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Forget Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 1)

Page 29

by Tracey Champion

  “Don’t say that in front of her. We won’t know that until the results come back.” Jordan was using his commanding voice with Niki. I could see that little Isabella was starting to look upset.

  Niki turned her attention to me. “Why are you here? This has nothing to do with you.” She was talking down to me like I was an unwanted child.

  “I was asked to be here by Jordan.” I didn’t like how she spoke to me. Her eyes ran up and down my body. Are we in some kind of competition?

  “JT, I want her to leave. Now please.” All I heard were nails on a chalkboard. Why does she call him JT? That makes my skin crawl.

  “She stays or we both leave. You told me you would have your appointment in the morning. Why are you here?” Isabella was tugging on Niki’s arm, and she was being ignored.

  I walked between Jordan and Niki. I offered Isabella my hand. “Sweetie why don’t you come with me so your mommy and Jordan can talk.” She took my hand.

  “You’re not going anywhere with my daughter.” I wonder how much trouble slapping her would cause.

  “Listen I won’t be far. You two are fighting and scaring her.” I walked over to the lady at the front desk. “Excuse me, has she been tested yet?”

  The older woman looked at me and then Isabella. “No, Ma’am”

  “Good, then would we be okay to wait in a room while her mother and Mr.Carter talk. I can stay with her until Niki is done and then the doctor can proceed with what needs to be done.” The woman stood up and smiled at me.

  “I think we can accommodate that.” I followed her to a room not far off. Niki watched me go into the room.

  The room was not as quiet as I hoped. I could still hear them talking softly. I helped Isabella onto the table to sit. I know they should have a book or something to entertain her, but I saw nothing.

  “What’s your name?” This little voice asked me.

  “Cara, well actually Momma and my Daddy named me Cara Mia.” This big smile spread across her little face. She was super cute. I tried hard not to study her features.

  “Can you tell me a story, Cara Mia?” I felt deflated. I saw no books.

  “Would you be okay if I made up a story?’ She looked to be thinking about what I said and then smiled. “Let’s think. Do you want a funny story, a silly story or a princess story?”

  “Princess! Mommy doesn’t tell stories. She’s too busy. My teacher at school told a story to me. I like stories.” Okay, well think Cara.

  “Okay. Once upon a time there was a little girl who’s whole world involved her Momma. Then one day her Momma got sick and went to sleep. Since the Princess’s Momma didn’t wake-up, she was given to the care of…” I had to think of something cool.

  “Fairies,” she said excitedly

  “Fairies, who raised her until she was grown. They told the Princess that she needed to go out in the world and be happy. So off went the Princess to find what made her happy. She meets a bunch of people along the way. A friend who turned out to be a wicked witch, a beautiful boy who became a troll.

  The Princess then met three beautiful Tinkerbells who put the Princess to work. Then one day the Princess met another Princess.”

  “Did they become friends?” I loved how excited she was.

  “Yes, they became friends, best friends. The other Princess had a castle and other Prince’s and Princess’s as best friends. But one day the new Princess introduced the other Princess to a handsome Prince. The one Princess’s brother….”

  “What the hell are you doing?” Niki interrupted with a disgusted tone in her voice.

  “Cara is telling me a Princess story, Mommy.” I shot a smile to Isabella. Niki looked annoyed.

  “Out, now.” She doesn’t have to tell me twice.

  “But Mommy.” That was the last thing I heard Isabella say before the door closed. I walked to the front looking for Jordan.

  “Excuse me,” I got the attention of the woman at the desk. “Do you know where Mr.Carter is?”

  “Yes, he’s in a room with the doctor.” Oh. I took a seat and waited for Jordan. I didn’t have to wait long before he exited a room.

  “Hey, you could have come into the room, instead of waiting for me.”

  “I know, but I didn’t want to interrupt. Are we good?” Jordan walked over to the woman at the desk and pulled out his wallet.

  “Yes, I need to pay for both parties tests,” he spoke to the older woman. I didn’t like that he was paying for both test. I just knew this was Jordan. He was doing the right thing.


