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Meant for Each Other

Page 15

by Ginna Gray

  The electronic beeping seemed magnified in the still of the room.

  “Nooo. Not now.” Groaning, Mike rested his forehead against hers. “If that’s Mrs. Norton calling again about her colicky baby, I swear I’ll—”

  “No. I think it’s mine.”

  Leah scrambled from Mike’s arms and pawed through the tousled bedcovers. Propped up on one elbow, he watched her frantic fumbling with equal parts amusement and resignation.

  Finally, after hanging naked over the side of the bed in the most undignified manner possible, she found her suit jacket on the floor, halfway underneath. Leah dug the beeper out of the pocket and shut it off. Without a stitch on, she sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and reached for the telephone, every trace of modesty and self-consciousness forgotten as the doctor in her took over.

  Distantly, as she listened to the message left with her answering service, she was aware of Mike’s gaze on her bare back, of the indolent way he lay sprawled on the bed, watching her every move, but she was too busy to think about that.

  “I have to go to the hospital.” She hung up the telephone, stepped into her panties and started yanking up the rest of her clothes. Her suit was impossibly wrinkled, but it couldn’t be helped. “One of my patients has gone into labor.”

  Mike’s appreciative gaze fixed on her breasts. As she leaned forward to slip into her bra, they momentarily yielded to gravity, hanging like luscious ripe pears for an instant before the teal lace cupped around them. “Do you have to go now? How far apart are her contractions?”

  “It really doesn’t matter. She’s barely entered her third trimester.”

  In one fluid roll, Mike was out of the bed and stepping into his trousers. “I’ll drive you back.”

  “You don’t have to do that. It’s getting late. Just call a cab.”

  “It’s barely ten. And I’m driving you.”

  Chapter Ten

  “It’s about time you got home, young lady. And just where do you think you’re going?”

  The angry statement brought Leah to a halt with one foot on the bottom step of the stairs. She closed her eyes, her jaw tightening.

  She had entered the house quietly through the back door, hoping her father and stepmother had given up and gone to bed. She should have known better.

  It was two in the morning. Her heart ached with the knowledge that she was about to lose Mike. Added to that, she had just spent more than three hellacious hours in the OB, and she was too tired and too emotionally wrung out to do battle, but apparently, she had no choice. Drawing a bracing breath, Leah turned to face Julia’s wrath.

  Her stepmother stood in the arched opening to the living room with her hands on her hips. Venom shot from her eyes and her mouth was compressed into a thin line. She practically vibrated with fury. Leah’s father stood just behind his wife, his somber face full of disapproval.

  “I was going to bed. Actually, I’m surprised that you’re still up. Didn’t Nurse Johnson call you to tell you I had an emergency?”

  “An emergency.” Julia snorted. “Oh, please, did you really think we’d fall for that? You just didn’t want to face me, now that I know the truth.”

  “Julia, whether you believe me or not, I did have an emergency. One of my patients went into labor over two months early. I’ve spent the last several hours trying to save her baby.”

  “And did you?” her father, at least, had the grace to ask.

  “For the moment. I stopped the bleeding and the contractions, but for how long is anybody’s guess.”

  “Do you mind,” Julia snapped. “I didn’t wait up for you to discuss some woman’s pregnancy. I want to know about you and Mike.”

  Leah raked her hand through her hair. “Okay, fine. Let’s get this over with. But may we have this discussion in the living room, where I can at least sit down? I’m dead on my feet.” Without waiting for a reply, she brushed past them and sank onto the sofa.

  Julia followed hot on her heels, but instead of sitting she paced in front of the sofa like a prosecuting attorney, shooting glares at Leah. “How could you? How could you?”

  “How could I what, Julia?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me. You know exactly what I’m talking about. How could you get involved with Mike? You’ve been carrying on with him right under my nose and never said a word. How could you do that to me?”

  “First of all, Julia, not everything is about you. My relationship with Mike has nothing whatsoever to do with you. I certainly haven’t been seeing him to annoy or hurt you. It wasn’t planned at all. It just happened.”

