Kinard Mythology Anthology
Page 33
The Origin of the Mermicorn
By Mia
Alexander didn't know it yet, but he would soon be the reason for a “sibling rivalry”.
Perching on the peer, Alexander, a young boy with chocolate brown and eyes as green as sparkling emerald, saw a school of fish. He swiftly dashed and grabbed the first bundle of rocks he saw. One by one he flung them towards the fish, not knowing the mayhem he would later cause for the world. Poseidon, god of the sea, was furious, he hurled an enormous wave at terrified Alexander, and he ran home in fear. Poseidon, with long flowing hair and a bright blue tunic, went to his brother Zeus, king of all gods. Zeus was sitting up in the amazing Mt. Olympus, wearing an extravagant purple tunic.
Up in the clouds of Mt. Olympus, Poseidon, like a hurricane, complained about Alexander’s actions. Zeus simply said it wasn't that big of a deal, so he dismissed powerful Poseidon back to his home. Poseidon refused to go and said that Alexander must be punished. Zeus demanded that he go back to his home in the sea. Poseidon was furious and rejected the thought of embarking on his way home until something was done with Alexander.
“You must do something with Alexander,” shouted Poseidon.
“It is not something to fuss over obnoxiously,” answered Zeus.
“Yes it is, and I'm not going to leave until you do something about it,” said Poseidon.
“ENOUGH,” screamed Zeus, “I’ve had enough of your stupid bickering.” Finally Poseidon agreed to go back to his extravagant palace of the sea.
Once at his palace of beautiful, blue, glass, Poseidon huffed and puffed in anger at Zeus. All he wanted was for Alexander to be slightly punished for torturing the defenseless fish. Although he remembered the destruction and anger he caused his brother last time they fought. But he thought this was an important matter that must be handled. His anger grew and grew as he pondered his revenge on Alexander. Poseidon finally went back to Zeus and asked about his idea for revenge.
“Zeus, Zeus… I have an amazing idea of how we can get our revenge on little weak Alexander. All we have to do is…..”
“Stop! Please I told you to leave this whole thought and move on.” said Zeus.
“But it would be really easy...please,” begged Poseidon. And with that, Zeus, god of all gods with the power of lightning, screamed and launched Poseidon back to his palace.
Both mighty Zeus and Poseidon were mad at each other and they both had pondered long and hard about each other’s actions. Poseidon was mad at Zeus for thinking that pitiful Alexander’s actions weren't that big of a deal, and Zeus was mad that Poseidon kept bugging him even though he knew that Zeus was furious. Zeus was especially mad and his anger continued to grow. Eventually he could not contain his anger much longer and suddenly, ZAPP!!! Zeus had struck a colossal lightning bolt down from the sky and on its way it hit a unicorn, and finally it went into the sea striking a beautiful mermaid.
Powerful Poseidon heard the loud crashes of the lightning bolt, and was curious on what happened. He travelled to Mt. Olympus to ask Zeus about the strike, and make sure everything was okay. Zeus sat in awe as he watched the creation of a new species. Poseidon walked up to his brother and stood next to him.
“What’s wrong my brother,” asked Poseidon.
“Oh my! Look at this monstrosity,” said Zeus. Poseidon looked down to see a massive cloud of smoke and dust, when out came a new species, looking like a mix of a unicorn and a mermaid. The two brother tried to comprehend what happened, and how this creature was created. In the mix of it all, Zeus finally apologized to his brother and said that Tim should not have done that, and he should have listen to his brother. Poseidon apologized for being annoying and for constantly bugging Zeus. Finally they decided it was time to name the creature.
“What could we call this?” Zeus asked Poseidon.
“I think it should be called a Mermicorn,” replied Poseidon.
“Why is that,” asked Zeus.
“Because it is a combination of a mermaid and a unicorn,” said Poseidon.
“Ah! So that is what it will be… the MERMICORN,” said Zeus.
And now we know how the magical magnificent Mermicorn was created, all because a weak mortal made a god mad, and started a sibling rivalry.