  I knew Cara was trying not to question everything. However, I could see the issue written all over her face. That’s a part of my job. I knew Niki had a daughter after she left me. I did the math on Isabella’s birthday when Tyler told me she was born. She can’t be mine.

  I was too busy working on a large government contract at the time. I hadn’t seen Niki in weeks. We had the contracts to get in order. Then we took on a few minor cases. The time frame for the Isabella’s birth told me all I needed to know. She wasn’t mine.

  I can guess who’s daughter she is. Niki’s former boss. The dumb ass. He was stupid to tell me that he was fucking her. I shoved his head into my fist. I cared about Niki then. Now I have no real feelings for her.

  As I was paying the nice lady, I heard Niki and Isabella come out of their room. Niki looked over at me. She’s going to be trouble. Then she turned her attention to Cara. Shit.

  “Listen up and listen good. You can’t keep him, he’ll do what’s right. He always does. Might as well walk away now.” Niki left out the door.

  Cara’s natural tan skin paled instantly. Fuck. I told Niki to leave her alone. Now I have damage to fix. I thanked the lady and took my receipt.

  “Cara Mia.”

  “Hmmm.” She was thinking something.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” I asked with a laugh. Trying to change the mood.

  “No, I like Isabella, she’s sweet. I feel somewhat bad for her. Niki…I think I still hate her.” Okay, not as bad as I thought.


  Three weeks later

  I had left Cara at the house when I went into work. All of us found the situation very bizarre that we had silence from Travis. No more cards at the house or in the mail. There were no more black roses.

  The only thing I could think of was that Travis was planning something. Fuck! I wish I knew where to find him. He’s pretty smart.

  “Jordan, Travis will make a mistake, and when he does, we will have him.” Ryan had come into my office to talk about the DEA problem.

  “Fuck. Don’t remind me. I know he’s not done, but the possibility of Cara still being bait for him sucks.” I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. “I can’t leave her alone. She wants to go to school. Shit, I had to make Tyler go with her.”

  “I know dude, we can handle this. Cara’s not a problem to protect, Jordan. I like her personality. Makes her easy to hang with.” He did have a point. The guys hated Hanna, but seem easy going about Cara. My Cara.

  My phone rang on my desk. I looked to see the clinic was calling. “Hello.”

  “Mr. Carter I wanted to let you know we have a courier bringing the test results in on Friday. Would you and Ms.Taylor like to be here together to receive the results?” Wow, I’m not ready for this.

  “I will call her and figure that out and call you back. Thank you.” Shit.

  “That the clinic?” Ryan could see the frustration all over me.

  “Yeah, I fucking hate this. Why did she have to come back now?” Everything happens for a reason right. I could know on Friday if I’m wrong. “Ryan do you mind, I have to make some phone calls.”

  Ryan nodded and left my office. I thought long and hard about calling Cara first, but I needed to call Niki. I wanted to know what she would like to do about the results.

  “JT, glad you called,” her voice was like poison washing over me.

  “The results will be in Friday.
Do you want to meet me there to hear what they are?” Why am I giving her a choice? I’m a fucking idiot.

  “No, I can pick them up, and we can talk over dinner. Just you and me.” I could hear the seduction in her voice. Hell no.

  “Not happening Niki.” Just then my office door opened, and Cara walked in. Fuck! This is bad. “No, I won’t go to dinner. We can do this at the clinic.” Cara took a blank piece of paper off my desk and a pen.

  Are the results in

  I mouthed to her yes.

  “Niki no, we can talk at the clinic. I won’t go to dinner with you.”

  Go, I don’t want to be there when they’re read. You might need to be alone together.

  Huh. No fucking way. “Niki give me a second.” I muted my phone. “No Cara.”

  “Just go. What would dinner hurt? You have to go. Just get everything out of the way.” I hated that she was serious.

  “Fine Niki, I will let the clinic know that you will pick up the results.”

  “Meet me at our favorite Italian restaurant around 6:00 pm.” No.

  “Fine.” I hung up and turned to Cara.

