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Forget Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 1)

Page 9

by Tracey Champion

  When I feel that the hiccups have lessened, I pull away from Jordan. He has tear stains on his shirt. “I’m sorry about your shirt. Can you please get Amber for me?” He smile at me and the smile reaches his eyes. He turns reluctantly and and walks away from me. This whole issue could go from okay to really bad. I force myself to calm down, but the hiccups come back in full force.

  I don’t know how long it takes before I hear Amber. She walks into the kitchen with Jessica behind her, and I lose it. I begin to sob uncontrollably, and Jessica wraps me in a big hug. These women are my friends, and I screwed up.

  “Chill out girly. I see you must have smacked my brother. Good, but I guess he didn’t tell you his story like he told me. Which by the way, I wanted to smack him and you saved me the trouble.” Amber is waving her hands in the air as she digs through a cabinet. “Eureka, the best remedy. Jessica, I will refill your stash.” Amber says as she pulls out a couple of boxes of See’s Candy.

  Jessica lets go of me, and I turn to scowl at Amber. Really? Chocolates are her remedy for this disaster? She doesn’t even seem mad at me and here I am having a break-down.

  “Oh don’t give me that look. Get over it. Now I need to find some vodka to loosen you up. A shot or two and some chocolate, you will be much better. Be right back.” I look from Amber to Jessica, who is just shaking her head at me.

  “Are you okay?” Jessica has a soft, very nurturing voice.

  “I think so,” I tell her, now that my hiccups have stopped I feel better. Breathing is still hard because my chest hurts, but I think I will be okay.

  Amber walks back into the kitchen with strawberry vodka and two shot glasses. She looks at me and then pours the shots. “Okay, you need to relax, and I know what you’re thinking. Okay, I lied, I’m not a mind reader, Jordan told me. I’m not mad at you, and neither is he. Jordan wanted me to remind you. Now, on three we both take a shot. Just a warning, you and I have to stay a little later because my shot has to wear off so I can drive.”

  My head is spinning before the first shot. Amber really needs to learn to slow down when she talks. “Amber, do you even breathe when you talk?” She just tells me nope. “Thank you for not being mad at me for slapping your brother.”

  “Okay on three. And for the record, you saved me the trouble. Now one…two…three” I downed the shot, and it burned. I don’t know how people drink this stuff, it’s disgusting. She pours another shot in my glass. I look at Jessica, who is laughing at me. I can’t stand alcohol, but I suck it up and down the shot. I shake my shoulders and tell Amber no more. She reminds me she only said two.

  We spend a few minutes talking in the kitchen and eating yummy chocolates. I realized dark chocolate is not my favorite. The chocolate, caramel and marshmallow combination is my favorite. Jessica tells me that combo is her favorite, too. We finish off the chocolates, and I start to feel the effects of the alcohol.

  “Okay, let’s join everyone before the entire party comes upstairs. I would hate to have to clean the entire house.” I try to contain my laughter at Jessica, but I’m a lightweight with the vodka in my system and I start giggling. Amber takes my hand, and we walk into the party room. Luckily my balance likes me when I’m woozy.

  I spend some time listening to Nate telling me about his reasons for having Butler, his PTSD dog. The quiet bothers him. The lack of noise allows his mind to focus on every little sound, and he becomes very jumpy. He explains to me that he spent some time on a mission alone and had to focus hard on every little noise. That created an issue where he cannot turn it off. Jessica added that they slept to instrumental music at night.

  After listening to the story, I have more respect for them and their marriage. They are a powerful couple. Alone they are wonderful individuals, but together they work perfectly. I talk to Jessica about the bookI got Amber to read. Jessica mentions that she would love to borrow my paperback copy, I tell her that I will bring it with me next Friday. She says she would prefer to hold the actual book than an electronic device. I cannot blame her, there’s something special about holding a book.

  I get up and go in search of Amber. She brought down the vodka and shot glasses from earlier. I figure one more won’t hurt me. I can have some fun. Hanna is at the bar mixing a drink. I would love to say what she is making, but I don’t understand the many types of alcoholic beverages.

