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Trust Me

Page 10

by Lacey Black

  Maddox starts kissing me behind my ear, licking my ear lobe before gently sucking it into his mouth. I gasp at the sensual caress of his tongue and lips. “Good morning,” he mumbles against my head.

  “Good morning.”

  I glance over at the clock on the nightstand and see it’s almost seven o’clock. “Um, don’t you have to work today?”

  “Yeah,” he says with a sigh. “I’m on at nine.” He kisses the top of my shoulder and starts pressing more kisses down my back.

  “You’re going to need to get ready soon,” I say, surprised by how breathless I already am.

  “I’ve got plenty of time,” he says as he gives me one last kiss in the middle of my spine. “Come on.” He rolls me over and reaches for my hands to help me up. “I need a shower. You need a shower. I’ve heard there was a water shortage out in California this past summer so I thought maybe we’d do our part in conserving water.”

  “Really?” I reply dryly and give him a questioning look.

  “Hey, every little bit helps, right?” He gets up with a smug smile and pulls me towards the bathroom. Once inside, I start to get a little self conscious. I’d kill for a toothbrush and some toothpaste right about now. I do not want to scare away the world’s sexiest man with morning breath. Maddox cranks on the hot water and heads back to me. As if he can read my mind, he walks over to his cabinets and pulls each one open until he finds a new toothbrush, still in the wrapper. “I’ve got an extra. Anything else you need?”

  I shake my head and step over to the sink. He turns and says, “I’ll give you a few minutes. I’ll run down and start a pot of coffee and be right back. Don’t start without me.” He closes the door behind him and I take the opportunity to use the restroom and brush my teeth. I look up at my reflection in the mirror and can’t help the big smile that’s plastered to my face. I just spent the most amazing night with Maddox! Plus, the fact that he hasn’t kicked me out of his house yet has got to be a plus, right? I have plenty to smile about this morning.

  He knocks on the door a few minutes later and then enters, still wearing nothing on his unbelievably sexy body but a smile. He adjusts the water temperature, grabs my hand and we step inside his shower together. The water feels so good against my achy muscles. I moan a little as the water cascades over me so he turns me into the water, grabs a bar of soap, and starts washing and kneading my back. His strong hands glide effortlessly along my back, sliding up and down as the water washes over me. The combination of his touch and the water makes a delicious combination and instantly starts to relax me.

  I step back and brush my rear against his hard erection. His hands wrap around my front and glide along my stomach, towards my breasts. His touch is magical. I wish he would just touch me all the time. I lay my head back on his shoulder and relax into his touch. He shows attention to my breasts before sliding back down my stomach towards the junction of my thighs. He uses one hand to hold me back against his body while his other hand sinks one finger inside of me. I moan at the welcomed invasion.

  “You’re wet already,” he whispers a little hoarsely in my ear.

  “You do this to me.” His hold onto my body tightens as I feel him slip the second finger inside. His mouth is sucking the water droplets off my neck and it’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever experienced. His fingers start to move quicker and his thumb moves up to rub over my little bundle of nerves. I’m starting to get very close to exploding when he spins me around. He kneels in front of me and places one leg up on the side of the tub. He slips two fingers inside me again and leans forward and gives my clit a flick with his tongue. I throw my hands into his hair as he pleasures me with a combination of his tongue and fingers. It doesn’t take long and I come apart, standing in the shower, moaning his name and sucking in big gulps of steamy air.

  He pulls his fingers from me and spins me back around facing the wall. “Here, lean forward and brace your hands against the wall.” I do as I’m told and I feel him move my legs a little farther apart. I feel his hard shaft rubbing against my rear, rubbing against my still-pulsing entrance from behind. “Shit. I don’t have a condom,” he says.

  “It’s okay. I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone since Kevin and that was almost two years ago.”

  “I’m clean too,” he says. “We get tested through work twice a year. Plus, I always wear protection. Always.” Something shifts inside of me as I realize what he’s telling me. He’s agreeing to have unprotected sex with me. “I’ll pull out, I promise.”

