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Daddy In Charge_A Billionaire Romance

Page 21

by Natasha Spencer

  I almost growled at him. God damn it, why does he have to be so smug all the time? It was horribly annoying and made me want to destroy something. At the same time, I know I never want to hurt him in any way.

  Well, except the way I did. Because my retaliation was to tangle my fingers in those beautiful raven locks of his and tug. Hard. The way he moaned at the pain brought a smirk to my lips.

  Kissing and nipping his neck as I ground against him was always fun. Leaving my mark on him, even temporarily. Showing to the world that he is mine. All mine. (Maybe his Werebear tendencies are rubbing off on me? Who knows.)

  Finally, I sunk down onto his cock, guiding it into me. I mewled loudly. We’ve had sex multiple times, but this time it is like magic. The slightest movement sent a rush of pleasure through my body.

  Slowly, we rocked to a melody that only I know. Holding his hips down as he whimpered and whined, clearly wanting nothing more to just bang me into the luxurious – only the best for the two of us, I suppose - mattress was so enthralling. The sight of his face as his voice caught, clearly trying to beg for something, but being unable to formulate the words.

  It’s not like it was easy for me either. I underestimated just how much I wanted to move fast. How much self-control it takes to deny not just him, but myself as well. Is this what he goes through, every time he decides to tease me?

  If so, I have severely underestimated the man I have married. I have severely underestimated him, and I am awed by his level of self-restraint.

  Especially awed, because it takes less than another minute for me to get overstimulated. To buck against him furiously as my eyes gaze in awe at his features. There is even beauty in the way he is panting and the sheen of sweat covering his perfect skin.

  He’s perfect. And the sensations going through me were too intense.

  It took mere moments for me to orgasm, my eyes rolling back in the head as the pleasure crashed over me in waves, threatening to drag me under.

  I didn’t notice he had rolled us over so I was on my back under him until I felt his powerful strokes. He pounded me into the mattress and my overstimulated nerves became more frazzled. He didn’t stop until I had too much.

  All the pleasure at once was too much and it made me feel too good.

  When we finally stopped, he took me in his arms and stroked my hair. He cooed softly into my ear as I trembled from a volatile mixture of pain and bliss that I could barely understand.

  “I love you.” His soft voice crooned.

  Looking in his eyes, I knew it was the truth.

  It was the only truth I needed to know for the world to make sense.

  It was enough.

  It would always be enough.

  “I love you too,” I told him, letting my eyes slowly drift close, knowing whatever we would have to face in the future, we would face together. And that is more than good enough for me.

  We were more than enough.

  And we always will be.


  3. Dominated by Him

  by: Lindsay Klein

  Dominated by Him

  © July 2017 – All rights reserved

  By Lindsay Klein

  Published by Passionate Publishing Inc.

  This is a work of fiction. All names and characters in this novel are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher.


  This book is intended for adult readers, 18+ years old. Please close this e-book if you are not comfortable reading adult content.

  Chapter One: Gerard

  “This is Hawkeye, calling Shadow. Do you read me?”

  The sound of his partner’s voice came clearly through the earpiece that Gerard was wearing in his right ear, his hand currently occupied in gripping one of the stone windowsills that lead up into the mansion of Monterrey de Ortega, a wealthy Spanish businessman whom his client had requested to have a few sensitive documents lifted from his home. Exactly what was in those documents he couldn’t say, but given the fact that the client had been willing to pay he and his partner thirty-thousand dollars for this job, he wasn’t going to ask too many questions.

  “I hear you, Hawkeye. How are things looking on your end?” he asked as he reached his hand up towards the next ledge, his foot moving from the foothold he had been using to climb higher, taking great pains to make sure that he didn’t glance down. Vertigo was a consistent thing when it came to him, and while he could control his hesitation about heights to a certain extent, I couldn’t completely undo it. Even with all those years of training, I still have much to learn.

  “It looks like we are in the clear. The guards are still changing shifts, so you’ve got at least ten minutes before everyone is back in position. Are you nearing his office?”

  Gerard smiled at the sound of his partner’s distinctly feminine voice, her British accent tickling his ear slightly as he pulled himself up to the window that he had been trying to reach and pushing up on the bottom of it. The client, someone who was well acquainted with the target, had visited the mansion only a couple of days before. He had been the one to arrange for the documents to be placed in a safe in the very room that Gerard was about to break into, and had also been the one to ensure that the window remained unlocked. The agent known as Shadow smirked as he felt the window slide open effortlessly, crawling through it and landing gently on his feet, immediately pressing himself back against the wall in order to merge with the shadows while he waited for his eyes to adjust.

  “I’m in,” he said quietly into the small microphone positioned in front of his mouth, making sure not to speak at any volume higher than a whisper for fear of alerting someone to his presence. Even if the guards were changing right now, that was no guarantee that they might not have stationed at least one person in front of the door on the off chance someone might try to do the very thing that he was doing right now. “There seems to be no sign that anyone knows I am here just yet.”