  “Come here.” She slowly walked to me. I pushed my chair back and grabbed her arm when she came closer. I had her on my lap. “Why do you want me to go to dinner alone with Niki?”

  She dropped her eyes from mine. “Cara Mia look at me?” Her breaths were coming in fast.

  “You have to do the right thing. I can’t be around for the results Jordan.” I wrapped my arms around her back and kissed her.

  “I don’t want to go.” She kissed me back.

  “I know.”


  I think when you don’t want something to happen then time slows to a crawl. I’m not ready for today. Amber is off searching for more information on Travis with Ryan. That means I’m going over to Nate and Jessica’s without her.

  Jessica has planned to teach me how to properly bake chocolate chip cookies. Then we will order food and watch a movie. Jordan’s dropping me off.

  I’m all ready to go. Jordan planned to drop me off with just enough time to get to the restaurant. He’s wearing a nice gray button-up with short sleeves. The shirt hugs his body. He matched the shirt with a pair of dark jeans. He looks good, and I like it. I also hate the look because she gets to see him.

  “Hey, I don’t have to go Cara Mia,” Jordan turns to me and says. “I can stay, or you can go with me.”

  “I can’t and you know you can’t either. This has to be done.” I walk over to him and reach up on my tiptoes to kiss him. “This is the right thing to do.”

  “I don’t want to do the right thing this time Cara. You don’t understand the only right thing I have to do is for you.” I plant my feet back on the ground.

  “Then do this for me. Promise me something.”


  “If Isabella is your daughter, and you decide to change your mind then text me the words, we’re done.” His eyes look broken, just how I feel.

  “I won’t have to do that. I made you a promise, and I plan to keep it.”

  We drive to Jessica’s in silence. Jordan’s phone pinged an incoming text that he refused to look at. I kissed him before I got out of the car. This could be the last time he’s really mine.

  Nate is at the door when I walk up. He smiles at me and heads out to Jordan’s truck for a talk. I leave them and go inside. My insides are all knotted up. I don’t feel so good.

  “Cara,” Jessica calls me.

  “I’m here.” She rounds the corner from her kitchen in an apron.

  “Good. Put this on, we have cookies to bake. Nate ordered pizza. You ready?” I set my things down and follow Jessica. She handed me a pink apron with darker pink ribbons. I put on the apron and watch Jessica.

  “My mom made that. I helped pick the material. Do you like?” Her mom made the apron. Yes.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Good, that belongs to you now.”

  I help Jessica pull out all the ingredients. She grabs the flour and sugar. I had the eggs and butter. I had to stop and look for the chocolate chips. She told me she had to hide them.

  We go through the process of starting the cookies. Jessica makes me begin mixing the cookies. She takes me step by step. She says we can mix the dry ingredients first. We have to wait on the butter it’s still too hard.

  The mess we are making is not as bad. She’s cleaning right behind me. I mix in the other ingredients and then the chocolate chips. She smacks my hand when I go to eat some.

  “Don’t do that.” I pout at Jessica.

  “Why not?”

  “Because we get to eat all the cookies.” The sarcasm in her voice makes me laugh. I can live with eating the cookies. We put the first batch in when Nate enters with pizza.

  Jessica finishes cleaning and pulls out plates. This is the first time I’ve sat in their actual living room. Jessica set a timer. She told me that when the timer goes off we need to check to cookies.

  Nate pulls out a comedy for us to watch. I can take that. I like this distraction, but when I try to eat my mind goes to Jordan. I wonder what he’s doing.

  “Hey, I also have the ingredients to make snickerdoodles if you want Cara.” I like snickerdoodles.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, I remember you saying you like them. I don’t like to see you sad.” I smile. I look over at Nate, who has Butler sitting at his feet. He winks at me.

  “She’s right Cara, make cookies I don’t care. I like the sounds and smells. Time will fly when you’re busy and then Jordan will be back.” I officially lost my appetite.

  “What if he doesn’t come back?” I ask trying not to cry.