  I reach between my legs and guide him towards my entrance. With one swift, long thrust, he’s buried deep inside of me. I can feel him, all of him, without the condom. I’ve never had sex before without one. Even with Drake, we always used one. Brooklyn is the result of one failing or breaking.

  “Holy shit, that feels so good,” he moans as he continues his long, steady strokes. I brace my hands against the shower wall and let him take me from behind. I’m completely at his will, and I love it. He reaches around and lightly pinches my clit causing me to shatter instantly. He holds on to my hips as he pumps hard into me, and lets out a loud moan as he pulls out of me and releases himself onto the bathtub floor.

  I’m panting and trying to catch my breath as he lays his head on my upper back. “Holy shit, woman, I think you’re trying to kill me.”

  I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck and lightly kiss his lips. “Well, what a way to go.”

  He smiles against my lips and responds, “You are going to be the death of me. I like it. I like it a lot.” He grabs the bar of soap and begins to scrub me down. While he’s washing his body, I squirt a little of his shampoo in my hand and start to wash my hair. After all of the soap is rinsed out of my hair and Maddox finishes with his hair, he shuts off the water. Reaching over and grabbing the first towel, he wraps it snuggly around my body. He grabs the second and hands it to me. “For your hair.” Then he takes the third towel and wraps it low around his waist.

  After I throw my hair up in the towel he gave me, we walk back to his room. “See, much more efficient to take a shower together,” he says with his cocky smile that I love so much. I start to agree with him and lean in for a kiss when we hear the sound of someone banging on the front door.

  We spring apart like a couple of teenagers who’ve been busted making out in a movie theater. “Stay here and keep the door closed. I’ll be right back,” he says as he heads out of the bedroom closing the door tightly behind him.

  I stand there for a few moments, listening with my ear pressed up against the door. I can hear Maddox’s footsteps heading down the hallway and releasing the lock on the front door. What I wasn’t expecting was the voice I heard booming from the front door. A voice I know all too well. My brother, Jake.

  When I get to the front door and peek through the peephole, I do a double take. Standing on the other side of my front door is my best friend, Jake. To make matters worse, his very naked sister just happens to be in my bedroom at this exact moment. “Shit,” I mumble as I throw the locks and open the door, standing there with my towel wrapped around my waist.

  “What the fuck took you so long, dick?” he asks as he pushes past me and walks towards my kitchen. “Why are you getting such a late start? We have to be to the precinct in thirty minutes.”

  I close and lock the door and follow him into the kitchen. “I know. I was just getting ready. Do you want some coffee or something?”

  He ignores my question. “Why are you running behind? That’s not like you. Usually, you’d be at the precinct already.” And then it seems like the light bulb clicks on. “Oh, you had a date last night. How was it?” he asks with a smug smile.

  Just then we hear a noise from the back bedroom, like something hitting the door, and my mind goes completely blank. “Shit, she’s still here, dude? Who the hell is back there?” His smug smile turns completely wolfish and at this point, I just pray he doesn’t storm back there to investigate further.

  “No one.”r />
  “No one? Really? Unless you got a dog in the past twenty-four hours, I’d say something or someONE is back in your bedroom. You better tell me who before I go back there and find out for myself.”

  I sigh because I know he’s not going to let this go. I also realize that sigh was of relief because Jake doesn’t know who’s actually back there. “Yes, my date from last night is still here. Let me go get ready for work. I’ll be right back,” I say as I pivot around and head back towards my bedroom.

  “Who is she?” he asks. Shit, what in the hell am I supposed to say? “You never bring girls to your place. That’s why I’m having a hard time with the fact that someone is here with you now. Who?”

  “Vanessa.” It’s the first name that comes to mind that isn’t Avery.

  “Vanessa? Crazy ‘I want to marry you, now’ Vanessa?”

