.” I hear from behind me. “Funny really how you seem to be all into him and he has been with Sarah the whole time, you must not be all that smart.” I turn to see who was talking, but everyone just starts laughing.

  “Cara I see it this way. Kyle has put a lot of money on you giving up your virginity to him tonight. I think that for the sake of his unborn baby, that you should just have sex with him. We could use the money. I mean you’re just a meaningless fuck and we need the money. My parents aren’t helping with the baby.” She looks like she is completely serious about this.

  My head starts to spin and I walk away from her.

  I start off in the direction of Kyle. I don’t know what to think about all this. I’m a bet. Sarah is still having a relationship with Kyle after he told me they were just friends. I’m not this stupid, am I?

  She wants me to have sex with him because she wants the money. Is she crazy and how rude is that? I just want to go home.

  “Kyle, can I talk to you for a minute?” His friends have stopped talking and are now watching us. “Alone, please.” He grabs me by my arm and walks me to his car. When we get next to the car, he lets go, and I lose my balance bumping hard into the car.

  “What Cara!” For some reason, I can’t breathe. He has never raised his voice at me or grabbed me like that. I try to talk, but I can see that he is upset.

  “I…I would like to go now,” I say in a whisper.

  “Leave? Now? Cara, we have been here less than an hour, and once Tim shows up I am racing him. I can’t leave now. You just need to be a good girl and be patient. Baby, once I win the race then we can leave and celebrate your birthday,” he smiles at me and leans forward crashing his lips into mine. It’s not my first kiss with Kyle, but I don’t like the way he’s forcing himself on me. He shoves his tongue into my mouth, and he tastes like ashes. I saw some of the guys smoking pot. He must have been too.

  I’m pissed that he was smoking and for his behavior. I don’t even know what to do about Sarah told me, but if I call Wendy that would only prove that I made a big mistake and I’m supposed to be smarter than this.

  I push him away only to have him push into me harder. I want him to stop, and he does after a second and smiles at me. Kyle tells me that I can sit on the bleachers and wait for the race to start. I know I should go home. Wendy even told me not to come out to the tracks, but I really like Kyle. Maybe what Sarah told me was all a lie. I mean she is pregnant, but maybe not by him.

  I find a spot on the bleachers to sit when I hear that Tim has finally shown up. They take about another thirty minutes to get both mustangs on the track. I watch as the guys get into their cars for the race. I can see that Sarah is down on the tracks and is talking to Kyle. I feel a pinch of jealousy over the fact that I was not invited down on the track.

  Everyone has taken a seat on the bleachers. I choose to sit by myself. I feel sorry for Sarah. She’s pregnant and has no help from anyone, but thinks I’ll sleep with Kyle. I refuse to have sex with him. I just want to go home, but then I will have to face Wendy. I’m ashamed for not listening better. This is my fault.

  I pay close attention to Kyle and watch as he kisses Sarah. I cannot see all that is going on because his car is blocking me. I look down at my hands and try hard not to cry. This was supposed to be my first special date with Kyle. I know we have only been together a few months, but this was a big date for us. How could he lie to me? I knew that Kyle and Sarah were family friends, so they kept being friend. He lied to me and I was dumb enough to believe him.

  I decide I don’t want to watch the race and leave the bleachers. I find a tree and sit leaning my back against the trunk. I can still see a little of what is going on, but no one is around to see me. The sting from watching him kiss Sarah hurts so badly, I start to cry. I wonder how much of what she told me is the truth. I don’t know who or what to believe. All I can do is wait and ask Kyle when he’s finished his race.

  I can hear when the race is over, and I check my phone. We have been here for two long and miserable hours. I decide to search for Kyle. I would like to leave now. I find him by his car at the end of the tracks where everyone seems to have gathered. When I get closer, I don’t see Sarah or her group of girls.

  “Cara, baby I won. You ready to leave and celebrate your birthday? We can celebrate my victory too.” Kyle wraps his arms around me and in front of everyone forces a kiss. I wish he would not force himself on me. Every time I fee like he is trying to control me and I don’t like that, I’m not his property. He opens the car door for me and says something to his friends. I’m happy to be leaving.

  I tell Kyle that I would like to get something to eat now, or he can take me home. He tells me that he has plans for us this evening and that he needs to stop at his house first.

  His house is nice. His parents bought a home at the bottom of Mount Lemmon. It’s a nicer part of town with beautiful homes. I like the location of his house. It’s close enough to the nearby store, but not super close, so it still feels very open and like you are not in the city. I’ve been up the mountain with Wendy and Tom before at night in an attempt to see the stars.

  When we pull into his driveway, I can see that his dad’s car is gone.

  “Is your mother home?” Kyle tells me they went to Phoenix for a few days, and the house is empty. I get out of his car and follow him inside. I feel sick and I don’t want to be here. I never expected what was going to happen once the front door closed.

  I walked inside after Kyle unlocked the door and held it open for me to walk inside. I’ve only been in his house once. I turn to look at Kyle after he shuts the door and he is just staring at me. Mow I’m even more uncomfortable. As soon as I start to feel the warning signs that maybe it’s time to ask him to take me home, Kyle walks over to me and pushes me against the wall causing me to bump my head hard. This isn’t right, he’s violent and I terrified. I should have begged him to take me home.

