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Seriously Sexy 2

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by Miranda Forbes


  A collection of twenty erotic stories

  Edited by Miranda Forbes

  Published by Xcite Books Ltd – 2013

  ISBN 9781907761935

  Copyright © Accent Press Ltd 2008

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Accent Press Ltd, PO Box 26,

  Treharris, CF46 9AG


  Thanks For The Memory Roxanne Sinclair

  Phone Jack Landon Dixon

  Arlene N. Vasco

  The Boss Ruby Latour

  Company Picnic Chloe Devlin

  The Journey Izzy French

  1001 Arabian Slut Slaves Chloe Devlin

  Ecstasy Heights Louise Fuller

  Self-Control Lesson Anna Ford

  Show Home Landon Dixon

  Spying On Audrey Eva Hore

  Watch On The Danube Donna George Storey

  Scrapbook Pages Sommer Marsden

  A Punishment To Some Anaïs Nohant

  Backstage Roger Frank Selby

  Happy Birthday Ben Roxanne Sinclair

  My Cousin’s 21st Eva Hore

  High Tea In Suburbia Mark Farley

  Spring Break Girls Lynn Lake

  For The Love Of Arrogance Shermaine Williams

  Thanks For The Memory

  by Roxanne Sinclair

  Wearing nothing but an oversized beach towel, Carla grabbed her wash bag and bounced down the two steps of the caravan in France that had been her home for the last week and a half. The sun was already warm even though it was not yet seven o’clock in the morning and she headed to the shower block with the feeling that today was going to be a good day.

  She was the only person in the small brick building, probably the first of the day. The smell of disinfectant hung in the air as a reminder of the cleaner who had been there earlier.

  She walked into the middle cubicle and allowed the door to close behind her at its own pace. She removed her towel and draped it over the hook on the back of the door, watching the door click shut, she did not lock it.

  Walking the three feet from the door to the shower head, she positioned herself under it and twisted the silver knob, bracing herself for what she knew was coming. The first thirty seconds or so was always icy cold but Carla took delight in the way it made her feel.

  The initial touch made her catch her breath but she forced herself to stay under the water. She bounced on her toes without realising it until her body became accustomed to the temperature. Her arms were by her side and her face was turned up to the ceiling. The jet of water landed in the V at the base of her neck and formed tiny rivers that ran down her body on their way to the ground. Her whole body came alive under its icy fingers. Her skin formed goosebumps and tingled. Her nipples were hard and erect.

  Carla shook her head. Her auburn hair fanned out like ribbons.

  She glanced over her shoulder and grasped the bar of soap from her wash bag by the door. She held the tablet under the water and rotated it between her fingers. A film coated her hands and she rubbed them together to form a thick foamy lather.

  She rubbed that foam along the length of her neck. As her hands moved along her upturned throat she could smell a hint of mango from the scented soap She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. She passed one hand briefly over the back of her neck before leaning forward and allowing the water to wash all the foam away.

  She worked the soap into another lather and ran one hand over her other arm before repeating the motion with her other hand. With her arms still covered in suds she ran her hands over the wet mounds of her breasts.

  Her fingers caressed the underside of each breast before moving over their point and onto the top. Her nipples were still erect and she squeezed them between her fingertips. It was more an act of arousal than hygiene and Carla repeated the whole motion, enjoying the sensation.

  Lost in her own world of personal pleasure Carla didn’t hear the door open behind her. She sensed someone behind her, but didn’t turn around. Instead, she moved her hands over her breasts once more. This time a moan accompanied the action.

  Moving very slowly and with her eyes closed, she turned around and realised how disappointed she would be if she found herself face-to-face with the cleaning lady. She kept her eyes closed a second or two longer than she needed to.

  When she opened her, eyes a smile formed on her lips. She was not disappointed by what she saw.

  ‘Oh,’ she feigned surprise.

