Book Read Free

Trust Me

Page 8

by Lacey Black

  Brooklyn goes tearing through the house, gathering up all the toys she can get her hands on before dropping them on the floor in front of the TV. Avery heads into the kitchen so I stop and turn on the TV finding a cartoon channel already on and ready to go.

  “Thank you for your help,” she says as she sets all the bags down on the table. I bring in the bag I am carrying and set it next to the rest.

  “No problem. I was just passing by and thought I’d offer some help.”

  A horn honks from the street and we both glance towards the front door. We walk onto the porch and see Jake idling along the edge of the street, window rolled down.

  “What the hell are you doing at my sister’s house, dumb ass?” he shouts from the side of the street, facing the wrong way.

  “Mommy, Uncle Jake said a bad word,” Brooklyn says with a playful grin on her face as she steps onto the porch between Avery and me.

  “Nice, Jake. Thanks for teaching my daughter your filthy language.” Avery picks up Brooklyn and we all proceed to the edge of the street to talk to Jake.

  “Seriously, what the heck are you doing here?” he asks giving me a pointed look, emphasizing the word heck.

  “Just helping her carry in groceries and keep Bean from playing in the street.”

  At the mention of his niece, Jake softens. “Come on, those miles aren’t gonna run themselves.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.”

  “Bye sis. Bye Bean. See you soon. Uncle Jake loves you,” he says as he gives her a little kiss on her forehead through his open window.

  “I wove you,” she replies in her little voice.

  “Who’s your favorite uncle?”

  “You,” she giggles.

  I back away from his truck and start to head towards my own truck sitting in the driveway. Jake doesn’t move from the street, though. He sits there watching as if he’s waiting for me to climb in and back away from his sister’s house first. Avery leans in and kisses Jake’s cheek before turning and walking back towards the house. At the last minute, she changes her course and heads towards my truck. I’m already sliding inside so I start it up quickly and roll my window down.

  “Thanks for your help, again,” she says as she approaches my window.

  “No problem.”

  Jake honks the horn one last time and I throw it in reverse. She backs away and gives me a friendly wave.

  “See you Friday,” I say just loud enough for her to hear, but not so loud that her over-protective brother can hear. I back out of her drive and roll up my window heading back towards my house. A small smile plays on my lips as I think of spending time with Avery Friday night. No Jake. No Brooklyn. Just her and me. Alone. I can’t fucking wait.

  It’s Friday night. Date night! Date night with Maddox! I’m flying around my bedroom rejecting shirt after shirt, every pair of pants and all of the skirts that I have in my closet. What am I supposed to wear tonight? I want to look good without being overdone. Maddox said casual, but does he mean jeans and sweatshirt casual or slacks and a nice shirt casual?

  Just as my frustration level is starting to reach eruption level, my front door swings open and my best friend races into my room with her arms loaded down with clothes.

  “You’re late!”

  “I’m late?” she asks, voice laced with sarcasm. “You’re the one who is supposed to be ready in like fifteen minutes!”

  “I’m almost ready. I can’t decide which top to wear. Casual dressy or casual comfy? Help!”

  Holly gives me a very pointed look. “If you are even considering casual comfy on this date, then I am going to wring your neck! You can NOT wear something comfortable on your date with Maddox.” She digs through the stack of clothes she threw on my bed and pulls out a beautiful light pink sweater with a deep v-neck. “Here try this on,” she said as she flings it across the room at me. Holly is a few inches shorter than me but we wear the same size of tops.

  “It’s beautiful! Where did you get it?”

  “I got it for a steal last fall and haven’t found the right time to wear it. Here, put this black cami underneath it.” She throws the cute lace trimmed camisole towards me. I snatch it in the air and head across the hall to the bathroom.

  “What panties are you wearing?” she asks through the door.

  “Ummm, why?” I reply as I whip off my t-shirt and pull on the satin cami.