  “The briefing said that we would find the envelope containing the documents we are looking for in the bottom drawer of the expensive mahogany desk that should be in the middle of that room,” Hawkeye said in a hushed tone. “Do you see the desk in question?”

  Now that his eyes had grown accustomed to the level of gloom in the room, he took the time to glance around. He could just barely make out a looming shadow a few feet away from where he knelt, the faint gleam of moonlight reflecting off what looked to be lacquered wood catching my his immediately. “I think I might have found it, yeah,” he said cheekily, creeping quietly across the floor until he was kneeling right next to the sizable desk chair that sat behind the giant wooden piece of furniture. It was at that moment that he pulled out the small flashlight that he always carried on these kinds of missions and turned it on low, allowing himself just enough light so he could get a good look at the desk in question.

  It looked to be one of those old-fashioned desks that had been all the rage in England back in the early 1900’s, though he could tell that this one had been designed specifically with the owner in mind. There was a single key hole located in the center of each of the drawers that employed something like a deadbolt.

  “The drawer has a dead bolt lock on it, though, so this might take a moment for me to undo.”

  “Well, try not to take all night. The guards are now all in position once more, so your extraction is going to be a little trickier than your infiltration was, and I would rather not have to blemish my perfect record by having today be our first failure,” she said snippily, the sound of her teeth chattering coming through clearly in his ear.

  “If I recall correctly, I was the one who said I had no problem with serving as the lookout. You were the one who said that it would be more reasonable for me to make the infiltration, even though you are smaller an
d probably would have had a much easier time climbing up the side of the bloody mansion,” he muttered into his mouthpiece. “Seems a little late to complain now.”

  “Just shut up and get those damn files,” she said snidely, temporarily severing our connection.

  I need to have a serious word with my superiors about her when I get home. Even for her usually bad-tempered self, this is a little bit much. He couldn’t say that he was really surprised about her being in a bad mood. Apparently, she and her boyfriend had broken up only a few days before the two of them had left on this mission. They had been going steady for as long as Gerard could remember, so it was obvious that it was affecting her greatly.

  Shaking his head to clear his thoughts of the drama of Hawkeye’s life, he pulled a lock pick from the small backpack where he kept his supplies and went to work on the lock. This was something that he had done thousands of times in his career as a spy, the movements almost feeling like they came second nature to him. Gerard soon heard that satisfying sound of the lock clicking, the drawer popping open slightly. Shining the small beam of flashlight inside, he couldn’t hold back the wide smile that spread across his face as a thick manila folder came into view.

  Jackpot. “Shadow to Hawkeye, I’ve found what we are looking for,’ he said softly, pulling the envelope slowly from the inside of the desk drawer, my flashlight shining onto the big, embossed stamp on the front. “Give me a status report.”

  The line was silent for a moment before Elena’s voice finally came through his headset. “We might have a bit of a situation here, Shadow. I just saw a limousine pull up in front of the mansion, and Ortega was in the back seat. I can’t see where he is headed, but something tells me that he might be headed for the room that you are in right now,” she said urgently. “I think that you need to get yourself out of there, and quick!’

  “Say no more; we got what we came here for,” he replied, slipping the folder beneath his shirt, feeling the coarse material rubbing against his chest. “I’m going to make my way out now.”

  “Are you going out of the window again? If so, I would recommend using a grappling hook or something like that. I’m not sure you’ll be able to find decent enough handholds if you are trying to rush, but we don’t really have the time for you to take your time,” she said urgently, the note of worry in her voice flattering him.

  “Didn’t know you cared that much,” he said teasingly, reaching into his backpack and retrieving his grappling hook from within.

  “I care about getting paid, and I won’t be able to do that if you manage to botch this operation,” she snapped.

  Gerard chose not to dignify that with a response. Moving over to the window, he bit his lip as he considered how he was going to get out of this situation. He didn’t want to whirl the hook around too many times for fear of it attracting attention, not to mention the fact that he would basically be making a shot in the dark. No need to worry. I’ve done stuff like this countless times before, and in far worse situations.

  Just as he was about to start swinging his grappling hook to try and make his escape, he heard the sound of footsteps outside of the door. He sighed gently before slipping out of the window, his hand gripping the windowsill tightly as he tried to find himself a foothold. He almost cursed as he felt his foot slip, but thankfully, his arm strength managed to hold out long enough for him to find another foothold. Exhaling gently in relief, he started climbing down the side of the mansion, using the hook to help keep him secure. As soon as he felt his feet touch the ground, he ran, keeping his arm pressed against his stomach to keep the folder pressed against his skin.

  “Shadow here. I’ve got what we came here for and I’ve successfully exited the mansion. Let’s rendezvous at the agreed upon place.”

  “Roger that, Shadow.”

  Chapter Two: Elena

  “Congratulations on a job well done, agents.”

  Elena couldn’t help but roll her eyes gently at the words, letting her left hand stroke casually through her long, blonde hair. It wasn’t as if this was anything new. After all, she and Gerard had never failed a mission that they worked on together, so success was practically a foregone conclusion. Still, she didn’t mind being praised and offered a smile to Charlie, the man who was speaking to them.

