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Seriously Sexy 2

Page 4

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘I know baby, I know. And then I’m going to fuck you.’

  ‘Tell me,’ she cried. ‘Tell me.’

  ‘When you come, I’m going to put my cock inside your beautiful cunt and fuck you so hard, you dirty bitch.’

  ‘Oh my God, more, more!’ Jade moaned, loving him talking dirty to her.

  ‘I’m going to be so deep inside you, in-and-out, in-and-out, and you’re going to come with me fucking you.’

  ‘Yes, yes!

  ‘I’m going to shoot my load deep inside your pussy.’

  ‘Yeah, faster, John, flick my clit, baby.’

  ‘Are you going to come for me Jade?’


  ‘And then are you going to let me fuck you?’


  ‘Good girl.’ His fingers got what they wanted and Jade came even harder than the first time.

  ‘That’s amazing yes, yes,’ she cried as she came and just when she thought it couldn’t get any better John entered her from behind.

  ‘I want to feel to you come around my cock.’ He thrust in and out of her, his balls banging against her arse.

  ‘Oh yes, harder.’

  ‘Say it, Jade.’

  ‘Fuck me, fuck me harder.’

  She was on all fours, her tits swinging as he pushed in and out.

  ‘Fuck, your tits are incredible; can you feel how hard I am for you?’

  ‘Yeah, oh yeah,’ she opened her legs wider for him.

  ‘You feel amazing.’ It was his turn to groan now, she was loving it.

  ‘How amazing?’ She was teasing him.

  ‘Your cunt is so tight around my cock; you’re so wet I’m slipping in and out of you. Turn over.’

  She lay on her back and he pushed her legs back towards her head.

  This time when he entered her it was deeper; she could feel the whole length of him inside her.

  He put her legs over his shoulders and went deeper still. Again and again, getting faster and faster, Jade couldn’t believe that she was going to come again.

  ‘Oh yeah, more, harder,’ she heard herself cry.

  ‘Is that good?’ he asked.

  ‘Yes, yes, you are so deep – fuck, you’re so big – I’m going to come.’

  ‘Me too, I’m going to fill your cunt up,’ he smiled, looking into her eyes, ramming himself into her again and again.

  As she came she tightened around his rock-hard cock and he shuddered inside her, climaxing at the same time. Jade seemed to come over and over again, she had never known anything like it.

  They lay side by side, catching their breath.

  ‘You are a great fuck, that was amazing,’ John finally said.

  ‘So I take it you’re pleased you made me come to the party then?’ Jade smiled up at him.

  ‘Now you know why I did.’ He looked pleased with himself.

  ‘Well you know me; I would never say no to the boss, would I?’

  ‘I’m very glad to hear it Jade, now come here, I’ve got another little job for you …’

  Company Picnic

  by Chloe Devlin

  Greta approached the group in the park with more than a little apprehension. As a temp, she didn’t quite feel she belonged at the company picnic. But Marcus and Dominic had insisted she show up. Since they were the top salesman and respected by everyone, she found herself in a position where she couldn’t refuse. Even so, she hadn’t worn the spike heels that Marcus had ordered her to wear. That sort of attire would’ve been completely inappropriate at this kind of affair.

  Laughter burst from the middle of a knot of people, reminding her she wasn’t truly a part of this group, this company.

  Just as she turned to leave, a hand grasped her upper arm. ‘Where do you think you’re going?’ a voice murmured in her ear.

  She looked up into Marcus’ smiling face. ‘I was just … um, I mean …’

  He slid his arm around her shoulders, squeezing her against his side. ‘Don’t tell me you were thinking of leaving? Dom and I would be heartbroken. We’ve been looking forward to eating … with you.’

  She drew in a deep breath, the musky scent of Marcus mingling with the clean smell of freshly cut grass. As his fingertips rubbed gently against her bare arm, she felt a sudden surge of arousal deep in her belly. Why here? Why now? she thought. After all these years of nothing.

  Happier than she would’ve imagined being that she had come to this picnic, she smiled. ‘Well, we wouldn’t want you or Dominic to be heartbroken. Lead on.’