  “How can you say this has nothing to do with me? After all I’ve told you about my ex-husband and his family, after all I’ve done for you, and you betray me like this. It’’s as though you’ve stabbed me in the heart.”

  All Julia had done for her? Leah almost laughed out loud at that. Had the situation not been so sticky, she would have demanded to know exactly what her stepmother had ever done for her, except allow her to raise Quinton.

  “For heaven’s sake, Julia. Must you be so dramatic? It’s not as bad as all that.”

  “Don’t get smart with me. I want to know how long this thing between you and Mike has been going on.”

  Leah leaned her head against the soft sofa back and tried to appear unconcerned. Julia was like a shark on the prowl for prey. It wouldn’t do to let her smell blood. “Since shortly after the transplant surgery, when he started dropping by to visit Quinton.”

  “And that’s another thing,” Julia declared, throwing up her hands. “Why, in heaven’s name, did you allow that to get started? You know how dangerous it is for Mike and Quinton to get together. You said yourself that it could be very detrimental to Quinton at this point if he found out that Mike is his half brother. You should have barred him from visiting right at the very beginning.”

  “Oh? And just how was I supposed to do that? Say, ‘Thank you very much, Dr. McCall, for your bone marrow, but I don’t want you around my brother?’”

  “If that’s what it took, yes!”

  “Now, dearest,” Peter said in a placating voice, “Leah does have a point. She was in an awkward position.”

  “Don’t you dare take up for her. Leah’s a smart woman. She could have come up with a way to put a stop to the visits if she’d tried. She certainly didn’t have to get romantically involved with Mike. Ohhhhh! I just don’t believe this!”

  Julia ranted and raved for several more minutes, pacing from one end of the room to the other. She moaned over Leah’s disloyalty and lack of consideration, raged at Mike and his father and the entire McCall family, whined about how much Leah had hurt her.

  Finally, Leah could take no more. “Julia, look at it this way. The more time Mike spends with me, the less time he’ll have to spend with Quinton.”

  Julia came to a sudden stop. She turned around with an arrested expression on her face and slowly a sly smile curved her mouth. “Why, you clever little devil.”

  “What do you mean?” Leah asked cautiously.

  “You’re keeping Mike occupied so he won’t have much time to be curious about Quinton. You’re keeping him distracted.”

  “What? No, wait. Good heavens, I didn’t me—”

  “Why, that’s positively brilliant. What man would choose to sit around in a hospital room and visit with a teenage boy when he could be out romancing a lovely young woman? I love it!” As quickly as her elation had come, it turned into a pout. “But you really should have told me what you were up to. Surely you knew that I would approve. By keeping quiet, you’ve caused me needless upset. That was really thoughtless. I’m surprised at you, Leah.”

  Leah opened her mouth to set her straight, then closed it again. Her comment had been a flippant one, made out of frustration. She certainly hadn’t expected Julia to take it seriously. Still, if believing she could be so devious kept her stepmother from confronting Mike with the awful truth and gave Leah more time with him, why not?

  “Knock, knock.”

  Except for the nurse and the receptionist seated behind the counter, Leah’s waiting room was empty. Both Sandy and Mary Ann stopped what they were doing and looked around as Mike stuck his head in the door. A smile lit the faces of both women, but Sandy’s immediately assumed a sardonic expression.

  “Well, well, look who’s here. If it isn’t the hunk of St. Francis.”

  Mike grinned and stepped inside. “Gee, sugar, I didn’t think you’d noticed. Anyway, that’s not what you were supposed to say.”

  “Oh, Lordy. Not another one of your corny jokes.”

  Mary Ann giggled behind her hand, while Sandy rolled her eyes and faked a long-suffering sigh that didn’t fool Mike a bit. He knew the starchy nurse was fond of him. Both women had made it clear that they heartily approved of the romance between him and their boss. He suspected they were getting a vicarious thrill out of the courtship.