  “Kyle, stop,” I tell him as he tries to pull up my dress. I yell at him to stop, and he pulls back taking me by my hand. “Kyle, stop please, I want to ask you about some thing’s that Sarah told me earlier.” I’m terrified because I let him bring me here and I don’t even know if he’s listening to me because he doesn’t acknowledge me.

  “Kyle, stop pulling me,” I yell at him again yanking my arm free. He sits down on the couch and turns to pull me onto his lap. He has never done this before, and I’m beginning to worry that what Sarah told me was true. She never told me the terms of the bet. Now I’m horrified that my virginity will be taken away from my by force. “Kyle, Sarah told me that you’re her baby’s father and that you have a bet on me. Please stop and take me home!”

  He continues to touch me, and I smack at his hands and turn away so I can see his face as he answers my questions.

  “Yes, and yes,” he says calmly. I freak and try to get up. My actions only fuel him, and he pushes me on my back. He starts to shove a hand between my legs and gropes me with the other.

  “Stop Kyle!” I freeze in place when he glares at me because I know I allowed myself to be in this position. I should have gone home after Sarah told me.

  “I’m going to have you, and you are not going to tell me no. Come on Cara, you and I know that you want me.” I’m terrified because I don’t want this. I definitely do not want him. I never imagined my first time like this. He grabs the top of my dress and I hear it rip. I notice that he has one leg off the couch, and I take this as an opportunity, drawing up my knee to connect as hard as I can with his groin. Kyle falls back in pain. I grab my purse and run for the door.

  Kyle runs after me catching the material of my dress and ripping it more. “Cara, baby come on.” He says dragging out the last word and my skin crawls. I swing my purse hitting him in the arm and he lets go. Once I get the door open, I run as fast as I can toward the nearby shops.

  I fell like my heart is about to jump out of my chest with how fast it�
��s beating. I try to slow down and look over my sholder and don’t see Kyle after me. I’m so scared that I begin to cry.

  I slow down a little when I realize Kyle hasn’t followed me at all. I’m shaking and my dress is ruined. I wipe my tears and I start to dig into my purse for my cell phone. When I get close to the stores, I stay out of sight and wait for Wendy to pick me up.

  I told her I was fine and that I did not want to talk about what happened. She asked me if I needed to go to the hospital or to call the police. The thought was nice that she cared, but I told her no.

  “Cara, please talk to me, you know I’m always here for you. At least let me take you to the doctor.” I knew Wendy cared, but I wasn’t ready to talk to anyone.

  I insisted to Wendy on the car ride home that I was fine. I begged her not to take me to a doctor because there was nothing to show them. She even went as far as bringing up the police. I told her I knew better and that nothing would come of a report and to leave this alone.

  I could see that she was worried about me. I even caught a few tears fall from Wendy’s eyes. I wanted to tell her I was sorry. I made a mistake and in return I broke her heart because I won’t let her help me. I’m don’t want to tell her I was stupid. I’m ashamed with myself. I turn to look out the window and silently cry on the drive home.

  When we got home, I went to my room. The dress was not worth saving, and I wasn’t going to keep it anyway. I tossed it in the trash and took a shower. I knew the time was much later than I liked to stay out and I asked Wendy if I could skip school the following day. She agreed so that was instant relief.

  My shower was hot, and I scrubbed my skin until it was all pink. I was trying to wash off the feeling of being dirty. When I finally crawled into bed, the time was 1:00 am and I spent a while crying until I fell asleep.

  The following week was the worst. I spent Monday in bed. I know I worried Wendy when I refused to eat. She wanted to take me to the doctor just in case I was experiencing depression she wanted to have expert advice. I lied and told her I would be fine.

  Tuesday was the start of the most miserable time in school.

  Rumors had been started that I indeed slept with Kyle. I heard girls in the bathroom talking about me. They called me a home wrecker and other names because Sarah was pregnant. I’m pretty sure they knew I was in the bathroom with them.

  I was humiliated because there was nothing I could do. The names and stories being told only made this worse for me. I was stressing and my insides we a jumbled mess. I was scared, and sad, I should have told Wendy what happened. I feel like I disappointed her.

  For the first time, I was thankful that Tom had shoved education down my throat. This semester was my last semester of high school and I only had first and second period. I was free to go home after class and I don’t think I’d ever been so happy to go home after second period.

  The rest of the week I dealt with the other kids at school spreading rumors about me. Sometimes it was behind my back, others talked just so I could hear. I knew better than to correct them because no one would believe me.

  Kristi has been my only friend. I had always kept to myself after Momma died. Kristi was th only person I hung out with at school other than Kyle. I just found it easier with all of my schoolwork and now that my classes were down to two periods. I didn’t want to socialize with the people at school. It was hard to explain Momma being gone and not knowing my father. I thought I could trust her, and she me wrong. I also thought with only two classes a day that it would be easier to ignore those around me and the rumors they were spreading. I was wrong.