  “Thanks, Charlie,” she said gently, taking a moment to take a good look at him. Charlie was an older gentleman in his early fifties who always dressed in expensive looking business suits that she didn’t even want to think about how much they had cost. She liked to think that she made a decent amount of money doing what she did, but even she knew that there were others who were far wealthier than she was. Hell, Gerard himself was a self-made billionaire, but even he chose to wear more casual clothing in his free time. She snuck a glance over in his direction, noticing immediately that Gerard didn’t seem too interested in the events currently taking place.

  “It was just another day’s work,” Gerard said passively, holding his hand out to take the glass of brandy being offered to him by one of Charlie’s servants. “It was barely even a challenge.”

  “It probably helped that you knew exactly where to look for it. I imagine it would have taken a little more time had you been required to sneak through the whole mansion to try and find it, no?” Charlie asked cheekily, the older man reclining back in the large leather chair that sat behind his large metal desk.

  “Well, thankfully we didn’t have to deal with that. After all, our inside guy happened to be good enough friends with the target that he could set things up without a hitch. Isn’t that right, Charlie?” Elena asked poignantly, her bright blue eyes twinkling as she gazed directly at him. “Doesn’t it feel kind of bad for you to betray someone that you called your friend?”

  “I suppose I do regret that things have had to work out this way, but business is business. Besides, Ortega is not going to have much time to lament the fact that he lost these papers anyway,” he replied, tapping the top of the envelope with his pointer finger. “Especially not after I informed the authorities of his money laundering. The IRS is no doubt thumbing through his files as we speak, and once they see that he has been funneling money out of the country for years Ortega will be going away for a very long time.”

  Such a two-faced business. Almost makes me wonder why I go through the trouble of staying. I could just as easily be the next person that Charlie chooses to turn on, and what would become of me then? I’d either be dead or locked away for the rest of my life.

  “Now, why don’t we get down to why you are here. In honor of your successful assignment, you are both entitled to a fifteen-thousand-dollar reward,” Charlie said, motioning to a sunglasses-wearing bodyguard who had been standing silently beside him this whole time. “Wallace here is holding your money in those briefcases.”

  The man who had been referred to as Wallace moved to place the two briefcases that he held side by side on the small coffee table in between the chairs that Elena and Gerard were sitting on, his thumbs moving to click open the fasteners of each case before lifting the lids. The blonde smiled widely at the sight of one-hundred-dollar bills sitting in rows within, her hand reaching over to pluck one of the bands of cash from within and flipping through them before slapping the stack of cash against her palm. “I always love this part of the job,” she said giddily, sliding the cash back into her case and pulling it over onto her lap.

  Gerard gave a dismissive nod as he grabbed his own case, resealing the fasteners before setting the case down beside his chair. “Is there anything else that you need us for right now, Charlie, or might I possibly excuse myself. I happen to have some business ventures that need to be seen to. I’m quite a busy man, after all,” he said, rising to his feet.

  Elena sighed internally at the sight of Gerard, a small smile playing creeping along the corner of her lips. He was so handsome that it felt like it should be a crime; every one of his features looking as though it would have looked more in place on a carving of some Greek God rather
than the no-nonsense man who had become my partner, and his lightly tanned skin offered him a slightly exotic look. His black hair hung down to his shoulder, his strong jaw framed by a beard and mustache combo that he always kept trimmed. His steel-grey eyes glinted in the light as he turned back just in time to meet her gaze, his arms crossing gently to avoid wrinkling the black and white suit that he was currently wearing. Not wanting him to realize that she had been staring, Elena allowed her eyes to pass from him back to Charlie, hoping that her action came across as inconspicuous enough to not attract too much of his attention.

  “I suppose that the two of you do deserve a break. How about you take a week off from assignments, and I can call you in next week so that we can get started on the bigger score that I have in mind?” Charlie said, rubbing his hands together greedily as he spoke. Even without him having said anything yet about his next mission, he had the feeling that it was going to offer quite the payout. Those were the only kinds of missions that ever seemed to get Charlie this excited about anything.

  “Sounds good to me,” Elena said quickly, grabbing her own briefcase and climbing to her feet, absently brushing a hand down the front of the Oriental red dress that she had worn for this meeting. “I haven’t been able to take some time to myself in quite a while, so I think a week off would be just what the doctor ordered.”

  “Maybe you can take the time to fix that attitude of yours,” Gerard said snidely as he rose to his feet, giving her a lingering look as before he reached down to pick up his suitcase. “Or deal with your breakup before you come back so I don’t have to deal with you bitching at me through every mission, yeah?”

  “I do not bitch at you through every mission,” she snapped petulantly, feeling a flush of embarrassment spreading across her face from him having put her on the spot in front of Charlie like this. She had prided herself on making sure that their mysterious employer knew as little about her personal life as possible, particularly when it came to who she was dating.


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