  I reach my bedroom door and holler over my shoulder, “We’ll talk in the car.” Then I open my door and step inside.

  When I get inside and lock the door behind me, Avery is completely dressed and sitting on my bed zipping up her boots. “Hey, sorry about that.” She gives me a tight smile and then lets her eyes roam down my towel clad body. I love the way she looks at me; like she wants to lick me from head to toe. I walk over to the bed and pull her up so she’s standing in front of me. “Well, that’s not how I pictured this morning going,” I say as I give her a gentle kiss on her lips. Her hands wander down my chest, making my muscles jump at her soft touch. She reaches down and tugs on the towel, dropping it to the floor at our feet.

  “I’m calling in sick,” I say against her lips, feeling her smile.

  “He’s not leaving. I about had a heart attack when I heard that it was him at the door. What did you tell him, by the way?”

  “He knew I had a date last night, and that she’s still here. He kept pressing me about who it was so I just made up a quick answer.”

  “Who did you tell him was here?”

  I pause a few moments and reply, “Vanessa.”

  “Ex-girlfriend, Vanessa?”

  “She’s not my ex-girlfriend. We went out a few times but we weren’t looking for the same things.”

  “And what things are you looking for, Maddox.”

  “I don’t know, honestly. I don’t have relationships. Ever. But I want to be with you in ways I’ve never wanted to be with someone before. I don’t know what to do with that. This is all new for me.”

  “Well, I’m not really looking for a serious relationship right now either. They haven’t really worked out so well for me in the past. Maybe someday I’ll be ready, but right now? I don’t want to rush into anything.”

  I lean forward and kiss her soft lips again. “How about we just see where this thing goes. We’ll spend time together without everyone else knowing and interfering. If the time comes where we need to tell everyone, we’ll deal with it then.”

  “So, we’re friends who hang out?” she asks with sparkling, hopeful eyes.

  “Good friends who hang out. And maybe do other stuff too,” I say with a big grin on my face.

  “Good friends who hang out and do other stuff together and maybe not do other stuff with other people?” she asks, her voice dropping to where I almost don’t hear the ending.

  The thought of Avery doing other stuff with any other guy makes me see red. I’ve never been the jealous type before but this feels different. I want to hurt anyone who even thinks about picturing Avery naked. “Definitely, no other people while we’re doing stuff together. You’re the only one I want to do stuff with.” When it comes to Avery, I don’t share. Plus, I know she has trust issues from those douchebags she’s dated in the past, and I want to do everything in my power to put her at ease.

  She leans in and kisses me again. Our mouths are molded together, tongues sliding back and forth against one another. I could kiss this woman all damn day if I could figure out how to pay my bills with it.

  “Come one, dick! Pull your pants up! We’re gonna be late!” Jake’s loud voice booms from the living room.

  “Shit. I’ve got to go to work.” I give her one last lingering kiss on the swollen lips and walk over to my dresser. I throw on a pair of boxer briefs and an undershirt before heading towards my closet to grab a clean uniform. I’m dressing at an almost record speed; Avery sitting on my bed watching me. I get a warm feeling with her in my room. It’s almost a happy feeling. Who knew?

  “Don’t leave until we’ve been gone for at least fifteen minutes. I can leave you my truck keys so you can get home.”

  “No, I can walk. This way, Jake won’t accidentally see your truck in my driveway. It’s only a few blocks and I can use the fresh air right now.” She gives me another beautiful smile.

  “I hate leaving you here like this. I want to stay with you today. Maybe do other things and then take another shower,” I say and can’t keep the smile from my face. After I lace up my boots, I turn towards my night stand and retrieve my service pistol and badge from the lock box.

  “There’s coffee in the kitchen. Help yourself. Just lock the door behind you whenever you leave.” I lean in for one more kiss. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

  “Bye. Thank you for a best date I’ve ever had. I really did have a wonderful time last night, and this morning,” she says and leans forward one more time for another kiss. God, I could kiss her all day long. I know that if I don’t back away from her now, I never will. And with Jake waiting in the living room, the chances of him finding out who is back in my bedroom are getting better and better with every passing minute.