  I became a shut in. I hardly talked to anyone but Wendy. Wendy was nice enough to allow me to go to work with her when I finished my classes in the morning. She taught a dance class at the nearby gym and a few health courses.

  Wendy caught me one day having a breakdown, she had been questioning me to talk to her about what happended, she finally just let it drop and we didn’t talk much anymore. I felt terrible for not letting Wendy in, but I I wanted to deal with this on my own. I was a hopeless mess, I wanted more than anything to go back to that day and have a do over. The only way to forget was the fact that I was able to help Wendy with her dance class and exercise while she taught her courses.

  Tom came home Friday night. He never asked about what happened, and I don’t think Wendy told him, for that I was grateful.

  Tom told me that my birthday and graduation present was outside on Saturday. I was extremely surprised and happy when I saw what was waiting for me there. They purchased a white 2008 Kia Sorento for me telling me the gift was a practical one if I was going to be working in Phoenix. I was excited about the car and didn’t know how to thank them, so I told them how much this meant to me. I saw the smile on their faces and I broke down for a second and hugged Wendy. I whispered to her how thankful I was and that I did love her. I think my words meant more to her that I could understand at the time.

  The rest of my time with Wendy before she moved to New York and I moved to Phoenix went by slowly. I was indifferent about moving to Phoenix. I had spent five years with Wendy and Tom. I wanted to be an adult, and they needed their life back. However, I would miss them. They were my only family.

  I had to take down my Facebook account because of the nasty messages and posts I was receiving. I never really used Facebook and I wasn’t upset. Other than that, I spent my time at school attending my classes and ignoring the people around me. I talked with my teachers, and that was all.

  I didn’t go to my senior prom. Wendy had offered to take me dress shopping and that it would be okay for me to go alone. I knew she was disappointed when I said no because I saw the sadness on her face. She tried explaining to me that prom was a rite of passage, and I shouldn’t miss the opportunity. I finally gave in and told her why I refused to go. I told her everything as I cried. She was upset with me for not telling her what had happened that night.

  The next day we went to the school. Wendy had scheduled a meeting with Principal Cory and my course counselor.

  We came to an agreement that because of my good grades I would be able to finish school from home, after I told them what had happened and the threats and rumors that were going around. I was personally okay to finish from home and I asked to received my diploma in the mail.

  There was no evidence proving what happened to me that night with Kyle, but I was forced to reopen my Facebook account because of the seriousness of what I told Principal Cory. I had to show everything to her. She took notes to decide what disciplinary action was to take place.The look of disgust and utter shock in her face when I showed her what my peers had posted on my page made me realize this was a bigger deal than I wanted it to be. She told me she was obligated after having knowledge of such intolerable activities to take this very serious and would do what she could as Principal. I never found out what happened to Kyle, but Wendy told me he got what he deserved.

  Wendy insisted that my days were spent the same as if I was attending classes. I spent the same time as before working on my homework in the morning then went to work with Wendy. I was able to finish school in early May, before the other students. Principal Cory came to the house and personally handed me my diploma. She was proud that I made the right choices, finishing strong, and was able to graduate early after the trauma I experienced.

  I had explained to the Principal when she was at the house that I was thankful. I learned that girls are cruel and will say anything thinking their words and actions won’t hurt others. The rumors made me consider what it would be like to be with my mother. I told her I had to overcome the depression on my own if I was going to be able to be okay with myself.

  I never asked what happened with Kyle. Kristi was kind enough to send me a letter that Wendy intercepted. I guess the school was able to prove the bet and he was suspended for the rest of the year. He would have to finish school next year and was given community service. I do know that Wendy had a long talk with Kristi’s mom about the
situation. I never asked about that because I didn’t want to know what happened.

  This whole situation was how I had learned how to be okay with me. I learned to love myself just the way I am. I’m pretty and smart, I’m not the best at dancing, but I find it fun. I love my books and my wild long curly hair. If others can’t see me for me, then that’s their loss.

  I may not have any friends, but I won’t let that get me down. I know good things are about to come my way.


  April 2015

  Cara Age 21

  I worked with Amy for a year and a half. I learned how to manage a house, did minor cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping and took her daughter to and from school. I also took her daughter to Brownies (Girl Scouts) and helped her with her homework for kindergarten. For me, this was the perfect job.

  Amy was nice enough to let me know well before my services were no longer needed. She was getting married, and her new husband had a teenage daughter. I knew this was coming because she would now have extra help around her house and someone would be there for her daughter. I was okay with no longer having this job and took everything I had done over the past year and a half as a learning experience. I had to find other employment, so I went to a temp service where I met Karen.

  I would say we are friends, but not close friends because I know what happens when people get close. They betray you, or they leave you.

  I started working odd jobs at the temp agency until I started working at Planners Plus. Karen told me to apply for where she is now a permanent employee. I work for three sisters Heather, Alexis, and Mary for now, inputting data. My temporary duties are to help take some of the work-load from Heather and Alexis while Mary was out of the office on bed rest due to her pregnancy. She gave birth last week to a baby boy. When she’s ready to return, I might be out of a job. Heather pretty much is in charge of everything. She told me that I would know in advance when Mary would return and would likely be offered a two-month severance if that time comes.


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