The Tip-Off: A Smart Jocks Novel

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The Tip-Off: A Smart Jocks Novel Page 9

by Jenshak, Rebecca

  “Well, come on. I need an accomplice.”

  He tosses me a life jacket and I put it on. Good call. “More like a chaperone.” His weight rocks the jet ski and I hold on tight until he gets settled behind me. “Maybe I should drive.”

  “No way.” My hands shake as I focus on the controls trying to remember the exact steps Joel took.

  “You good?”

  “I got this.”



  We putter around the lake. There’s really no other way to describe the way she drives. Gabby, a slow driver? I did not expect that. She goes all out in every other aspect of her life.

  Her expression is all determination and focus as she steers the jet ski. Slowly the speed increases and just when I think we’re going to go more than ten miles per hour, she backs off. Again.

  My arms are draped loosely around her waist, but at her hesitation, I move my hands to cover hers on the handlebars. She relinquishes control easily but doesn’t move her hands as I increase the speed and navigate us around the lake. Sensing her unease, I keep it a little slower than I’d go if I were by myself.

  The longer we ride, the more tension eases from her shoulders and her body leans back into mine. After we’ve circled the lake, I drive us back to the cabin, stopping and letting us idle before returning to our friends.

  “It’s really beautiful out here,” she says, dropping her arms. She angles her body to the side, giving me a better view of her as she takes in the lake. “I could stay here forever.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty nice, but we should probably get back before they send out a search party. Joel is monitoring my fun this weekend to make sure I’m having the appropriate amount.”

  “And are you, having the appropriate amount?”

  “Yeah, it’s cool being up here.”


  “How do you know there’s a but?”

  She arches a brow.

  “But, it’s bad timing. I don’t have a lot of time left before the draft. Sara wants me to drop some weight, be more on target with the weight of a typical NBA center and I’m trying to stay sharp, keeping up with my workouts and drills.”

  “I get that. You’re so close and you want to do everything you can, but you’ve gotta enjoy these moments.” Her tone is wistful, and her features inspired as she looks out to the water and the blue sky that stretches into the mountains. “After the accident when I was sitting up in my room too embarrassed to face my friends because of the scars, it was moments like this that I missed the most. I’d fantasize about hanging out and just being, no cares in the world. When it’s all said and done, it’s the human interaction you remember the most. Personal goals, awards, they don’t mean anything without people to share them with.” She turns to look at me. “When you’re a big NBA star traveling around the country with fans screaming and paparazzi everywhere, you’re going to miss this.”

  My throat is thick as I swallow. “I think you’re right about that.”

  Her smile widens. Blonde hair blowing like a halo around her, skin sun-kissed, eyes the color of the water you see in those commercials for vacations where you stay in the little huts. Before I do something stupid like kiss her, I turn to watch a boat pass by, giving them a small wave.

  “How’s the list going?” My voice comes out gruff and I clear it before I continue. "Check off online dating yet?” My chest is tight while I wait for her response. Picturing her hooking up with some asshole who doesn’t know how amazing she is, makes me want to keep her out here on this jet ski forever.

  “I can’t bring myself to respond to any of the messages. I don’t think it’s for me. I kept the profile, though. The pickup lines are a nice boost to my ego.” She laughs. “Wanna hear the worst one?”

  I nod.

  “Can I follow you where you’re going right now? Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams!”

  “Damn, that’s awful.”

  She grins and we fall silent. I feel her sigh before I hear it. “Alright, fine, we can go back now.”

  On our walk back from the dock to the cabin, she grabs my hand and swings our arms playfully between us. I stop, tug her hand so she has to stop too. “Before we go back. I, uh, made you a playlist.”

  Gabby started following my music account after that first night we listened to music together and we’ve texted a few times about it, prompting me to create my new lists with more than just myself in mind.

  “You did?” Her voice is excited and surprised. She pulls out her phone like she’s going to check it out now.

  “Listen to it later,” I urge and pull her toward our friends.

  Gabby returns to the girls, and I head over to where the guys are. Joel shoves a beer in my hand, like the dude has been waiting for me to return. “How’s the fun level?” he asks, raises his hand to his head and then gives me a thumbs up. I crack a smile, shake my head, and open the beer.

  As the night goes on, I do start to have more fun, relax as the alcohol gets in my system, and try and remember Gabby’s words from earlier. She’s right. These moments are almost done and, yeah, I need to keep busting my ass as I work toward the draft and my pro rookie season, but this may be the last time I get to hang with all my teammates before graduation.

  Joel sits beside me, Katrina on his lap. The couples have all started to pair off as the sun sets and the stars come out. Gabby sits in a chair by herself, feet pulled up, hugging her bare legs.

  “No way,” Joel’s voice cuts through all the chatter on the deck and I look up to see Shaw and Nathan joining us.

  “Dude, what did you do to your head?” someone calls out.

  Nathan’s trademark long locks have been buzzed off and his hair is cropped short to his head. It’s not his hair that has me sitting up straight and swallowing down a lump that’s forming in my throat, it’s the way Gabby is on her feet and running toward him, throwing her arms around his neck and then pulling back and running her fingers through his hair.