  ‘Good girl.’

  The praise warmed her cheeks, sending spirals of lust even deeper. She let Marcus draw her into the close group of picnickers. After a brief wave of greeting, she settled back against his sun-warmed body, content to listen to the conversation as it flowed around her. She caught snippets here and there.

  ‘– and the whole floor heard Parson’s wife screaming at him that she wanted a divorce because he was a lying, cheating bastard who –’

  ‘I don’t know what more I can do. His letters are already done in record time, everything is filed properly. And I even arrange for refills of his prescriptions, including his “little blue pill.”’

  ‘Heard a rumour that the company is going public. Anyone with stock options is going to be a happy camper.’

  ‘But yesterday, he called me into his office to look at this tiny rock. He wanted me to guess what it was. Looks like a tiny rock to me, I said. You know what it was? A kidney stone! His kidney stone! I so did not need to see his kidney stone.’

  Greta’s attention got pulled away from the different conversations that were tumbling over each other when Marcus began tracing patterns on her thigh with his fingertip. Even though the material of her sundress, she could feel the heat from his hand and the firmness of his fingers against her. She sucked in a breath as the tracings wandered farther up her leg, nearly sliding in between her inner thighs. Much closer to her crotch and he’d be able to feel the warmth that dampened her panties.

  Before she could reach down and discreetly remove his wandering fingers, he lifted them from her leg. Then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as he nuzzled her lobe. ‘I hope you’re getting hungry,’ he murmured, then swirled his tongue in her ear, sending a shudder through her body. ‘Dom and I are starving … for you.’

  Another tiny spurt of moisture dampened her panties even more. She wondered if anyone else could smell her arousal. Much more of this touching and nibbling and her entire body would go up in flames. After these few caresses, she was hotter than she could ever remember being, especially in the past several years.

  ‘Oh, food’s ready!’ One of the secretaries interrupted her thoughts, pointing toward the table next to the grill. A basket piled high with hamburger and hot dog buns sat next to a platter filled with burgers, dogs and even a chicken breast or two. A huge tub of coleslaw sat next to an equally large tub of potato salad.

  As the group stood and moved towards the food, Greta allowed herself to be guided by Marcus. He kept one hand resting on the small of her back, possessive in a gentle manner. Another hand on her waist startled her. When she looked up, Dominic stood at her other side, his touch equally possessive. Yet she didn’t feel like the bone between two growling dogs, but rather like a root beer float shared between two lovers.

  ‘You smell delightful,’ Dom said. ‘Like a burst of freshness.’

  She raised an eyebrow. ‘What does a “burst of freshness” smell like?’

  He sniffed her hair. ‘I don’t know. But you do.’ Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. ‘And it’s making me incredibly hard. Wanna feel?’

  Greta swallowed, suddenly aware that she was practically sandwiched between two tall, strong, aroused males. Yet looking around, she knew that no one was paying any attention to the three of them as they moved through the food line.

  Once she had her plate, she watched Dom and Marcus as they casually strolled towards the woods. No words were spoken, but instinctively she
knew they wanted her to follow. And she wanted to follow them and discover more of the sensual magic they were weaving.

  After they had gone several hundred yards into the forested area of the park, the two men veered off the main path, cutting around several large tree trunks before coming to a small clearing. In the middle of the leaf-strewn area, two light blue blankets sat on an old-fashioned picnic table. And on top of the blankets, white rope lay coiled like a waiting snake.

  She stopped between two trees, holding her plate of food that contained one burger on half of a bun and a small serving of coleslaw. In her other hand, her fingers curved around a cold drink, rivulets of perspiration running down the sides of the can onto her hand.

  After placing his food on one end of the table, Marcus set the coil of rope to one side on the edge of one of the benches. Then he flared open one of the blankets, letting it float down and cover the rough wood of the table. ‘Come, Greta. Have a seat.’

  A zillion thoughts raced through her mind, but none of them made much sense. Except for one. Here was her chance to live out one of her fantasies. One of those deep, dark, intense fantasies that she stuffed way down underneath her everyday life. The type of fantasies that she could never even mention because her sister would think she was some sort of deviant.