  He said nothing. His lips were parted in a smile of his own and his eyes rested on her hands which still cradled her breasts. She worked her fingers into the soft flesh and watched him enjoying the show that she was putting on.

  Her eyes dropped to the shorts that he was wearing and admired the stalk that had formed. She caught his eyes with hers and indicated that he should lose the shorts. This he did immediately, allowing his cock to bounce free from its prison. It came to rest at an angle about forty-five degrees to his stomach and twitched in anticipation with a life of its own.

  Using her head this time, she indicated that he should join her under the spray and he obeyed with a smile. They locked eyes, each defying the other to back away.

  Without taking her eyes off his Carla noticed the rise and fall of his Adam’s Apple. She felt his breath on her lips. He was breathing harder and faster now.

  Carla inched forward until the tips of her nipples touched the soft down that covered his chest. Carla looked into his eyes and knew that he would do whatever she asked him to.

  She asked him to wash her by offering him the soap. He understood the silent command and took it from her. He started by rubbing it up and down the right side of her neck in a slow rhythm. He did the same on the other side before resting the soap on the ledge to his right. He then put his hands either side of her neck and made small circular motions with his thumbs before spreading his fingers out wide.

  He moved his hands along her shoulders, allowing his fingertips to follow their natural curve. His hands moved down her arms until they reached her elbows, at which point he lifted her arms and moved them above her head. She held them in place and waited for what he would do next.

  He copied the motion that she had made a few minutes earlier, rolling the soap between his hands to form a cream. He let the soap slip back onto its ledge and moved the cream from one hand to the other, until he was happy with the amount in each palm.

  Smiling widely, he deposited the contents of each hand onto the tip of her breasts, deliberately flicking each nipple as he did so.

  He used the ends of his fingers to spread the tiny bubbles over the curve of her breasts. Then, using the heels of his hands, he kneaded the soft orbs. He squeezed them and moulded them; all the time his lips were inches from hers.

  She could feel his cock pressing against her and she wanted him badly. The anticipation was almost too much for her. She inched her face closer to his but he backed away, laughing as he did so.

  ‘No.’ He spoke for the first time in an accent that Carla couldn’t quite place. That single word sent a shudder through her body which exited at that point between her legs. He turned her around so that the water could wash the suds away.

  As the water pounded her front, his stiff rod rested in the crack of her arse and she wished he would shove it in her and pound her from the back too. He knew that what she wanted, so he pushed himself closer to her. He ran his hands over her stomach, allowing only the little finger of his right hand to stray anywhere near the line of hair that ran down the crack of her pu

  Her breath caught in her throat and her head fell backwards onto his shoulder. He pressed his lips to her neck and kissed it, gently at first and then with more ferocity.

  She groaned and fell against him as his finger separated her slit and worked its way inside.

  ‘You like?’ he asked.

  ‘I like,’ she confirmed. So why did he stop? She looked over her shoulder. He turned her around.

  ‘You like this more I think,’ he said, and she didn’t doubt that she would.

  He placed the index finger of his right hand into the V of her throat. Very slowly he moved that finger in a straight line down her body. He didn’t deviate from his path as he moved down her breast-bone and over the tiny bulge of her stomach. When he hit her soft mound, he shifted his hand and pushed his middle finger deep inside her.

  In-and-out, in-and-out in a slow rhythm, making sure he caught her clitoris with each movement.

  Then the fingers either side of his middle finger also entered her and it wasn’t long before she felt the rising of an orgasm, which exploded as a sensation that started between her legs and came out of her mouth as a noise she didn’t recognise.

  Satisfied with what he had achieved, he stood up straight and slowly put the fingers that had recently been inside her into his mouth, making a noise that said he liked what he tasted.

  Now it was Carla’s turn to take the lead and she stood aside. She indicated with her head that he should take her position which he did without question. Carla looked down at the penis which was now almost flat against his stomach. She was ready and eager to work.