  “Me too. I’ll call you soon.” With that, I turn and walk out my door, making sure it’s securely closed behind me.

  Jake is pacing the living room when I walk out to meet him. “It’s about damn time, man. What the hell? Did you have a quickie back there?”

  “No. And what the hell are you doing here anyway? Since when do you pick me up for work?”

  “I was up early this morning so I was ready early. Thought I’d stop by and have a cup of coffee with you. But since I was fortunate enough to get here while you still have company, I decided I wasn’t leaving. I like to watch you squirm.”

  I don’t want to elaborate more about that so I go back to the first part of his statement. “Why were you up early?” I ask as I fill up two travel mugs with coffee and head towards the back door.

  “Just not sleeping well. I thought maybe going out last night and finding Emma would help me sleep, but I realized that was the wrong answer. I didn’t sleep much.” Jake gives me a cocky grin.

  “I’m sure there wasn’t that much sleeping going on at all last night,” I say as I slide into the passenger seat of Jake’s old truck. As we pull away, I glance at my bedroom window and see her silhouette standing there watching us go. A calming feeling rushes over me as I watch her standing there, in my room, in my house. Could I actually get used to having someone like Avery in my life? Do I want someone like Avery in my life? For the first time I realize the answer to those questions might actually be…yes.

  After I made sure the coast was clear, the coffee pot was turned off, and the front door was locked, I head in the direction of my house on foot. Talk about walk of shame. Fortunately, it doesn’t take me too long to get there since I only live a few blocks away from Maddox. When I step inside my front door, I pull out my cell phone to call Holly to check on Brooklyn.

  “Well, how did it go?” she asks after only one ring.

  “It was amazing,” I answer with a faint smile on my lips as pieces of the entire night flash through my mind like a fabulous slideshow.

  “Did you get some?”

  “Holly, my daughter’s probably standing right there so stop corrupting her. Why don’t I head over there to get her? Since you don’t work until later on tonight, maybe we can grab some lunch at the Mexican place down the street from you.”

  “Good sex always makes me hungry too,” she smarts off and then laughs. “Well, the few times I’ve had good sex
that is, it made me hungry.”

  She’s incorrigible. “I just got home so I’ll change quickly and head over.”

  “Just getting home AND still in last night’s clothes? Hurry up and get your ass over here, will you! We have so much to talk about.” We hang up, and I head towards my room to change which is still a disaster from last night’s dressing freak-out. I start to hang the clothes back in the closet, place the pants back in my drawers, and arrange the shoes back on the closet floor. It takes me a little longer than I anticipated and by the time I get myself changed into comfy, worn jeans and a Cowboys sweatshirt, it’s already after ten.

  I transfer everything from my clutch purse back into my regular purse and head out the door. On my way to Holly’s house, I crank up the radio and sing along to Colbie Caillat, which is a treat since Brooklyn isn’t along for the ride. I pull up in front of Holly’s half of a duplex and head inside.

  “Mommy!” Brooklyn greets me at the front door and throws her arms around my legs.

  “How’s mommy’s big girl? Were you a good girl for Aunt Holly?”

  “Yep! We stayed up weally wate and watched Grey’s!”

  I turn to look at my best friend whose eyes just about pop out of her head. “Grey’s. Really?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

  “It’s not my fault that she’s actually old enough now to pay attention and report back to you! We’ve always watched Grey’s together. What can I say, she loves medical dramas.”

  “Aunt Holly says they have hot doctors,” Brooklyn reports with a very serious face which causes Holly and I both to crack up.

  “Well, as long as the doctors are hot then,” I reply, giving my girl a kiss on her forehead. “Aunt Holly and Mommy are going to talk in the kitchen so you play with your toys for a bit, and then we’ll run and get lunch. Okay?”


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