  “Ummm, because you want Maddox to be anxiously licking his lips when he removes your pants later,” she said matter-of-factly through the door. Just then, the door opens a crack and she flings my black lace thong onto my bathroom floor. “Put it on!”

  I snatch the thong up off the floor and start the process of dressing my bottom half all over again. “I don’t think we’re going to go that far tonight, Holly.”

  “Of course you are going to go that far! And a whole lot farther if I have anything to say about it. That man is pure sex, and let’s face it, you are in need of some good sex, my friend.”

  I finish redressing and slip on the soft pink sweater. As I stare at my reflection in the mirror, blonde hair framing my face, make-up done in a subtle, sexy way, I can’t help but start to get nervous. It’s been so long since I went on a date. The last time was Kevin and that was almost two years ago. After I give myself a little pep-talk in the mirror, I head back to my room to grab my accessories.

  “Holl, it’s been so long since I’ve went out on a date. What if I mess this up?”

  “What could you possibly mess up?”

  “What if I embarrass myself or we just don’t enjoy our time together? I will have to see this man practically for the rest of my life. He’s Jake’s friend. It’s not like I can avoid him.”

  “Ave, I don’t understand how you can even consider you and him not enjoying your time together. You two put off so much sexual tension that I could get pregnant just by being in the room with you two! Seriously, I’ll be surprised if you actually make it to dinner,” she adds with a big smile.

  “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. I’m ready to go on a date with Maddox. I just know I’m going to trip and fall or laugh at something he says with spinach in my teeth.”

  “OK, so don’t order a spinach salad. And if you trip and fall, just tell him you are anxious to get on your back.”

  “Holly! I can’t and won’t say that to him,” I say with a big laugh.

  “Seriously, Ave, you can’t mess this up. You two have been dancing around this moment for years. Tonight, he’s going out with you. Despite the fact that you are his best friend’s little sister. That’s saying something right there, and you know it. He’s breaking all of the rules for you tonight so just go and enjoy it. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome tonight,” she said with a little smile and a wink.

  Just then, I hear the faint knock on the front door. “He’s here!” Holly races out of my bedroom to let him in. I take one last look at myself in the little mirror above my dresser. Well, here goes nothing! I make one last stop at my closet and throw on my favorite black leather boots. As I head towards the living room, I can hear Holly and Brooklyn chatting with Maddox. Brooklyn’s overnight bag was already packed and waiting by the front door for Holly to get there. She’s practically bouncing with excitement for a sleepover at Holly’s.

  When I get to the living room, I finally get a look at the man I’ve been thinking about all day, anxiously awaiting this date, this moment. When I see him standing in a pair of dark jeans hanging low on his hips and a long sleeved button down blue shirt that is un-tucked from his pants and with the sleeves rolled up a little to show off his amazing forearms, hair a little wild on top but in that oh-so-sexy ‘I want to run my hands through your hair’ way, I can’t help but smile at the sight before me. He’s beautiful. I’ve never said that about a man before in my life, by Maddox Jackson is the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. And for at least tonight, he’s mine.

  When Avery walks into the living room, I literally ca
n’t breathe. My chest becomes tight and my heart rate speeds up to a dangerous rate. If I could process a complete thought, I’d be concerned that I was having a heart attack. She’s breathtaking. Avery Stevens is the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. I can’t even tell you what Holly and Brooklyn are doing or saying because once I make eye contact with Avery, everything and everyone else just fades away.

  “You look beautiful,” I finally manage to get past my paralyzed lips. I walk towards her and lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek. She smells like heaven, all sugary sweet and vanilla; like Avery.

  She blushes the cutest shade of pink and gives me a shy smile. “Thank you. You look pretty good yourself.” Brooklyn takes this moment to rush her mom and throws her arms around Avery’s legs.

  “You be good for Aunt Holly, okay?”

  “Yep! We’re gonna pway with Pway Doh!” I see Avery give Holly a questioning look over the top of her daughter’s head.