  Her work involved cupping his balls in the palm of her left hand and squeezing gently. Her right hand wrapped itself around his shaft and rubbed. She worked the already exposed tip of his knob between her thumb and forefinger. She could see the state of his arousal in the tiny drop of spunk that escaped onto her fingers.

  With a practised move she shifted her hand until he was resting in her palm and she used a pulling rather than rubbing action. All the while his balls were resting in her left hand and she used her painted finger nails to gently scratch them. He enjoyed that part especially.

  He let her work him for several minutes, enjoying the rewards of her expert touch before making a noise that sounded something like ‘Stop.’

  She was surprised by his request but quickly realised that he had something else in mind. He pulled her up and manoeuvred her around the small space until they had changed positions. He indicated with his eyes that she should stand on the tiled ledge that ran either side of the cubicle.

  She understood what he wanted and why. She tingled with pleasure at the thought of it. She planted her feet firmly on the ledges and bent her knees slightly so that she would be the right height for him to enter her. He positioned his rod between her legs and let it find its own way to the Promised Land. A couple of small movements later and it was at the rim of her hole.

  He punctured her quickly and with a force that pushed her back against the wall. The position of the tap made her arch her back and the water fell between them, splashing onto their bodies as their crotches bounced together.

  He grabbed her arse, spreading her cheeks as he pulled her towards him. She raked her fingers through his hair and held onto him.

  With each of his moves, up she moved down, increasing the force of each penetration. It wasn’t long before she felt the beginnings of another orgasm forming.

  When it came, her whole body shuddered and goosebumps formed, causing her to tingle from head to toe. His climax wasn’t ready yet and his rhythm never missed a beat. Gradually his pace quickened and his movements intensified. A noise accompanied each thrust now, and Carla noticed that his face had become tight.

  Then the tightness was replaced by something else as Carla felt his warm fountain shoot inside her. He entered her a couple more times to make sure that he was empty, before collapsing against her.

  Their sated bodies clung together for several minutes under the stream of water. When he fell from her, she felt his juice escape and make its way down her leg. Soon it would be gone the way of the water and the suds that it was mixed with. All that would remain would be the memory.

  Phone Jack

  by Landon Dixon

  My wife and I recently combined our insatiable desire for oral sex with the titillating world of phone-sex, and we’re left to wonder why we hadn’t done so a long time ago. To be accurate, when I say phone-sex, I don’t mean me phoning up my wife and talking dirty to her, or vice versa, or getting a third party to do it; what I mean is that my wife and I have sex while one of us is on the phone. It’s added an exhilarating rush to our already intense oral activities.

  It started one day when I was home on vacation. I was waiting for Vicky, my wife, to finish some work so that we could head out to the beach. She was putting in a couple of hours at her home-based public relations firm, following things up with a few of her clients. I was amazingly horny that morning, considering that Vicky and I had already engaged in a wicked sixty-nine just before the crack of dawn, with Vicky swallowing what seemed like half a gallon of my ejaculate while I lapped up an equally copious quantity of her tangy juices. It had been quite the pre-breakfast treat, and had left me hungry for more.

  I tip-toed into her basement office while she was talking on the phone, surprising her by putting my hands on her bare shoulders and then starting to massage her neck and shoulders. She glanced back at me and smiled, then covered the mouthpiece on the phone and said, ‘It’s Cathcart,’ and rolled her eyes.

  Lyndon Cathcart owned a furniture store downtown, and Vicky did a fair amount of advertising work for him. He was notoriously long-winded, forever spouting off about some new scheme to sell his merchandise, so I knew that Vicky was going to be tied up for quite some time. But instead of releasing her buff shoulders from my grasp and leaving her to deal with her vocal client, I decided to have some fun. Just touching her warm, smooth skin had aroused my cock yet again, and its need for release overrode her need for privacy.