  I’m jealous. It’s such a foreign feeling it takes a minute to identify the unused emotion. I’ve always gone after what I wanted with no apologies. And I was successful more times than not. I never wanted anything I couldn’t have, but I want her, and I can’t have her.

  Relationships are a distraction and it’s never been more critical that I keep focused than now when I’m so close. Is it possible to juggle the NBA and be in a relationship? Maybe. But is it really worth the risk to find out?



  “What did you do?” I run my fingers through Nathan’s short hair. It’s got a little curl to it, something I had not expected, and I can’t stop touching it. “And when and why?”

  “You like it?”

  “I love it. I can see your face now.”

  He blushes and an embarrassed smile tugs at his lips. “Thanks.”

  Nathan’s grand entry has spurred everyone to get up and move around and Joel announces he’s going to take the boat out for a night drive. I follow Nathan down to the dock with some of the other guys who hadn’t gone out earlier. I look around for a certain tall, dark, and handsome man, but he’s nowhere to be found. A group of guys went in to play cards and Zeke must have gone with them. Or maybe his fun meter tapped out and he went to bed.

  The boat roars to life and the wind whips through my hair. A shiver makes my whole body shake and Nathan wraps an arm around me sharing his heat with me. The houses lit up around the lake like a postcard and the gentle waves of the water as we cruise around has us all quiet and soaking up the moment.

  I close my eyes, so tired and satiated from the day. It was absolutely perfect. I mentally cross weekend at the lake off my list but then add it right back because I want more weekends just like this.

  “Gabs baby, wake up.” Nathan’s voice whispers as he runs a hand down my arm.

  When I open my eyes, we’re the last two people on the boat and docked back at Joel’s cabin.

  “Guess I was tir
ed,” I say, a little mortified as I pull my head from his chest. I wonder how long I was passed out cold and hopefully I didn’t drool on him.

  “It happens. Days out on the water with sun and beer take it out of you.”

  I stand up and stretch, take a step to get off the boat and he grabs my hand. “Wait.”

  He’s still seated and pulls me so that my knees are enclosed by his. “I, uh… wanted to talk to you before we go back.”

  It takes a moment for my foggy brain to decipher the look in his eye and the way his thumb gently strokes my wrist. I’m caught so off guard I give my head a little shake, certain I’m dreaming this whole thing up. There’s never been anything but friendship between Nathan and me. Our friendship has been easy and comfortable – not the things of great love, or even great lust, stories. Or at least not from my perspective. The way he looks at me right now though, I think I’ve missed something.

  “We’re friends, right?” I ask. He nods and the way his face falls, I feel awful for not realizing he felt differently sooner. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “It’s okay,” he says. “I get it.”

  “No, you don’t.” I sit next to him. “The past month has been crazy. I was scared out of my mind, but every step of the way, you’ve been there. No one has been there for me more than you.” It’s only after I’ve said the words that I realize it’s not exactly true. Zeke’s been there for me more than anyone. Forced or not, it’s true. Blair, who will always be more like a sister than a friend, but she’s wrapped up with Wes and her own life. Nathan is a great friend, but he’s not always been there when I needed him. It’s been Zeke at every turn. “We’re friends. We’re good as friends.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” He lets out a long breath. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m such an idiot.”

  “Hey,” I nudge his knee with mine. “You’re not.”

  “No, I am. Trust me on that.”

  “You can talk to me. You know that, right? You’ve taken care of me the past month, but I’m here for you too. Any time.”

  “Thanks, Gabs.”

  Back at the cabin we part, a little awkwardness still lingering. The last thing I want is for things to be weird with Nathan. I track down Blair and Vanessa inside and slump down onto the sofa between them.

  “Hey, you,” Vanessa says coyly. “Where have you been?”

  “On the boat with Nathan.” I let my head fall back.

  “And?” Blair asks.

  “Did Nathan finally make a play?” Vanessa adds.

  I lift my head up and look to each of their smiling faces. “You two knew?”

  Their laughter has me shaking my head.

  “He cut his hair because of you! You said you liked short hair and voila!”

  “No.” But as I say the word, I think back to the kitchen when I’d told him, and everyone else, that I preferred short hair. “I dunno. I honestly had no idea he thought of me like that at all.”

  “We know,” they say in unison.

  Blair squeezes my hand. “Are things going to be okay between the two of you? I know how close you two have become.”

  “Yeah.” I nod. “I think so.”

  “So now that Nathan has professed his feelings, who will be next?” Vanessa smirks. “You’ve turned into quite the little heartbreaker.”

  My cheeks flush at her teasing and I smile, wishing that were true. “Have you guys seen Zeke around? He was going to help me with one of the items on my list.”

  “Which item, Gabriella?” Blair bats her lashes. “Virginity?”

  Vanessa’s eyes go wide. “I don’t know what list she’s referring to, but it sounds fun.”

  I stand and shake my head at them.

  “Anal?” Vanessa shouts after me.

  * * *


  Gabby: Meet me at the dock

  From my seat at the dining room table, currently covered in cards and poker chips, I can see the path down to the dock, but the dock itself is dark so I can’t tell if she’s already there.