  “Why do I have a feeling like the joke is on me with this Play Doh thing?” Holly asks as she picks up the overnight bag sitting by the front door. Avery helps Brooklyn into her jacket as we all head out the front door.

  I had to park in the street since Holly’s car was parked behind the Jeep. As we’re walking towards Holly’s car, Brooklyn places her small hand inside of mine making my heart do some weird flip in my chest. Holly is already throwing Brooklyn’s bag in the passenger seat while Avery grabs the booster seat from her Jeep. As we wait, I reach down and pick up Brooklyn. “Have a great night tonight, Bean.”

  She looks back at me, eyes full of innocence and says, “Have a great night wiff my mommy. She’s the bestest mommy in the world.”

  It’s hard to swallow over the huge lump that instantly formed in my desert-dry throat. “I will, Bean. She is the best mommy. You are a lucky, lucky girl.” I give her another hug and kiss on the crown of her head as Avery finishes securing the seat in the car. Avery then reaches up and grabs her little girl and starts to lower her into the seat.

  “Be a good girl, and Mommy will see you in the morning.” She leans forward and gives her daughter one last kiss before stepping back and shutting the door. Holly slides in the driver’s seat and gives a little wave. “We’ll be fine. You two go and have some fun, alright?” She shoots Avery an ornery little smile laced with innuendoes and hidden meanings. I like the way that girl thinks.

  “Thank you, Holly. I’ll be over in the morning to get her.”

  “No rush. Don’t rush. You know, in case you are busy. Or up late. No need to hurry over.” There’s another evil grin on her face as she said, “Don’t worry about us. We’ll be fine and there when you are done.” I think Avery turns three shades of red as she shuts the door. We can hear Holly’s laugh as she puts the car in gear and pulls out of the driveway.

  “You ready?” I ask and extend my hand towards her.

  “Yes,” she replies as she extends her much smaller hand towards me.

  I take her slim hand in mind and steer her towards my truck. I’ve always had polite manners but I’ve never really been the gentlemanly type. So, when we get to the truck, I find myself stepping outside of the box and opening the passenger door for her. She thanks me politely and climbs in. Before I can shut the door, I lean in and brush my lips lightly over her nude colored pink lips that taste like sun kissed strawberries. We stay exactly like that, our lips barely touching, for a few moments. Just when I’m about to pull back, she leans in further, deepening the kiss. I feel her hand slide up my chest, and her touch short-circuits my brain. I can’t think when she’s touching me, and I’ll be damned if I don’t fucking love it.

  After a few moments of enjoying her kiss, I pull back slightly and open my eyes. Her eyes are still closed and she lets out a long, deep breath like she forgot to breathe during our hot little make-out session.

  “Ready to go?” I ask after clearing my throat.

  She opens her twinkling blue eyes and lifts the corner of her mouth slightly. “Yes.” She reaches up and wipes my lips, removing the lip gloss I probably have smeared all over my face.

  I pull back out of the passenger side of my truck and shut her door. As I walk around the front of my truck, I glance at her through the windshield. She’s watching me, smiling. This is going to be the best damn night ever.

  “So, where are we going?” I ask.

  “We’re heading to St. Charles to the pier. I thought we’d have dinner at a seafood place along the river and then take in the little shops and things going on tonight on the pier. It should be a pretty decent night for it, weather wise.”

  “That sounds amazing. I love seafood.”

  Maddox turns on the radio as we head towards St. Charles, but I couldn’t tell you what songs have been playing. I find he’s very easy to talk to. He asks me about work this week and Brooklyn. We talk about what it was like growing up with four older brothers, and I’m sharing stories that he hasn’t heard yet as we pull into the parking lot at the pier. Maddox helps me out of the truck, and we start walking towards the deep, dark water of the Missouri River. The cool fresh air has a crispness to it tonight, and I realize I didn’t bring a jacket with me and probably should have. Maddox slides his hand into mine as we set out towards the shoreline.