  I continued rubbing her sun-kissed shoulders, gently probing her long, slender neck with my fingers, and then I bent down and nuzzled the side of her neck, kissed and licked her soft, scented skin. She giggled and tried to shrug me off, but I wouldn’t be discouraged. I ran my tongue up and down the side of her neck, under her shiny, black curtain of hair and behind her ear.

  She moaned softly when my wet tongue licked at the back of her delicately shaped ear. Then she quickly covered the receiver with her hand again. ‘What are you doing, Jim?’ she asked, her face flushed.

  ‘Helping you deal with your business worries, my dear,’ I whispered, before replacing words with action and swirling my tongue around inside her rose petal of an ear.

  ‘Jesus,’ she murmured. ‘No, no, Mr Cathcart, I didn’t say anything. I was just jotting down some notes on that billboard idea of yours. Please, continue.’

  I took that last part as being directed at the both of us, so, as Cathcart droned on, I tongued Vicky’s earlobe, then caught it between my lips and tugged on it. I pushed the straps of her tank-top off her shoulders and caressed the golden flesh of her arms and chest. I slid my hands underneath the thin fabric of her top and fondled her naked breasts.

  ‘Yes,’ she whimpered; Cathcart thinking, no doubt, that she was agreeing with one of his ‘swell’ ideas.

  I stroked her firm, high breasts; cupped and squeezed them, played with her nipples, her buds rapidly flowering to their full half-inch length as I rolled and lightly pinched them. I kissed her neck more urgently, bit into her delicate flesh as I felt up her boobs.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ she breathed, her head lolling back on her shoulders, basking in the erotic sensations that my loving hands and lips were eliciting. She pressed the phone hard against her ear, the mouthpiece tilted away from her mouth, her hand shaking, her knuckles white.

  I spun the chair around so that she was facing me, and she searched my fiery eyes with h
er azure eyes, and quickly realised that I meant to have her pussy – meant to eat her out and make her come right then and there, while she talked on the phone. I was burning with desire; I wanted, needed to taste her beautiful pussy, lap up her sticky juices all over again. She nodded her head.

  After some awkward twisting of the phone cord, I had her top down around her waist, her chest bare and heaving. She was tanned all over from our endless hours spent at the beach, except for a couple of small white triangles on her breasts where her skimpy bikini normally covered her. Her pink nipples jutted out at me, yearning for my hands and mouth.

  She slid further down in the chair and I dropped to my knees in front of her, gripped her breasts and without further ado began teasing her sensitive nipples with my tongue. ‘God, yes,’ she groaned.

  ‘What!? Are you all right, Ms Forzani?’ I heard Cathcart ask in his high-pitched voice. ‘Are you listening to what I’m saying!?’

  Vicky took a deep breath and ran her trembling fingers through her hair as I flicked my tongue against first one swollen nipple and then the other, teased the underside of her nipples before swirling my tongue all around and over them. ‘Yes, yes, Mr Cathcart, I’m fine. You said that you wanted me to come up with a spot for the six o’clock news. I can do that.’

  He babbled on, and I latched my mouth onto one of Vicky’s engorged nipples and sucked on it, pulled on it, tried to swallow up as much of her succulent tit as I could. She bit her lip and thrust out her chest, urging me to devour her breasts. I disgorged her left tit and went to work on her right, clutching and squeezing the sopping flesh of one breast while I nursed on the other. She flipped the phone receiver upside down and moaned, her eyes closed, her upper body undulating gently as I fed on her tits and nipples, felt up her breasts.

  Then I abruptly pulled my head back, gave her glistening tits a final playful squeeze, and slipped my fingers under the elasticised band of her shorts. Her eyes popped open and she vaguely shook her head, Cathcart’s tinny voice filling the room. I nodded slowly and surely, and she smiled, and then brought her legs together and arched her body off the chair so that I could slide her shorts off her hips and down her legs. I took my time, the backs of my fingers stroking her slim, supple legs all the way down.


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