  And a courtship was exactly what it was, though he doubted that Leah realized it yet. But she would soon. After the previous night, their relationship had reached a new level. Now it was time to pick up the pace.

  “Oh, well, I suppose I’ll have to play along or you’ll pout,” Sandy grumbled. “So who’s there?”


  “Collin who?”

  “Collin the doctor, I’m not well.”

  “Oh, brother. Just remember, you said it, not me.”

  Not in the least offended, Mike sauntered across to the waist-high counter that separated the waiting room from the office. “Ah, c’mon, Sandy. You know you’re crazy about me,” he cajoled, and gave the older woman a kiss on the cheek before she could dodge him. “Why, if it wasn’t for Leah, you would have probably already seduced me by now.”

  Sandy gave him a droll look. “Be glad I haven’t. You never would’ve lived through it. I’m too much woman for you, boy-o.”

  Mike threw back his head and laughed. “Now, that I don’t doubt for a minute.”

  Sandy folded her arms and tipped her head to one side. “You’re mighty chipper today. Is there anything Mary Ann and I should know? Anything you want to tell us?”

  “Like what?” He raised his eyebrows and gave the women an innocent look.

  “Like maybe you and Leah have gotten engaged. It’d be just like her to keep the news to herself.”

  “Sandy, sweetheart, don’t worry. When that happens you’ll be the first one we tell. Scout’s honor.” He looked around. “Speaking of the lovely Dr. Albright, is she busy?”

  “She’s in her office, taking a nap. She was up until the wee hours trying to stop a premature labor. Came dragging in here this morning looking like forty miles of bad road. I had Mary Ann reschedule a couple of her appointments, got her to eat a bowl of soup, then threatened her life if she didn’t grab a little shut-eye. But...” Sandy glanced at the clock on the wall “—I’m afraid her next patient is due in about ten minutes. I need to wake her up, but you can do the honors if you want.”

  “Thanks, Sandy. You’re a sweetheart.” He headed down the hallway, whistling under his breath.

  “And no hanky-panky in there,” she called after him.

  Mike flashed her a grin over his shoulder and winked. “Spoilsport.”

  When he eased open the door to Leah’s office he found her asleep on the gray-and-rust print sofa. She lay curled on her side, her cheek cradled on her hand, one of Sandy’s hand-crocheted afghans draped over her. One stockinged foot peeked out at the bottom.

  Her hair had come loose from the clip at her nape, and a honey-colored strand curled across her cheek. Delicate blue veins in her eyelids were visible through the translucent skin, and fatigue had left smudges beneath her eyes.

  Mike stopped beside the sofa and gazed down at her with what he knew was a sappy expression, but he couldn’t help it. She was so damned beautiful, even exhausted, it made his heart clinch just to look at her.

  Sweet heaven, how he loved her. And she loved him.

  Still, he didn’t kid himself. When she heard what he’d come to tell her, she was going to resist.

  For some reason he couldn’t quite pin down, from the beginning Leah had been reluctant to allow their relationship to progress along its natural course. She had fought him, subtly, every step of the way, resisting each new intimacy—not just sex, but anything that deepened the bond between them—and even though he knew she loved him, he doubted that had changed.

  Mike’s jaw set. Well, too bad, sweetheart. Reluctant or not, your fate is sealed. We turned a corner last night, you and I, and there’s no going back.

  He eased down beside her on the edge of the sofa, bracing one hand against the back. Leah stirred and sighed, but she didn’t open her eyes. Smiling, Mike smoothed the lock of hair off her cheek and bent and kissed the corner of her mouth.

  Leah made a purring sound in her sleep, and in a move so natural it took his breath away, she turned her head into the kiss.

  He caressed hers lips with soft, intimate nibbles and rubs, exploring strokes of his tongue. Keeping his eyes open, he watched her reaction.

  Her lips instinctively sought to deepen the kiss, but he held back, and she moaned and shifted restlessly. Her breathing grew rapid. His hand cupped her throat, and his fingertips felt her pulse begin to pound.