  “So are you going to just stare at me?” Hanna doesn’t even look at me as she mixes her drink. I see the vodka and some other items on the counter. “Yep, just watching you, make your drink.” She looks to me and grabs a red solo cup. “Well, I can make you one if you want.” I am stunned when she sounds pleasant. Everyone has gathered around the pool table, and I figure why not. My night cannot get any worse.

  “It’s cranberry juice and vodka for you. I don’t think you can handle what I am drinking.” I take a sip, but there is no burn like the shot. “By the way Cara, I think I owe you an apology.” Huh, I become confused at what she is talking about. “My behavior last time toward you was misdirected. I’m typically a bitch by nature and well me and the girls here, normally, we don’t get along.” I take another sip and can really feel the alcohol in my system.

  “You’re fine Hanna. As long as you are not a bitch to me, I think we could maybe be friends, but your boyfriend is a pain in my ass.” I think the vodka has affected my brain to mouth filter. I see Amber with a big grin on her face doing a come-hither finger at me. I think I hear Hanna mention something about him not being her boyfriend, but all I can think of is the teachers from Charlie Brown.

  “Please tell me I heard you right?” I’m more focused on my cup than the fact that Amber is talking to me. Jordan is playing a round of pool against Tyler. Ryan I think is keeping score or yelling at them. I just hum to Amber, like I have a clue what she’s talking about. Yep, I am definitely getting trashed.

  “Did you call Hanna a bitch, because I will love you if you did?” Oh, she heard me say bitch, got it. I don’t even realize that the tone of my voice is raised when I respond to her. “Yes, I said to Hanna that we can be friends. Only if she’s not a bitch and you didn’t pay attention when I also told her that your brother is a pain in my ass.” I take another sip from my pretty red cup when I realize the room is quiet.

  I slowly spin around to see the entire room of people watching me. Jordan is standing away from the pool table with his arms crossed. The look he is giving me is dangerously hot. My body warms and I feel a tingling sensation between my legs. Great I will be intoxicated and horny.

  Jordan smiles and then winks at me. I could have melted on the spot. I attempt to take another sip of my drink and for some odd reason the cup is now empty. I look for Hanna, and she is right next to me taking my cup. I frown at her like a child who was told no. “I’m just going to fill it, chill. I only gave you half a cup before.” I guess being friends with her has a benefit. I go back to staring at Jordan and notice the whole room is watching me.

  “What are we waiting on something?” I ask, but to whom I cannot figure out. “You come off as such a good girl beautiful that hearing you swear is amusing and cute. Let alone the fact that you are wasted.” Tyler answers my question. I totally understand now why they are watching me. Hanna taps me when she returns with an almost full cup. Right now I could kiss her. It’s better than remembering what I did earlier.

  “You’re welcome, and you might want to drink that slowly. One of these boys may have to drive you home if you pass out and from the looks of it they would be way too happy about it.” Hanna whispers the last part, and I straighten my back. I don’t think I would like for one of them to take me home.

  I decide to walk closer to the pool table to watch the game that I don’t understand even sober. I know I should not be as close as I am, but for some reason I cannot find logic in moving. Amber has walked over to Jessica on the other side of the room. I just smiled at her, letting her know that I was okay.

  I continue to watch as Tyler has the pool table cue. I t
hink that’s what Ryan said when I went to stand near him. The room spins as I try to watch the balls on the table, and I pull my focus more on the two players instead. I don’t need to pass out.

  Tyler moves in front of me to continue his play. I can’t help but check out his butt as he bends over. I refocus my attention when I hear someone cough and then some laughing. I notice Ryan is the one laughing, and I follow the direction of his eyes. Jordan looks mad. I thought when I slapped him his face was pretty red, but now he’s really red. He’s also focused on me. He reminds me of Chris Hemsworth, only taller and with more muscles.

  “You’re going to be mad at me for checking out Tyler’s ass, but not because I slapped you?” Tyler is now joining in on the laughter, and I don’t have time to move before Jordan’s in front of me. I realize now that Hanna is gone, and I have no idea where Travis went. Amber is on the other side of the room with Jessica and Nate. I have no one to defend me, but two laughing hyenas.