  “He promised you, Cara. I know Jordan, and he would never break a promise. Especially one made to you.” I get up and take my plate into the kitchen. I need a moment to myself.

  I take out the cookies and place a new batch in the oven. “Okay, Jessica. How do we make snickerdoodle's?”

  I enjoyed making the chocolate chip cookies. I like eating them slightly cooled from the oven. The snickerdoodle's were a mess. Once the dough is done, you roll the cookies into a ball. Then take that ball and make sure to cover it with cinnamon and sugar.

  The kitchen was clean, and we had the last batch in the oven. I grabbed a cookie and heard my phone chime. I ran to get my phone from where I sat in the living room. I had a message from Jordan.

  “Cara?” I hadn’t opened the message. I really don’t want to. “Was that Jordan?”

  “Yes.” I check the message and drop my phone. I watch the phone fall in slow motion. When my phone hit the wood floor, the back popped off along with the battery.

  “Cara?” Jessica calls me, but I don’t give her my attention. My heart shattered. Gone.

  “He promised me. He broke his promise.” I can’t help the flood of tears. I’m broken. He’s not mine. He wants Niki. Butler is bumping his head against my leg.

  “Nate!” I hear Nate walk into the room. “Get Butler away from Cara. She’s having a panic attack.”

  I don’t hear anything else. I know Jessica and Nate talked. I think I kept repeating that Jordan promised me. I couldn’t breathe. Trying to pull air into my lungs, hurt. My chest felt heavy and hollow.

  “Jordan doesn’t want me.” I cried. I felt Jessica wrap her arms around me.

  “Let’s sit in the guest room Cara. You can stay here tonight.” I turned to her with tears running down my face. I couldn’t help, but just throw myself at her. She wraps me in a tight hug and lets me cry on her shoulders.

  “I can beat him up for you.” I let out a tiny laugh.

  “No thanks. I still love him.” She takes me into the guest room. She sits with me saying nothing.


  I’m thankful to be out of the restaurant. I text Cara quickly. I need to be with her right now.

  “JT, stop! We’re not done here.” She is whining. I made my point twice.

  “What more do you want Niki? I
sabella is not my daughter. Do you understand the damage you have caused me?” I got a text before I dropped Cara off. The doctor apologized for not sending the email sooner.

  He sent me a photo of the results. I have zero trust in Niki. The results showed that I’m not the father. Thank God. I mean I would have done the right thing and stepped up. That never meant I would leave Cara.

  “She needs a father figure, and I need you.” Her voice makes me sick. Really, fucking great.

  “Niki, I’m not her biological father. The test says so. Maybe you should talk to your old boss.” Her body goes stiff. Yeah, she thought I didn’t know that information.

  “How did you know?” Fuck me. Really?

  “Who was I close to at the time Niki? Ryan still hates you for whatever you said to my sister. I got informed by Ryan you were getting close to your boss. I went to have a chat with him. He told me the truth. Then I punched him.” I’m really pissed the fuck off.

  “You beat up Garret? See...JT, what that means is you loved me. Please give me another chance.” I try to relax my body.

  One…breathe in

  Two…breathe out

  Three…breathe in

  Four…breathe out. Is she really going to try to get close to me? Fuck this.

  “Niki, no. You were right I loved you. I don’t love you now and I never will again. There are no second chances. You had me, and you want me to still love you. What do you think that I spent my days pining over you?” I stood in front of her with my arms crossed.

  “No, JT. I miss you. We were great together.”

  “Right, you wanted me to worship you. You didn’t care for me or the plans I was putting into place for us. You chose to sleep with your boss. I don’t want you.” She started to cry and for a moment I felt bad for her.

  “Jordan, I still love you. I’m sorry I caused you trouble. Can we please try?” I swear she’s not fucking listening to me.

  “No. This conversation is done. Go to your daughter. Stop trying to make everything about you. Your life is now about her. I have to go home to Cara.” I see Niki change she’s livid.

  “She’ll never love you like I do. You deserve better JT.” Fuck I wish she listened when I told her at the table to stop calling me JT.


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