  Taking a deep breath, she grabbed her courage along with the fantasy and yanked it out into the open. ‘Thanks, Marcus. I appreciate the special care you’ve taken this evening and I’m looking forward to more from you and Dominic.’

  As she sat down across from both men, she saw a look of surprise, then appreciation arc between them. Curving her lips into a slight smile, she began to eat. She hadn’t thought she was that hungry or that she’d be able to each much, especially knowing what the two men had in mind for her. But the taste of the food made her ravenous and she quickly finished off all the food on her plate.

  Marcus removed their empty plates from the picnic table. ‘I like a woman with a good appetite for food. Means she has other healthy appetites.’

  ‘And we like healthy appetites,’ Dom interjected. He stood and walked around the table.

  ‘When he touched her shoulder, she looked up at him, seeing the last rays of sunlight shine against his cheekbones, sliding over his full lips. Lips that were sensuous; lips that she imagined against hers. ‘Come with me,’ he said. ‘We’ll let Marcus set everything up.’

  Greta glanced at the coil of rope, wondering exactly what the two salesmen had planned for her. She allowed Dominic to lead her into the trees, his arm around her waist, guiding and helping her over a tree root.

  ‘Tell me about your experience,’ he commanded. ‘How many guys have you been with?’

  Even with his guiding hand, she stumbled over a loose branch. ‘Um … there’ve been, well …’

  They stopped walking and turned so her back was against the rough bark of a tree. Dominic placed his hands on her shoulders. ‘It’s important, Greta. Marcus and I need to know so we don’t hurt you.’ He rubbed his palms up and down her bare arms. ‘Well, no more than you want us to.’

  ‘I see.’ She kept her voice low and steady, despite the increase in her heartbeat.

  Grasping her hands, Dominic drew them above her head. He moved forward, his hard body pressing against hers. She shivered, feeling his hard shaft nudging at her belly.

  ‘So, Greta,’ he murmured. ‘How many men have you fucked?’

  She looked up into his intense dark eyes. ‘Dom, I … only three. And it’s been a while.’

  ‘How long is “a while”?’

  She swallowed; her mouth dry. ‘Four years.’

  ‘Four years? That’s a long time,’ he said. ‘Way too long for a woman as hot as you.’

  He shifted his hips, rubbing his cock against her belly. She moaned at the sensation, getting more and more aroused.

  ‘Marcus and I are about to change that.’ His lips met hers as he kissed her, his tongue plunging into her mouth. Her knees went weak as heat swept through her body.

  ‘Dom! Everything’s ready.’ Marcus interrupted the kiss.

  When Dom released her mouth, she looked over at Marcus. Marcus stood in front of a large tree, a length of white rope held loosely in his left hand. He beckoned with his other hand. ‘Come here and we’ll start.’

  Dom let her hands go, then led her over to Marcus. He turned her so she faced away from Marcus, then bent his head and kissed her again. As Dom nibbled on her lips, Marcus drew her hands behind her. The rope looped around her wrists, tying them together. Not so tight as to dig into her skin, but there was no way she was going to break loose.

  As soon as he finished tying her up, Marcus spun her around to face him. He took her lips in a hard kiss, plunging his tongue deep inside her mouth. Her heart pounded harder, thumping against her chest, then stopped for a second as two hands reached around and cupped her breasts.

  She gasped into Marcus’ mouth as Dom rolled her nipples between his strong fingers. A groan escaped her as both men thrust their hips against her, creating a sandwich with their cocks pressed against her.

  Marcus lifted his mouth and spoke to Dom. ‘I think we need to head back to the table,’ he gasped. ‘I really need to fuck her now.’

  ‘Fine,’ Dom growled next to her ear. ‘Lead the way. We’ll follow, but I’m not letting go of these nipples.’

  Dom marched her back to the clearing, continuing to pinch her buds. His dick nudged the crack between her butt cheeks and it felt absolutely huge to her.

  ‘Ready for dessert?’ Dom licked the side of her neck, then sucked the soft skin where it met her collarbone.