  “Raise,” Datson says and lobs three black chips into the center.

  I look at my hand one last time as if I’m truly considering it and toss them down. “Fold.” I push back from the table. “Deal me out.”

  “Lame,” Joel calls out. He places his hand over his head and then turns it into a thumbs down.

  I can’t make out her form until I’m halfway down to the water. She sits on the dock, feet dangling above the water. She’s so fucking beautiful and innocent and I want to ruin her and worship her all at the same time. I’m not going to do either of those things, though. I’m going to stick to the path. The path doesn’t include dating. The path doesn’t even include fun most days and Gabby deserves days that are all about fun.

  She turns her head as I get closer and there’s that big Gabby smile pointed right at me. “Hey.”

  “Hey, yourself. Whatcha doing down here all alone?”

  “I thought we could cross skinny dipping off both our lists.”

  My brows raise. “What about your tattoo?”

  She shrugs. “It’s been a week. I’m willing to risk a quick dip if you are.”

  I rub a hand over my chin. I’m not ashamed of my body, but I’d also prefer not to have my black ass photographed if one of my teammates happen to stumble upon us. Last year one of the sophomores got drunk at a party and passed out naked in the bathroom. I have no idea why he was naked in there, but the photos of his hairy ass were everywhere. My ass is baby smooth and awesome, but I still don’t want it on display.

  “Well, come on before someone sees us.” She’s unbuttoning her shorts and pushing them down while I stand there gawking. The sight of her bare legs puts me in motion. Just not a part of me I want in motion right now. I turn around, give my dick a little pep talk that includes promises I won’t be a celibate asshole forever, and then undress to my boxers.

  “You decent?” I ask over my shoulder.

  “No. Oh my God, don’t look.” She laughs, I hear her footsteps on the dock and then a splash. A few seconds later, she calls, “Your turn.”

  I push my boxers down and then hold my hands over my junk, semi-erect still because promises be damned, and take two large steps before jumping in beside her. Her happy squeals direct my entry into the lake as I clear the water from my eyes. We’re treading water buck naked not two feet from one another. It’s a little trippy. I haven’t spent time with a girl naked like this in… well forever. If I’m naked and this close to a girl, it’s for one purpose and though I’m a gentleman, of course, it’s not about anything but carnal desires being met. Thrusts and grunts and release.

  I don’t think it would be like that with Gabby. No, I know it wouldn’t be like that, which is another reason it can’t happen.

  “So now what?” she asks, suddenly looking a little nervous.

  “Far as I know, this is all there is to it. How do you feel?”

  “Naked.” She laughs. “But also like a rebel.”

  She splashes water at me playfully and I do it right back.

  “Think anyone can see us?”

  I shrug. “Maybe. Do you want them to see you?”

  “God, no,” she says too fast. The excitement in her eyes is a dead giveaway. I think Gabby likes the thrill, the possibility of being caught, and God help me because I want nothing more than to keep her safe while she explores every sordid fantasy.

  I’m lost in ideas that I’ll never act on when she swims toward the dock. “We should probably get out. Don’t want to ruin Van’s work.”

  I turn while she pulls herself up out of the water.

  “All clear.”

  When I face her, she’s dressed, shirt clinging to her still damp skin, and her long, wet hair shines under the moonlight.

  “Can you grab my phone for me?” I ask and point to my stack of clothes. “It’s in the front pocket of my shorts.”

  She looks apprehensive but does as I ask, bringing
the phone to me and placing it in my outstretched hand.

  “Lean down here and take a picture with me. Gotta capture the moment.”

  She snorts, smiles, and bends down as I angle the camera to fit us into the frame. I’ve never taken a selfie before but turns out it’s easy with my long arms and Gabby’s beautiful face. I snap a couple and then hand the phone back to her.

  After she deposits it on top of my clothes, she asks, “Was that your first selfie?”

  “That obvious?”

  She giggles. “Is that for your adoring fans?”

  “Nah, that was for me.”

  I pull myself out of the water and she takes a seat back on the dock, facing away from me and giving me privacy without my asking. Once I’m dressed, I join her, phone in hand.

  I glance down at the pictures, opening them one by one and then stopping on my favorite. Her smile is biggest in this one and she looks so happy and relaxed. She’d tilted her head toward mine so the left side of her face is hidden. I sort of hate that. I hate that even in a post skinny dipping selfie where she’d just bared herself of clothing and modesty she’d already thought to hide her scars.

  “I like this one,” I say and hold it out for her approval.

  She nods and plays with the frayed hem of her shorts. “You should post it. It won’t be goat yoga popular, but it’s pretty close.”

  “Yeah, alright.” I pull up my social media and upload the picture. “Got any suggestions for hashtags on this one?”

  She takes my phone and types the caption, Late night swim at the lake with friends #collegedays #daysonthelake #nightswim #friendshipgoals #skinnydipping #seizetheday

  There are about a dozen more hashtags, but my attention focuses on the last one. Seize the day.



  Saturday goes by in a blur. We go out on the boat, take turns on the jet skis, have lunch on the other side of the lake at a little spot that has live music and an outdoor bar, and then come back to the cabin for a nap with plans to go out as a group tonight.


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