  Jordan takes the cup out of my hands and finishes what’s left. I cross my arms in frustration. I was enjoying my drink, and he took it away. Seriously he is getting on my nerves. Jordan hands the empty cup to Ryan and leans in close to my face. “You really should not be drinking.”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m legal to drink. I turned twenty-one on Valentine’s Day, FYI.” I take a moment to figure out what to say next, but with him this close to me I can’t think straight. His eyes have this animalistic look to them. His pupils are larger, and the blue of his eyes is almost a teal color. I thought they were bright blue. “You are wreaking havoc to my body and are a royal pain in my ass.” I bite back thinking I made my point.

  “You, pretty girl, are drunk and I’m not a pain in your ass. Ask my sister. I’m a pain in her ass.” I look around Jordan to Amber, who is in a fit of laughter and shaking her head yes. Jordan leans in close to my ear, and I shiver. “I’m stubborn with you because when I see something I want, I will make sure I do anything to have it.” Before Jordan backs away, he kisses me on the cheek. I cannot think of anything else to say, so and I keep my mouth shut.

  I watch the guys play some more before I go to sit on the couch next to Amber. I don’t remember falling asleep.


  No matter how much I try at this fucking game, Tyler kicks my ass. He blames it on my shitty coordination. I think he pays too much attention to details just like Nate, who also kicks my ass at this game.

  I look over to my sister. She has Cara’s head in her lap. She is sleeping. I never thought there would be a day that I would find hearing a woman swear cute. Cara swearing is cute. Her entire body blushes when she swears.

  I can thank Hanna later for making Cara’s drink. The vodka was light, not the normal I would see in Hanna’s drink. Thank God, or she would have passed out hours ago. Watching her get frustrated over the little things and the truth come out of that pretty little mouth of hers was great. Even better was when she focused on what to say.

  Cara did piss me off for a second. When she tilted her head and blatantly checked out Tyler. Fuck that, so I faked a cough to get her attention. I was not expecting her to admit to it or to call me out. God I wanted to fuck her right there on the pool table. I wasn’t thrilled that she was drunk, but she is fucking hot when she is mad and frustrated at me.

  I watch my sister with sleeping Cara. I can’t help but think about the incident in the kitchen. I was not expecting her to slap me. What happened next will haunt me. I have seen people panic, but watching Cara fall apart in front of me, no thank you. I can survive never having to see that again. I’ve had girlfriends who would cry for attention. I can typically shut it out. Watching her panic like she did was the worst. I fucking swear my heart stopped.

  She just unraveled in front of me. Her entire body, began to shake as she just stared at the ground. I watched as she fidgeted with her hands. When I heard the sob rack her little body all I could think about was holding her. But I feared I would only make it worse. The hiccups started, and I needed to get her attention. I have had grown men punch me in the face, and her slap was nothing to me. A minor shock yes, but to Cara it seemed like her whole world fell apart.

  Once I was able to settle her, I did as she asked and got Amber. I fucking hated having to walk away, but I quietly told Amber and she went to help Cara. Then I had to deal with Hanna. Fucking hell, I had to explain everything to her again. I know she got it the first time. Hopefully, I won’t have to repeat myself later.

  I notice Amber flagging me and I head on over to the couch. “What’s up Amber?” I ask her knowing well enough what she wants. “You know what. She needs to go home, and I can’t take her if she is passed out.” Amber rolls her eyes at me. It would be funny to see her try, but not with Cara.

  “You want me to take her home?” Amber tells me yes and I carefully pick up Cara. She feels right in my arms as she snuggles up against me. Amber helps me get her into the back seat where we lay her down. She hands me Cara’s purse after retrieving her keys. I know where Cara lives, so that’s not a problem, and I drive her home.

  She wakes when we arrive, but says nothing. I honestly don’t know if she will remember any of this. I open the door to her very tiny apartment. I already didn’t like the lack of safety outside. I carry her into the only bedroom and lay her down. I can’t help but want to make her comfortable and I remove the shorts she is wearing. I hiss when I see her in bright green, lace panties. My dick hardens at the sight and my pants become excruciatingly tight.