  She made a soft noise – more of a squeak than anything – but coherent words seemed beyond her capabilities. The two guys took the sound as an assent and set her on the edge of the blanket-covered picnic table.

  With swift motions, Dom efficiently stripped her sundress over her head, baring her aching breasts to the cool night air, while Marcus drew her soaking panties off her hips and down her legs.

  Marcus knelt and reached for her ankles, spreading her legs apart. She felt her pussy throb in response to his intense stare, a spurt of moisture dripping from her lips. He rested a foot on each bench, then tied them in place.

  When he finished securing her ankles, he ran his hands up the insides of her legs until he gripped her inner thighs. Instinctively, she tried to close her legs, but he didn’t let her, keeping her bared to his gaze.

  Behind her, Dom released her wrists, then tilted her back until she lay on the tabletop. She allowed him to take her hands and tie them down to the table, stretched above her head.

  A shiver of excitement ran through her body. This was turning out to be so much more than she had ever dreamed it could be. How did these guys know exactly what to say and do? Which words would turn her insides to mush? Which actions would set her pussy on fire? ‘Um … guys, I …’

  ‘Hush, darling’ Dom laid his hand over her mouth. She looked up, staring at his upside-down face, then gave in to the temptation to nip at the soft side where his thumb met his palm. ‘Aah! You little witch! Guess it’s time to get a little tough with you.’

  Oh, yes, please, she wanted to plead. But kept her mouth shut, not daring to say anything that would stop them from acting out the rest of her fantasy. She was afraid that if she begged too hard, they would lose interest and let her go. And she definitely didn’t want that. At least, not until she had come so hard, it felt like her eyes were crossing.

  ‘Now that we’ve all had dinner, it’s time for dessert,’ Dom said. ‘How about a banana split sundae?’

  She opened her mouth to reply, but shrieked with pleasure instead as Marcus traced a path through her labia with his tongue. He curled the tip around her clit, then sucked hard on the tiny nub, sending spasms of delight through her body. ‘Oh, don’t stop,’ she pleaded. ‘Keep going. I want to come!’

  As Marcus continued his oral assault on her pussy and clit, Dom tapped on the corner of her mouth wit
h his cockhead. When had he undressed? Must’ve been when Marcus started licking her. She opened her mouth, letting him slide the hard shaft through her open lips and over her waiting tongue. Closing her lips around the taut skin, she began sucking as he gently thrust in and out of her mouth.

  ‘That’s it, darling. Suck my cock!’

  Dom reached down and began to tug on her nipples, stretching them out from her body before pinching them between his fingers. Flames of exquisite ecstasy shot through her body. She’d never realised how sensitive her tits, especially her nipples, were. But she loved the rough treatment that Dom was giving hers.

  Everything she felt multiplied when Marcus stopped licking her and shoved his big, hard cock straight into her pussy. She squeezed her muscles around the huge shaft, thrilling to the way he pumped in and out of her.

  ‘Damn, her cunt is tight.’ Marcus groaned as he continued to pound into her. ‘I’m not gonna last long at all. She’s too hot!’

  ‘No problem,’ Dom gasped. ‘We’ll just have to screw her again when we’re done. I definitely want a piece of that ass.’

  Hearing them talk about fucking her ass, combined with the thought that she was pleasuring two men at once, sent her spiralling out of control. Her body stiffened and she gasped for air around the dick that filled her mouth. The waves of her orgasm crashed over her and her body shuddered and shivered beneath the onslaught. Each sensation built upon the last, forcing her higher and higher until the bubble of pleasure burst.

  ‘That’s it, baby,’ Marcus said. ‘Come for us! And we’ll come for you.’

  With a muffled cry, she went limp; her brain completed drained of thought, her body satiated beyond belief. Within seconds, both men reached their own orgasms, groaning as their pricks erupting into her body – one in her pussy, the other in her mouth. She squeezed her cunt muscles in rhythm with her throat as she swallowed, to milk as much as she could from the two men.

  When all three had finished coming, the men withdrew from her body, but left her tied – legs spread, hands over her head – to the picnic table. They sat next to her, straddling the picnic benches.


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