  We decide to try The Fisherman’s Warf for dinner, both of us hearing good things about their seafood. Maddox pulls open the big wooden red door. We are instantly assaulted with the delicious aromas of the sea as we step inside. Once inside, we walk towards the hostess stand, Maddox’s hand warmly sitting on my lower back sending tingles of delight straight to my lady parts. As we approach, I notice the hostess give Maddox a head to toe once-over and pastes on her best seductive smile. Really? He’s actually here with me, and she’s openly flirting with him in front of me?

  Maddox, also, seems to notice her instant change to super-slut. He gives her a smile, though not one that reaches his eyes, nor the smile he has been giving me lately. The one I love that’s full of cockiness and dirty thoughts. “Hi.”

  “Well, hello there,” she coos sweetly.

  He turns away from her and stares into my eyes. Though he’s talking to Miss Slutty Hostess, he never takes his eyes off of me. “We’d like a table for two. Somewhere quiet and very intimate; somewhere we can’t be interrupted by tacky women who think they can distract me from the most beautiful woman in the world here for even one second.” He then gives me that super sexy smile that makes my insides turn to Jell-O and my panties a little damp.

  After a few moments, the hostess clears her throat, and we finally return our attention back to her. She gives him a curt nod and says, “Follow me.”

  We follow Miss Slutty Hostess to the back of the restaurant which overlooks the river. The tables all have mismatched tablecloths on them with a small tiki torch style candle in the middle giving off a romantic glow. The hostess sets two menus down on the table and turns to face us.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly,” she says with a small smile as she turns to quickly walk away.

  Maddox still has his hand on the small of my back as he pulls my chair out for me and offers me the seat. He takes the seat across from me and hands me a worn menu. As I open up the menu, our waiter arrives and delivers a couple of glasses of water. “Good evening,” he says. “What can I get you guys to drink?”

  Maddox nods at me, so I answer, “Amaretto Stone Sour, please.”

  “Bud Light bottle for me. Thanks.”

  “I’ll be back in just a few moments with your drinks and a bread basket.”

  As our waiter walks away, I skim over the menu. Seafood is one of my favorite foods so I’m in heaven with all the fish and shrimp floating around this place.

  “What looks good?” he asks as he browses over his menu.

  “I’m thinking the coconut butterfly shrimp smothered in a rich pina colada sauce sounds delicious. I’m going with that. What about you?”

  “I’m a steak and shrimp guy, myself,” he says as he lays his menu
back down on the table. He reaches across the table for my hand and gently starts to rub the tops of my fingers with his.

  “So tell me about what your family has been up to? I haven’t seen them in forever.”

  He dives right in and tells me all about his mom and dad who still live in Rivers Edge. His younger brother, Aiden, moved into the city when he started college and never really came back to our small, rural town. “Aiden was always into the lights and sounds of the city. Doesn’t surprise me that he’s stayed there to live and work. He’s more suited for the fast pace that I am. And Jessica is still in California chasing her dream.”

  Our waiter returns to deliver our drinks and take our orders. Conversation flows from both of us as we get to know each other on a more personal level. I’ve known Maddox most of my life, but he was Jake’s friend and so much older than me, so I never really got to know him personally.

  When our food arrives, we dive right into the delicious food. “Oh my God, these shrimp are so delicious,” I say as my eyes flutter closed and a small moan slips from my mouth. When I open my eyes, he’s staring at my mouth.

  “You have a little sauce right here,” he says as he drags his pointer finger across my bottom lip. My tongue slips out to remove any remaining trace of the sauce and grazes against his finger. His eyes darken and he swallows hard as he watches my tongue. I spear a shrimp with my fork and hold it out for him to try. He leans forward and gently eats the shrimp off my fork. “You’re right. That is damn good,” he says as he looks deep into my eyes. Our playful banter continues throughout our meal and before I know it, the waiter is removing our empty plates.

  “Dessert?” he offers.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite. Thank you, though,” I reply.

  Maddox nods in agreement to our waiter. “I’ll be right back with your check then.”


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