  Slowly, her eyelids fluttered, blinked, and he felt her smile.

  “Darling,” she murmured sleepily against his mouth, and looped her arms around his neck.

  In that unguarded moment all her barriers were down, and she responded with a sweet ardor that revealed the depth of her feelings. At once, the tender caress became a kiss of soul-stirring passion.

  They luxuriated in the lushness, going slow, savoring the richness and texture, losing themselves in the heat and intensity. Their lips rocked together with leisurely sensuality, drawing out the pleasure to an exquisite level. It was the taste of love, and they gloried in it.

  Mike’s heart hammered so hard it felt as though it would burst. Desire clawed at him.

  Then suddenly, Sandy’s warning about no hanky-panky whispered through what was left of his mind, and he recalled where they were. With an effort he pulled back and broke off the kiss.

  Leah made a protesting sound and tried to pull him back, but he put his hand on her chest to restrain her.

  “Easy, love. Easy.” He tweaked her nose and smiled. “Sandy warned me about carrying on in a lascivious manner with her boss. If we’re not careful, she’s going to come marching in here with a shotgun.”

  Leah gave him a sultry look from beneath her eyelashes. “You’re not afraid of Sandy, are you?”

  “Damned right, I am. That woman is hell on wheels when she’s got her dander up. So behave yourself.”

  “Me? I was just lying here sleeping, when you came in and started kissing me.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  Her expression softened. She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. “Not one bit.”


  “So, what are you doing here in the middle of the day?”

  “I came by to see how you were and to find out how it went last night with your patient.”

  “Hmm, it was touch-and-go for a while, but she seems to be stable now. And I’m fine, despite what Sandy may have told you.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. You’re going to need all your energy on Sunday.”

  “What’s happening Sunday?”

  “That’s the other thing I came to tell you. We’re having dinner at my parents’ house.”


  Mike saw the flash of panic in her eyes. She started to sit up, but he grasped her shoulders and pressed her back down.

  “Mike, I ca—”

  “Shh.” He placed his hand over her mouth, cutting off whatever excuse she was about to make. “No arguments, no excuses. We’re going.” Leah made a protesting move and a garbled sound against his palm, which earned her a stern look. “I mean it, Leah. Look, I love you and you lo
ve me. The next logical step is to meet family. I’ve already told them we would be there, and they’re all looking forward to meeting you, including the kids. Oh, and my uncle Reilly and my aunt Amanda will be there, too, to check you out.”

  Her eyes widened at that, and he grinned. “You might as well jump in with both feet. I come from a big family, and they’re all going to want to get a look at you. But don’t worry, they don’t bite.”

  He removed his hand from her mouth and gave her a quick kiss. Before she could react, he stood up and headed for the door. With his hand on the doorknob, he stopped and sent her another commanding look. “And this time I’ll pick you up. Maybe I’ll even get to meet that elusive stepmother of yours.”

  Not if I can help it, Leah thought. Sitting up, she ran her hands through her tousled hair and stared after Mike, her heart booming like a kettledrum.

  “Don’t look so worried, sweetheart. My family’s great. You’re gonna love ’em.”

  That was precisely what worried her.

  By Sunday, Leah was a wreck. Meeting Mike’s family was daunting enough, but the idea of him coming face to face with Julia gave her nightmares.

  She did not dare reveal to her father and stepmother that Mike was picking her up, or that they were spending the afternoon with his family. Even if he failed to recognize Julia, she was simply too unpredictable. It would be just like her to suddenly tell all, if for no other reason than to test Mike’s reaction.

  In addition, even though, for all the wrong reasons she approved of her seeing Mike, Leah knew her stepmother would have a walleyed fit if she knew she was planning to spend the day with the McCall family.

  For two days Leah fretted over how she would get Julia and her father out of the house before Mike arrived, only to learn on Sunday morning that they had a lunch and golf date with friends at the country club that day.

  Mike seemed disappointed, but that soon faded once they arrived at his parents’ place in northwest Houston.


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