  Thank fuck I can will it down. I have no interest in somnophilia, or the sleeping princess syndrome. I hate that I even know that word. Dealing with the sick minded fucks I have had to sort out through my work can really mess with one’s mind.

  As I tuck Cara in she turns to look at me. I freeze not knowing if she is aware of what’s going on.

  “I wish you were single, I really do like you,” she says in a sleepy voice and closes her eyes.

  I kiss her forehead and walk to the kitchen. I fill a glass with water, find some Tylenol and place both items next to her bed. I leave a note that says for her to take them and I leave, locking her door behind me.

  I grabbed her key and run over to Ryan’s quickly. He can make a copy of the key so I can return the one I borrowed. I will give the extra to Amber, but I want to make sure I don’t just leave her apartment unlocked. It’s not safe and I feel the need to protect her.

  Ryan was quick and I return the key making sure she is out before I leave again. I can’t help but watch her sleep. She looks fucking beautiful lying there asleep.



  When I awoke on Saturday, I had no clue how I had gotten home. There was a note beside my bed with a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol. The note was signed by Jordan. I guess I wasn’t dreaming when I thought he was in my room. I attempt to get up, but my stomach starts to churn, and I stop. I rest a little longer until I feel safe to get out of bed.

  I realize my shorts are missing and it makes me pause. I look around my room and notice them in my hamper. Strange, if I took them off they would have been on the floor. He must have undressed me. How nice, I think? My phone chimes a text message as I carefully walk into the bathroom.

  I do my business in the bathroom and wash my face. I smell like alcohol, yuck. When I finish, I search for clean clothes. Okay, I grabbed new panties and a large shirt. My head is pounding, and I feel sick. I check my phone, and there is a message from Jordan.

  11:05am Jordan:

  Good morning pretty girl. I left your key on the kitchen counter, drink plenty of water for your hangover and drink slowly

  11:15am Me:

  Thank you it’s not a good morning I want to die

  11:16am Jordan:

  Pretty Girl don’t you think that’s a little over dramatic for a hangover

  11:16am Me:

  I hate you, you know that

  11:17am Jordan:

  No you like me and if you need me just call

  11:18am Me:

  I need my bed but thank you

  I decided to take a hot shower. I scrubbed my body at least three times. I washed my hair, but I left it out down, my head hurt too much for a braid today. I spent the rest of Saturday in my bed with water, a box of frosted flakes and half watching but mostly listening to Netflix. Around nine my phone chimed with another message. Jordan was telling me good night.

  I spent all of Sunday getting my errands done. I felt much better. I told Amber to never ever let me drink again. She just laughed and said I needed to relax a little. Plus my drunken state was awesome. Then she asked me what I could remember. I told her everything up until I fell asleep.

  Monday was a busy day. I had to deal with a lot of new files for clients to upload into the computer system. Aaron kept asking me about Jordan, and I yelled at him to leave me alone. What was I supposed to do? I told Aaron multiple times that Jordan has a girlfriend. I knew Karen’s thoughts on Jordan so I turned my music up to focus on work.

  Tuesday I got a delivery at work. There was a gentleman that came in carrying a bouquet of pink roses. I didn’t even notice him until Karen got all excited. I looked but saw Alexis point him in our direction. I went back to work thinking the delivery was for Karen. She was seeing some guy she talked on and on about. I was shocked when he stopped at my desk.

  “Cara Hanson?” He asked me. I just nodded my head. Who would send me flowers? I have never been given flowers. I looked for the card and opened it.

  Pretty girl,

  I hope you have a wonderful day.


  I couldn’t wrap my mind around Jordan sending me flowers. An hour after they arrived my cell phone started ringing and I checked to see who would be calling.

  It was Jordan.


  “Do you like the flowers I sent?” What do I say to that? The truth, that I do like them, or do I lie because it pains me to know I can’t have him and that this is wrong.


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